Someone makes a prediction about the person posting below them and then that person answers it & does the same and so on. I'll start:
TPBM likes so go hiking in the woods
Yes.... As long as Winter doesn't follow it :)
TPBM writes poetry
Some times....very rare now...
TPBM Is enjoying their week
Dinner is at 10:30 tonight
TPBM drinks a wine with dinner
Nope wine gives me a headache.
TPBM eats Chinese food with fork/spoon not chop sticks
yes tried the chop sticks no go
TPBM goes on picnic in the park
Not so much. It could happen, but not in years.
TPBM is going to a concert Monday
Depends on what you classify classic in 2024 but not in years.
TPBM likes to fish.
Not a movie just a series
TPBM likes freshly sautéed asparagus with garlic
Yep only because I live alone now though.
TPBM won't be voting for Trump.
Undecided hate both parties especially dems sorry
TPBM has gone fishing this summer
Absolutely NEVER even would consider it!
TPBM is elderly
Not a 200+ bowler I am in the 120 range so beginner.
TPBM likes to run
Yeah if one was near the ocean does it for now.
TPBM hates getting shots.
It's not my favorite thing in the world, but I am so use to it at this point I typically am not bothered by them.
TPBM listens to Green Day.
I can't draw a straight line with a ruler so that's a no
TPBM has taken a vacation this year
Yes. Was just at one Monday night actually.
TPBM is going to cook hamburger steaks for dinner tonight.
Negative. I managed to force down a piece of toast.
TPBM is scrolling endlessly through social media.
Nope just here and Instagram
TPBM has several social media accounts
I have more here on VR than I do anywhere else but I do have a couple other social platforms that I use.
TPBM likes fudge poptarts.
I don't even know wtf that is. I had to look it up. I am offended on behalf of all the chefs in the world.
TPBM Doesn't drive a vehicle.
Yes tho winter I work out indoors
TPBM has Labor Day plans
Nope, the wife is going out of town and I'll be alone with the dogs.
TPBM wants to go skydiving.
YES! My brother in law has done it and said its amazing. The closest I have come is parasailing which is awesome but not all that close really.
TPBM makes meatballs from scratch
Very rarely, maybe a few times a year at most.
TPBM is a heavy smoker
I don't it reminds me that....wait for it....wait for it.....
TPBM Has a dog.
Yep. This past Monday.
TPBM has seen the new Deadpool movie.
That sounds good so yes! Delivery it is lol
TPBM has home projects?
Always! Now if I were just home long enough to accomplish any of them to completion!
TPBM has eaten a fresh off the roller hot Krispy Kreme doughnut
Nope. Had a great off day yesterday and today has just been go with the flow.
TPBM is enjoys seafood
Yes indeed, but my zero-turn is busted.
TPBM has a pair of cowboy boots.
Nope... I dressed up as a child and some as a teenager... I have a few times as an adult but over all I don't do much dress up anymore.
TPBM is having a very MONDAYISH Monday.
Nope. I made a chicken casserole for dinner today.
TPBM is having a Harry Potter marathon
Yes, depending on what type they are.
TPBM did their laundry today
103 degrees, so that's a no.
TPBM is watching Netflix and scrolling endlessly to find something to watch.
Nope. I don't watch much television usually. Also, Netflix pissed me off and I cancelled them. lol
TPBM has stalked the postman only for them to say they attempted a delivery and could not make it.
yes but have 2.5 hrs to go for work
TPBM is an early riser
Too fkn true of late.
TPBM doesn't eat cereal for breakfast, but might for dinner.
Definitely not. The amount of movies I have NOT seen by far exceeds what I have.
TPBM has a cup of coffee first thing upon waking up.
Whoa, getting personal here, but yep.
TPBM is currently cold.
Set in stone plans, no. But to have a fun day on Saturday, yep.
TPBM has been to another country
when i get one
TPBM Plans everything around spouse or kids
Yes shaves my legs
TPBM enjoys listening to the rain falling
Yes, I am ready for fall
TPBM will attend a Halloween party this year
wish can of stew at work is dinner
TPBM is enjoying their night
Very.... and even then that may be an understatement. lol.
TPBM enjoys wasting time watching funny cat videos
Housewife and mommy that home schools... I am working even when I sleep. lol.
TPBM enjoys big band music
Never. Shit gets stuck in my teeth.
TPBM is hungry right now. lol
Ya know... I'm not actually sure... multiple accounts but I can't recall what levels they are. lol
TPBM prefers to watch older sitcoms than reality tv.
Yes reality T.V. is still scripted and thus fake.
TPBM still uses candles.
I do. Plans within plans. lol
TPBM likes Industrial Hard Core music.
Depends on my mood. I like that genre then Nirvana makes me go oooo. Then Avenged Sevenfold will play but then I'll switch to Genesis In The Air Tonight. Metallica Fade to Black rifs are amazing, but so is Savage Garden's lyrics. So yes but not always lol
TPBM has Doc Martens
I try. And I fail. But, recent events may change that...
TPBM has hunted an animal for food.
it depends on the genre and ability, but I do!
TPBM is a heavy smoker
I was, and am now half a pack a day.
TPBM loves TIM Burton films
Good job!!! Trying to quit and staying off is THE hardest so kudos to you! I still put aside money for "smokes" in a jar. Holy hell I have no idea how I did it back then at 7/pk. I thought that was too much. First time tho I thought 4/pk was too much back in the day.
TPBM bakes cookies 🍪
Nah. Rare for me to find one I want to see.
TPBM dyes their hair.
Never. Not even once. Thought about it. Now I have great hair for an old dude. :)
TPBM wants to own a pet monkey.