The New World Order and the spirit of the Anti-Christ
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Shaitan (64)
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17:37:09 Oct 23 2016
Read 490 times

The world is being governed by Secret Societies for hundreds of years, that's a fact. What most fail to see and acknowledge is the fact that they indeed control, to a certain extent, all major world events: wars, money, propriety, the media, science, medicine, the learning system, politics, and so on and so on...!

Almost everything we think we know is a Big Fat Lie. Astronauts to the moon... Hahahah!!!

The spirit of the Anti-Christ is operating behind the scenes for a very long time. In the book of Revelation 13:16-18 "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." it is revealed what will be the end game: a New World Order and the enslavement of all mankind.

For those who do not know, be ye warned that while we play a fool's errand, almost the entire world is dancing to the Pied Piper songs. There is only one master that these Secret Societies obey, and those within the higher ranks call him by his attributed name: Lucifer.

What I want to discuss here is to what extent do you know this to be true? To what degree have any of you ever been involved within these secret societies? And if you ever been involved, how brave and free are you to expose their mischief deviations?

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18:18:21 Oct 23 2016
Read 481 times

Well for one thing, secret societies are not secret, otherwise you wouldn't know of it.

It is merely an aristocratic thing, a club where members can flaunt their wealth and "superiority".
Physically, they are just as easy to kill as any other human being, perhaps even more so, lack of hard work means no strength.

By saying they are "secret" or hard to join, they then actually attract more membership because humans always try to obtain what they can't have.

As for their influence, well its nothing unique since bribery is common place and the rich love to bribe officials.

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Shaitan (64)
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19:19:09 Oct 23 2016
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It is secret in the sense that it is not for the general public, the masses, but they do hide in plain sight though. Or can any of us attend a Bilderberg meeting for instance? One may know a few things about each other but our lives remain a secret for the most of us, it's the same thing with the secret societies.

As for the "merely an aristocratic thing" that is precisely where we fail to see the bigger picture, it is not merely an aristocratic thing, it's much much worse than that. The rulers do influence the masses trough the media, the education, the entertainment, the fallacies, the religions, and so on... Even the cultures and sub-cultures, that we are so fond of, are songs of distraction of the Pied Piper; we're just too enchanted to see beyond it.

Many of the artists that many of us adore, are nothing but marionettes in the hands of the Beast that controls the system through deception and lore.

Or why would most of them sell their souls to the Devil? And the Devil has many faces, money being one of his favorites!

Be it Prince, Michael Jackson, Johnny Depp or Marilyn Manson, they all belong to those creepy bastards with fancy names: Illuminati, Freemasonry, Skull and Bones or Rosenkreutz! The label doesn't matter, what matters is to serve those above in power. And power is where the money is.

Fun fact though: these secret groups of well educated and very deluded
people think they are in control, when in fact they too are just puppets of the Gran Puppeteer!

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Royal Sire (204)
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21:33:10 Oct 23 2016
Read 460 times

This does not fit into the topics of the sites, so I am closing.

(Or is it the Puppet Master at work?)



Oh come on.... it was a joke.

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