Angels and demons
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Firebrand (79)
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07:22:08 Oct 31 2016
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Okay so I'm a little bit of a optimistic person, but I have heard many different things about both angels and demons. Some have religious beliefs while others have a scientific theory. So what is your opinion?

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11:48:39 Oct 31 2016
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I think belief makes the reality real and thus scientifically factual. Angels although seemingly polar opposite of demons are closely related. Without angels you can not have the devil, the prince of demons or at least ecommon belief.

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15:42:57 Oct 31 2016
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Ah the two little voices sitting on the shoulders, I only have one.

Anyway, the belief in divine or malevolent beings can go back to when fear and hope existed since they are basically the personification of such emotions, and they are the tools of control by religion i.e Be bad and you will meet the devil, be good and you will meet the angels.

The only Angels and Demons that exist are the ones you see everyday, going to work, murdering someone etc. The human animal is one of most evilest species on the planet but also capable of illogical acts of compassion, that latter really annoys me.

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No Longer Registered
00:27:03 Nov 01 2016
Read 550 times

Personally, I believe what the Bible says about this matter. Anything else, I have zero interest.

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15:57:07 Nov 01 2016
Read 534 times

The imagionational image of angels and demons stems from Christian beliefs. God created angels which the devil once was. Only god and Lucifer had the power to give the "gift of life". This is vague because the gift of life insinuates the spontaneous generation of a human being but we really mean creating a stand alone eternal entitiy much like we envison our spirit. This is the logic that allows us to believe demons have a scary image because the devil created them in that way.

From a non religious perspective vague believe that an external being that was never human is defined by intentions. Neutral beings are spirits hostile are demons and good intentions are angels. From a perspective that isn't Christian there is no reasonable way to draw the conclusion of they were created but if you believe they are there that is the only way to define unexplainable beings.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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19:13:09 Nov 01 2016
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I don't know that I would call humans one of the most evilest species on Earth ... Maybe one of the most evil species, but then we're getting into grammar ... :)

The jury is out on angels and demons, in the biblical sense. I do believe in positive energy and negative energy. Can either of these manifest into what some perceive to be angels or demons? Hmmm ...

Sometimes I think that "evil" can manifest out of enough negative energy. For instance, shadow people. A shadow person is a shadow, or dark humanoid figure that many believe to be spirit or entity of a dark (evil) nature. They have even been called shades of the underworld.

Now, could these be demons which we have given life to through the production of negative energy? Maybe. But if I'm going to allow for that, then wouldn't I also have to allow for positive energy to create a being of light, or an angel? That's harder for me to do, for some reason.

If you think about it, though, maybe it's not so far-fetched. There are several pieces of evidence which exhibit shadow people, although most have been called out for being fake, but still ... it's there. There's also been evidence of light beings, or white beings. One image that I'm thinking of portrays what looks to be an angel standing next to a mangled car at the scene of an accident.

So ... manifestations of positive and negative energy or supernatural, biblical beings? Or ... both?

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07:29:16 Nov 02 2016
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Lucifer is still an angel. I keep seeing this on this website. And it's moronic. People saying "He USED to be an angel." He is still an angel.

Hitler was a man. He was evil. That didn't make him something else. He was still a man.

And NO, Lucifer NEVER had the power to give life to ANYTHING. Where that information came from wasn't scripture.

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Great Sire (118)
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10:54:50 Nov 02 2016
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Demons, the warriors of Hell. Angels, the warriors of Heaven. Are they always at war? Yes. The "Legends" said that every Human have an Angel by their side. I don't believe that. I do believe, some have Demons by the side. Murderer, rapist, pedophile, women's beaters and the list go on and on. Angels and Demons are, and will be at war, as long there are heaven and hell.

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12:37:32 Nov 02 2016
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You are in hell already or heaven, depending on your view. Earth is ground zero for everything and there is no escaping it unless you count death.

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Termagant (58)
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13:04:35 Nov 02 2016
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You really can't reference the christianized Bible for every "Fact" either considering a Holy Bible should NEVER contradict itself but yet it does many times over and over again. Which is probably why it doesn't work most of the time when dealing with evil spirits in paranormal cases.

Lucifer, Lucis means Light. Lightbringer. Morning Star.
It originally referenced Venus I believe...but ofc, man turns everything evil somehow.

When it comes to angels and demons, let's just stick to the facts as to what they are supposed to be. Light and dark entities.

And it's funny that Heaven and Hell wasn't known all over the world. It came out of a small area in the middle east, you know those places that are known for corruption? Yeah there. I take what they say very little.

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13:20:13 Nov 02 2016
Read 500 times

The bible was written by a man, not a god and man wants to control and dominate. The tools were fear and superstition.

As for hell and heaven, I somewhat disagree as different cultures had their own versions of an afterlife though in terms of timing, the concept of heaven and hell were one of the earliest.

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Termagant (58)
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14:12:34 Nov 02 2016
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Then I would have to disagree on it being one of mans earliest concept. That concept didn't exist everywhere.

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14:43:04 Nov 02 2016
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I meant as far religious beliefs are concerned. Norsemen had their valhalla, greeks had tartarus and elysium and so on. True that "paganism" as they often called it predated christianity but there is a few "religions" that have sprung forth since, some that are non-sensical as well as idiotic, with having only been recognized in the past few decades.

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No Longer Registered
20:41:00 Nov 02 2016
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I have yet to find contradictions anywhere in scripture.

With that, I won't be returning to this thread. Interesting conversation though.

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Incendiary (86)
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23:20:30 Nov 02 2016
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I'm sticking to the scriptures on this one..it defines them both

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Changeling (71)
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07:16:31 Nov 03 2016
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Contradictions in the bible:
"God took of the dust of the earth and made a man and a woman."
"God made woman from a rib of Adam"
So which one was it?

"Thou shalt not kill."
"If your daughter is raped and refuses to marry the man, stone her to death."

There are more, but I cannot presently think of them.
You're welcome.

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11:36:42 Nov 03 2016
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Your post is a bit short sighted. I will also have to find chapter and verse since they weren't provided in your post.

Contradictions in the bible:
"God took of the dust of the earth and made a man and a woman."
"God made woman from a rib of Adam"
So which one was it?

God made Adam from the dust of the Earth. He made woman from Adam's rib. Since Adam's rib came from the dust of the Earth and He made Eve from that rib, Eve was also from the dust of the Earth.

"Thou shalt not kill."
"If your daughter is raped and refuses to marry the man, stone her to death."

Thou shalt not kill is talking about murder. What you're presenting as contradiction, was law. Being law, it wasn't murder.

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12:57:54 Nov 03 2016
Read 446 times

Killing is still killing, Mr. Bible.

And its "thou shall not kill" not "thou shall not murder"

The wording killing can be used for both murder and sanctioned or justified kills. While murder is typically for only unlawful killing.

The bible is nothing but the tool of an old misogynist, dominating man.

The fact that the testaments and other "views" have changed in order to appeal to the modern era only show that further because very few today would willingly subscribe to the old testament.

But I won't debate further on that since its a vicious cycle that has been done before and one of the reasons why religion and politics are not normally allowed to be discussed in the forums.

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Termagant (58)
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13:11:27 Nov 03 2016
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Contradictions such as saying someone won't be returning but they do anyway. Just saying. lol Obviously a person who takes the time to actually read the full Bible notices a LOT of contradictions and I can point them out to you if one would like, but that's not the discussion of topic at hand. Angels and Daemons as they are originally called i believe, are defined many ways through several cultures. Even Gods.

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Firebrand (79)
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08:47:46 Nov 07 2016
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i will no longer be here for certain reasons i have explained in my journal so i am closing all of my threads and deleting everything

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