Bloodletting Techniques
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Vexer (13)
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00:12:14 Oct 19 2016
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I'm curious to everybody's preferred bloodletting techniques. I've got a basic grasp of how to actually 'feed', but the bloodletting is up in the air for my husband and me.

We're looking at lancets, specifically the Tenderlett Lancet.

What are your techniques?

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Firebrand (79)
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13:23:34 Oct 19 2016
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i posted mine in my journal entry but it was a easy way for others to start out if they are new to it mine is numerous of ways i don't prefer to fully expose of my ways for certain purposes but i can private message you some ways if you like my dear

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16:35:33 Oct 20 2016
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Best why to spill blood is to obviously tear the carotid artery wide open. That, and other sweet spots. You will soon be letting out plenty of blood then but of course, as humans and not proper bloodsuckers like the leech, good luck trying to consume that much blood.

A vampire bat can consume almost its body weight in blood.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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18:59:55 Oct 20 2016
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And to expand on what MordrakusxMortalitas posted when it comes to slitting some throats, the movies have taught us wrong. When you go behind someone to slit their throat, you do not push their head backward so that their chin points to the sky.

This is how it’s always done in the movies, but it’s anatomically not efficacious. What you are doing is separating the great vessels (the jugular and the carotid) and giving the person a more likely chance to crawl away, establish an airway and survive.

If you go up from behind them and push their head forward so that their neck points to their chest, you are bringing together the great vessels. You can effectively cut off the largest route of blood supply to their brain which will fell them in minutes.

Now its also important to know the bleed times:

These are approximations and 'bleed times' will vary on factors such as heart rate of the victim, etc. etc.

Carotid Artery: Approx 2-20 minutes.

Jugular Vein: Approx 15-60 minutes.

Subclavian Artery: Approx 2-20 minutes. Difficult to hit but nearly impossible to recover from because the Subclavian is protected by the clavicle and the first rib (sandwiched between them). Short of having a member of the physician's caste doing field surgery on the spot, they're not gonna make it. This is the trademark strike that was used by Bradd Pitt playing Achilles in the movie Troy.

Subclavian Vein:
Approx 15-60 minutes

The Brachial Artery:
5-60 minutes. Located on the upper arm and protected by the bicep muscle. It's what they use to measure your BP with a pressure cuff in the doctor's office.

Femoral Artery:
5-60 minutes. Bleeding out from a femoral artery wound can occur in seconds and may be encountered more often due to increased use of body armor on the torso.

Axillary Artery:
5-60 minutes. Accessible via the armpit and front of the shoulder joint. Feeds the brachial artery. Difficult to hit but an upward slash or stab can be guided into the artery by armor worn. Extremely difficult to treat this wound, even with direct pressure.

Inguinal Artery:
5-60 minutes. The inguinal arteries feed the Femoral arteries and can be effective against a heavily armored opponent by striking upwards between the legs into the 'crotch'. A blade will be guided up over armored plates on the inner thigh to cut into the soft tissues that cannot be covered with armor. Extremely difficult to treat with applying pressure. Made famous in a scene of the movie Blackhawk Down.

Aorta or any part of the heart:
Approx 1-2 minutes.

Two other areas of note also include:

Popliteal Artery:
Located behind the knee, would be similar (but slightly less effective) to cutting the femoral artery but easy to treat with pressure.

Inferior Vena Cava
Approx 15-60 minutes. Can be attacked via a deep abdominal stab using the short sword (gladius), similar to cutting the Jugular vein

Every good Vampire studies their anatomy.

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No Longer Registered
15:39:52 Oct 24 2016
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If you plan on engaging in any kind of blood play for any reason keeping all implements involved clean is of the utmost importance. Though I typically feed through psychic/mystical means I have fed sanguine style before, and probably will again. As there are minors on this site I will message you privately regarding actual technique if you wish.
I also feel the need to warn you against taking advice from role players regarding this matter. Some individuals become really involved in their "vampire character" and may offer advice that is false at best, and very dangerous at worst.

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16:14:31 Oct 24 2016
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I think whether or not the instruments are clean is the least of an idiot's worries, drinking blood is not healthy for animals that are not meant to drink it. Both life-stylers, roleplayers and those that try to compromise by saying they are human-vampires have problems in common, they are all morons. And despite their claims, are completely and utterly human with no abilties whatsoever (which is never going to change no matter what) ergo they shouldn't be trying to consume blood or acting above their station. The sheep can never be a wolf.

A true predator would not care about the health and safety of their prey, so drawing a tiny amount of blood and sipping it a wine class while dressed in victorian clothes only makes them look rather pathetic. I would say to them "get a life" but I would rather them dead.

But if you want a good technique, I repeat that one needs to go for the arteries and try not to waste blood that comes out, but as I said good luck trying to drink it all and getting away with murder.

There really shouldn't be minors on this site but you see a lot of "adults" acting just as childish with the whole "I am an immortal ancient vampire" but with much worse grammer. This isn't a role-playing site and yet they are here.

I don't normally say this since I actually do like misfortune to happen, especially to those that have it coming but the best advice would be not to spill any blood in the first place.

Wait, I take that last advice back, use whatever method you want and when you accidentally hit an artery and cause some insect to bleed out and die, that would be one less idiot in the world. So get out your needles and scalpels, go vein hunting everyone!

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Firebrand (79)
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17:07:24 Oct 24 2016
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even those that role play can not consume a great amount i've seen people vomit because they tried i wouldn't suggest it

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17:15:24 Oct 24 2016
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I already said that.

No human, no matter who they pretend to be is going to be capable of properly dealing with or consuming five quartz of blood, probably not even half whereas natural blood drinking creatures can consume nearly their body weight in blood.

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Firebrand (79)
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The Cry of the Banshee (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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18:19:54 Oct 24 2016
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oh i know i have seen it first hand

anyways i remember that some people from the old world would also spill the blood of a animal because they used to believe it would return back to the earth while others have used animal blood all over their body as did ritual around a fire to be near the other world of the dead so many different things have been mentioned about this subject but there is a couple more you can add to this now take care

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No Longer Registered
21:09:53 Oct 24 2016
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What exactly are you referring to when you say the "old world"?

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Firebrand (79)
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21:35:13 Oct 24 2016
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people that lived here back when the earth was still young or how some might put it in B.C. time period

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No Longer Registered
21:49:56 Oct 24 2016
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So you are speaking of past life recollections you have had regarding blood letting in the "old world"?

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Firebrand (79)
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22:17:49 Oct 24 2016
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i only speak of knowledge i don't practice it anymore just the average girl now

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No Longer Registered
13:35:16 Oct 25 2016
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And what are your sources for this "old world" knowledge?

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Firebrand (79)
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14:46:21 Oct 25 2016
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old books I've read through my years of course you would have to have the knowledge to translate some but it's no new surprise to me

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No Longer Registered
15:01:04 Oct 25 2016
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Well that sounds interesting, what are the titles of some of these books? I've read a good bit of the old grimoires myself though I don't remember reading anything on blood letting. So I am curious what books are you referring to regarding bloodletting?

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Firebrand (79)
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The Cry of the Banshee (Coven) is a member of an Alliance

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15:30:59 Oct 25 2016
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i don't recall the title off hand since its been years i touched it but it has to do with the Maya religion the book it self was a mix of human creation, prophecies, and traditional myths and history i'm sure there is a few book to look up pertaining to the following

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No Longer Registered
15:47:51 Oct 25 2016
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So you are quite literally making a claim of certain knowledge regarding "old world" blood letting techniques without listing a source for said knowledge. Which is fine with me really as I have no need for any bloodletting "tips", or "old world" techniques pertaining to bloodletting. Though it does remind me of a quote I found years ago that rings ever true to this day. "Those that know are silent, those that don't know never cease to speak."

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Firebrand (79)
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15:57:06 Oct 25 2016
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you can find a book on maya religion my dear friend it would have the same knowledge as i have spoken may not be the the same book but the same in a sense for the knowledge you requested

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16:30:43 Oct 25 2016
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How convenient that is, you seem to "remember" a lot of other stuff but you can't remember the name of "important" books. I have never forgotten an important book that I have read, no matter how much time has passed especially if one needs to make the effort translating a book.

Don't cite "sources" you can't prove because it just makes you like an idiot. If you going into a discussion, you need to be able back up what you say.

Now here is a page on bloodletting in Mesoamerica https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloodletting_in_Mesoamerica
Sure, its a wikipedia page and so its suspect but at least it actually a readable source unlike a no-named book. This is literally all you had to do.

Also the "old world" usually refers to europe, not ancient times. Indeed, America is usually known as the "new world".

I find it amusing that this thread is about bloodletting "techniques" yet you haven't really shared any, merely posting about messaging you for tips, maybe some of the folks reading these threads as well as the OP may actually want to know in this thread rather than having to go through a private message.

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No Longer Registered
18:04:19 Oct 25 2016
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Elizabeth you have not shared any knowledge. And I did not request any knowledge I was just interested in the source material you were vaguely referring to.
And I would have to agree with the above post it is important to be able to back up the claims you make in some facet.

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Firebrand (79)
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21:19:09 Oct 25 2016
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Maya Hieroglyphic Writing is the name of the book my apologies i no longer had the need of it and i don't usually remember names much go through too many so i never cared this is just a book that caught my eye as a small interest knowing i have never read this religion before so i did years ago and i suppose next time i just won't bother since i know so little to you anyways

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No Longer Registered
21:27:52 Oct 25 2016
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Thank you for naming your source I will have to give it a look. The Mayans did have a fascinating culture.
And I made no claim against your knowledge or lack thereof concerning the subject matter at hand. Your words speak quite clearly regarding your knowledge of bloodletting or any other aspect of vampyric existence.

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Firebrand (79)
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21:40:11 Oct 25 2016
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oh wait its not because i know so little that's right i forgot its because i care about a name of a book sorry if i don't bother for the need to keep track the deal for me is i read it don't bother with the name of the author after i'm done i either put it on a shelf so it can collect dust as a small memory of a accomplishment i've done with my time or give it to someone dear to me if they really like it the rest i don't really care for never did and probably never will just reading books on different variety of things is what i do near a candle set in my room while i'm drinking tea or wine i favor it more than other activities but i still feel the need to get out understand that i only care about the knowledge and understanding of the book and please don't say how i should remember things or live my life not one has been there yet and i don't expect it any time soon and don't worry i won't bother again since none of this was good enough for you that much i can promise you

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Royal Sire (228)
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19:27:46 Oct 26 2016
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Role playing in the main forum stops now or suspensions will be handed out. This isn't the first time people have been warned about it. People are having a serious discussion about the lifestyle. If people want to role play, the sandbox is the place to do so.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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23:52:40 Oct 26 2016
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I was invited by a friend who lives the lifestyle but knows vampires are not real to one of there gatherings locally. They did use the lancet but they were very responsible about it. The finger was cleaned with alcohol and the lancet was used once and then properly disposed of that no one picking the garbage bag up would get cut. These are meant for a single use ONLY. Also -all- donors were medically cleared before hand. I did not take part myself I only watched. Keep in mind that drinking human blood can be dangerous. In very small amounts (say, a few teaspoons), and if the blood is free from pathogens (such as the many blood-borne diseases), blood might not harm you. Blood, when drank, is toxic. Because blood is so rich in iron — and because the body has difficulty excreting excess iron — any animal that consumes blood regularly runs a risk of iron overdose. While iron is necessary for all animals (and indeed most life), in high doses it can be toxic. This condition, called haemochromatosis, can cause a wide variety of diseases and problems, including liver damage, buildup of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and nervous disorders. They also advise if you are going to partake in this to have a medical person around not for the victim, but for you. For all these reasons I did not take part.


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Changeling (71)
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20:38:49 Oct 27 2016
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Sterilize everything (Including the skin you will draw the blood from) with rubbing alchohol and eucalyptus oil.
It is best to use either a scalpal or the corner of a brand new razorblade or brand new box cutter. (Stanley knife.)
It is best to jab the impliment just slightly into the area just above the shoulderblade, less scarring, not too much blood. Wash your mouth out with lysterine or something similar before you feed so you can put your mouth over the cut and use it like a cupping set.

Re-sterilise the wound. Apply that spray on skin stuff or something similar over the top of an anti bacterial gel.

Aaaand, that's it.

You're welcome.

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Superior Sire (147)
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22:24:24 Oct 27 2016
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Anyway I thought this article about acupuncture and modern bloodletting was interesting so I'm going to share it right here.


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22:28:36 Oct 27 2016
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Acupuncture eh? Just imagine falling off the table face first with those needles still in you, plenty of bloodletting then.

If you don't trust human blood then there is always animal blood. Blood as food is actually a known thing. Blood sausages for example. Skips the whole bloodletting business entirely.

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Vexer (13)
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16:13:08 Nov 17 2016
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just a comment for those less well versed in anatomy and physical reality:

piercing/slicing open an artery does not automatically make one bleed to death.

Coagulation, surrounding muscles tightening around the bleeding artery where the wall is pierced so it will have a chance to recover and the natural rapid speed at which arteries heal (for obvious reasons) make it quite possible to stick a needle or even a razorblade into an artery and (at least with applying some pressure) not die.

Not recommending anyone to do anything, just toning down the dramaticism.

Of course with the wrong technique it's perfectly possible to sever an artery in a way that won't heal without some surgery :)

Don't go and do that.

Also it's pretty impossible to bleed to death from severing MINOR arteries. (your fingers have them, your feet have them etc...)

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Vexer (13)
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16:17:13 Nov 17 2016
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ps @ safety of drinking blood, here are some actual numbers:

for a person weighing 110 lbs you'd need to drink 2 QUARTS (2 liters) of human blood to reach the lower limit of iron toxicity (20 mg/kg of bodyweight, about 25 TIMES the maximum recommended dialy intake.)

Check your facts :)

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Vexer (13)
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23:45:25 Nov 17 2016
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Anyway, back on topic... Since I'm not after just a drop or two (but not too much eitherm, wouldn't want to cause my loved one anemia or hypovolemic shock) and since arterial blood tastes better I figured next time I'd just take a 23G or 18G to an artery, big enough for it, those sizes make one bleed for a minute or depending on location/depth, for good unless you stop it with compression bandaging. Can drink directly or from the syringe, you don't even have to put your mouth near the artery if you're afraid of infection because it will bleed quite a lot, and since no one would do this without knowing medicine and anatomy, cleaning up and compression bandaging will be a breeze for you. If you decide to try it, which I don't recommend, unless you can pretty much draw the nerves, tendons, veins, arteries and bones of the area from memory.

All that medical blah blah added so no one come blaming me for being reckless. (I'm sure they will anyway)

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Chimera (90)
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00:26:52 Nov 18 2016
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Interesting topic of discussion.

From what I have read so far, about the only thing I can add to the discussion, is to clean the area thoroughly prior to using a lancet, scalpel or other tool to prevent infection from occurring. The skin has staph bacteria already on it as a means of protection - if introduced into the bloodstream, it can cause sepsis, which can make the person quite ill.

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Vexer (13)
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00:37:40 Nov 18 2016
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Good addiction MistressAngelique :)

Rubbing alcohol is suitable to use, so is betadine.

Don't use betadine if you have a functioning sense of taste.

The alcohol evaporates, together with the smell/taste. :)

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No Longer Registered
10:25:35 Nov 21 2016
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My two cents:

Roleplaying is all good and well and all that jazz...

BUT when it comes to actual Blood play, bloodletting... one does need to take precautions.

First off, make sure that your Donor has agreed for you to be their Host.

Second, if their unsure... DON'T. PERIOD! Nothing like someone being nervous as all hell and something going wrong such as the method of cutting is either too deep or too long.

Always, ALWAYS make sure that your using the proper medical or plastic gloves. Wash your hands before and after wearing the gloves.

What ever method for cutting, NEVER CUT! PERIOD!

The best and tidiest way is to use a medical scalpel or equivalent thereof. If using a syringe, make sure that it is coming from an UNOPENED package with the lid ON the needle!

ALWAYS make sure the room is clean and tidy, with the proper instruments for cleaning, containment, for the wound and for the disposal are in eye site or next to you.

ALWAYS dispose of any USED equipment in a SAFE fashion.

ALWAYS keep a first aid kit by your side when engaging in such practice.

NEVER go for the neck, the wrist, the thigh, genital area, chest area or any place that can typically bleed out and not coagulate easily.

If anywhere, use the upper back... typically near the left or right shoulder blade. Anywhere on the back is fine though.

If you do choose the chest, at least keep it safe and clean.

ALWAYS clean the area with either alcoholic wipes or other medical cleaning supply that you have on hand and which is quick for disposal.

NEVER drink alcohol during the before, during or after the process. Alcohol tends to thin the blood and thus, makes the wound bleed out more.

NEVER use the entirety of the cutting utensil, such as scalpel. Always pinch most of it with your fingers and hold it like a pencil with less than half an inch of said instrument showing at all times. It leaves for less of a mark and less blood flow to anticipate.

NEVER "bite off more than you can chew", in other words... keep the blood flow at the bare minimum and respect your donor, ALWAYS.

At least keep a maturity level about something this serious and always, ALWAYS have a willing donor to participate with. Respect them and stop when they TELL YOU.

Keep things safe and...


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Royal Sire (204)
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23:57:04 Nov 24 2016
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So you came into the thread to read the newest post.


If you are here to post about the thread, in a non role playing, then please do. Keep to the topic.

If you are here to address the latest drama filled post that is nothing but back and forth bickering, then you need to just move along. The next person who post nothing but ones like I have just removed from this thread with be suspended.

Not role playing- just you all fighting. I read folks calling each other drama whores, "Crocodile? just a better comparison than a buffalo"?? name calling, saying folks are crazy, and etc.

Stay on topic. No role playing. And NO fighting, name calling, drama.

If you came here to read, learn and share your input- then do. That is what the forum is for.

If you came to role play, fight, call each other names - then go to your journal and have at it. That is not what the forum is for.

Thank you.

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