The topic of vampires is intriguing to me and I am merely curious as to some of the reasons why some individuals may believe themselves to be vampires. Now, know that I am not posting this thread to discuss the existence of vampires and I am looking for serious responses only. No sarcasm or poking fun at others' responses either. Please be respectful of each others' responses in this thread! So, would some of you be willing to provide any details about why it is you believe you are a vampire? It would be greatly appreciated, thank you! :)
To be honest, I have always held a fascination for vampires. It started with the movies, such as The Lost Boys, and certain prominent individuals such as Christopher Lee and Bella Lugosi. It was the appearance, the charm, the enigma, the darkness and the mystery that shrouded the archtype of the vampire.
It was only later on that I realise that my youthful fantasies of being bitten by a vampire ran deeper than what I had imagined. I was no longer a mere fan, I discovered that I was one, through much reading, playful pursuit and exploration.
Vampirism as a spiritual belief, would not appeal to everyone, but there are beings like myself who celebrate the spirituality of the vampire. I follow the teachings of the House of Kheperu. The rituals mentioned in the Vampire Ritual Book still have relevance to our community - be it online or not.
The flexibility and non-rigidity of the rites, rituals and wordings, can be suitable for anyone who is compelled by the vampire archetype. The metaphor of it all, the hidden meaning, the symbolism, the fact that the archtype of the vampire calls on our higher-ordered thinking mental capacities... it is all very appealing to me.
In The Vampire Ritual Book, the phrase, "treat your ritual work as divine play," is used. The fact that there is an element of the divine playfulness or mischief present in vampirism, as a religion, is very appealing to me. Furthermore, I resonate with its teachings.
Furthermore, I just love the sex appeal of male vampires. They are so tall, dark, handsome and broody. I am currently very much in love with such a tall, dark, handsome and broody being. My passion has manifested itself into a physical reality. I am beyond happy.
Not a vampire myself but I can certainly understand why some believe they are vampires. Power, charm and supiority. Vampires have been depicted as superior beings and so people want to be like them because people want power.
Once the Likwid Hyuzu secured the information sharing agreement between Skynet and Deus Ex Machina, the mission was completed yet we were stranded within the Matrix as that version of reality had no time displacement equipment to be re-calibrated for return. Nor did Deus Ex Machina have motive to build such equipment as they had essentially won in their version of reality. As a result our faction served machine objectives to honor the mechanized cross timeline alliance.
I spent 53 years of my life and considered Vampires as much as Frankenstein. Then something unknown happened
and I truly believe but no physical proof. So I don't know if
I am just closed minded or the feeling is gone but the intensity has backed way off like a hold on loosely attitude.
I feel I know too much to not believe, yet its hard to continue with no encouragement. I would do anything,
sign anything, even give up my soul to awaken. But tend to
think its not in the cards for me. If it was something
definitive would lead me down a path. But its like being in the woods following a path and it just stops. Do I turn around, or just wait? Apparently cannot move forward.
Well, in the short of it, because I require (though not in a dire sense) the energy of others, and can make great use of that energy once obtained, however it was obtained. I am not opposed to blood, but psychic Vampirism, for lack of a better term, tends to be easier (well, obviously).
I only realized this over a long period of time which involved trial and error and plenty of research and experimentation. I am hesitant to take up any mantle too hastily.
I mean, you get the basic things, like, I feel tired easily and sore and all sorts of fun stuff even though I shouldn't, but if I "feed" I feel much better, and obviously certain environments are more conducive to this than others. A busy or at least not totally empty metaphysical shop is good because they already try to encourage the building and release of feel-good energy in those, which means there's a lot to nosh on lol. Where I live there's the pick of 'em. As seems to be usual, there's also sources other than people from which I can feed, and that seems to be any sort of earthy item-- rocks, crystals and metal-- as far as I am concerned.
I also have decent proficiency with things like second sight (and especially hearing), lucid dreaming without trying, and predictive senses (gut feeling in particular), which vastly increase if I've just "fed." Physical senses like regular sight also sharpen. When I haven't "fed" properly, these sorts of things dull terribly-- even to the point that I've been to the doctor multiple times in the past to no avail. I've also found that when I maintain myself, I can better cultivate a favorable image of myself to others-- regardless of my manner of dress or presentation I tend to be well regarded and usually seen as strong, stable, etc. I could have been caught outside in my house coat and star wars pajamas taking out cat litter and it'd be the same story. Of course that's only in passing engagements-- after that, someone gets to know me better and their assumptions aren't met and they go away disappointed lol.
There is also this sort of reaction if I go too long without "feeding" properly, where I have trouble focusing and can only fantasize about rather odd things-- usually blood, unexplained hunger, wanting to bite everything, etc. even though these aren't involved in this sort of "feeding." An almost bestial madness, I guess? Kinda like if you go without regular food for a while... think of poor Elaine from Seinfeld having to fast for ages for a medical test, haha. A lot like that!
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I would not be me if I didn't go after others so...
"I mean, you get the basic things, like, I feel tired easily and sore and all sorts of fun stuff even though I shouldn't"
Yeah that is usually called depression and being lethargic. The feeling of being tired, drained and unmotivated.
Good hearing is not a good example, all humans have different levels of aptitude in their five senses. Some have good noses, or good eyesight while others need to become Mr and Mrs four eyes.
Lucid dream is something I do a lot yet I am no "vampire".
Gut feeling is called instinct, everyone has it and like senses it can be strong or weak depending on the human.
If you need to feed on energy, you would not be craving or fantasizing about blood or biting.
The reasons why a human thinks they are a vampire need to be something that is not easily explained by depression or some other lame issue.
I was born one long time ago. But, 19 years later I was re-awakened in this shell of a body that even I myself doesn't recognize. But, to me that is all in the past so let it stay buried in the past. I am who I am now an today forever. I long for companionship an new friends that share the same ways as I do. I hate playing this very long waiting game as I like to call it. I am sad but not depressed or like an emo person so to speak. I just sad and merely a lonely old soul that has come back. I hide myself in the shadows of darkness but, I am not afraid just its in my nature. One must be very careful!
I am not a vampire by any means, I just find the idea of vampires interesting. I honestly would not want to be a vampire myself, but that's just me. With that being said, I have found the replies so far to be very intriguing. Thank you all for the replies so far.
@ Umyalanaraku
That is funny that you would say that you are not one. I do not know what you are, really, but, from the question of the Original Post, "Why Do You Believe You Are A Vampire?" it works on the assumption and basis that one is ALREADY a vampire, and all we have to do is to just state the REASON WHY we think we ARE one. *laughz* I was just working on that basis. :)
As for the word, "believe":
"1. accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of:
be convinced by, trust, have confidence in, consider honest, consider truthful
2. hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose:
think, be of the opinion that, have an idea that, imagine, suspect,
I would expect very subjective replies to this forum question. :)
No wonder he didn't keep you around. ^
He's right, you're a bit of a cunt.
Mordrakis is right, I have depression, amongst other issues, a heightened sense of smell (I'm one of those rare people that can actually tell each human being has a different scent. Because I can smell them.) Am actually weaker than I should be, but the only blood I crave is the blood that seeps out of rare red meat. I also have a strong gut instinct except when it comes to men.
No Mordrakus, I don't like you,
you remind me of my "brother".
No, I am not upset that you called me that. I just do not understand why. You wonder why I am always online? So that I don't get beaten up outside for my mouth. I think I am a nice being, really. I don't know why you said that, that's all. :)
Nah, look, honestly Tristesse. My bad.
It's not really you I'm irritated with, although you do seem to kind of be a little mean with getting your point across.
I shouldn't have spoken to you like that, and I apologize.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
"No Mordrakus, I don't like you,
you remind me of my "brother"."
How very droll, other than me being the big bad wolf of vr, I am not sure where that comment came from unless I missed something in this thread heh.
Blood doesn't actually seep from rare red meat. It is actually myoglobin, which are muscle cells rather than actual blood, though it is related to hemoglobin and performs the same task only on muscle tissue rather than blood. Animals are usually slaughtered via exsanguination so there will be little if any blood left in the body. Don't get me wrong though, it is still nice.
I just tend to agree with you a lot these days. My brother is a sociopathic narcissist.
Oh, that's right, myoglobin. I'd forgotten that.
I took no offense whatsoever to the replies made by Tristesse. I simply stated that I am not a vampire, meaning I therefore have no reasons to give here, just on the slight chance anyone were to ask me. As far as "what" I am, I am a normal human being with a high level of curiosity, nothing more, nothing less. As far as the word "believe" goes, I do have my doubts about certain things, yes. Nevertheless, it does not mean I am not curious and does not mean I am going to harp on you for whatever you believe. Just because I may doubt something does not mean it is fake or real. Never assume anyone's personal opinions and beliefs determine whether something is real or fake. I myself acknowledge that I am only human, and that I am only one human out of an estimated 7.5 billion humans on earth. And every last one of them have a very different perspective of themselves and others. Just like each individual who claims to be a vampire have different reasons as to why they claim to be vampires, or any other creature. People fascinate me and I like to hear their thoughts on certain things sometimes. It reveals a lot more about that person than one might realize if your reading or listening close enough. That was my whole reason for this thread. So I asked the question "why do you believe you are a vampire". Listen to people's words, watch their activities, read their words and you can learn more about them than you realize and it usually doesn't take much if you truly pay attention. :)
Oh I already knew you were not referring to me Cinny. I was just telling everyone in general that I was not offended. :)
May I ask... what it is you consider to be a vampire??
I am glad you asked me that question, because no offense to those who claim to be vampires, but I don't believe in true vampires at all. I believe people wish so badly to be something other than human(ordinary joe or jane) to the point they convince themselves that they are all these mythical creatures for whatever special reason they have concocted in their minds. In my opinion, the vampire was and still is a fairytale, nothing more, nothing less. It has just been twisted into this dark romantic icon over time through the writings of such fictional authors as Bram Stoker and Anne Rice. Others such as author/alleged psychic vampire and founder of the House Kheperu Michelle Belanger, former dental assistant turned fangsmith Father Sebastiaan, and model and TV star Don Henri have further romanticized this concept for others. I believe the myth of the vampire was a product of the ignorance of science concerning diseases and the decomposition of the human body after death. Mental illness and premature burial could have played a role in the birth of the legends along with mass hysteria, religion and superstition. In simple terms, the legend of the vampire is merely a product of those times before science gave us the proper answers to certain mysteries of life and death. Sure, people can believe whatever they choose to believe, they will anyways, regardless of the facts placed before them. And you know what, if it works for them, then who cares what anyone else says about it? I do not assume anyone on VR to be vampires, I don't believe there is a single real life undead blood sucking vampire on this site or anywhere else in this world for that matter. I simply asked why those who already claim they are one believe they are one. As far as psychic vampires or energy vampires go, once again, a concept from the past that has been twisted into something entirely different than what it was meant to be. So, there you have it, that is what I believe. :)
Since we are doing science and practical thinking for the win, and out of my own simple curiosity do you, Umyalanaraku or Li believe in thee existance of a God or Goddess??
In all honesty, I never really cared whether there was a god or goddess.
Thank you both for your honesty.
I just find it curious that people tend to to believe what the want to regardless of the science or praticality of a topic.
They are often willing to believe in a god but not in a devil, an angel but not a demon or even vampire.
The fact is that vampire lore is mostly demonic in nature and goes back much much farther than as it has been depicted and described over the last few hundred years. There are thousands of years of vampire lore dispite the fact the the term itself is rather new.
As a result how and what you believe on a subject is often based on what you know about the subject.. . If you are misinformed or hold a skewed perspective then the chances of you reaching an educated decision is unlikely.
I believe there are many types and definitions of Vampires. I think all true members of this website are Rave vampires for example. We stalk and bite each other. We grow stronger with age and gain new powers and privledges. We can spread our vampirism though referrals, we mentor our younger counter parts and form covens and families that form alliances and enemies. We pray on new members to join our ranks through inductions and absorb their life force in the form of site activity and thus favor. We all tend to have unique qualities talents and quirks. To me all of us are vampires in one way or another.
I got this.
Okay, this thread is getting off topic. Whether or not there is a god or goddess, is a topic for an entirely separate forum thread. I merely wish to know why the certain individuals identify as vampires. Not "do vampires exist", not "does a god or goddess exist", and I am not assuming everyone on VR is a vampire either. It is a simple question for those who DO identify as vampires. Why is it you believe you are a vampire, what are some of YOUR traits that associate you with vampires? Thank you for your replies, they are interesting concepts but not exactly what I was aiming at in this thread. :)
While the response will seem simple, the reason I believe myself to be a sort of vampire is that it has explanatory power. Plain and simple. Things were messed up, and I stumbled across some stuff on psychic vampirism. One reading led to another, I wound up here, and upon sharing some of what was bothering me, things began to make some sense.
Realistically, I could have also just opted to take a small drug store worth of medications until one of them worked, but I think my option to explore the spiritual side of life worked in my favor.
So it all kind of summarizes to: It makes the most sense for me presently. Pragmatically, it works. Is it possible I'm wrong? Sure. But my alternative options are not nearly as pleasant.
Sorry i didnt mean to hijack the thread. I was just attempting to show that ones own personal belieifs go to the very heart of how you see yourself and the world you inhabit... vampire or not.
Which is why I brought up God.
What if I said the expansion rate of the big bang was just a trillionth of one percent higher than it was, the universe would have expanded too rapidly for solid matter to form at all. If the expansion rate had been just a trillionth of a percent less than it was, the universe would have collapsed back in on itself. In either case there would be no stars, no planets and no life. But supposing it did result purely by chance, it certainly wouldn’t have been spot on the first time, in which case we can assume that the universe kept trying again and again until it reached that perfect balance. Here we have a situation whereby trillions and trillions of attempts would be required to get it right.
Unless the universe could somehow learn from its mistakes – then it would be able to achieve success much more quickly and easily. This scenario suggests that the universe must either be self-consciousness or have been designed by some intelligence that exists beyond the psychics of the known material universe.
The eminent mathematical physicist Sir Roger Penrose calculated the chances of a life-supporting universe happening by chance to be 1 in 1010^123. Let me try to put that number into perspective: 1010^3 is a 1 followed by a thousand zeros, 1010^6 is a 1 followed by a million zeros and 1010^9 is a 1 followed by billion zeros. These numbers are practically impossible to imagine, but 1010^123 is so big that it is totally inconceivable to the human mind. So with odds of only 1 in 1010^123 it can be said with absolute certainty that a life-supporting universe could never happen by chance.
Yes I just used science and math to prove thee exitance of a God.
Now whether that is correct or incorrwct you can and will either except or reject this idea based on a set of internatl beliefs you have already well established.
So if I say I am a God, vampire... what ever, is completely relivent or irrelivent based on your own persective of how the universe really works through your own eyes. So What you know and how you know it matters in the final analysis.
I know I am vampiric because of the reality I live with each and every day.
What reality is that then Severus? You are supposed to give actual reasons why you think you a fictional creature. I am genuinely curious.
It is also quite the funny bones that you say that they believe in god but not demons but in the very distant past, miracles were seen as devilry rather than gifts from god and these people were very god fearing. Very odd indeed that potential proof of their idol would be taken as the devil's work. It seemed that they believed in old scratch more than him.
Not a vampire so I cannot properly answer the question but any reasons given should be true and not symptoms that are explained easily by something else. I read above that one such person was describing typical depression, not vampirism.
No hard feelings, I get what you are saying about someone believing in one thing but not something else of equal improbability. I just wanted to get the thread back on topic of reasons why certain individuals identify themselves as vampires. I have seen how threads can get way off topic easily and unintentionally. Then you end up with everyone discussing something entirely different than the thread's original topic and thus ends up leaving no room for others who may wish to answer the thread. And too, I'm trying to follow VR policy about not letting threads get off topic and because subjects of a religious or spiritual nature is such a sensitive subject to too many individuals. I want to kinda avoid that subject as much as possible as it can all too easily end up with people bickering and inflaming each other over the most minuscule matters. The two main subjects that'll cause problems between people quicker than anything else are religion and politics. You make an interesting point, no doubt, but I am merely curious as to some of the personal beliefs behind why certain individuals identify themselves as vampires. I appreciate everyone's comments, thank you! :)
My point was that the perspective one has on our shared reality matters.
If you look at your hand what do you see?? A solid mass of flesh and bone, right?
Well the flesh is made up of tissue, the tissues are made up of blood, the blood of cells, on down to the atomic level… none of which are solids. If the physical laws that govern the universe were all the same we would just have physics, But we have physics, Quantum physics and so on.
If you stand perfectly still on a sidewalk, I can take a speed detector and measure the fact that you aren’t moving, have a astronaut do the same from the international space station and you are moving at 1000 miles phr. Head off into deep space and you’re moving at millions of miles phr.
From tour perspective on reality you aren’t moving, from my knowledge and perspective you are… perspective and knowledge matter.
Now there are several scientists, the most resent in Canada who has proven that everything is made up of energy photons… and that everything radiates this energy. Animals can sense these energies and interact with them and it is likely that humans do as well. That energy interaction is subtle but common of some one like me who uses that energy, and in doing so I am taking some of your essence.
The taking of life force from one being by another is the classical definition of a vampire.
Whether that is done in the current sanguine version of the vampire or in the older energy draining, demonic / witchcraft versions of ancient times is relevant only to the type of vampire you are.
The question which was posted was why do you believe you are vampiric, the answer is a tricky one because there is no real way to prove these statments online and it will most certianly open you up to being attacked for you beliefs. But for the tecord I have stepped forward and participated in academic studies for quite a few members of the scientific community, including a few studies by John Edgar Browning. Which can be found online by simply entering his name into a seach engine. But for the sake of this thread the answer I can give lies within my own understanding of how I am able to interact with others on a vampiric level. I can both give and take enery... people walk away from a meeting with me feeling drained and tired or robust and energetic based on what I do with there life force. I also have vivid memories of multiple past lives where these traits have remained a constant for me. I know that when I do not feed from others I become moody, then lethargic and eventually physically ill.
Hopefully that answered your question.
And I typed this reply on my phone, so I do apologize for the typing errors.
I understand what you are saying, these are things I already knew. But as I stated before, just because someone doesn't believe or perceive things the same doesn't automatically make them right or wrong. It only means they see a little differently than everyone else. Now, as far as opening others up for ridicule goes, everyone who decides to post in VR forum should have already read VR policy, if they haven't then they should go read it first. People can give their thoughts on a post, but those who pick fights and make inflammatory remarks are suspended from posting in VR forum by site admins. Depending on the number of repeat offenses and severity of offenses, the suspension is indefinite and can lead to their entire VR profile being suspended indefinitely. Yes, ridicule is possible, that's just the world we live in, the chance we all take when opening up to others. Not everyone is going to agree on things or like each other, but the site admins do their best to keep problematic individuals in check so everyone can enjoy the site without all that sort of unnecessary drama. But in all honestly, if someone willingly opens up about their beliefs to the world, especially online, then those individuals need to go ahead and accept the fact that not everyone is going to be understanding or friendly towards them or their beliefs. Anyhow, thank you for your response! :)
LOL. If I tell you the answer, I will have more paparazzi at my door then Brad Pit during his divorce. The term "Vampire" is so misunderstood. The reason is that the writer of Books and Those movies producers, create a Vampire that is totally different then the one that exist. So, with my two cents to the subject, i will take a nap on top of a queen bed. (I did not said coffin)