Spells, do they work or is it just a fluke?
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05:14:17 Nov 06 2008
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Spells. Do they really work: chanting, casting, herbs, wands, so on and so forth? When you use them, do you know they are going to work or do you feel it is just luck? Is there any proof that they work; can science explain how casting a spell and the resulting outcome you wanted is connected or not?

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Venerable Sire (134)
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05:28:59 Nov 06 2008
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They work for me, yet it takes preparation, time and desire. William Shakespeare said it most eliquently when he stated, "How poor are they who have not patience!" "What wound did ever heal but by degrees."

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Nihilist (19)
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06:58:44 Nov 06 2008
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takes careful thought for spells to work, think of spells as prayer, often the best way to think of it for most people.

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Disciple (53)
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10:31:31 Nov 06 2008
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I'd like to refer you to a journal entry of mine that you might find very helpful :)

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No Longer Registered
11:40:44 Nov 06 2008
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Does spellcasting work?

Magic, herbing, and all those that fit into this bracket, I believe work if you, the caster, want it to and believe it will.
If you doubt it or are just hoping it will work then you don't have true faith in what you are doing.
Spellcasting in any form requires dedication, belief and concentration.

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No Longer Registered
12:22:16 Nov 06 2008
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Everyone above has spoke the true words. Concentration, and I also think of the magic I am going to perform. The words, the cleansing of my area, my intent of the spell. It does take much work, and under what moon phrase you wish to do your magic. It is the power within you & your words & the intent that makes a spell.

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Dybbuk (76)
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17:05:58 Nov 06 2008
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to a degree I believe they work but they have been known to als o backfire and cause more harm then help it's a finy thing spells u have to believe hole heartedly what you say and and mean or the spell wont work the way you wanted too I can tell u when ever I had attempted a spell in the past I would get this rush after opening the circle and starting the spell.

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Evildoer (42)
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17:06:42 Nov 06 2008
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My spells work.I think if you have an open mind and know what you are doing they will work.Sure not all things work as planned. But that is life...

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Venerable Sire (130)
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22:55:37 Nov 06 2008
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Creativity, and Interpretation play a role in any craft. If it is for the caster that is one thing, but if it is done with another in mind..

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High Sire (154)
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00:08:32 Nov 07 2008
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It is in my opinion that on this it depends on your beliefs and definition of a spell......

To me a spell is dispersing energy to do something... for example....

If you've ever made chicken soup for a sick friend, you put your energy into the creation of the soup and if it helped them feel better which was your intention then yes it will have worked....

A spell doesn't have to be something very extravagant, it can be quite simple.

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Sire (107)
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04:59:37 Nov 07 2008
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I'm inclined to say that most any "spell", provided the intended effect exists in the realm of what is already conceivable, can and often will work so long as semi-favorable conditions are present. Auto-suggestion is a potent thing, and the psychodrama of ritual serves to cement motivations and the will necessary to enact small changes, whether subconsciously or actively, in the physical world around us ..as if there were another world to appeal to.

In the context of directing a "spell" at another individual, such a ritual may serve to create vocal intonations in further interactions with the person, or movements, which though seemingly involuntary, are fueled by the prior implanted suggestion and are physically registered by the intended target ..thusly creating a psychological effect without the necessary need to inform said target of the spell. A timeless example is one in which you bump into a person you just do not trust at the out start, usually expressed as "bad vibes". Of course, there is nothing metaphysical at work here, only your seasoned animal self interest picking up cues from the voice, demeanor, and appearance of the person in question.

Concerning the spells that don't work, well, conjurers of all sorts have always been experts at employing confirmation bias as a buffer to their respective realities.

In the case of a spell developed for and directed at oneself, the format is not much changed, and I would agree with the others whom have brought up the placebo effect ..an explanation that I feel is more than adequate.

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Pain Giver (55)
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20:19:27 Nov 07 2008
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Did casting virgins into volcanoes interrupt the building of pressures beneath the dome? Of course it didn't. Were we able to go back and converse with those who engaged in such practices, would they have claimed it was effective? Of course they would.

Anecdotal evidence is worthless in pursuit of finding realities because it's not objective evidence. It's just a claim. It matters little whether the one making the claim is sincere or attempting to perpetrate a fraud. What matters is the objective analysis. And in the objective analysis, tossing virgins into volcanoes is just as effective as casting spells. Neither one work, though those who engage in either will provide anecdotal evidence to suggest to the contrary.

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Great Sire (117)
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18:47:17 Nov 08 2008
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i agree with what most people have said, it takes alot of concentration and willpower to spell cast, with me myself i prefer using crystals as healing

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No Longer Registered
20:07:34 Nov 08 2008
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I have had a few spells work for me. But many have not. I think maybe sometimes a spell will work is because it was destined to happen that way to begin with.

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Royal Sire (211)
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20:25:42 Nov 08 2008
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We could hear many arguements that say Spells work and many arguements saying they don't....

but the same arguements could be used for prayer as well....

Science can never explain the power of faith or magic.....

and trying to explain the supernatural via logic and reason will take several lifetimes.....

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Venerable Sire (130)
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20:37:08 Nov 08 2008
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We are mapping the conscious mind. We are close to capturing the meta-verse, we are probing the mind like we have probed the cosmos.

It will account for so many things that are thought to exist. Thought being the key word.

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Diabolist (91)
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02:05:27 Nov 13 2008
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magic and prayer are the same thing, you gather energy and willpower, and direct it towards an effect, hoping that the effect will come true, regardless of the ritual used, this is what it breaks down to.
when it works you say it works..this proves it...when it doesn't, you say next time I have to believe harder....
i'm not saying it's untrue..just that potential exists both ways on whether it's real or not

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Fire Thrower (87)
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03:13:05 Nov 13 2008
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the right combination of circumstances, fate and luck can make or break a spell. belief is also key. say the right chant, light the right candle, whatever is your preferance or style, if you think for one moment that it won't work, then it won't.

one of the first spells i ever saw in a book was a ritual to gain wealth. every day the witch lights a candle in a bowl and adds 1 penny. eventually the witch will have many coins. lol

some spell/ritual huh, but a pretty good example of what i am trying to say.

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Harasser (15)
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19:41:38 Nov 13 2008
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the spells i have used have worked for me. first you have to belive in what you are doing. you cannot fake it. second you need to prepare and have everything that you need. some things cannot be substitued or left out. third you have to do it the way it is supposed to be done. if you do it wrong it will not work right or will not work at all.

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Royal Sire (207)
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19:57:05 Nov 13 2008
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Personally, I would liken spells performed by a Pagan or witch to that of a Cristians prayers. The difference to me is that a Pagan uses certain tools in their craft to reenforce positive (or negative) thoughts directed towards a specific goal or need, and faith that their spell will be sucessful. Whereas a Cristian places their faith and hope only in God and uses no other tools in their prayers. This is of course just my opinion on the subject.
Do you believe that praying works?

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No Longer Registered
21:55:04 Nov 13 2008
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Anyone I believe can make a spell work as long as they do them properly. But the biggest part in making a spell work is you have to believe and have faith that the spell you are casting works. Just saying you believe it isnt enough. It is no different than praying to God when you dont believe he exists. The more you believe in something the more real it becomes. Same with your spells. The more you believe in it the more power that goes into the more affects you get from it.

No I do not think Science can prove or disprove whether a spell works or not. A true spell caster knows their spells work without having to prove it to anyone.


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Malefactor (67)
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00:54:41 Nov 14 2008
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science cannot define it. that is the definition of magick. a hundred years agoe electricity was magick now it is mundane. Do you beleive that prayer works? it is the same concept you are casting your will into the universe. People constantly question magick, yet everyone accepts prayer this isnt fair, im sorry if i offend, that is just one of my pet peeves

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Apostate (62)
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01:04:19 Nov 14 2008
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by the way, i forgot to mention....

i'm performing a series of rituals starting next new moon and finishing on full moon in a months time
if this forum message is still up by then, i will inform you all of the results
if the thread is closed but people are still interested in knowing, message me.

hopefully these results should answer some people's questions

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Venerable Sire (130)
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01:33:30 Nov 14 2008
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since spells involve craft, I place more stock in them then I do prayer. A ritual focus can create perspective to a problem whether or not the spell works.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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02:24:36 Nov 14 2008
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Depends on what you view as spellcasting, which is similar to the idea of religion .vs. science. If something cannot be explained by what we consider reason, then often it is considered to belong to the realm of spiritualism. However, even this very concept is not without its problems.

The easiest way to look at it, is this. Does it work? If the answer is no, then it's probably just wishful thinking.

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Diabolist (91)
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08:32:10 Nov 14 2008
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part of the point I was making is that if the belief is strong enough...then a spell would simply not be necessary....
the ritual of a spell is used to focus the mind entirely to exclusion of all else....so with the right focus, the ritual becomes unnecessary, IF in fact magic does work....which is not something I will make claims of one way or the other

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Pain Giver (55)
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23:49:02 Nov 14 2008
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Re: "Science can never explain the power of faith or magic"

Science has already explained faith. Psychology is a field of science and psychology explains quite well why a person will choose to believe things that are demonstrated to be untrue. And that's really what faith is; belief in things which have been demonstrated to be untrue.

You mentioned prayer and there have been dozens and dozens of scientific studies on prayer. A few of them have even concluded that there is a slight statistical anomaly in favor of prayer having some ability to alter outcomes. Not unexpectedly, in the review of those studies, it was found that serious methodological errors were present. As an example, one which claimed to be "double-blind" allowed that those gathering the data be perfectly aware of which test subjects received prayer and which did not. Once the studies are excluded which failed to maintain methodologically sound procedures, the outcome remains the same across the remaining studies -- prayer does not produce any statistically significant variation to outcomes.

Science is the study of reality. That which is not real cannot be studied by science. But in that such things are not real, there is no real cause to study them. They're as variable as the imaginations from which they come. But most of the subjects here which are proposed to be beyond the methods of science, aren't even imaginative. They're borrowed beliefs from a time long before man had sufficient grasp of the workings of the universe to really have a clue how to tell false perceptions from accurate perceptions. With the development of science, we now have a reliable methodology. The only problem is that this methodology does not allow for any individual's beliefs to be found justified, no matter how affectionately, deliberately or loyally those beliefs are held. Beliefs are determined to be justified and accurate when they demonstrate themselves to be. They are held on their own merits or lack of merits and no credit is given for the number or degree to which people attempt to credit the beliefs as being correct.

People have spent the history of mankind demonstrating man's ability to adhere to false conclusions and beliefs of faith. The universe has spent the whole of its existence demonstrating that such beliefs are false.

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No Longer Registered
00:15:32 Nov 15 2008
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Spells do work, but it takes lots of time, practice, preparation, and patience.
More than likely not the first time, but if you work at it and put all of your energy into it, and put hope, it'll work.
It works for me. :)

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Sire (105)
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00:21:36 Nov 15 2008
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i had a friend that did a binding spell one time on this girl we worked with's ex-boyfriend and from what i saw it work he didnt bother her anymore ...so who knows i'd have to say yes they do until i see other wise

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Great Sire (110)
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05:20:53 Nov 15 2008
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i find they can work for me, i tend to make my own spells, and it takes study into what herbs help what and crystals and so forth, with that in mind, yes i believe they do work but i do not know how you would prove it scientificaly

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Pain Giver (55)
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07:07:25 Nov 15 2008
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Re: "but i do not know how you would prove it scientificaly"

The same way you'd demonstrate anything else to be correct scientifically; repetitive demonstration, logical mechanisms and objective analysis. But when such things are applied to false claims, they show the claims to be false. Those holding false claims as other than false will then attempt to fault science rather than accepting that they were wrong.

If I pick up a die, hope for a six, then roll a six, it demonstrates only that sometimes there will be a correlation between what you hope to roll and what you actually roll -- coincidence. If I continue hoping for a six but fail to roll a six the next five times, I'm getting exactly what the logical mechanisms would suggest.

On the other hand, if I hope for a six and roll a six everytime I hope for one, I've demonstrated that my will affects the outcome of the die. Of course no one can do that, even if they cast a spell and are completely devoid of doubt that they can do it. Each will have some excuse why it didn't work "this time". And the excuses will keep coming failure after failure after failure.

I watched a documentary with people who claimed they could accurately dowse for water. There were six rows, each comprised of six opaque plastic containers. In each row, one contained a bottle of water. The others all contained sand. The job of the dowser was simply to detect which container held the bottle of water in each of the six rows. Their results were completely consistent with mere chance. But after the test each were interviewed and each had some kind of excuse to offer as to why they failed to accurately detect the location of the water most of the time.

One guy said that God passes the information to him through his dowsing rods and must be having quite a chuckle. He punctuated that by saying, "He has quite a sense of humor... people don't realize." (Like he has some insight to God that others lack.) Another blamed the fact that she couldn't walk directly over the containers, standing directly above them and had to walk beside them with the dowsing rods over them. One said, "I believe the whole test is wrong." Another began to try to explain that everything leaves an image, then paused and didn't resume his explanation.

The truth here is that they all failed. And despite failing, they all walked away still holding the belief that they can find water using dowsing rods. In truth, pretty much anyone can. If you drill deeply enough, you'll almost always hit water eventually. But these people believe they can find water closest to the surface, and yet they can't find water in a plastic box, sitting above the ground.

I'm quite certain that if one were to construct a similar test to apply to spell-casting, the results would be the same: a minimal success rate, completely consistent with mere chance. And then each of the subjects would scramble for some excuse to explain why they were unable to do what they insist that they can do and they would walk away just as confident as before. Then they'd blame science for being unable to explain what they claim they can do, but for which they can demonstrate only failure.

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Fire Thrower (87)
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14:37:03 Nov 15 2008
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Beast, not all spells work and the ones that do, do not work all the time or for all people. the fact is that trying to prove a casting works by showing someone, doesn't work. there are too many other things factored in. the biggest is stress.
i saw a teenage gothic witch on Sally years ago who swore that she could make it rain. now i knew that nothing would happen. the girl created her circle inside of the building and in front of a live audience tried to call down the rain. it was foolish, very foolish.
i do know people who can effect the weather. one of them is my own daughter. without effort she has consistently requested and received response from the rain. she doesn't chant or light candles, she looks outside and wishes the rain would slow or stop long enough for her and her brother to catch their buses.
it does slow and even stops completely at times. i have watched this with my own eyes, the entire process she catches her bus before her brothers arrives and the moment that her brother steps onto his bus the rain comes down with extreme force as though it were a hose that had been kinked. this has happened 100% of the time. the one day that someone asks her to prove it, it will fail because of a thing called pressure to perform.
i rarely do actual spell work, i write my own "spells" or mantras. they do work when my energy is focused.
i suppose that for some spells do work consistently. i do know that magyk is real and i do know that it can only be proven by accident unless the individual has extreme psychological self control.

when a person like you is watching and expecting them to fail they usually think at least once "what if this time it doesn't work?" THAT one stray thought is enough to keep it from working. as your smugness grows their self confidence lags and all you have proven is they cannot do it when you are hovering over them expecting them to fail.

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Savant (82)
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17:52:29 Nov 15 2008
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Spells work and I must say the amount of half baked books out there on the subject im surprised no one has lost an eye yet lol

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Venerable Sire (130)
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23:34:01 Nov 15 2008
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One such claim to failing spells, " The eye of newt must not have been fresh enough." I left out an incantation.

Their was a skeptical person draining power. And the sadest one " Someone in the circle lacked faith, which really crushes the person that feels devoted to the faith/group. Tranference of libility is cowardly. Owe up to your own short comings. Demonstrate if you can.. If not then do not imply to others that they are just not privy to "higher" knowledge.

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Savant (82)
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00:51:17 Nov 16 2008
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Interesting quote Dabbler I guess you can take that to the bank for sure. lol
“higher knowledge” comes from much studies … sorry if one hasn’t practiced the craft much

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Pain Giver (55)
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01:32:15 Nov 16 2008
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Please understand that I'm not here to point fingers, to make fun or to create disdain. I'm here to explain reality because so many have turned their backs on reality that it is now affecting legislation, education and even the kind of medical assistance being sought.

Superstitions are not innocuous. They're harmful and damaging. If that which makes no sense can be true, then how is one to determine what is true and what isn't? If people can summon up changes in the weather at will, then why do anything but practice focusing one's will? Learning becomes a feeble cry. Superstitions feed upon the intellect of a society, leaving it lacking and drag the society into the mud.

Re: "not all spells work and the ones that do, do not work all the time or for all people. the fact is that trying to prove a casting works by showing someone, doesn't work."

This is the mark of fallacy, not reality. That which, all else being equal, only works some of the time, is coincidence not phenomena. This is the reason science has adopted a standard of demonstration. And to ignore that is to attempt to suggest that science should produce nothing more than any other system of conjuring the nature of reality. And yet, science has earned the most respected reputation, based on it's continual standard of demonstrating the ability to extract the objective truth from among an assortment of subjective fallacies.

It should strike you as odd that you're sitting at a device which fits handily on your desk, can accept your thoughts as language, in a series of activated switches, convert, process and transmit your thoughts through encryption as an electrical pulse train, further conversion to sound data, then to optical data, route it around the globe and recreate it as a series of flux-transitions on a thin layer of magnetic media and in seconds, I, and anyone else around the world can be reading your comments. That's the product of science, not superstition. And the primary task of science is to dig through a heaping and growing mound of conjecture, superstition and subjectivity and extract from that mound, only truth -- reality. This is a task which science performs exceptionally well.

It should come as no surprise that those who believe despite the conclusive findings would be prone to faulting science rather than themselves. This is man's long history -- to deny all else but himself. Man insisted that the Earth was flat and even attempted to remain submerged in that belief by extinguishing the voices who would demonstrate otherwise. Man insisted that the sun orbited the Earth and imprisoned, persecuted and killed those who would demonstrate otherwise. Men claimed "to know", that the Earth was at one time flooded, and screamed "blasphemy" and "heretic" when some presented demonstrations showing otherwise. Men insisted that they were the special creation of a loving being of infinite knowledge and legislated against those who accepted demonstrations to the contrary. It was always the fault of science for finding in contrary to their beliefs.

And yet, in each case, after hundreds of years of denial, the same victor has risen to the top -- the same victor you claim is failing when it fails to support your assertions.

Re: "he girl created her circle inside of the building and in front of a live audience tried to call down the rain. it was foolish, very foolish."

I agree that this was very foolish, but likely not for exactly the same reasons. Perhaps she had attempted to cast a spell to bring rain before, and by coincidence, it began to rain. So having turned from reason and logic, she grew confident that her will had something to do with the rain. Then came her big chance; the opportunity to appear on national television and attempt to bring some credibility to the superstition she holds as truth. And the result is that the truth emerged.

Re: "she has consistently requested and received response from the rain."

Consistently? Then demonstrate her consistency. Is that so much to ask?

Re: "the one day that someone asks her to prove it, it will fail because of a thing called pressure to perform."

Of course it will fail because it's not her controlling the weather to begin with. Rain, especially monsoon-type rains, are quite transient and hard to predict. Where I live it's not at all uncommon to ride 5-miles and go through three sections of rain, two stretches which are only overcast and another which is in bright sunshine. "If you don't like the weather... wait a minute." And such conditions are not uncommon in many places around the globe.

I can walk outside when the air seems perfectly still, begin thinking about the wind and in a few minutes, I'll feel at least a breeze. Likewise, I can walk outside when the air is still, be thinking of nothing other than getting to work on time, and 2-minutes into my drive note that grasses weeds and flags are waving in the wind. Coincidence, not will.

It is a part of the evolutionary progress of animals to seek and find patterns. One study on this utilized pigeons who were placed in a special cage with three buttons on one side. The buttons could be programmed to release a treat into a tray if pecked in the proper order. After some time, the pigeons worked out the proper order and repeated it, receiving a treat each time.

Then the programming was changed so that a treat would drop into the tray at random intervals. One pigeon, having attempted his memorized sequence with no resulting treat, then looked over its left shoulder. And by shear coincidence, the random interval timer dropped a treat at that same moment. A few minutes later the bird again glance over its left shoulder and this again coincided with the dropping of a treat into the tray. Within minutes the bird became manic at glancing over its left shoulder, having believed that it had uncovered the new pattern necessary to receive a treat.

Using the same reasoning, one could adopt the belief that they control the weather, simply because they had a similar coincidental experience with rain. But science demands more than coincidence and as a result, grants us all of the pleasantries and technologies of modern-day life.

Re: "the one day that someone asks her to prove it, it will fail because of a thing called pressure to perform."

To suppose such a thing is easy and pointless. To demonstrate it is quite something else. And it remains something which has never been demonstrated under appropriate conditions. It's always just anecdotal. And when it doesn't work, we find a series of excuses; "someone in the vicinity didn't believe", "I wasn't able to focus", "the conditions are unfavorable", "I was focusing too hard", "I was under pressure. I can't do it under pressure", and so on, and so on.

Re: "i do know that magyk is real and i do know that it can only be proven by accident unless the individual has extreme psychological self control."

No matter what the superstition, be it magick, witch-craft, voodoo, religion... whatever, the final claim is always prefaced with "I know" which is nothing but an improper use of the word at best, and an outright dishonest statement at worst. You "believe", you do not "know". One can only know what can be demonstrated to be true.

Four-hundred years ago people claimed to "know" that the sun orbited the Earth. Thousands of years ago people thought they "knew" that certain mountains could spew fire, ash and smoke because the mountains were gods who were angry and demanding appeasement. None of those people could demonstrate their beliefs to be true and none of their beliefs were true. They believed: They didn't "know". You believe and continue to do so no matter how many times the failure of your beliefs are demonstrated. There is always an excuse but never a demonstration of either the validity of the belief or the veracity of the claimed excuses.

Re: "THAT one stray thought is enough to keep it from working."

Easy enough to test; simply gather a significant number of people who devoutly claim to be able to perform such spells and a few who, like me, hold no belief in such things. Do a double-blind study where the people involved with each spell attempt do not know the beliefs of the others in their vicinity as they attempt to create some significant alteration through their will and "craft". The results, I assure you, would only add evidence for my claims and more doubt for your own.

The claim is yours and the responsibility to present evidence is yours. Until you can demonstrate some veracity for the claims, there is no call to demonstrate them to be unfounded.

And yet people do construct the means to demonstrate them to be unfounded and each time, having been demonstrated to be false, the holders of such beliefs resume repeating the same tired, exhausted and nonsensical excuses.

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Fire Thrower (87)
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02:11:18 Nov 16 2008
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400 years ago people were burned at the stake for predicting the weather.

what we have are conflicting beliefs, that is all. you are not right just because you say so anymore than i am wrong for the same reason. i was trying to offer perspective but i do not want to argue with anyone regarding their beliefs. in the end it is utterly pointless. i think you can agree to that.

that is all.

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Pain Giver (55)
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02:14:42 Nov 16 2008
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Re: "you are not right just because you say so anymore than i am wrong for the same reason."

That's because it's not about what one claims; but about what one demonstrates. Science is held to the need to demonstrate. Superstitions are held only to the standard of making claims.

You claim your superstition reflects reality. Science demonstrates it to be like all other superstition -- lacking in any kind of demonstrable reality.

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Savant (82)
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03:40:48 Nov 16 2008
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Yeh but science only works till you make up a better theory … then everything we thought we knew that has always done what it has done but our knowledge has changed lots to the point we don’t really know…. so now were smacking partials together … man when they find it there will be a big bang like our own …only smaller … and in a lab….. I guess what I find lacking in science is the true spiritual side not in science

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Pain Giver (55)
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05:19:10 Nov 16 2008
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That's simply not true, lavisbre.

Do you think that if next week we found out that semi-conductors don't work quite the way current theory claims they work, that computers, digital cameras, cars, televisions, stereos, clocks and microwaves all over the planet will suddenly cease to function?

Do you think that when Einstein determined gravity to be a consequence of warped space-time rather than a transmitted force, that the attraction between objects of mass vanished?

Certainly science has its flaws. The flaws are completely expected and incorporated into the methodology. True scientists aren't surprised when theories have to be modified or even abandoned. Those who understand the scientific method don't attempt to pick it apart when new discoveries provide a more polished understanding. They don't abandoned the process when they find they have to back-track and follow a new path. Nor should they because that is the sign of progress. Most importantly, they don't abandon the incredible success of science the moment it fails to support their personal subjective beliefs. Instead, they learn from science and attempt not to place their own subjectivity above reality.

It's something you won't find with superstitions. Superstitions remain stagnant. They don't head off in new directions when new evidence emerges. They don't admit their mistakes and they reject any progress to comes from those demonstrated mistakes. Instead they function purely on continually excusing their consistent demonstration of failure. They are beliefs of faith -- evasions of reality, evidence and logic.

Also please note that theories are not "made up". They're conceived of based on evidence, not on conjecture. They're then pitted against a barrage of attempts to show them to be contrary to the evidence. And only when they emerge from the barrage unscathed can they be dubbed "theory". But in that they are based on evidence, new evidence can alter them or crush them. Either way, it's still progress.

Superstition thrives only on undemonstrated claims, denial of their own failures and gullibility. It thumbs its nose at demonstration, dismisses logic and ignores its own failures.

You can suggest that science is lacking for not supporting your suggestion of the existence of a "spiritual side". But what you should focus upon is that you, as a believer in spirituality, should be taking the lead and providing the evidence for science to follow. Instead, we find that those promoting spirituality are just as devoid of evidence for their assertions as is science. Science is simply willing to recognize that a lack of evidence is consistent with imaginary constructs, while those who flock instead to faith-beliefs can't seem to recognize that their own failure to support their assertions is every bit as much to blame for the failure of those assertions as are the people you expect to substantiate your claims while being provided with absolutely nothing upon which to conduct research.

In the end, science has no objective evidence upon which to proceed for the very same reason you have no objective evidence upon which to proceed. And if you expect that science -- a study which operates on evidence -- should draw conclusion without the benefit of the evidence upon which it must operate, you're only asking science to dump and abandoned the one thing that causes it to be so successful in the first place.

You have belief and nothing else. And for science's inability to support your belief for lack of anything but your belief, you find science to be at fault.

There is no "spiritual". It's just a word people use when they don't wish to admit that all they're talking about is emotionalism and abandonment of logic, reason and evidence in favor of appealing to their own emotions/desires. And because it doesn't exist, neither you nor science can offer any credible suggestion of its existence. The failure belongs to those who adhere to failed beliefs, long after their demonstrated failures and well into continual demonstrations of their total lack of credibility.

Why would you suggest that a process which functions on evidence, is lacking when even you -- one who believes in that which the process doesn't support -- can't produce any evidence? And in recognizing that you can't produce the necessary evidence, it should occur to you that you're only admitting that you believe without reason, without cause and without evidence.

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High Sire (155)
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16:07:47 Nov 17 2008
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yes they work , spells are just like anything else you have to believe and have a little faith in it , if you believe in nothing then nothing will happen.

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Pain Giver (55)
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18:14:52 Nov 17 2008
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Can you offer one verified example where a person's faith can be shown to alter a physical outcome?

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Pain Giver (55)
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19:15:02 Nov 17 2008
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Re: "if you believe in your spells yes they can work"

Making a claim is one thing. Supporting that claim is quite something else. That's why we see so many people making the claim that spells work and no one supporting that claim.

The reality is that one's belief affects almost nothing outside of themselves. If you truly believe you can run a mile, you can probably run a mile. But even that assumes that your physical body is in proper working order. If you've suffered a severe spinal injury, you're not going to run 10-feet no matter how much you believe to the contrary. If you've had a leg amputated and don't have a prosthetic limb, you're already done.

But people here aren't just suggesting that their mental will controls their body. They're blatantly stating that it can affect both animate and inanimate objects beyond the body. And yet no one is offering anything to support the assertion, likely because they, despite their belief, have no more evidence to support that claim than do I who disbelieve in what they say. So it seems clear that by their very lack of support for their own claims, they've demonstrated their claims to be false. If belief can alter outcomes, then by their belief, they should be able to demonstrate the outcome they claim. Yet no one is doing that.

One might believe with all of their will that they can defeat Tiger Woods on the golf course. But walking away from the 18th hole, all you'll hear from them are excuses. They might believe with every fiber of their being that they can defeat Lance Armstrong on a bicycle, and yet, a mile up the first incline they'll begin waffling and constructing all of the excuses as to why he dropped them so far back that they can no longer even see him.

Reality simply doesn't work that way and it never has, no matter how many thousands of years people have been making the assertion. It's a claim that is devoid of any supporting evidence and wrought with defeating evidence. One shouldn't make claims that they can't support and should strive even more to avoid making claims for which the contrary is clearly supported.

Your will has only a limited affect on your physical abilities and absolutely no affect on anything beyond your body. It's a physical process which takes place in the brain and nothing more. That applies no matter what incantations you recite, no matter what herbs you might burn and no matter what or how strongly you believe.

And I can make that statement because all of the evidence demonstrates it to be true, not just because it's something I've decided to believe.

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Evildoer (42)
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02:43:18 Jan 29 2009
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Spells most certainly work...... They have been practiced for many thousand years and have definately proven themselves useful... But lets define Spell A spell can be a very complex ritual or a simple prayer muttered under your breath it doesent matter.. What makes a spell effective is the level of faith and belief you have in obtaining your goal.. The rituals are designed to get you focused on the task at hand... But the outcome is entirely up to you. Herbs also work but through an entirely different means they work through chemestry.... All drugs and remedies have their roots in herbalism.....

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Needler (12)
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07:29:08 Jan 29 2009
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Spells totally work, what most people don't realise is that rituals and tools are all just points of focus. Once you can focus without them they are unnecessary. The power is in the caster, not the herb, stick, kniofe or whatever. Although moon and planet phases can be important, but you need to figure ouot what phases make you feel the most powerful. Books and stuff are great to get you started but most will have you hung up on ritual and religion, be it wicca or any other. They all restrict you after a while.

And every spell I've ever cast has worked, although sometimes too well with unforseen side effects. So be wary.

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Wyvern (85)
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08:15:47 Jan 29 2009
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as a practicing solitary witch. yes spells and rituals work. it is all within your own heart mind body and spirit that will guide you. your energy and what you put forth in whatever you do. you must believe...

wicked hugs blessed be, darla...

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Pain Giver (55)
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10:12:43 Jan 29 2009
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I see a number of people making the assertion that spells do work. I'm not sure exactly how this is being defined. What must a spell do to "work"?

I'd be most interested in anything anyone might provide to support the assertion that "spells work". It's one thing to make an assertion, and another to support it.

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Aggressor (83)
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18:13:29 Jan 29 2009
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Spells depand upon application and the conscious level and the intensity of the desire and level of purity of the person in conentration regard if spell's time the person ejected by inner from rest of matters, the spell will work perfactly in its time frame.

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Needler (12)
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21:27:32 Jan 29 2009
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A spell will wor k if you know it will. They work because the desired results come through. Personally i tend to write down what i want to happen in a poetic form, with the statement 'I will it and so it will be' or somesuch every few lines, then i tuck it into my bra close to my heart for a week, then i put it in my pillowcase for another couple of weeks to cement it, it usually takes 5 to 7 days before you start to n otice the effects.

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Pain Giver (55)
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04:50:09 Jan 30 2009
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Re: "A spell will wor k if you know it will."

Would it be possible to put this to the test? If you can tell me what kind of spells you can cast, I'll see if I can come with something we can use to confirm that the spell has worked, or show that it hasn't. I'd be very interested in seeing how accurate the assertion is shown to be.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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06:48:54 Jan 30 2009
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I personally see spells as just another type/name as prayers with the end result being an altering of the current norm. If you can tie together spells and prayers, there are empirical blind random scientific studies out there that do show that prayers work with regard to medical treatment.

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Malefactor (67)
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13:42:32 Jan 30 2009
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"there are imperical blindrandom scientific studies out there that do show that prayers work in regard to medical treatment."

meeper, would you mind pulling up one such study? I don't say this to be a pain, but it has only been reliably observed that prayer has NO effect on a person's recovery, and in fact, those who know they're being prayed for show an increase in complications (probably because they feel obligated to get better, and become stressed).


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Pain Giver (55)
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14:28:43 Jan 30 2009
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Re: "If you can tie together spells and prayers, there are imperical blindrandom scientific studies out there that do show that prayers work in regard to medical treatment."

I agree with LaMuerta on this. It's something I've researched to a fairly extensive degree from a number of years involved in theological debate. While there have been a very small handful of studies which concluded that there might be some statistically significant variation in outcome due to prayer, all of these small few have been shown to have been methodologically unsound. For instance; one of them, likely the most notable, claimed to be a double-blind study. But when the documentation of the procedures was analyzed, it was found that those gathering the data were very much aware of who had, and who had not, received prayer.

So far I'm unaware of any methodologically sound study that has suggested other than a complete lack of evidence to suggest that prayer can, in any way, alter outcomes. And the majority of such studies tend to focus on patients in hospitals. In one of the more recent studies, the only statistically significant variation was involving a small control group and the statistics suggested that patients who received prayer which was intended to benefit them, actually suffered a higher degree of complications. The variation was minor, but significant. Researchers suggested that because it was a control group and they knew they we being prayed for, perhaps this shocked and worried them (being prayed for in a facility which is intended to provide medical assistance), and the increased anxiety lead to the increase in complications.

This was known as the "STEP; Study on the Therapeutic Effects of intercessory Prayer" research project and the conclusion was, "The Study of the Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer (STEP), published online March 30 by the American Heart Journal, showed no positive effect from the use of third-party intercessory prayer...". This places it in line with all other methodologically sound studies to determine whether or not prayer has any effect on outcomes.

Christian Science Monitor

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Aggressor (83)
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15:25:52 Jan 30 2009
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prayer are also a spell but not directly as it done in spells. the prayers are done to third norm that is core of the universe where the person believe all mighty power alive and invoking the core in favor of the matter is prayer. the universe's each sphere if we pray have its core and ge invoked by our prayer reaches there and that is the grace or power of energy that cosmos makes things happen some says its point zero some says God and some says its own psi power. but thing is like that nature respond us per our ask and that is to allmighty... some seek salvation through Jesus its true pure entities such as Jesus can be invoked back to give us the matter we asked.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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18:36:31 Jan 30 2009
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I make no argument that there are studies on both sides of the equation. Which studies to believe is in the eye of the beholder and relies heavily on their own personal beliefs. You may doubt prayer/spells because those studies merely bolster your own experiences. I however can look at the handful of scientific studies in companion to personal stories, and while I am not convinced 100 percent, I am opened minded to forces greater than ourselves and or our man made science.
But for your scientific curiosities here are a few:

* Scientific Research of Prayer: Can the Power of Prayer Be Proven A paper researching the effects of prayer by Debra Williams, D.D. Published in 1999 PLIM Retreat, (c) 1999 PLIM REPORT, Vol. 8 #4

“One of the most quoted scientific studies of prayer was done between August of 1982 and May of 1983. 393 patients in the San Francisco General Hospital’s Coronary Care Unit participated in a double blind study to assess the therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer. Patients were randomly selected by computer to either receive or not receive intercessory prayer. All participants in the study, including patients, doctors, and the conductor of the study himself remained blind throughout the study, To guard against biasing the study, the patients were not contacted again after it was decided which group would be prayed for, and which group would not.…The patients who had received prayer as a part of the study were healthier than those who had not. The prayed for group had less need of having CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) performed and less need for the use of mechanical ventilators. They had a diminished necessity for diuretics and antibiotics, less occurrences of pulmonary edema, and fewer deaths. Taking all factors into consideration, these results can only be attributed to the power of prayer.”

*Another such random study was conducted by a research group out of Kansas City and published Archives of Internal Medicine. The study found that “on average, the 500 patients prayed for had 11% less complications during their stay in hospital.” *

*Double blind study showing prayer had a “statistically significant positive effect on a coronary care unit population” by Byrd RC. Positive therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer in a coronary care unit population. South Med Journal 1988;81:826-9. PMID 3393937. (Overview for those without the journal :)

*July 2000 study done by Leibovici L. Department of Medicine, Beilinson Campus, Rabin Medical Center, Petah-Tiqva. PMCID: PMC61047 “Remote, retroactive intercessory prayer said for a group is associated with a shorter stay in hospital and shorter duration of fever in patients with a bloodstream infection and should be considered for use in clinical practice Effects of remote, retroactive intercessory prayer on outcomes in patients with bloodstream infection: randomised controlled trial.” *Overview

Once again I’d like to reiterate why I am discussing the efficacy of prayer in a spells threads. I maintain that the two are merely semantics difference and that they both operate to change or impact our surroundings and conditions. I am sure some will disagree with me on that statement, and I am just peachy keen about that. I would be interested to see/hear incidents of spells working either empirical data or qualitative responses as I’d love to learn more :)

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No Longer Registered
20:45:29 Jan 30 2009
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For witches, we call on the quarters and the energies and the spirits (Lord and Lady/ God and Goddess, etc.) for them to hear our words (spells, prayers, blessing, etc.). With so much energy surrounding our words in the circles we cast, it gives them that much more power to be sent out into the universal energies and come back to us with what we desire...

That’s the most basic idea for our spell work, so you can understand what’s sort of being done....I didn’t want to go into great detail, because there is so much to explain, but to just answer your question, and support my statement with my personal belief, I hope this will help you a little....it all has a lot to do with your will power, which is greater than anything. There is a lot you need to know how to understand fully how a spell works. But how Christians may pray to their God, this is how witches in a sense, pray to the god and goddess.

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No Longer Registered
20:51:23 Jan 30 2009
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I apologize for all of my spelling errors, but I would also like to refer to anyone who cares about my statement, th book and or the movie, "The Secret." It goes into great detail about what i explained with words and will power being powerful tools for your desires.

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No Longer Registered
11:12:29 Feb 01 2009
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Spells, magick, all of it has to a lot with thought process. For any of it to work you need to first and foremost believe that it will. Sometimes it does and some other times it doesn't. As far as when and where, a lot of that is also up to you. You just need to have a little faith.

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Basilisk (92)
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12:22:40 Feb 01 2009
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i apprecite where you all are coming from, and think nothing is wrong with focusing your desires and attempting to manifest them through various means. LilithSkye's comment (I mean no offense when i say this) sure sounds a lot like chance to me.

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Apostate (62)
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17:51:41 Feb 01 2009
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As it has been said, if the belief and will is there and you do it right, no reason for it not to work. I have several I use frequently, one I use daily. They do not give me what I want but what I need.

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Aggressor (83)
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15:37:32 Feb 02 2009
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Well the last master comment did impress me very much its like what is the base in the vision "If you are viewing and feeling both that you are riding on cloud, you must believe it and you are riding, if you don't believe in that you are what you see is riding on cloud is true, you can't ride on it unless you believe in. so belief is one of the piller of the act which is not materialistic, may it be vision or sorcery or astral or may it be spell work or prayers.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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03:59:57 Feb 03 2009
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I also believe that spells can work more like prayers. And one also has to believe that they'll work.

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Needler (12)
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23:08:25 Feb 04 2009
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For me, spell casting is about being intune to nature and putting something out there.

I have seen many spells (mine included) work. I think it's all in how much you beleive in it, and how strong you visualize when casting.

It's really about the energy behind it and what you put out into the cosmos (or whatever you choose to call it)

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Ethereal Being (31)
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02:08:04 Feb 05 2009
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first, with all due respect, id like to ask, what difference does it make whether it worked or it was a fluke, as long as the caster gains his/her result in the end.

My take is this, (and I qualify that I have been a practicing pagan for just over 14 years). Spells are a jump start to involvement. By casting a spell you are putting in place a thought into your subconscious mind. By doing this you will do more to work in the mundane world towards your goal and thus, your spell comes to be.

Id also like to qualify that this is NOT prayer in my opinion. A spell comes from you the caster. Whether God/dess has a hand in helping you along with your goal, that, i believe is a matter of your take on religion and how you work (or dont) with your deity of choice.

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Ethereal Being (31)
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02:11:15 Feb 05 2009
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To Silvermoonnight

While I agree with what you say about the belief aspect, Im wondering if your thoughts on a backfired spell are in the direction that spells dont work or that they just dont always work as well as we want??

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Malefactor (67)
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07:08:00 Feb 05 2009
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"first, with all due respect, id like to ask, what difference does it make whether it worked or it was a fluke, as long as the caster gains his/her result in the end.

I would think it is of utmost importance whether the spell worked or not. If it is merely a "jump start to involvement," as you put it, that gets one more focused on achieving a task, where along the line has something magical occurred? I've read that it supposedly increases the probability of some outcome occurring, but has any such difference been tested or even observed? Have you taken into account all the times a spell worked against the odds, how many times it has worked when the odds were already in your favor, and most importantly, when the spells didn't work? What I'm getting at is whether or not there really is a noticeable result at all, or whether it is mere coincidence that spells seem to work at all. Oftentimes, when the desired outcome does come, then just like prayer it reaffirms the casters belief that they somehow had an effect on the outcome and they continue to cast spells/pray in hopes for the same effect, too afraid to consider that it may have just been chance lest doubt ruin their chances next time.

I've personally found that while I used to cast spells of my own, I'd often wonder whether or not the result really was due to my spell. Was it merely coincidence that more often than not when a spell worked, the odds of that particular outcome were already in my favor? I questioned this, but every time I cast a new spell, I went on believing wholeheartedly that it would work, but after time and time again, I found there was little or no noticeable let alone measurable difference in the probability of any particular outcome.

Author J.H. Brennan said that magick works through purely physical means, starting in ones mind, and manifesting through a slight difference in the procession of physical events. Again I find myself asking if this change is due to magic(k) or just the pure chance of reality? If there is no observable force even at work, how does one test the difference in probability? In keeping with the effect of minutiae on the larger world, did your spell cause a tiny change that caused much more observable and noticeable outcome? Suppose (for lack of a better example,) you performed a spell to burn someone's house down. Did your spell cause the old or faulty wiring in their outlet to short circuit, causing overheating and sparks, in turn igniting the wood and eventually burning out of control? What I'm saying is, did your spell do anything at all, or is it an explanation fit to be removed by Occam's handy razor?

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No Longer Registered
15:39:58 Feb 05 2009
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Having been a Witch for longer than I like to count, I have found that spells and rituals are just to help focus your mind. They are window dressing and in some cases an excuse to show off -not a good idea for any reason.
So if it doesn't seem to work, it is not because your alter was in the wrong place or you did not say the words right. It was that the intent and will behind your actions were not strong enough.

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Bloodsucker (50)
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18:53:52 Feb 05 2009
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Spells are not a "fluke". IS a prayer? That's all a spell may be, a prayer with more movement. The only fluke in a spell is the person. If it's not working it's because you, the person, not the spell itself.

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Needler (12)
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21:35:35 Feb 05 2009
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Spells work. Being who I am I know. But sometimes the person who is doing the spells is a fake, a phony they don't know what they're doing. I've been practicing witchcraft for going on four years and to me they work perfectly, I'e done my research I can tell the fakes from the real thing.

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Malefactor (67)
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22:15:28 Feb 05 2009
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"I'e done my research I can tell the fakes from the real thing."

Do share, how can you tell a fake from "the real thing?" I'm seriously interested in what criteria you use to judge the difference. What if a "fake" spell comes true? What makes it any different from a "real" spell that comes true?

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Venerable Sire (130)
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22:49:57 Feb 05 2009
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I am following Beloved by darkness into her case. A clear example of less then sensational understanding of spell craft. I find that craft in general brings resources together, as well as pooling networks.

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Ethereal Being (31)
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23:11:06 Feb 05 2009
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La6Muerte66 I really do like your line of questioning. Its well put and a challenge to answer.
i cant honestly say that I have a way to measure out the spells outcomes statistically and I dont really know that I care to. When I said that I didnt think that it mattered whether the spell actually worked or if it was just chance and that it was a first step towards action, I didnt mean to say that it didnt matter at all, the point I was going for was more that, if the casters life has been enhanced or fulfilled to some degree by the casting of a spell which seemed to have possitive results, or learned some lesson when it seemed to have negitive results, what difference does it really make in the end? The caster has (or hopfully has) grown as a person feeling like they have the ability to change their world and make reality and thereby life THEIRS, or learning to accept that sometimes, wanting it just isnt enough, they hopefully have become a better person.

I do use spells, and in my reality they work, I believe that the divine has something to do with it, I believe magick is real, and I also believe that if I want it bad enough to cast the spell then chase the fucker down to get what I want, Im more likely to get it because Im inspired by my spell craft. Ive been practicing spellcraft for over 14 years and I have no reason to stop because they help me grow as a person, which is the intention of casting a spell above and beyond all other intentions if cast sincerely in my opinion.
As per how to measure the outcome and results of spell casting effectiveness, perhaps the answer will someday lie in the science of quantum physics, because thats is the science of nothing (but a thought) to something (matter).
And as per your comment just before this reply, I would also like to know how one detirmines the use of "fake spells" as opposed to "real spells" Ive used spells from charmed with great success and Ive used spells from 16th century tomes with no success at all. Whats the difference and how does one tell? if they can tell after four years, Im behind the curve on that one I guess lol

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00:03:27 Feb 06 2009
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"The caster has (or hopfully has) grown as a person feeling like they have the ability to change their world and make reality and thereby life THEIRS, or learning to accept that sometimes, wanting it just isnt enough, they hopefully have become a better person."

See here's where part of my problem lies. It seems like regardless of whether their spell actually worked or if it was pure chance, they are to believe the same thing: that they personally have power over reality -- an ability which has never been objectively confirmed. I agree that it is important to know that merely wanting something is never enough, but we disagree on the means by which to go about obtaining it. By believing that a spell will get them what they want, I would think the average person will be more inclined to keep casting spells, hoping that "this next one will give me what I want," rather than actually going out and working to get it. He/She may mistakenly attribute a success to the spell that was cast when it was their own physical actions that brought about the result.

It sounds a little bit like the psychology of the Cargo Cults that sprang up in the Papua New Guinea area. During WWII, armies would use the islands to stockpile goods and equipment as bases. The natives, never having seen Westerners before, thought they were connected with the deities and ancestors, and the goods that were shared with the islanders were gifts from the afterlife. What strikes me as similar, however, is this excerpt:

"In attempts to get cargo to fall by parachute or land in planes or ships again, islanders imitated the same practices they had seen the soldiers, sailors, and airmen use. They carved headphones from wood and wore them while sitting in fabricated control towers. They waved the landing signals while standing on the runways. They lit signal fires and torches to light up runways and lighthouses. The cult members thought that the foreigners had some special connection to the deities and ancestors of the natives, who were the only beings powerful enough to produce such riches.

In a form of sympathetic magic, many built life-size replicas of airplanes out of straw and created new military-style landing strips, hoping to attract more airplanes. Ultimately, although these practices did not bring about the return of the airplanes that brought such marvelous cargo during the war, they did have the effect of eradicating most of the religious practices that had existed prior to the war."

If the ultimate goal is to become a better person, then why not take the shortest route, and work towards one's goals, rather than casting a spell or praying for it? (I view the two as the same, as the psychology behind them is the same, I feel.) By attributing failures and successes to something outside of the individual or within the individual, rather than the actions of the individual, I feel the focus is shifted from what's really important.

"As per how to measure the outcome and results of spell casting effectiveness, perhaps the answer will someday lie in the science of quantum physics, because thats is the science of nothing (but a thought) to something (matter)."

I wouldn't really consider quantum physics to be in any way the science of nothing-to-something, and certainly not thought-to-matter. Quantum Physics is merely the study of the smallest units of matter and energy (and force, technically), and how they interact. The study of thought still exclusively lies within the realms of neurology and psychology. (Before you bring up the studies done by Masura Emoto, I can tell you already that his findings were never submitted to serious peer review, and most of the physics community has dismissed the test results.)

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Hellhound (70)
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01:00:35 Feb 06 2009
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I've not a single reason to believe in "spells" (unless you meant seizures). However, I do believe if you mix certain herbs and the like, you may very well create a great recipe! I believe in the medicinal uses of nature -- as for the Harry Potter wand waving and chanting in reconstructed Latin (or gibberish) and expecting anything to happen other than applause from your audience, I would fall into the category of naysayer. Nay, I say!!

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Ethereal Being (31)
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02:16:38 Feb 06 2009
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So it stands that we are in partial agreement as per the life lessons but not the method. However, i must wonder if you ever did make a study of the use of spellcraft -this by the way is in no means meant to insult your background or argument, I just want to be perfectly clear on that-
In contemporary magick and spell casting, students are taught on the first day (in a formal study situation) that just because they cast a spell for a job doesnt mean that they dont need to put in the leg work and fill out the applications. Personally I believe that the use of spells is for the subconscious mind. I cant site this quote but "he who wishes to change the world must first change himself" is key here.
Aristotle and Plato both taught that the only reality is your own, and that reality is different to every person regardless of how close their views may seem. That being said, it stands to reason that if spells are ment to change the casters reality and sets the plan deep into the mind, it does alter reality, thus the spell works in some fashion. If the caster then goes to seek out his goal and succeeds then the spell was a success.

As per spells and prayer being the same thing, I again must disagree on the grounds that a spell is supposed to (in practical theory anyway) be proactive, taking matters into your own hands. Where as prayer is asking some polymorphic higher power to do it for you completely taking it out of your own hands. While I am a believer in prayer, i do try not to rely on it because I like to believe I have at least some level of control of my own life and destiny. While I believe over use of prayer has a negative potential of breeding a forfeit mindset which becomes defeatist in the end. Spells dont do this, as they are telling oneself "I have the ability to do this myself, I can change my world"

On quantum physics, first let me say that those studies where not what I was going to bring up, I cant remember the branch of quantum studies, but there is an entire branch of study devoted to linking thought to form.

The point to the whole of my statements has been that solely that if a person feels more satisfied in his or her life by casting a spell that changes their own reality whether is is a mystical force or just psychology what is the real harm, I cast and Im going to continue to cast, I see no harm to myself nor do I see any harm to others.

Oh, and on a last not, if a person who believed in spells cast a spell to get something and didnt get it and kept casting spells to get it would not be an average person, they would be insane, literally, doing the same thing and expecting a different result each time is the technical definition of insane.

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Malefactor (67)
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02:53:17 Feb 06 2009
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"However, i must wonder if you ever did make a study of the use of spellcraft"

Indeed I used to practice magick quite often. It was most often of the Qabalist school, using many of the rituals, meditations, and methods. Most of my initial understanding of magick came from J.H. Brennan's book, but I later read quite a lot of books on the subject, and could even go so far as to consider myself a scholar in the matter. I performed spells, rituals, and even "felt" the effects. What I began to suspect, however, is that (as I stated earlier,) the spells that succeeded were more often than not explainable without bringing the supernatural into it. Even from reading the literature, I noticed that very often the authors would say (as you did) that the spell helps to focus the individual on a goal. However, one is always supposed to go about working towards that goal. So the question arises: is there anything supernatural even at work? Or is it just the increased focus and drive, boosted confidence, and subsequent improved effort and perseverance that actually made the "spell" work?

"Aristotle and Plato both taught that the only reality is your own, and that reality is different to every person regardless of how close their views may seem."

See I'd disagree with both philosophers here and go with a more modern definition, by author Philip K. Dick:

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."

Personal reality may be infinitely more "real" to the individual, but the only reality that can be measured and tested is an objective reality which, while it may be interpreted differently by individuals, operates by the same rules for everyone. If a person firmly believes in their heart that pink unicorns are real, and even claims to see them, would you be more likely to believe them or send them off to be evaluated? As with everything else for which there is no evidence, the effects of spellcasting can only be confirmed to exist in the mind.

"As per spells and prayer being the same thing, I again must disagree on the grounds that a spell is supposed to (in practical theory anyway) be proactive, taking matters into your own hands. Where as prayer is asking some polymorphic higher power to do it for you completely taking it out of your own hands."

That is true, but you're missing my point. From a skeptic's perspective, both are an attempt at having more effect on an event/outcome than reality permits. Prayer asks this by way of a higher power, and spellcasting asks this by way of "the aether" or whatever you may call the force via which one's intentions are supposed to affect reality. Both require an unquestioning faith, and both have been demonstrated to have the same measurable effect: nothing.

"The point to the whole of my statements has been that solely that if a person feels more satisfied in his or her life by casting a spell that changes their own reality whether is is a mystical force or just psychology what is the real harm"

The harm is a potentially skewed perception of reality. Personally I feel that believing in something despite the lack of objective evidence (aka faith) is best avoided if one desires a complete understanding of the world. I have no issue with others believing what they want, so long as they keep it to themselves. As I continue to state, once those views enter public forum, they will be criticized and should either be defended or abandoned. You've done a rather good job of defending your views so far.

"Oh, and on a last not, if a person who believed in spells cast a spell to get something and didnt get it and kept casting spells to get it would not be an average person, they would be insane, literally, doing the same thing and expecting a different result each time is the technical definition of insane."

I never actually mentioned someone casting the same spell for the same result, failure after failure. The article excerpt I posted said something similar, but it explains that the failure of the cults' rituals to cause airplanes to drop supplies was the downfall of the religious beliefs altogether.

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Apparition (36)
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03:51:00 Feb 06 2009
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I believe that if you question it a spell will not work. You have to give yourself into it 100% and believe. Wands and stuff like that are just props to assist in helping get more into the spell.

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No Longer Registered
04:01:47 Feb 06 2009
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It's been my experience that in a situation where I consider the use of magick, there is, at least most of the time, an intuitive feeling as to whether it will work, and if it will be successful.

The easiest way to explain it would be to relate a couple of incidents both involving animals, in which after rushing them off to the vetrinarians, there was nothing left to do but sit around and wait.

The first one had been hit in the head by something...I dont know what. But he suffered a head trauma and his lower jaw was nearly torn off. I bundled him up and raced him to the vet.s who took one look at him and said she'd do what she could, but didnt like the look of the head injury as indicated by his eyes.

I was sent home to wait. I got the intuitive feeling that using magick would make all the difference, so I did some. Not only did that cat survive, I still have him, he made a full recovery inside of a month and my vet still gives me funny looks whenever I visit. (I didnt tell her anything about the spell, or even that I happen to be a witch.)

Later that same year, another cat got into a car engine and suffered some minor damage to an eye and a broken front leg. Remembering the previous incident, I considered it after rushing the cat off to the vet. (btw. if you let cats go outside, I dont anymore, rabies tags are awesome. The car owner called the local Animal Care and Control, who were able to find me fast because of that tag.) But, I got the feeling it wasnt necessary this time. This cat would be just fine. And, she was.

It could be coincidence, it could be fluke it could be something more. I tend to not question it. If it works, awesome. If it doesnt, maybe it wasnt meant to. We cant control everything. I like having that element of mystery, and personally, I hope it keeps evading Scientific understanding for that reason.

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Ethereal Being (31)
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06:05:58 Feb 06 2009
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Well, I can see no further argument left as far as our portion of the debate goes la muerte, I has been a pleasure sparing with a well spoken mind such as yours. I do however have one final question as per your last response, and one final thought from a historical point of view; that is pertaining to the comment on having no measurable effects I believe this must be asked in two parts:

If you don't believe there is something to measure how do you measure it? Can you actually make that statement objectively as science dictates you must to make a strong scientific clam? Since you don't believe you cant make the claim that you saw no measurable effect as in effect you have your eyes closed to what might possibly be there. However, I will concede and save you the carpel tunnel that i can not either be fully objective in the scientific arena because I believe and that would effectively let me find something if not for nothing to measure. So, how would this be done objectively?

What is your "unit of measurement". If something is to be measured, then it must be done my a preexisting standard, or a new and full operational system must be constructed to give an accurate reading as to the evidence either way. That being said, id like to challenge your statement on the basis that a measurement of the "mundane" physical portion of the world can not be used to measure the "mystic" non-physical world.

Pertaining to history, how do you explain the continued use of something that doesn't work over the last 10,000 years by what we like to fancy the most intellectually developed species in history. If we are, and globally we as a species have continued to use rituals and spells when they dont actually do something I would think that sometime over the last 5000 years at least we might have realized it and just tossed the idea to the wind. We don't keep anything else that doesnt work save for curiosities sake and even then, we keep them locked away in some museum basement. Perhaps its not the most scientific view point, but I like to think we arent such a dumb animal as to attempt to do the same trick without success for 10,000 years, that would just be depressing.

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Malefactor (67)
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13:55:53 Feb 06 2009
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"If you don't believe there is something to measure how do you measure it?"

Because for two years of dedicated study, I was unable to observe it even subjectively. Even when looking for a pattern or something to indicate to me that it worked, time and time again I came up empty handed.

"What is your "unit of measurement"."

I would say I misspoke when using the word "measure." More accurately, I meant "observe." We have to confirm that anything other than the physical reality actually exists before deciding how to measure it. In thousands of years of study, we have yet to confirm its existence. Now to answer your final question:

"how do you explain the continued use of something that doesn't work over the last 10,000 years by what we like to fancy the most intellectually developed species in history.... we arent such a dumb animal as to attempt to do the same trick without success for 10,000 years, that would just be depressing."

How do you explain the multiple cultures worldwide that believed disease was caused by evil spirits? We only recently (in human history) discovered that there were tiny microbes that made us sick, and that neurological disorders were the cause of mental illness. Even now there are indigenous people who perform rituals to cleanse a sick person of illness, and there are cultures that still view epileptic fits as demonic possession. For some annoying reason, we don't WANT to give up these rituals, even when the cold hard facts are in front of us.

Half of the US population believes that Earth is 6000 years old, the entire universe was created in 6 days, and evolution is an invention by the Devil. These people are shown just about 100% conclusive evidence that evolution has happened, and continues to happen, earth is 4.5 billion years old, and the universe is 13.7 billion years old. They will either deliberately misrepresent the facts or entirely ignore them to continue spreading their religious propaganda. While this is an extreme case (albeit a dangerous and widespread one), it does serve to illustrate my point. This particular "culture" (they have none) has believed the same myths and believed in the same rituals (prayer) for over 3000 years, and even today, they're just as active as ever, and I'm sure you don't believe what they do. The sad fact is, just because an idea is popular, doesn't mean it's right. We would rather keep our spiritual beliefs alive because not only do we not know any other way to live, but because for a lot of people, religion and spirituality are what make them content. Surprisingly few people are simply content to accept that we're nothing more than higher apes, living out a pathetically short existence on this earth, and going to our graves for eternity (or until we rot, whichever comes first.) We are an incredibly stupid animal.

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Aggressor (83)
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14:38:09 Feb 06 2009
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Two days ago when I was feeling my conscious hurt and I was not fnding any healing and due to subconscious was framed, I could not do meditation well nor i could do conscious work.

that time I asked my elder Master Aracon, If there any healing of chakra and conscious awailable, she drove me to chekoree indian spell of centering, that Idea did suit me and I tried Wicca way of banishinginstead cherokee centering and cleansing coz centering cherokee Indian way was new to me and little lengthy.

Wiccan way of cleansing did suit me and I am happy most from yesterday. it worked and washed all negativity and did fill me with aura as I did fetch aura from the sphere too yesterday.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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17:54:49 Feb 06 2009
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Invested Intent, and pretense of application, when I listen to people pray, I hear a pattern, when I listen to craft (hobby) circles I find a common denominator. By voicing concerns one presents them to the audience, Crying Dutchess stated do well) via a third party entity. So if the group fails to respond with intervention.. It wasn't in the interest of the entity, or the disciple was not devote enough. I've seen prayer groups turn to gossip dens. I have watched conflicts resolved after people have requested spell intervention, the spell was never needed, just the consultation was enough , a postive use of pretense? The Intent needs to be considered.

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Blood Drinker (68)
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18:42:34 Feb 06 2009
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I think they do work it also depends on the energy flow behind it the intent and what you would like the out come to be

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Enchanter (80)
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23:33:01 Feb 06 2009
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I have had spells both work and not. There was one I did more frequently than most and I found that it would depend on my level of relaxation and focus. It was not something I could rush. Inner confidence also helps.
I never knew I could do these things and one day when I was in grade school a boy told me I was flat chested(true story) and I stared him down and just kept repeating that I wanted him to choke. It scared the heck out of me when he started gaggin up milk everywhere. It scared my friends a little too. He never messed with me again.
My point of sharing that was that it worked because I really wanted it and was overly focused.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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22:39:25 Feb 08 2009
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Those who invest to much in spell casting, and become to ready to cast, using larger radiuses of intent, will also subscribe more to the rational sycrscy of believing that curses are just as real, creating a window of paranoia.

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Disciple (53)
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02:21:57 Feb 19 2009
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I absolutely believe in spells and the like. Some years back I actually tried doing 1. And those who know not where they tread need to stay away from doing such things.
Spells can backfire!! I know this first hand.

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Hellion (73)
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18:52:56 Feb 19 2009
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Positive thoughts will lead to positive results. if you think you will fail, you already have. if you believe spells can work, then they have a chance of being effective. whether there is anything beyond positive thought at work is irrelevant - as long as you believe there is.

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Quadruped (33)
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01:12:56 Feb 20 2009
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They work if you or the victim believe hard enough. Its a simple mind over logic kind of thing.

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Fiend (35)
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05:26:34 Feb 20 2009
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Do we have any proof that prayers really get to God?

Honestly, I believe it relies on your faith.

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12:22:24 Feb 20 2009
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I think a spell working comes down to two main things.................1. the intent of the spell and 2. whether you need it to work or you just want it to............. xBM

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Sire (103)
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07:33:29 Feb 21 2009
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I don't believe they work.

For something to happen in your life or another's of your spells, it would affect many people, because when we do something, or make decisions, it creates a ripple effect. Think about how many people are affected and have to be involved for some of the events in your life to happen, how far back it would have to go to find the origin of that event. So and so did this, for that to happen and then that happened so that your even happened, and so on. To say that you created an event by some words you repeated and candles you lit...well, that's just your ego wishing it so AND, you wanting to feel you have some sort of control over your life and the events in it.

Now we do draw to us, LIKE energy, etc. So the energy you put out, is going to be brought back to you by the universe...being drawn to you. Creative visualization is part of that as well. Being positive is your best bet. =)

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15:56:20 Feb 21 2009
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Spells and Rituals do work but I find it's the little things like preparing the room/place if your outside that your going to work in and gathering some of the things you need like incense,candles, flowers, herbs and so forth that help the most. The more you put into a spell or ritual the more you tend to get out of it. =)

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Premiere Sire (122)
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The House of Madadh-Alluidh is a member of an Alliance

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18:38:14 Feb 21 2009
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Many answers to this thread involving mind over matter logic, but why does belief create results? Does it or do we just remember the random times they work over the countless times they fail? I am not suggesting that everything is bound to fail, but if I believe super duper hard that I will win the lottery (like the millions others that play) why don't I win? Is the ritual to the spell that makes it more powerful than just sheer desire for an occurrence?

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Venerable Sire (130)
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19:48:40 Feb 21 2009
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I find in the make-up of people that subscribe to spell craft believe more then they are convinced, this suggest that few have observed results.

In the same make-up, are those that believe spells anticipate sensational experiences.
Those that believe that all spells they casts work (on themselves, or on others) yet also believe no spells work on them, or that spells can be countered. So by this one can see more loop holes allowing interpretable "failure", as there is for interpretable "success".

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Great Sire (111)
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16:31:39 Feb 22 2009
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They work for me, but as one said..It takes time, preparation..The ones I have done worked and I made sure I was totally in the right...Or else it would have came back on me

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Royal Sire (207)
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16:41:28 Feb 22 2009
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"Many answers to this thread involving mind over matter logic, but why does belief create results?"

Could it be possible that by focussing on a hope or need long or strong enough, in the right setting and under the right conditions, somehow programs the subconscious mind into following that specific thought pattern, be it positive or negative, in the hopes of achieving that end?

If one focusses on a specific need long enough, whether positive or negative, would they bring themselves closer to that end with the constant suggestion of that need to the subconscious mind?

Some claim that while using a pendulum or ouija board, the user forces the results by subconscious movement to get the results they want. If one focussed through spells or prayer on a subject, whether repeatedly over time, or through strong focus on the subject, could they not somehow convince the subconscious mind of it's possibilities, or put themselves in a more advantageous position?

I'm not suggesting that all spells or prayers will work or end with the results that one seeks, but is it possible that one could guide themselves on a more focussed or direct path toward what they want or need (on a subconscious level), rather than throwing it all to chance?

Your thoughts? Anyone? ;)

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Great Sire (118)
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Coven of Elizabeth Batory is a member of an Alliance

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16:42:35 Feb 22 2009
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spell only work, my opinion, if the person performing the ritual know what He/she is doing. Just because someone go the Book store, buy a book and then, SWAAHH...star charting words, that they even don't understand, and then, expect a change within someone life, is pure fiction. The real speller is the one, who take the time, and do everything in according to the spell. Time, place and decire.

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Evildoer (42)
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Limbus Patrum (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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22:49:33 Mar 04 2009
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You never really know if a spell is going to work or not. A lot of times what happens was not intended by the caster. I do cast spells and I have had some work and some that didn't

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Malefactor (67)
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02:14:32 Mar 05 2009
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"I'm not suggesting that all spells or prayers will work or end with the results that one seeks, but is it possible that one could guide themselves on a more focussed or direct path toward what they want or need (on a subconscious level), rather than throwing it all to chance?"

This is exactly what I've suggested as the sole usefulness of spells. While there is absolutely no evidence that anything supernatural is at work (or any train of logic that could lead to that conclusion), it is entirely likely that by going through a complicated ritual, reinforcing your intent to accomplish some goal, you program your subconscious and motivate yourself to work even harder towards said goal.

My whole issue with the discussion is the assumption that anywhere along the line something supernatural has occurred. You perform a ritual, you're more focused on achieving your goal, and you work harder to achieve your goal. Is it at all surprising that a realistic goal will often be met under these circumstances? Why give credit to anything but yourself for working for what you want? That is, after all, the only thing that has been demonstrated when all is said and done.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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02:48:55 Mar 05 2009
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I think its just luck. As I have tried spells and none have worked.

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Basilisk (92)
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03:00:09 Mar 05 2009
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not every spell i have cast has worked mostly because i did not prepare or i used an ulternet item in place of what i should have had hopen it would be close enough.

i can tell you from my exp. that spells work with out a doubt i have a few favorites but it would take forever to list them and i have not coppied them into my journal as of yet.

becareful what you do when you practice as everything comes back times 3 and trust me learning the hard way is no fun

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VR System
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03:00:09 Mar 05 2009
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