Hi there.
I was reading somewhere that the Masquerade Ball is aimed along the lines of Renaissance style, is that right?
So, somewhere around 16th/17th Century?
STABB: from the thread on the masquerade ball: "We encourage traditional Masquerade Ball attire.. Victorian or Baroque period clothing. Also acceptable is elegent or vampiric goth."
Given the "Victorian or Baroque" guideline I would say dress per the time periond from 1600 to 1901? or perhaps 1600 - 1700 and 1840-1900.
I myself am going in between with more a a mid 18th Century look. I don't think there will be any wardrobe scholars turning anyone away for being "out of period". lol
Than I hope that a modernised Baroque style will do...
Been shopping around for outfits already. It's getting hard to choose.
Personally, I believe the Victorian style to have been over-done at this point. I won't dress that way.
You may of course, be of a different opinion. There's nothing *wrong* with dressing Victorian.
I always try to go for a more original look.
There are a lot of styles that haven't been 'claimed' by vamps/goths. You could dress from the roaring 20's, a zoot suit, something more baroque, Egyptian, or even Incan or Mayan.
You have a lot of opportunities to be original.
Theres no rule on period as to what to wear. My website is simply to give an idea.
I should aim for Russian Royalty...
I need to do research...
Z, I don't think I could pull that look off. =/
(Sorry - Had to make a quip! =P )
oooooooooo - I walked right into that one.
Its all images fault. ::nods eraticaly::
I must admit that I am very torn as to what to wear to the ball. This will be my first time at one. I want to have something unique, but I don't want to look like a "fish out of water" either. Ugh...
Woohoo! I'm on a designing spree- why you ask?
What can I say I'm a sucker for gowns I'll have hardly anywhere to wear... and well it's DRESS UP... hmmm better watch it Heidi I may have to "alter" you to a new you ;) Cause the biddies are going out! :D
Me um I have no idea what to wear.. umm most likely going to be just plain me :( all well...
Well this will be very interesting for me... Ive read so many books about these sort of things and always dreamed of wanting to be there so now I have a chance...
at least there is plenty of time to plan!!
Well I wrote a reply on another part of this meet-up forum. Should have put it here! haha....
Anyway, I am following Cancer's thought and going with the 20s (flapper). ;) I already have 2 flapper outfits. It makes sense. Besides, I love the 20s. I think I must've lived then.
Not sure what Danny will do. He freaked when I sprung the "costume" aspect of it....after I made the payment. He doesn't like that much.
Well Jamie, I guess it's a good thing you waited to tell him then!
So jeans and a hoodie are out of the question then?
Is there any sort of "dress code" for the first night that I missed somewhere?
For the Masquerade Ball.. really.. Jeans and a Hoodie are a no go.. but you wont be turned away.. however, It does rather ruin the effect for everyone else.
There is no real dress code for the nights besides the Masquerade Ball.
The Club Night.. well, club clothes?
I was joking about the jeans and hoodie thing. Though I may laugh if anyone shows up to the ball in them.
I cant really carry my.."gown" for the ball...I do have a cocktail dress...will that fit for the mascarade ball? I have to ride 3 days to get there so...I will carry pretty much just the essential...
I just picked up my coat for the ball this past weekend at Passional in Philly. I hope the AC is working well the night of the ball!
So since it has masquerade in the title, does that mean that some people will be wearing masks?
I have this mask i bought in Venezia....I will wear it ^_^
hum...the only mask I got access to is one from my son in law...the wrestler..not sure it matches the dress color and style lol
I guess I will stick with make up lol
(Plus it is hard to wear a mask with glasses lol)
I have the same problem CM, glasses and masks don't mix!
maybe they should start a line of mask for masquerade only for people who wear glasses lol
Any taker?
Ugh can you imagine what they'd look like? I have horrible images of having to wear some kind of buggy contraption...
If anyone is interested, I have a lot of authentic recipies of high fashion mens and womens wear. Most of it is medeival/reinessance dresses but I also have victorian style. The recipies also includes easy to make but still good looking capes.
If you are interested you are more than welcome to send me a private message and I will help you with ideas to wear at the masquerade ball.
2 parts leather
3 parts velvet
2 parts satin
1 pinch of garlic
-Mix in boiling cauldron until medieval...
That would be about the extent of me making clothes.. I'm not that domesticated! lol Store-bought it is! But nice idea and offer hun :)
no no Drakontion I mean like a mascarade mask but instead of 2 holes it would be the glasses lenses...then again once you take off the mask you're screwed lol
Lol CM ... you'd want to make sure it wasn't a full face mask too... otherwise you wouldn't be able to eat or anything, haha.
hmm....if i could pull it off as member of the inquisiton, yay for flowy robes of gothness. But in honesty im still considering the pirate style of the 1700s :) heh, there were so many great styles *drools over the shrine clothing store links*
so many shiny prietty things :)
I dont know what to wear *dies at the prospect of so many options*
well its all to be determined by what can be made with mah little needle and thread :P
you could always do the electric tape Cher look lol rofl
-fishnet 50$
-electric tape 5$
-face of the of the people in the hall.....priceless lol rofl
I think CM needs a "time out"---that was just sooo wrong!! haha
Isnt that fishnet thing what Rose, Marolyn Manson's ex tried to pull off at some awards show a few years back as well? lol
Well hell, next someone will get the idea of a wardrobe malfunction!
ok then Nocturnal Goddess I admit I am in sleep depravation....I am so excited....then lets use ducktape insted of electric tape.....wait! no...I don't need to "wax" my hair the sadist way......
lets use a nice liquid latex in the shades of pink....with some pink panties and bra...a nice pink mask....along with a long pink cloak...
no no...lets just wear the Barney outfit or teletubies!!!!
Yeah show up in a Barney or teletubby costume.... Wow! Is anyone else just a little frightened at the prospect, or is it just me? lol
Personally I don't care what anyone wears. Meaning, I am all for you wearing whatever you want. I am just glad we are able to go (so far, the gas prices are getting us nervous) and hang out with everyone. =)
Now, Teletubbies scare the shit out of me. =
I know what I want to wear, but need someone to help me into a corset - otherwise, hmmmmmmmmm
I'm all over the 1500s, 1700s, 1800s, in my clothing
oh yeah...I just realize about my corsets.....hum...will I get a helping hand to (I have no clue how to write that so here it goes) to fill in my back corset with the ribbon? For the mascarade? And the next day to tie up my corset for the party?
This is not a joke i do have a real peircing corset on my back and my gownd goes just under it so I want to have my ribbon in it, I need someone with a strong stomac...I've been..." covered" before....
CM I'd be glad to help you with yours if you'll help me with mine :)
All "wish I could go" type posts or posts that contrinbute nothing will be deleted. allgenre
You know what? We are looking online for a costume for Danny and we have found lots of stuff that borders on Halloweeny stuff, but some would still be cool. Some are pretty funny....Ben Franklin, Abe Lincoln, Coloniel times, Barbershop quartet, moses, Jesus, cowboys, pirates, you name it.
Anyone going as any of these? ;) I mean hell, they are costumes like any other! haha.........what to do..........
I have a grecian inspired costume... i like to be slightly different ;P
ya know, skin works..just show up nekkid :)
oh wait..that a different kind of allgenres parties lol
::snickers and adjusts the halo over her agency..... blinks.. hammers down horns::
why don't I get invited to those? I am no angel....*gets plastic horns up and cover halo with black spray paint* see I got horns!
Haha, ooo, I didn't know about THOSE parties. Well now, isn't that interesting? I will be your photographer next time. ;) hahaha........
I like that Greecian costume idea you have, so and so. I forgot who wrote that. haha.......
that was me :P
but so-and-so is ok too. it's my nom de plume ;)
Erm.... "those" parties are special. Im working on one and will let you all know when its done.
I found the perfect outfit :)
oh this will be perfectly odd...hahaa
I've decided on semi-formal with a mask.
Well we are in the French Quarter...I've been there on Halloween night - oooo la la..... airbrush some paint and you got a costume ;)