Every person, including those here, the after life question, came into their mind. But, Life after death is a fundamental concept for most religions.
For Muslims, the key to eternal life is to live a just life in the service of Allah. Those who have performed more good deeds than bad will enter Jannah, or Paradise. Jannah is a place described as a 'garden of everlasting bliss' and a 'home of peace'. In Jannah there will be no sickness, pain or sadness. Those who have performed more bad deeds than good will enter Jahannam or Hell. This is a place of physical and spiritual suffering.
What do the Christians and Baptists believe about the afterlife? Christians believe that after death, God will judge them for the deeds they have done during their lifetime. Christians believe that the death of the physical body is not the end. After their time on earth, they believe that humans will have eternal life in the afterlife. Christians believe that all humans have a soul.
Hindu and the after death. The Hindu faith is centered around reincarnation; the belief that when someone dies, the soul is reborn as a different form. They believe that although the physical body dies, their soul remains and continues to recycle until it settles upon its true nature.
What do daoists believe about death? Taoism places great value in life. It does not focus on life after death, but on health and longevity by living a simple life and having inner peace. It is said that the human body is filled with spirits, gods, or demons. When people die, it is believed that they should do rituals to let the spirits guard the body.
Confucianism. The Confucian concepts of death are closely associated with ancestor worship and extend from filial piety. Like Taoism, Confucius agreed that death is a natural part of the life span, but he disagreed that the spirit of the dead preoccupies the living.
Buddhists believe death is a natural part of the life cycle. They believe that death simply leads to rebirth. This belief in reincarnation – that a person's spirit remains close by and seeks out a new body and new life – is a comforting and important principle.
Once a person dies, Russian tradition states that the person's soul will linger for up to 40 additional days on Earth. For those who have suffered from a “bad” death, the soul is stuck on the mortal plane for even longer. After a death occurs in the family, people cover their mirrors and stop the clocks in the home.
Now, after reading, what is your point on life after death? Do you believe that you will continue? Is a moment, that every person, one day will face.
My personal believe is like the Hindus, I will continue as the reincarnation., but, is something that I can not decide.
This is something i have and do struggle with from time to time. But reincarnation is what i tend to feel i do have some belivings in.
I believe our souls are recycled until either our purpose for existing has been met or we change the ability to come back (by forfeiting our chance with suicide).
Once that happens, I think we just fade out- unless if the death was violent. I think those who met violent deaths and aren't able to come to a resolution in death, are stuck wandering between planes- same with suicide. There is no place to go forward and no place to move onto when you're stuck in a constant state of agony, pain, and confusion. Once resolution is met, I believe that violent deaths no longer wander but are recycled while suicides, having chosen to give up, fade away.
And by fade away, I mean the "soul" or consciousness no longer is something that can embody another being. It just slowly looses any substance in any the sense we can no longer comprehend it's presence and quietly goes away into a nothingness.
Almost like smoke slowly dissipating. It just slowly fades away.
Oh, this is a good one. Reminds me of some other Afterlife thread dating back a couple of years!
We perish upon death. Although our physical bodies either cremated, buried or mummified, like the Ancient Egyptians, for example, our Ka, Ba remains. That is why you see Egyptian statues with their noses broken off, to ensure that the Soul and Spirit linger on, in this Realm!
Well said BloodRoseTristesseX. Death is the culmination of an anxiety, that bother us for our life time and then, Calm after death, is imaginable.
Not too many comments, probably people are immortals and death will never come to them. MMMmm. intriguing!!!
Money can not buy happiness. Understanding the meaning of the, "Who am I' and "Why am I here", is the key to a true happiness. Remember, life and death are tight to each other, like a rope and when one end, the other begin. So, by contemplating life in a positive way, will make the transition into death, an easy event.
I do believe in reincarnation as I have memories of past lives; however I don't think everyone comes back, or at least not straight away hence the presence of spirts on our plane. I personally think we keep coming back until we have achieved all of our goals or we reach a point where we are at peace with ourselves. However my theories are still in development and are open to change :-)
With the chances of a Nuclear world between the two major super powers, the life after death, should be priority number one on the mind of many. The prediction is, 30 to 40 millions people, could lose their life, in the first 3 days of war. imagine that.
I think that WWIII would be bio warfare.
Cuz, that way you don’t destroy the spoils
Of war & supposedly surgically remove
your enemies.
I believe that’s what the Chinese had in store
For the rest of us & then Wuhan happened…
Death—what isn’t there to be afraid of? It’s the ultimate end! But while some people dread death, others accept it as inevitable. So why do some people fear it more than others?
I believe in reincarnation. I also believe that some can choose to stay here as spirits.
So, if you believe in Reincarnation, that mean, will you choose where to reincarnate?
Death has been pretty busy lately. Look like the Humans are loving killing each other and For What?
What is paradise but life and what is hell but realizing there is no life after death.
Life after death, is generated by your karma. Many humans believe that, Good equal heaven, bad equal hell. But, that is not the case. Karma will weigh every aspect of your journey through your existence.
Most belief systems believe in reincarnation though. Not just one in particular.
The only one that has an issue with accept it, are Christians because it goes against their beliefs.
When you have multiple accounts of people remembering past lives, including therapists that have experienced it themselves, it's sort of hard to deny that it does happen. My youngest son remembers 4 of his past lives.
The common thread for people who actually have past life memories are nightmares about their death.
Sometimes it becomes a problem in the current life, that one has to seek professional help to either dive further INTO the past, or to forget it altogether.
Karma is more or less a modern term for the old teachings in Jewish.
YOUR life is made by the waves you create in this pool of energy.
If you act like an asshole, then don't be surprised if that's what comes back to you.
They don't call it Karma but it is the same concept.