The Vampire Rave Status System has been revised. This post contains information on the operational changes that have been made.
The Status Table, Things Rated, has been altered. This table is no longer percentage-based. The table is fixed, like all other Status Tables.
This change should not affect your Status much *today*. The table was made based on the previous percentages. So this portion of you Status should be about the same. However, this also means it is no longer possible to lose a level. With 4 fixed Status Tables, your Status can now only climb upward.
Forum Post count, as a component of Status, has been removed. It has been replaced with Database Submissions. All members are being grandfathered in from the old system. Your previous Post count is now your Database Submission count. This change will not affect your Status *today*. However, your future Status score will be impacted.
The Vampire Database has been totally rewritten. This was one of VR’s oldest systems (4.5+ years). The section has been revised and updated. I am very proud of the new system.
Members can now directly enter listings into the Database. Members can also edit existing listings. When a member adds a new entry, or edits an existing entry, the entry goes into queue. The entry is reviewed by a Procurator. The addition or edit is then either approved or denied by the Procurator. If approved, the member’s Database Submission count increases by one.
I feel this change will greatly help Vampire Rave in the long run. By eliminating Post counts as a component of Status, the Forum should shape up a bit. Dominars won’t have to deal with users who are just trying to inflate their Status. User’s won’t feel slighted when their posts and threads are deleted.
By adding Database Submission count to Status, users will be encouraged to add entries to the Database and help VR’s Database grow. With direct entry, Procurators no longer carry the sole burden of increasing the Database.
A number of help pages have been updated. Please review them:
The VR Manual:
As many of you know, I have been working on a second site, SciFi Section. It is greatly interwoven with Vampire Rave via The Dark Network.
The new Database system is also online at SciFi Section. Adding entries over there will increase your Status just as it does here at Vampire Rave.
So if you're looking for something a little different, try SciFi Section.