Reincarnation Vs Ghosts/Spirts
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Grave Robber (22)
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23:27:40 Feb 10 2022
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Hi everyone, I have been trying to reconcile a question in my mind for some time regarding the belief in reincarnation along with solid evidence of ghosts/spirts. I have many memories of past lives along with thousands of others and I am still trying to reconcile these memories with evidence of spirts/ghosts. Why do some people move on to other lives and others linger between netherworlds? Some physiological trauma during their lifetimes; their state of mind when they crossed or is it to do with the location of their passing such as ley lines?

Do you have any theories? How can these two beliefs which have been substantiated exist alongside each other when theoretically they are opposing? What do you believe and why?

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Great Sire (118)
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14:58:31 Feb 13 2022
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My believe is that, those that believe in reincarnation, will moves into a different body after death. Those that believe in ghost and spirit, will become a ghost and will linger as a spirit for eternity. Those are complex questions, due to the fact, that every human opinions, are always without facts.

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Hellion (73)
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19:36:40 Apr 08 2022
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I believe that after death you are able to choose to be a spirit or to be reincarnated.

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Bloodsucker (50)
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23:09:14 Apr 08 2022
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I also believe it is a matter of choice, although a lot could depend on events in a person's life/death.

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Great Sire (118)
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18:20:16 Apr 12 2022
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CelestialXSeer, all events within a pe5rson life, are created by the mind, and for some believers, the soul exist within the heart.

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Bloodsucker (50)
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22:05:37 Apr 13 2022
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Thanks for your thoughts markus666 :-) I would have thought that events created in a persons mind would also have an impact on a persons soul; that one cannot exist without the other as they are linked?

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Mosquito (7)
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10:55:35 May 22 2022
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Speaking as a Parapsychologist, ghosts and spirits (there is a difference) exist on something called the etheric plane. It's a realm between the astral plane and our own material plane (where we live). Some of these spirits choose to move on and are reborn again. We believe this is because they want to reach an enlightened state, and will continue to do so until they are capable. But sometimes, the dead are trapped after passing. For some, they had unfinished business. Others died so suddenly that they have yet to realize they're dead (these are ghosts. Spirits are aware they are dead.)

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Bloodsucker (50)
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18:10:51 May 30 2022
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That is interesting to know, and does explain quite a lot. Thanks for the input CrimsonShade.

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Apparition (36)
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15:52:43 Jun 13 2022
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" I have many memories of past lives along with thousands of others and I am still trying to reconcile these memories with evidence of spirts/ghosts."

In psychiatry this phenomena is explained as having strong emotional connections to certain places or events in your current life, usually childhood, these emotions are not restricted to positive events or places.
the stronger these emotions more realistic are the so called "memories".

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Sire (100)
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16:23:54 Jun 18 2022
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Reincarnation seems the most logical.I do believe that we can be reborn in other planets and solar systems also.

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Great Sire (118)
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20:35:58 Jul 17 2022
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If you ask a five years old, what he remember about other places, without influencing his or her mind, you will be surprise at the answer you are going to get. Humans re-encarnate time after time, but, as time pass, the child forget the past world and get used to the new one.

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Phantasm (48)
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01:37:48 Jul 25 2022
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Ive shared this idea since child hood and commited some memories to paper. As young as 3 my mother would ask me questions like, "Ware were you before you came to me" until one day in the car, i was getting close to 5ish and she asked me another question about the past. I stoped making any noise and stared at the rear veiw mirror till she looked in the mirror, we locked eyes and i said " You know your not suppose to ask me those kinds of questions" Then immidiatly went back to playing, she never forgot that moment it realy shook her. She was a born hippie, already into the recarnation idea and astrological significance so it realy mrddrf with her. It's a memory we both share. Also on the topic of ghosts. Me and my mother are both involved in medicine and we can tell you with some confidence if your alive past like 70 you have buisness your ignoring or can't resolveand and your clinging to life. If you can't resolve these issues you might linger or if you expereince extreme emotion you might leave a "Spectral stain" somewere out in the world. There are few reasons for ghosts. I hope you've found this insightful.

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High Sire (157)
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07:59:33 Oct 25 2022
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Simply put; All things in existence are some form of energy. All matter is energy - it doesn't matter (no pun intended) if it s gas, liquid, solid, or the in-between. and yes, this means that even emotion is energy.
Scientifically, that last factor falls into the gray area(s) of existence. But considering that more and more of the world has become "haunted" over the latest years, I would say it's a little illogical and senseless to assume or believe it to be solely location based. But given that energy can (and often does) build up, and thus can develop a consciousness of its own, it should make (almost, at least) perfect sense to either theorize or determine that whatever emotional energy an individual may experience upon physical death can cause the energy outward to linger, and thus build further, until it takes on another "form", so to speak. Therefore, it's not really difficult to see (at least, to me) how "ghosts" and wandering entities/spirits pop up all over the place.

Now, reincarnation... honestly, I don't see how this is anything similar to "ghosts" and the like, apart from the concept of penance & purgatory - if a person has done something or feels guilt or something along those lines, that would deem them "fit" (per say) to spend time in purgatory (technically speaking, the plane between worlds) until they have corrected whatever they've done, and thus they are only then allowed to either pass along or be reborn once again... yes, I can easily fathom that theory being very much possible and likely.

((Now, as arrogant as I may be, even I won't claim to know everything about the concept(s) at hand. But that is a small piece of my thoughts on it.))

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Bete Noire (44)
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06:50:24 Nov 26 2022
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A lot of the answers you will get from those questions, will be based on what someone believes to be the answer by whatever system they ascribe to.
So with that said....

If you were say, Jewish....Then your answer would be this.
Our Creator says that all human souls are received by angels at their time of death.
Reincarnation is an option to return (should creator deem it so) and continue one's learning growth, or they will end up either on the heaven planes, or hell planes.
People who end up on Hell planes are usually the really awful types that have done murders and such.
People also have the potential to reach higher than even the Angels, but let's be real here....we wouldn't be on Earth right now having these discussions if we were that close right now. But that's not to say you COULDN'T be.

Spirits Ghosts etc....these are not human souls at all.
These are generally emotional energies left behind by said persons, and have been picked up by spiritual energies and yes, they do grow over time if left unattended. If a person has been emotionally tormented, then you will have a stagnant powerful energy lingering around, and it can get nasty the longer it's left around. Spirits can look like the people who used to be around. They can SOUND like a person who used to be around, and they can easily fool a person into thinking they ARE that person, usually to trick them into getting comfortable with them being around, which one really shouldn't fall prey to every intelligent ghosty they have around. Manipulation is a big thing with spirits and if you are not armed with the right information, a person could easily make what something seems so innocent, turn very dark in no time. The trick is to not interact too much with spirits if possible. Acknowledge and move along, or play with it and suffer consequeneces. Your choice. Either way, spiritual energy is ALWAYS around us, and it can be used multiple ways. The world is a place of manifestations, and until everyone understand that, then things will make a LOT more sense in the end.

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Termagant (58)
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15:31:07 Dec 08 2022
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I believe that when one passes if they had a complete life with no "unfinished" business they get reincarnated whether another person,animal,plant,insect, ect... if you have "unfinished" business your spirit gets trapped here.

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Bete Noire (44)
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22:25:37 Dec 08 2022
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There are teachings that say when a person dies, sometimes they have temporary missions.
They stay for a short time here and then they leave again.

Energy being trapped I'm not so sure about because I view energy as being free flowing and constantly moving.
A spirit can linger around a person for different purposes and reasons.
Self-conjured or by another person, who knows.

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Aggressor (83)
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18:35:17 Jul 27 2023
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For me this is a very interesting question. It would never have occurred to me to put reincarnation in any relation to spirits.
For me they are completely different things. I can still remember as a child reminiscing about life as an adult. And somehow this memory was completely normal for me, so I wasn't surprised about it. For me, on the other hand, ghosts are an expression of certain energies that are caused, for example, by strong emotions that have nothing to do with what makes a soul reincarnate.

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Hellhound (70)
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08:25:13 Aug 29 2023
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I certainly agree with Book of Spirits by Allan Kardec (a psycographied book). According to it, there is an universal Progression Law and everybody was created "simple and ignorant" so all of us need the reincarnation to grow up. Moreover, we are "spiritual being living a materia experience" so we need to incarnate over and over to live experiences and to learn about them. That makes us to improve.

However, if we look at our world, we can wander why it hasn't improved enough at XXI century... the explanation is (according Allan Kardec) that there is another important low: the law of free will.

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Premiere Sire (124)
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22:52:48 Oct 28 2023
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Usually a spirit or ghost still in this life is a trapped soul. Usually because something not finished or some trapped life. Recarnation. Is the belief in aww hen you die that a baby being born at our soul will enter to be reborn. We all have our ideas and cultures vary on beliefs .

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Grave Robber (22)
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05:34:13 Dec 26 2023
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I feel like the idea of some people having missions in between incarnations rings true in my mind. Also I believe there are many destinations to be at, go to or visit of which Earth is one.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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04:01:12 Mar 21 2024
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It is the perception that one possesses. An insane mind cannot be changed, even when the facts are presented to them, thus, their reality is the one that is real to them, regardless of what others perceive. The mind controls all we believe right or wrong.

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Behemoth (65)
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19:27:20 Mar 22 2024
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I personally cannot remember ever having lived before, but very few people can. However, I firmly believe in it and there have been cases that prove it. For example, a 4-year-old who said he remembered being in a certain place during the war in a plane crash and this person actually existed; all of the child's statements were correct. You just have to look up YouTube documentaries. I think many of them can only remember the previous years in the first few years of their lives, just as no one can remember their first three years. You have a soul, that is you, and after death you float around until you have completely let go and are ready to go into the light. The light redistributes the souls into uteruses with a developing phoetus into which a soul must travel and merge in order to create a new individual. I think embryos without a soul end up stillborn. That's how it all works in my opinion, and it's mother nature and the cosmos, nothing supernatural, there can be no creator or god or anything else. Religion is bullshit in my eyes. Everything is completely natural, just inexplicable, because nature and the universe has many secrets...

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Serpent (52)
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08:46:30 May 26 2024
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People don't stay here after death. Other things stay here and trick you into thinking they are those people.

I can't say I believe in reincarnation. I KNOW it's real.
My youngest son has 4 past life memories & his psychiatrist had an experience with his current wife they had together.
There are several people I've met that have past life memories, and even one that I know of, here on VR.

The one common theme for people with past life memories, are nightmares about their deaths.

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Iconoclast (93)
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11:00:50 Jul 14 2024
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Perhaps they exist independently from one another? I've had bizarre experiences in my life, but to be honest, I have a somewhat cynical view of ghosts and the paranormal. Reincarnation terrifies me, I do not want to come back here; reliving life over and over sounds like a descent into hell to me=repetition.

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