Last night I had a dream that time was really running backward. We die, then are old people with wisdom and aching bodies. Then we grew younger, working hard and earning that wisdom and paying for it in mistakes.
Then younger still, rewarded by being a child and being treasured and protected.
Then it came out and it was the entire universe that ran that way. The cause of things happened after the effect. A planet burns and blows up because it is swallowed by the sun .. but it burns first and only because it burns is it swallowed by the sun.
Basically the idea was that something would happen and the world and the circumstances would find a way to explain that thing.
A tree fell over. Maybe a big wind will blow through soon, or a car is going to hit it, or maybe there will be a flood.
Despite knowing the effect it can be very hard to understand the cause until it happens.
In the dream it was explained that this is how time runs for the entire universe and that on earth .. and only on earth .. it appears to run forward because of how humans see their lives.
Not sure if anyone is interested in such a thing but I felt a big urge to share.