Have you ever dreamwalked? I can't be the only one whom has. Where you go to some far away place and either walk with a far away friend or someone you love but can't see. Do you believe it's possible to do?
I personally do. I've walked green hills with a loved one while they have been locked away. Or gone to a special place to both of us and held a full conversation then wrote them asking if they remember with amazement when they tell specific details from said dreamwalk that no one could know.
Just curious as to what others opinions are on the matter.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
It sounds similar to astral projection but you are navigating the dream world instead of the actual world. AP is supposedly an out of body experience.
I can't really say I have since I have no loved ones, but I have dreamed of interacting with my droogs out there, and discussing our plans but likely its all in my head rather than a cross dream communication.
Mort you have a good opinion about AP and maybe just maybe you're right. Maybe we are leaving our bodies and going to a dream world where a whole other existence is. Maybe we walk in the shadows of death while we are dreaming. . . . since our heart is so slow ya know. Hmm... pondering pondering.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
No I mean AP is travelling "this" world as an astral form, though perhaps one can travel into the dream world but I don't see how since the dream world is in your head, you would not need to leave your body.
Although there is the astral plane.
I know AP is in this world. But what if it intertwines with the dream world as well is what I mean?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Hence why I said astral plane, which is a different yet similar plane to earth, I guess dreams could connect to it.
That sounds like the typical psychic stuff that is in those cheap books on energy and chakras.
Dreaming can seem very real, and it is easy to think you might be visiting other worlds and seing friends.
Dreamwalking is actually a scary thought because you can do unpredictable thing's such as sleep walking to different areas
I can't say that I remember ever doing any sleep walking myself, though I have witnessed it.
If by 'dreamwalk' you are referring to having a shared dream with another person, where they remember dreaming of the same walk that you did, then yes, this can and does happen.
I've shared dreams with different people since about 2007 or 2008.
There was walking on city streets, in venues, on beaches, and once on an alien planet with 3 moons and tall red blades of grass. The silky feeling grass was part of a hive mind, it would open paths for you, guiding you. Kind of like avatar in the sense that the plant life was clearly connected in a conscious telepathic feeling way (Tappin' into those Cameron project ideas before they hit the big screen again).
That is exactly what I am talking about. A shared dream.
If you did it by accident, I would imagine you can achieve the same thing with mutual practice. That's how I got there, lots and lots of practice. Here are the main keys to consistent success.
1- Dream Recall (Practicing remembering, dream journal, active communication with partner etc.)
2- Awareness (recognizing you are in a dream while still dreaming)
3- Sleep Cycling (Sleeping for 4-6 hours, then waking up for 5-45 mins then going right back to sleep so the fun can begin)
4- Astral Projection (Deep meditation techniques and visualizing your dream body exit your physical body)
5- Dream Extension (learning techniques to extend the dream and help prevent it from collapsing or waking up.
6- Avoiding being woken up abruptly. (No alarm clocks, or phones, or loud noises. Just waking up when you feel like it and taking time to reflect on your journey)
7- Belief.
This the thing. Its not happening between me and my partner. It's happening between me and my ex. One that the relationship ended swiftly and harshly. He is the one initializing the dream walk as well. I can tell by how subtle he comes into them. Wether it be a quick reveal or a full blown conversation. The last one was a little to real for me. I was walking with my husband and there was my ex. Hubby said it was OK to go talk to him so we began talking. He kept hanging his head down and one thing I said stuck out the most. "How can I look into those pretty eyes of yours if you keep looking at the ground". That was when he looked at me this specific way he used to always tried to kiss me and my husband fucken LOST it. So I handed my wedding ring over and said I messed everything up. Went searching frantically with my ex mother in law for my husband but was awoken by my alarm. I was crying when I awoke.
I doubt it was a preminition it was to real. I could feel his touch. It was him trying to tell me he got my letter I believe. Letting me know he understood but wished it were different. Me and my ex are a touchy subject. I don't show emotion very often but with him its uncontrollable.
Wow I sound pathetic.
Being woken abrubtly is what allows you to remember a dream more better, so its best to actually have an alarm clock on. Dream time is different to real time so its doesn't matter how long you sleep so long as you have entered the necessary stage to beging dreaming.
It is really shared dreams though? People can dream about the same things if they both had the same experience, but those dreams are not exactly the same and there is cross communication.
We've never been through this experience and I had told no one but his mom reiterrated what he had told her and it was the same. Dreamwalking is possible if you're able to spot it, is what I am getting at. Just curious as to how many other people have done so.
I may have some unresolved issues with my ex. But those issues are being resolved even as I type this.
That was getting off subject.
I meant experience as a blanket term, I mean that if people done, seen or heared the same things, watched the same movies and tv shows, they both may have similar dreams about it. I do understand what you mean by dream walking and sharing dreams, but I am simply offering a possible explanation that is more likely as these dreams could just be a really, really strange coincidence.
Rule of sherlock is a good thing to use when encountering the strange, attempt to find all possible logical explanations first and whatever is left, must be the answer. It is no good to go straight for unlikely.
From Wikipedia. Don't like to use these as sources for obvious reasons but here:
"Dreams mainly occur in the rapid-eye movement (REM) stage of sleep—when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake. REM sleep is revealed by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep. At times, dreams may occur during other stages of sleep. However, these dreams tend to be much less vivid or memorable.
The length of a dream can vary; they may last for a few seconds, or approximately 20–30 minutes. People are more likely to remember the dream if they are awakened during the REM phase. The average person has three to five dreams per night, and some may have up to seven; however, most dreams are immediately or quickly forgotten.Dreams tend to last longer as the night progresses. During a full eight-hour night sleep, most dreams occur in the typical two hours of REM."
"Rapid eye movement sleep (REM) has since its discovery been closely associated with dreaming. Waking up sleepers during a REM phase is a common experimental method for obtaining dream reports; 80% of neurotypical people can give some kind of dream report under these circumstances. Sleepers awakened from REM tend to give longer more narrative descriptions of the dreams they were experiencing, and to estimate the duration of their dreams as longer"
So to reword what I said, in order to have a better memory of your dream, you must wake up (natural or forced) during the REM stage but because the stages repeat, REM isn't always the last stage of sleep, people can repeat the ealier ones so waking up natural is not always a guarantee of remembering but neither is using an alarm clock.
There are no guarantees indeed.
Now I am going to guess, that when the subject was woken up, there was someone there to ask said subject: "Do you remember your dream?"
Usually this does not happen in your bed, in your house.
And while that is all great and accurate information about the stages of sleep, I was speaking specifically to optimum LUCID dreaming conditions. More specifically, optimum conditions for remembering a shared dream. A Lucid Dream is still a dream, but a dream by itself is not necessarily lucid.
The URL article made no reference to Lucid dreaming.
However the following book:
The URL was only about sleep stages and REM, but from what I know of lucid dreaming is that you are aware that you are dreaming and that you are able to exert control over your actions, as well as clarity over the situation. Still, even lucid dreams might be forgotten just as easily as normal dreams.
People forget their dreams because they are not stored being "recorded" as for process for creating new memories is not used during sleep, hence why you can only remember the dream when being woken during the dream. People will on average experience more than one dream a night.
Yes, I am aware that people have dreams and do not remember them. I am aware that most times these dreams are forgotten.
I am speaking towards conditions for first controlling a dream, and then remembering it, both of which are sort of important if your goal is to dream with another person.
If you pay attention to the instructions I provided, the "woken up" effect takes place in round 1 and is part of the formula. You then go back to sleep to maximize potential of being aware that you are in a dream in the first place. And because you knocked out the deep sleep in round one, you can wake up naturally and still remember things in round 2.
I did my own trials and error with dreaming, years before reading someone else publishing the same results I found within the area of the dream conversation I am having here. The steps I provided gave the optimal results. Unlike a failed reverse engineered Deja Vu attempt, we were successfully able to find optimal conditions for Lucid and shared dreaming. You have to "WAKE UP" to know you were dreaming, or you're dead. You don't have to be woken up by external items. I used to finish and complete dreams, and choose waking up, in my sleep plenty when I was at peak performance.
You're correct Lazurus. Sorry if I mispelled your name. I do wish to explore not stop. I mean yes there are days i wake up in tears but not always sad tears.
i havent personally experienced this. but ive talked to people who claim to have.
One might want to be careful with whom they freely invite to play around in their subconscious.
In thinking about this, dream control, I really would not want to do that. I think our dreams can be a way of diving into our subconscious at the time of what might be bothering us, to bring issues to light. Also, a way of a fantasy, desire, a want to come to the surface that we might not be away of when awake. So in that aspect I would not want to be able to control my dreams. The girl I am involved with lives a great distance from me. Recently I had a dream where I was kissing her and in my dream I was telling myself this is real. Her lips are real. The kiss is real. I shared this with her. Its something I want so badly to do. We play Second life together and have avatars and have created in SL what we want to have in real life someday... a house, a life together, even a child. Until that day comes we make due with this life we have created. In having this dream that I had no control over having it just showed me how bad I want that day to come when I am kissing her lips for real, and not though two avatar's. I have had many dreams about her and I would even call some shared dreams where we shared the next morning our dreams and they were extremely similar. Hardly a day goes by that we do not finish each others sentence many times during that day. Or I can be thinking something and she will say word for word what I was thinking. We even began to record how many times we do this because I just want to see for a two week period how often we do this. She is my soulmate and our minds, our thoughts, our dreams often are the same.
You have a good point there girl. Not just about the manipulation thing but the tornado dream.
During the time my parents were getting divorced every night I had dreams about tornados or dinosaurs chasing me. I never thought that that could have been what was causing it but now that you mention it it all makes sense. Thank you for pointing that out.
Never fear your dreams, it is only reality that can kill you. Of course exceptions can be made if you have a weak heart and are easily startled then I suppose it is in the realm of possibilities to be frightened to death via a heart attack induced by a nightmare.
Wow this is a great topic, I do have very vivid dreams were I'm hearing people talk and then next thing I know I'm in some strange place. Saying stuff in my dreams. Saving a life in a dream only to wake up and read something about it in a newspaper two days later. So I suppose dream travel is possible. Not sure. On that. Maybe my dreams are just coincidences but it happens slot. Even in day dreams. Too many voices. Inside my mind. I dream I'm on all fours running to someone then wakeup in a daze.
While I've not experienced it, I have known people who do this. Dreamscapes are an odd thing, and I would be happy to learn more about them as I start working with dreams more.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Dreams are good for inspiration and creativity, many artists may have been inspired by what they remember from their dreams.
Well I am glad I am not the only one who has gone through this. It seems my dreamwalking has stopped for now but we shall see. I can go years without walking with him or his mother and than BAM hello. So ya I guess I need to learn to control it. Maybe learn from it.
This specifically, I haven't experienced it. But I won't say it isn't possible, or even plausible. I personally believe it is.
I have, however, dreamed things before they have happened to me. Silly little things like once I had this dream I was talking to a young man with a blue baseball cap on, sitting in armchairs on the veranda of a brick house and then several months later I met an old boyfriend of mine, Peter. One day Peter and I were sitting on his sister's veranda, smoking and talking. We were sitting in armchairs. Jo had a brick house. Pete was wearing his blue baseball cap.
I've had dreams like that... One was it was me and my family walking down this well lit path. All my brothers were there and my mother and father. Then one moment the path stopped into a black abyss. Everyone but my mother stopped. She just smiled and kept walking off the edge. Found out a year later that that year she tried to commit suicide that very night I had the dream.
Then another one was after we put my dog down.... very sad day for me. I dreamed he showed up trying to play and I threw a broken beer bottle at him screaming "YOUR NOT REAL" and when he ran away two german shepard puppies came running out from where he disappeared. The next day at my brothers Honors ceremony I was outside with my dad smoking a cigarette and the SAME two puppies went trotting by with their owner. To me this was my dogs way of saying he made it ok and that he's not hurting anymore.
Lastly there was this time I dreamed of a guy named Thomas. Never met him before in my LIFE but we were hanging out at this place here called Great Skate. Couple months go by and I happen to be at Great Skate and I see someone trying to backwards skate. So I figured I would go by and give him some advice. After he started to get the hang of it I introduced himself and that's when he told me his name was Thomas. . . . .
I wholeheartedly in preminition dreams and dreamwalking. The mind is a wonderful mysterious place.
Apparently I get lost in my "dream walking" and end up in some screwball world where nothing makes sense.
I remember a Dream I had with my best friend it was very dark and horrifying House we walked through walls and then seen some things that did not seem all there , I wish I can be more detailed but it was so long ago, it was like she called me to her dream and then poof we say the same dream we had the next day, So yeah your'e not the only one that has these if your close to someone I call it syncing to help out each other through there nightmares, to help them snap out of the dream.
My spouse shares dreams with our blind cat sometimes. Mostly though, my spouse just likes to magickally send tuna and cat treats to her while she is asleep and we will watch her physically react to the gifts. My spouse continues to try to further the dreamwalking skills and relationship with our cat. The progress has been slow.
I have a recurring place that I go to in my dreams. I often run with wolves or simply walk around the town and talk to all the people. I go to it quite often.
I had a traveling companion a few years ago that would lock up in his sleep. Sleep paralysis. When he woke up he was always stunned and ecstatic about where he'd been, things he saw, people he talked to. Once, he called a person immediately, they answered and were confused about where he was because they just had a face to face convo with him. It was really strange, but true nonetheless.
Yes, I believe dream walking is possible. I have had similar experiences.
It's an absolutely true phenomenon. I have often walked in my more lucid dreams. My most often dream walks involve experiences with deceased loved ones who I would give anything to see again. The dream unfolds with choices, and is a similar experience to astral projection during meditation.
I love this thread. Thank you for creating it.
![]() KatriannexVeldonxDrakul Great Sire (113) Posts: 2,015 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
I have dream walked plenty of times. I have done so into the past, and I have done so into the future to when later on I feel like I've had dejavu's. I've dream-walked into others dreams, and I have dream-walked into alternate realities of the same timeline that felt livid, so yes, a person can dream walk if they know how to.
I always dream catching a plane, and never get to the airport. And I am always looking for my plane ticket. Weird and interesting.