The Moon and Us.
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Premiere Sire (120)
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16:40:04 Nov 21 2016
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Recently we had a Super Moon and it got me thinking about how the moon affects some people. You always hear how Police Forces put on more Policemen during full moons and ER's claim to have more patients during Full Moons. We know the Moon affects Earth the Oceans with Tides and Such. Since ancient times, women and men depended upon the lunar cycle to play their fates. Many scientific reviews have shown that the full moon has an extraordinary impact on human behavior. So here is my question I would like to ask, do Full Moons, Super moons when they happen affect your emotions? How are you affected, what emotions seem to spring up more? We already know that the moon affects the tidal waves of the ocean, and since we are comprised of 80% water, why can’t it affect our biological workings just the same? What behaviors in others have you noticed during Full Moons and Super Moons?

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18:36:08 Nov 21 2016
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Once heard folk say that is where "lunatic" came from. As they believe the moon caused madness. So who needs Werewolves when humans go mad and rampage instead lol

The moon effects the ocean and the body tide. Wonder what tragedy would happen if the moon was destroyed.....

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Viscount Sire (189)
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18:54:33 Nov 21 2016
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Moon affects my moods. And not all the times.
It seams that is has to do with the planets and moon connection.
Sometimes I feel angry. Others sad. And some times i feel frustrated. That are the few times that affects me. Most of i feel serene and calm. I love opening my window and gazing to it. Thinking that if i spread my hand ill touch it.
That all affects us. Not only humans but animals too. Even at nature. If you see carefully you will see mother nature be affected by it. Dogs barking and howling. Cats being in full mood. The sea even being calm or angry with big waves.
Moon does affect us

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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:57:36 Nov 21 2016
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I had google that and you are right:

late 13c., "affected with periodic insanity dependent on the changes of the moon," from Old French lunatique "insane," or directly from Late Latin lunaticus "moon-struck," from Latin luna "moon" (see Luna).

Compare Old English monseoc "lunatic," literally "moon-sick;" Middle High German lune "humor, temper, mood, whim, fancy" (German Laune), from Latin luna. Compare also New Testament Greek seleniazomai "be epileptic," from selene "moon." Lunatic fringe (1913) apparently was coined by U.S. politician Theodore Roosevelt.


A superstitious belief in medieval Europe was that changes in the moon's phases could cause madness or insanity in certain people. Thus those showing mentally unstable behavior, particularly those deemed violent in nature, were branded as 'afflicted by the moon', moon-sick, or lunatic (from Latin Luna for Moon).

One of the quotes I like:

“It is the very error of the moon.
She comes more near the earth
than she was wont. And makes
men mad.”
—William Shakespeare, Othello

Greek philosopher Aristotle and Roman historian Pliny the Elder suggested that the brain was the “moistest” organ in the body and thereby most susceptible to the pernicious influences of the moon, which triggers the tides. Belief in the “lunar lunacy effect,” or “Transylvania effect,” as it is sometimes called, persisted in Europe through the Middle Ages, when humans were widely reputed to transmogrify into werewolves or vampires during a full moon.

Pardon the pun, but does this really hold water that we are affected by the moon like ocean tides because we are 80% water?

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19:05:14 Nov 21 2016
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An often told statement is that the human body is what 70-80% water? but other than bloodflow, there is not much of liquid waves and currents that I know of.

The whole lunancy thing may have actually contributed to a lot folklore, the fools were so superstitious back then that if you farted next to a fire and cause the obvious effect, they would probably string you up.

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Viscount Sire (189)
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19:22:18 Nov 21 2016
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More than 200,000 miles away from Earth, the moon shines brightly through the darkness of space. But what impact, if any, does it have in regards to life on Earth?
While the subject of the full moon and its possible effects on human behavior and nature have long been theorized, finding hard scientific evidence remains a challenge.
Inclement weather, high tides cause unsettled marine environments
One certainty in regards to the moon's impact is that its gravitational pull will affect ocean tides.
The moon does not have a perfectly circular orbit around the Earth, meaning that when it is closest to the Earth, it is at "perigee" (225,623 miles) or at "apogee" (252,088 miles) when it is farthest away, according to NASA.
When the moon is closer to the Earth and is full, or new, that's when it has its biggest impact and when that occurs, spring tides are created, according to AccuWeather.com Expert Senior Meteorologist Dan Kottlowski.
Spring tides have no relation to the season spring, but rather, the term indicates the concept of the tide "springing forth," according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
High tides can be significantly higher than normal during this time.
A full moon will not directly affect the weather, but when the tides and weather are working hand in hand, the situation can be exacerbated and cause problems on shore.
"If you have winds [that] are blowing the water on to the coast, then those are the situations which bring us the worst marine environment," Kottlowski said. Such conditions include coastal flooding and higher than normal surf, he added.
"It depends on when the highest tides are occurring, so you can get a higher-than-normal water levels caused by, again, the wind hitting the coast in a certain direction," Kottlowski said. "If the winds are offshore, they're not going to cause any problems at all."
Occasionally tidal forces might influence the intensity of storm systems, and there have been some correlations between storms occurring and being stronger during a full or new moon, according to Kottlowski. However, he emphasized there is no hard science to prove this conclusively.
ETC ETC that can be read on the full article here


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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:27:28 Nov 21 2016
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How much water is in the brain? I go back and forth with this currently, if we are 80% water-- Moon affects tides in the oceans...and if our brains have so much water.... and on Full Moons crime goes up, ER's are fuller..

Oh also I read about a study done that people who have heart surgery I believe it was during full moons recover faster...I suppose I should google that, well here is one in the dailynews so it must be true correct? haha :

Having heart surgery? Make sure you have it on a FULL MOON: Heart surgery patients recover quicker during certain lunar phases Lower death rate was observed following heart surgery which takes place when the Moon is waning (getting thinner)People who have heart surgery during a full moon stay in hospital for an average of 10 days, compared to 14 for people who have it at other times.

From Medical Daily: More than half a million cardiac surgeries are performed each year in the United States due to a variation of heart complications, the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) said. The life threatening condition, acute aortic dissection, affects approximately 10,000 Americans a year, and is two to three times more common than a tear of the abdominal aorta. A patient with AAD has a 75 percent mortality rate if left untreated within the first two weeks of diagnosis. Researchers say the results could help them provide better care for victims of the condition.

Would like to know your thoughts on this MordrakusxMortalitas.

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19:31:54 Nov 21 2016
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I suppose from a certain natural point of view it can make sense, sunlight provides vitamen d and the moon's gravitation effects the earth, so perhaps there is an effect on the animal body but has there been any study on that?

Moonlight would not count since its just reflected sunlight, its the proximity of the moon itself that needs to be considered.

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No Longer Registered
21:34:04 Nov 21 2016
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I like this thread for the fact that I can relate to it.

The actual term behind the "lunatic" passage that has already been pointed out, is "LUNAR-TIC", technically Old Latin (Luna) and it encompasses those who would relate more to the lunar side of life from an Astrological and Cosmological point of view.

We all know Sun Signs, but when a person asks about a "Moon" Sign, some are slightly confused because they've never heard that term before. When a person mentions that they react more toward their Moon Sign more than they do their Sun Sign or their Rising Sign (two different Signs by the way).

Me? I tend to flow and react more toward my Moon Sign more than anything. It's not about when the Moon is at its fullest, though this does help in the fields concentration and mental awareness. But, when the Moon is New or on a Waxing Gibbous, I tend to be more lively as apposed to when it is at the meridian or halfway point (Crescent).

I suppose it depends on who the person is, really. But yeah... I really did enjoy that Super Moon. I'm not sure if the Men and Women of Law Enforcement enjoyed it, but it was a sight to see!

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:09:55 Nov 21 2016
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I did not recall hearing about Moon signs. I looked mine up: Waning Moon Moon Sign:Cancer: The receptive Cancer - moons are sensible, friendly and caring human beings. For them emotional security is more important than material safety. Not only as children, but also as adults have they an ample fantasy. Cancer - moons mother their family and friends with great care. Often they select a profession, where they can benefit of those qualities.

Also as I have looked and read more on if the moon affects us or not I did read that more said they were more affected by the types of moons as you spoke of. Could you share some if not too personal what you experience? Personally myself I am more of a night person. I spend a great deal of time as often as I can in the woods and riding my horses and on full moons is the time I like riding the most. There is just something about it.... also I have noticed and I wanted to get folks thoughts on this too, I truly believe moons affect my horses as well. I notice a difference in there behaviors. Same with my dog Wonder Beagle.... during certain moon phases she become restless... I just find all this curious and look forward more to people here sharing.

Thank you.

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22:39:51 Nov 21 2016
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Now that I think of it, your question is applicable. How I react... I think about that alot these days.

I'm a natural nocturnal, have been since I was a bae. My Moon is Pisces. I'll let the audience figure that out, but in the end... I'm a very laid back introvert.

The moon doesn't give me that "lunatic" feeling, I think only certain signs have that quality. Personally, it makes me feel relaxed and aware of just about everything around me. It makes me more artistic and with a slightly stronger sense of self.

There is a magnetic polarity that works for the moon as has been pointed out scientifically. I feel that with the geomagnetic structure of the Earth and the gravitational pull of the Cosmos, the moons magnetic gravitational effect appeals to all the living creatures on our planet.

This magnetic correspondent needs to be considered, regardless of a persons belief system. Certain magnetic fields can cause "disturbances" when it comes to atmospheric properties. So the moon does play a HUGE part in not only an individuals personality, but also the entire planets. As we all know, the Earth itself is a living breathing organism, just as we are.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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17:18:58 Nov 23 2016
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I'm seriously glad I decided to poke my head into this thread. I love the moon!

I have a tattoo of a waning crescent moon on the back of my neck. This particular phase of the moon has always resonated with me for several reasons. One of them is the fact that it's shaped like the first letter in my name: C (my real name, btw). That's the most obvious reason for the tattoo. Beyond that, though, I can relate to what this phase represents: the Goddess in her Crone stage. When I got the tattoo, I was still young, biologically speaking, but because of what I had been through, I felt old, spiritually. I felt that I was moving from a time of youth and ignorance and into a time of age and wisdom. Also, this phase of the moon is best utilized by letting go of the bad, correcting past mistakes and starting anew. It's a time of enlightenment. It's also a time of creative inspiration. Not only was I feeling this when I actually got inked, I've maintained this feeling since. I've had hiccups along the way, but since getting my tattoo, I've grown in leaps and bounds as a person. My tattoo not only signifies the change I was going through then, it also represents my constant enlightenment and renewal.

And it's really pretty. :)

Now, while I feel an affinity for a waxing crescent moon, I'm in love with a full moon. Seeing a fat, bright full moon makes my heart fill with pure joy. I can't explain it. I get so happy that I blow her a kiss. Yes, I'm weird. I know this.

I gave birth to my daughter just after a full moon. When they took me to my room, the nurses said I was lucky to get a room because the night before they had been so swamped that women were out in the halls on gurneys because there weren't enough rooms, and they said it was because of the full moon. I've heard that the full moon can trigger labor. This makes sense because labor is brought on after a woman's water breaks and a full moon has a great impact on water.

I'm really stoked about discovering moon signs! How did I not know of this before??? I found mine: Sagittarius, and I'm really pleased with all the information I read. I have a question, though. Dakotah, how did you find the phase of the moon at your birth? I think I'm being an idiot in not being able to figure that out, but that's not unusual, me being an idiot. Happens more often than not! lol

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Sire (103)
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18:54:06 Nov 23 2016
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I am usualy more energetic and peaceful in my heart...and more into mood with deeper thoughts....thew view of full moon is mesmerizing

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Great Sire (110)
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16:21:22 Nov 24 2016
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Thats a great discussion prompt Dakotah.

Being of Jewish descent, our calendar is in sync with the lunar cycle.

Personally, I have always loved looking at the moon. I find it very fascinating, it brings me inner joy, especially when its full or orange.

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16:32:00 Nov 24 2016
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Technically the moon is always full, always there. Makes you laugh at both folklore and hollywood. Moonlight is reflected sunlight so why did moonlight never hurt vampires? Sunlight being reflected works in many movies. Why doesn't Werewolves transform during the day? with sunlight being purer than moonlight and the moon is always there, it technically should happen.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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20:29:49 Nov 24 2016
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I have to disagree a bit. I mean, it's not always full. Just because it's always there, doesn't mean it always meets the criterion for being full. But that's just arguing semantics, really, and that's silly. :)

Now, perhaps the sun has nothing to do with the power of the moon. Perhaps it's the fact that the moon is visible, thanks to the sun, that is powerful. Maybe when it's hiding in shadows, its power is tempered.

I do like your suggestion that reflected sunlight should have some effect on vampires if full on sun does. Of course, it could be argued that the reflection just isn't strong enough, but I do like your train of thought on that one.

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Vampling (25)
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18:06:03 Nov 26 2016
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We are made up of water in our bodies, in fact humans have at least 60-70%. That being said, the moon affects how the tides run. If the moon affects the tides, just think how it affects the water in our bodies.

I worked in ER's when there has been a full moon and I can tell you that it is always busy with crazy's, not to mention there is more violence committed then. Also of note that more babies are born on full moons as well.

And yes I have worked on maternity wards as well. Being a medic in the military you work pretty much anywhere they have a vacancy at and you rotate.

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Scamp (26)
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05:23:04 Nov 28 2016
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I was born on a full moon.

I too notice that I don't always feel a change, but when I do...

It feels like a tiny adrenaline kick or sugar rush. This little quick charge of energy. I used to think it had something to do with the reflection of light awhile back, but over time and certainly after after reading thru this thread I lean much more towards the gravity itself factor.

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16:12:54 Nov 28 2016
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Could be a placebo effect too, due to the legends of how the full moon brings madness, suggestibility and conditioning could result in a violent transformation of personality.

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16:37:38 Nov 28 2016
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Possible, but only if one individual is aware of the full moon. Most of the time I see people who aren't aware of it, acting out in strange ways. Sometimes very angry, irritated or just down right having a very bad day.

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Ghoul (21)
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18:00:13 Nov 28 2016
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The moon, in my own personal experience, amplifies all my emotions. Not to the extreme, just a little stronger than usual. Also as a witch, we tend to be a little more magickal on those nights of the full moon. Could be good, could be bad, just depends. Every day people even do some crazy stuff on the full moon.

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18:05:15 Nov 28 2016
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Heh streaking is sometimes common at moonlight, I wonder if that is where the phrase "showing the full moon" comes from.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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07:50:56 Nov 29 2016
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I don't actually have to see the moon to feel its effect. Generally, I'll experience a feeling and then have the thought, "Wait. Is it a full moon tonight?" Then I look up and, sure enough, it will be a full moon.

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12:57:58 Dec 02 2016
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I always seems to know when it is a full or new moon as well by the way I feel.

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23:59:00 Dec 02 2016
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Insomnia was one the many things believed to be caused by the full moon, and initial research seemed to prove it but I think further experiments failed to show the same result. Fertility is another that was first thought to be connected to the moon.

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Chimera (90)
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00:10:40 Dec 05 2016
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Noted: No unprotected sex during the full moon.

I love a full moon. I miss the moon when I can't see it. I even enjoy seeing a sliver of moon above none at all. Although, sometimes, way out in the country, a moonless sky full of stars can be quite breathtaking. Diamonds on velvet. :)

I firmly believe that the moon has an effect on us, biologically and metaphysically.

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Behemoth (65)
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02:40:16 Feb 10 2017
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Other than what has already mean said, not much to say expect that back in the good old days, people used to think the moon drove people utterly crazy. No idea what it really does to anything with water in them but I doubt it has much of impact if any.

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00:53:04 Feb 18 2017
Read 983 times

I suppose from a psychological standpoint, it is possible for someone to be affected by the moon, if they actually and truly believe that. Self-delusion and self-hypnosis can be very powerful. Lycanthropy is or was actually a mental disorder classification for someone who genuinely believes they have transformed from one form to another and they act accordingly.

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No Longer Registered
17:57:24 Feb 18 2017
Read 972 times

I have always felt affected by the moon, It gives me energy and I love it is so beautiful.. and amazing, I feel the moon can change a persons insanity lol.

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Behemoth (65)
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18:23:50 Feb 21 2017
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I don't know how it could give you energy, the moonlight itself is not really anymore special than using a mirror to reflect a the light from a lightbulb, and the actual moon is ever present if not visible, though it does change slightly in distance. You might just be nocturnal, some people are due to their life styles.

The moon effects the earth tide, not just the ocean's.

"The Moon has long been associated with insanity and irrationality; the words lunacy and lunatic (popular shortening loony) are derived from the Latin name for the Moon, Luna. Philosophers Aristotle and Pliny the Elder argued that the full moon induced insanity in susceptible individuals, believing that the brain, which is mostly water, must be affected by the Moon and its power over the tides, but the Moon's gravity is too slight to affect any single person.[236] Even today, people who believe in a lunar effect claim that admissions to psychiatric hospitals, traffic accidents, homicides or suicides increase during a full moon, but dozens of studies invalidate these claims" - Wikipedia.


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Dastardly Being (59)
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07:24:02 Feb 25 2017
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ever since i can remember whenever the full moon if i was to look up at it i seem to be put in a trance and have always been a bit obsessed with the moon in general.

during the full moon i have a spike in energy and i get super hyper or sometimes even in a sexual mood. seeing the moon whenever im outside at night brings me inner peace.

i do wonder why the moon affects us in these different ways.

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08:01:56 Feb 26 2017
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I never really paid attention, except ont he fact that I had nurses in my family and they said that during full moon or new moon, often the pregnant owmans get in labor even when not due, it seems to affect them.

They said they have an increase of birth during that time then normal times. And when they know its that time they usually have more staff at hand in case.

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Revenant (41)
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09:06:23 Feb 26 2017
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i find the moon beautiful and haunting at the same time. it has a sense of majesty. its a small wonder it evokes such feelings.

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Fire Thrower (87)
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01:52:45 Feb 27 2017
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That's why they call people, "luna"-tics.
The moon keeps me up if it's shining through the window. Seems to give everyone in the house insomnia.
I'm very in sync with my biological clock. Women go through lunar cycles and it holds true.
A lot of female astronauts face this issue of, well, a hysteria like stance because their cycle is throw off since they're away from earth for so long. fact, if you close yourself off from your natural environment, you will notice a change.
People often don't want to admit this. It's natural and instinctual. I heavily rely on instincts.

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Bete Noire (44)
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21:33:24 Feb 27 2017
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I just have the urge to be outside (if it's
warm). More than any other moon phases!

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Curmudgeon (11)
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00:29:31 Feb 28 2017
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Personally, whenever there is a full moon, I feel calmer, happier, and... less alone (I guess? I'm not quite sure how to put that last one). I often find myself staring into it, and feeling comforted. I become happier, and I want to do more. I want to go out side and get on top of my roof to have a better view of it than from my window. when i see it i smile, and i just feel better. All my friends know that i have a strange obsession with the moon because every time i see something that involved it, i don't hesitate to go to whatever that something is.
As the moon becomes a new moon, i almost feel like i'm loosing something, and it kinda makes me sad.
I feel very attached to the moon, and i do believe that it plays a part in how i'm doing that day, and that it affects me.

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Chimera (90)
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20:19:59 Mar 02 2017
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For fans of a connection between the full moon and human behavior, or misbehavior, as it were, research in that area can be quite disheartening. Not much has been found in the way of scientific evidence to support the claim that the lunar cycle affects the psyche. For most, it is simply folklore.

Having said that, allow me to share my insight into the matter, insight that I found has actually been backed by science. I believe the lunar effect, as it is known, to be legit, despite scientific claims which state otherwise. The lunar effect is an evolutionary hold over from the days before man-made light. Imagine a world that depended on sunlight for the accomplishment its daily routines. If man wanted to get anything done, he had to do it while there was light. Have you ever heard the phrase "burning daylight," or "working from sun up to sun down?" Not that a lot of work could get done during a full moon because it would still be relatively dark, but I am sure early man was able to be much more active with the assistance of light from a full moon, even if it wasn't on the same scale as his daytime activity. A full moon's light is 25 times greater than that of a quarter moon, and illuminance is 250 times greater during a full moon than on a moonless night. Furthermore, early man was likely to be safer during the full moon because its light would allow him to spot dangers, such as predators, far more easily than he would be able to in the dark. Because the light from the full moon allowed for more activity and better safety, perhaps man evolved in a way that aligned his biorhythm to that of the lunar cycle.

Also, studies have shown that the moon does have an effect on sleep quality, even without the influence of its light. In a 2013 study on the phenomenon, subjects showed variation on their EEG delta activity during REM sleep in line with the lunar cycle. During the full moon, subjects took, on average, 5 minutes longer to fall asleep, slept for 20 minutes less, and, overall, experienced less deep sleep. Many reported feeling more tired upon awakening.

This supports the hypothesis that man's connection to the lunar cycle is an evolutionary hold over. It has been encoded into man's DNA to be more alert during a full moon.

Also, as little as an hour and a half of sleep loss can increase the chance of seizure in individuals prone to them. Perhaps at one time, an event such as a seizure was viewed as lunacy, leading people to think that the full moon caused insanity in individuals. Or even something more mystical. Imagine how people affected with epilepsy were viewed before modern day medical science provided answers for their behavior. They could have easily been seen as insane or even possessed by some evil. If their condition was worsened by a lack of sleep from a full moon, a connection could have readily been made between the full moon and lunacy and/or evil behavior.

We can only postulate as to how the lunar effect myth came into being, but because of today's scientific study, we may now have a better idea regarding its origins, as well as understand that there may be a grain of truth to it. Early man might not have been as enlightened as modern man, but he still knew something was up.

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13:36:16 Mar 08 2017
Read 850 times

Already mentioned placebo effect but a lot of things can happen psychologically if the human believes something is going to happen to them. In fact the film American werewolf in london played around with that. The doctor believed David to be psychologically affected to the point that since he would believe he is a werewolf, he would act like one. There is a mental disorder called Lycanthropy where the fool thinks they have transformed into an animal and act accordingly.

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Changeling (71)
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Vampire Rave member for 8 years.
03:25:52 Mar 12 2017
Read 834 times

Actually, yes. On a full moon I become more impulsive, agitated and irritable.

That's actually how the term "lunatic" originated. Someone who's temperament and/or sanity were affected by the moon were known as lunatic (As in lewnatic, not how we now pronounce it.) I'm not certain of how or where, but my "father" taught me this when I was young, and of all the things he is, dumb enough to say something like that when it isn't true is not one of them.

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11:27:59 Mar 12 2017
Read 830 times

It was a superstitious time back then...not that there still aren't some lunatics today, back then they believed men became rabid and aggressive whenever the full moon was out, thus earning their namesake but there is no proof of it. It is likely a lot of those acts were done in the moonlight because it was easier for them to see.

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