Past lives.
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Changeling (71)
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07:21:27 Sep 28 2016
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Am I the only person who dreams of theirs?
Do you remember yours?

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Termagant (58)
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13:30:03 Sep 28 2016
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No you're really not the only person on here who remembers having past lives. I have bumped into at least 6 people, not including myself that has had past life recollections.

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19:19:47 Sep 28 2016
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If you obsess over the past then you are not looking to the future.

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Scamp (26)
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21:27:12 Sep 28 2016
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“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

― Lao Tzu

Often times I am guilty of option 2. Working on it though.

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Changeling (71)
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02:16:15 Sep 29 2016
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I'm not obsessed Mortalis, just curious.

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Doppelganger (69)
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20:37:32 Sep 30 2016
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No past lives for me. As far as I remember Lyndon Johnson was the first president. That's when time begun for me. Or
at least 1963 was when the major cover up started! LOL

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17:04:06 Oct 01 2016
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I wasn't speaking directly to you, I was merely talking in general. If one looks back, they are not looking forward. Simple.

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Firebrand (79)
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17:34:30 Oct 01 2016
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i do believe that she means that the dreams can not be helped because they are memories and its a question to see if others can relate or not i can say that no matter what i can never escape my past the things i have done are not easily forgotten so yes i still dream of my past

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Royal Sire (212)
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05:49:06 Oct 02 2016
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To be honest I am unsure.

I mean on one side I got the impression that some memories are from a past lives, different era, different lives and who I was and where I was.

On the other side I am under the impression it is simply imagination creating worlds for my mind to let itself live in and feel them as if they were real.

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Wraith (46)
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18:39:53 Oct 02 2016
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I myself started experiencing dreams like this at a young age. Different periods, all seen through my own eyes. I couldn't put a label on it for a long time, I just thought I had really vivid dreams. Until I started with detailed history studies and realized that what I was seeing wasn't just an odd dream or a series of them but I was seeing the past. I believe, at present I have had 6 lives going back to 200 AD or so. Prior to that I have more detailed recollections, I'm not sure why those periods were more detailed than the later ones.

I learn from what I remember. That's all I can say for myself. I seem to understand the whys and hows of the way the world works better when I have remembered more of a past life. It's hard to explain.

Is it a collective genetic memory? Past lives of the same soul? I always find myself asking questions like this when I "remember" something new.

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Changeling (71)
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19:53:20 Oct 02 2016
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Thankyou. I just dream, but they feel like memories, if that makes sense. I can smell the flowers in my aristocratic husband's aviary, which was in the center of our house. I can close my eyes and hear his cane on the pavement. I can hear his voice. I've met him in this life. Of course, I'm a forgotten thing, but I remember.

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Scamp (26)
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20:06:45 Oct 02 2016
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I do not believe there to be any restrictions on time lines within the dream realm or spirit plane. Past, present, or future.

I try to imagine the overall timeline as a single instant. Big Bang for a lack of a better phrase. As a finite physical being here in the real world, we are actively experiencing the manifestation of the moment. The expansion of this instant, or explosion, is governed by rules that imprison our spiritual being. Trapped on the timeline known as your waking life.

However, this is a non-issue to the dream body and hopefully in the after life. With that said, tapping into past lives, or time traveling if you will is not difficult. You don't need to harness energy amounts equal to the size of a small star in order to move about.

What I wonder about often though, is why 200 AD, or 3017, for those who do feel that they've experienced another time in dreams. What drives the subconscious flux compacitor GPS destination? Are there any constants to be found between individual experiences regardless of the times?

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Firebrand (79)
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21:16:56 Oct 02 2016
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i have had the same experience that was years ago but it's more of a realistic dream that i don't wish to remember either i've tried different things to forget about my past life still it haunts me like it were yesterday guessing some things can not be easily done so

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19:05:39 Oct 03 2016
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In the past I did allot of past life meditation, introspection, and spell work. At the time I though the more I knew about, and understood my past lives, the more I would better be able to understand, and overcome the conflicts I face in this life. I went a bit overboard with my past life workings as I was quite a bit younger than. I did learn from the past life recollections I had then, and I learn from them now when I have such recollections. The difference being now I do not search for such memories, I don't look ever deeply into my own soul searching for the past. I strive to focus more on my present life, with a watchful eye on my continuously unfolding future. I do still have past life recollections from time to time, and they can often be quite insightful. From what I've learned from my own personal experience balance is crucial when doing past life work. It is far to easy to get lost in the past.

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Scamp (26)
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05:13:44 Oct 04 2016
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Aexander, if you don't mind me asking... you mentioned meditation work with your dreams. Were you able to determine where you ended up, or which past lives you saw?

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08:49:47 Oct 04 2016
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I can relate and it can be bothersome. I am used to it by now.

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Necromancer (96)
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13:54:46 Oct 04 2016
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I'm curious of my own past lives.
I've felt our dreams gave us hints of who we were.
I keep a journal of them so in case something comes up I have record of it.

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Changeling (71)
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16:03:42 Oct 04 2016
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I am so happy to discover I am so far from alone.

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20:28:47 Oct 04 2016
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djaqueous, the short answer to your question is yes. Once a part of a past life of mine has been recalled I can typically use it as a key in meditation to further explore the circumstances involved in that life. Though this does take time, and effort. One must approach this type of work with a sense of brutal self honesty or one may fall into the realms of illusion, and fantasy.

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Scamp (26)
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00:55:44 Oct 05 2016
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I can't really seem to unfold the past, It's like the memories are buried deep beyond my reach. Maybe it's better that way, I guess things happen for a reason

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Firebrand (79)
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09:05:07 Oct 05 2016
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you'll know it when you encounter a deja vu doesn't matter if it's surppressed or not you'll noticed it once in awhile

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Incendiary (86)
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16:18:35 Oct 05 2016
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speaking of deja vu I have that quite often...it messes with my head so much sometimes I think I'm going crazy

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Scamp (26)
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17:48:11 Oct 05 2016
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Personally, I loved how Deja Vu was explained as a glitch in the Matrix.

I believe it to be a glitch in whatever separates our conscious waking self with our spirit or dream body.

As I mentioned before, I believe the spiritual self is not bound by time. And every now and then we glitch out and get a short preview vision from THIS waking time line.

Sorry to hear that it happens to you often. You aren't crazy for that. Try to embrace your uniqueness. When you have a Deja Vu moment, remind yourself to focus on your actions of now and not the future. Remind yourself that others accept their visions of Deja Vu and that you are not alone.

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Firebrand (79)
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20:16:42 Oct 05 2016
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almost everyone experiences the deja vu it is the subconscious memory of the past life you have already experienced some may not even realize it right away however once you do it will make a lot more sense and i am happy to hear that someone does understand and for the record i have to agree you aren't crazy some things will be overwhelming so balance everything else out so these things won't be it will get better that i do promise once everything is caught up in your life

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14:19:48 Oct 11 2016
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all humans have reincarnated, the reason you experience past life is for you to amend your evils ways and spread love so that you can ascend permanently into the spiritual realm. wake up and spread unconditional love to humanity..

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Firebrand (79)
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19:26:57 Oct 11 2016
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well if you really must know why one relives consider this you can not live everything in one life it was once said in the book of enoch that we will learn things in multiple meaning multiple lives others look past these things often but reality some of it means more just as if you never died things will still repeat until one understands this is a theory from raguel the angel of justice though

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Scamp (26)
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20:10:09 Oct 11 2016
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"So we're walking along, and Lady Gregory turns to me and says, "Let me explain to you the nature of the universe. Now Philip K. Dick is right about time, but he's wrong that it's 50 A.D. Actually, there's only one instant, and it's right now, and it's eternity. And it's an instant in which God is posing a question, and that question is basically, 'Do you want to, you know, be one with eternity? Do you want to be in heaven?' And we're all saying, 'No thank you. Not just yet.' And so time is actually just this constant saying 'No' to God's invitation. I mean that's what time is. I mean, and it's no more 50 A.D. than it's two thousand and one. And there's just this one instant, and that's what we're always in."

And then she tells me that actually this is the narrative of everyone's life. That, you know, behind the phenomenal difference, there is but one story, and that's the story of moving from the "no" to the "yes." All of life is like, "No thank you. No thank you. No thank you." then ultimately it's, "Yes, I give in. Yes, I accept. Yes, I embrace." I mean, that's the journey. I mean, everyone gets to the "yes" in the end, right?" -Richard Linklater (Waking Life 2001)

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Firebrand (79)
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23:11:22 Oct 11 2016
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everything is a puzzle just as if you tried to translate something that is in metaphorical terms the same is with life once you've opened your mind to a greater understanding and walking the path everything comes together and is more clear you'll no longer see things in the dark or at one angle our past lives are a little similar it hold a key to a certain understanding that we may face later but again it is with the choices we make in life that can make a difference as well my apologies if this might be a little long i won't bore you with the details any further take care

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Premiere Sire (124)
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17:17:25 Oct 12 2016
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Yes swan. I too dream. Vividly. Of past recollection. In my lifetime. And at times those memories. Can be rather scary. Past. Lifetime. Experiences can get trapped. In our subconscious. And manifest. Themselves. In our dreams. Others. Can have dreams. Of future events. Or even things in the present. Such as deam visions or warnings. If the person is a strong soul and psychic. This maybe the case. So no your not the only one. That has dreams of a past. Life

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Hellion (73)
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17:43:31 Oct 12 2016
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Any ideas of why I get Deja Vous a lot but cant remember
any past life memorties at all. I have never even recalled
dreaming about a past life. Ive had vivid and lucid dreams
but it all just seems random and insane. Rarely die and rarely conclude. Its just kind of a hurry up theme except
if I dream of imminent danger then its slowed.

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Firebrand (79)
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18:41:40 Oct 12 2016
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my dear darko you won't remember exactly of your past life when you have your deja vu but it is the connection we have to our past the vivid dreams however can be numerous of this it would be best to write down as much detail as possible then get a book on translation everything should make more sense after

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Termagant (58)
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13:38:38 Oct 13 2016
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The problem with reading books on how to translate dreams is because it gives you THEIR perspective on what dreams mean which is totally inaccurate Darko. Nobody can tell you what such and such means because dreams are determined by what something makes you FEEL. I learned that also by a Shaman. One may fear snakes, while another may like them. Doesn't mean "enemies are near you".

Deja Vu has nothing to do with past lives.
It's letting you know that you are on the right path.

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Firebrand (79)
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21:13:34 Oct 13 2016
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true my dear it does mean that you are on the right path however how many have said that this looks familiar when in a deja vu experience the answer is almost every time you experience this occurrence just because some may not remember right away does not mean that you haven't already lived it from your past

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Hellion (73)
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21:26:58 Oct 13 2016
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I always took Deja Vous as something that has repeated in this lifetime. I know of no events or hints Ive ever lived
before 1963 (They yesr my older Sister passed in a horrible accident). Granted I was two years old when it happened
but I have never even dreamed I had lived before. Could I be a brand new soul?

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Termagant (58)
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23:43:32 Oct 13 2016
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Déjà vu has nothing to do with your past as far as past lives go...dear.

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Incendiary (86)
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15:00:41 Oct 14 2016
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what makes you so sure sorvena ?

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Premiere Sire (124)
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18:02:40 Oct 14 2016
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I'm. Not sure on. A few things but i do know that for me my dreams. Being vivid is an interesting. Quality. About myself. Most of my dreams. Come true in. Some way. Good. Or bad . at times. My dreams involving. Children. Who I've. Dreamt. About but don't. Know how to help makes me sad the things i sometimes. See. But life is full of dreams. We all have them. I agree writing. Them down is good then you can remember. And look back at details. To find hidden. Warnings or find love or joy within the dream. . my dreams. Always mean something.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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20:01:05 Oct 14 2016
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I always give a chuckle at some people who say they recall past lives and seems the most part they were some king, queen, prince or princess. Rarely is it someone who says yeah in my past life I was a pig farmer and sold pig dung to other farmers. Now I am not saying all people are like that, but even a lot of journals I have read here on someone past lives they claim to recall how they were some person of importance in one of there past lives. I believe when we die our souls, spirits venture on to a new place, and reside there for eternity.... but the fact remains no one knows for sure if we are reborn again and again... I do however respect a person who believes in reincarnation.

I have had deja vu before. I believe it to just simply an extreme reaction of the mind that your memory uses to tell you that you are in a familiar situation. I do think it's really cool when it happens. But personally I do not think its a memory from a past life.

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Hellion (73)
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21:07:07 Oct 14 2016
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I seem to get it most leaving the bathroom, maybe its repeating the same thing for the past 32 years. Just like I can get up every morning at 3AM safely walk down hall to restroom in the dark without hurting myself. Or when you can drive with no hands or not paying attention because sub conscious takes over.

I wish I could remember I was a Pig farmer, grave digger
or anything about my past. I have like photographic memory but whomever is in charge of clearing brains should get a raise because I cannot reach mine. The odd thing is Ive never dreamed I was another entity. Just me being me in different trials!

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:10:12 Oct 15 2016
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DarkoTheLite, I also in my dreams am just me. Never dreamed I was someone else. Now I have dreamed I was a warrior of the past and have dreamed of being in battles. But I do not sense that's from a past life. I guess we just the boring two. haha. And maybe if you were a pig farmer, well who would want to remember that.

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Firebrand (79)
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08:28:48 Oct 16 2016
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i remember from my dream of being a medical nurse in a war

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Incendiary (86)
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22:26:22 Oct 16 2016
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in my dreams im just me besides deja vu that i get every ones in a while im okay just the way i am and if i ever had a past life i'd want it to stay buried like it says "past" life not present or future so what good is it

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05:40:47 Oct 17 2016
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Past life recollections can give you insight into the reasons for certain conditions in your present incarnation. This insight can aid you in accomplishing the goals you need to accomplish I this life.
Though even with that being said I do not believe past life work is a necessary component to each individual's spiritual growth. One may grow, and soar to ever lofty spiritual heights in this life without ever having a single recollection from the past.
Past life recollection is one of many tools avalible to aid one on a path of spiritual growth, and development.

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Heretic (18)
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19:40:18 Oct 18 2016
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I don't know if this is anything so might as well post it see what you guys think,

when I was 16 I kept seeing this guy, no one could see him and I swear im not making it up

his name was Kevin,

he told me how he died, where he was buried and that he knew he would find me again?

he kept telling me he would wait again?

I haven't seen or heard him since?

what do you guys think?

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Firebrand (79)
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19:57:31 Oct 18 2016
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it would seem that it is a lost love or very dear friend from your past and once you find him it will make more sense

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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:36:49 Oct 19 2016
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I can't recall having any dreams about a past life, or past lives. I sometimes believe in them, though. Especially when I have an unreasonable fear of something or if I feel an affinity to a certain era. For instance, I am terrified of drowning. I know people have phobias, but this isn't really a phobia. It doesn't cripple me. I love to swim. It's just that I have this niggling fear in the back of my mind when I get in the water, like something buried deep. I've often wondered if it's a memory of a past life, or death, as it were. I'd love to be hypnotized to see if anything would come out. That would be fascinating!

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Scamp (26)
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21:46:01 Oct 19 2016
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I was thrown into a public pool in SC when I was very young. I had not yet learned how to swim and thankfully my older cousin pulled me out. But I didn't panic. I just kind of looked around like "wow, this really sucks."

You know how they say, "you can't die in a dream".

I had a dream where I was on a plane that crashed over the ocean. I watched everyone panic while I just sat there as the water rushed in. I could feel it filling up my lungs until I could no longer breathe. And then... well, a whole lot of nothing.

But I type therefore I survive. And I absolutely love to fly. The dream doesn't haunt me at all. It isn't really a past life experience, but I have occasionally wondered if that is how I go. Not exactly how I want to go, but you don't usually get a whole lot of say in the matter.

Between the two, I would've assumed a phobia would have developed. But like you, I'll jump in the water just fine.
Anyway, I have felt no real rush to book a flight to Europe, but as soon as I can score an excuse to get out to Japan or Hawaii it's on!

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Premiere Sire (126)
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22:24:14 Oct 19 2016
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When you go to Hawaii, can I tag along? I would love to visit Hawaii.

I have wondered if phobias could have developed because of past lives experiences. If that were the case, I might have died from a spider bite or being buried alive. I'm kind of joking, but those deaths would suck! I have arachnophobia and claustrophobia. What about the people who are afraid of clowns? Death at a circus???

In all seriousness, it's an interesting idea: phobias being linked to past lives.

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Scamp (26)
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23:34:04 Oct 19 2016
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What if I told you...

In a past life, we've already been there???


Yes, I certainly invite you to tag along ;)

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Premiere Sire (126)
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19:47:28 Oct 20 2016
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Well, I certainly hope I didn't drown there. That would be a horrible way to end a trip, huh? ;)

For those of you that believe in past lives or have memories of your past lives, do you think they exist so that we complete some mission? I mean, do we just live over and over until we get it right and then we move on? Or is it just a random recycling of energy?

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No Longer Registered
20:28:00 Oct 20 2016
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There is a reason for everything. No aspect of life whether past, or present exists without a purpose.

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19:49:50 Oct 22 2016
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Sometimes i just know how to do certain things so i guess it's possible that everyones had a past live due to not living long like you feel like you're someone else

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Venerable Sire (135)
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06:11:18 Oct 23 2016
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I remember a few experiences from mine.

Pretty sure I died in all of them though.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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06:16:09 Oct 23 2016
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I wouldn't take too much from a dream. Dreaming is your brain venting or purging info. I do however, believe that some aspects from past lives may show themselves in dreams. Another great reason to keep and maintain a dream journal.

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Great Sire (118)
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18:09:36 Oct 24 2016
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Nope...You are not the only one. Many times I went to sa place, and then, hit me, Am I was here before?? That question happen too often.

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Changeling (71)
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14:06:54 Oct 27 2016
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Actually, I was a lawyers wife. But back then, that made you an aristocrat. So I guess I kind of fail on the view that I believe I was someone of importance, because I very slightly was.

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Changeling (71)
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14:10:35 Oct 27 2016
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Having said that, my two sons and I died of some sort of viral disease, I'm not certain which one.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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00:20:59 Oct 28 2016
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Well if dreaming and remembering seems hard to believe, imagine finding a true love from a past life. It not only can happen, it is fucking ridiculously amazing. I imagine it happens all too often to people who are already married and intertwined with children and such. But like a fairy tale, it can happen, and true love does not die with the physical body. True love endures beyond time.

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Termagant (58)
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14:13:24 Oct 28 2016
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I agree. I saw Aexander before I even met him in this life.
You can have soulmates in friends as well, not just lovers or companions, but yes, it's an interesting thing to witness esp when you questioned it before. :)

I know past lives, reincarnation is real. My own son remembers a few of his past lives and I witnessed that personally. He had to see a hypnotist for having reoccurring nightmares about dying in 9/11. He doesn't have those nightmares anymore. The hypnotist i contacted, asked me what i thought about past lives, and i told him that I was open to the idea of them (not revealing my own ofc). He said that's good, and wanted us to come in immediately.

We saw him the following week and he admitted having past life memories himself with his wife. They were walking in some area that they felt they knew before, and not long after seeing certain things that triggered the memories, they both had the same recollections of being there together.

There's a lady that I call my Sis, and we are very close, and interestingly enough her uncle is Vampyre Father Vincent lol, she told me about remembering past lives with me. We used to be southern belle Sisters, but not just that, we have always been part of each other in different lifetimes.

So if it's not real, then it's a funny thing that i know so many different people who can tell you otherwise. lol

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Vampling (25)
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02:31:06 Oct 31 2016
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I can tell you that myself and a few of my friends have all lived past lives together and have met up in this lifetime, many of the memories we have all had are those of Gaelic times. however I have had dreams and recollections of the civil war, even egyptian times. They say the things in history that you are most attracted and study the most on are the soul reliving that past and that you lived in that era.

I have also watched a show about past life regression where the scars that are on some people in some areas of their body that they were born with are connected to a past life on how they died.

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Spook (24)
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11:51:12 Nov 06 2016
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I actually have one that is quite vivid.

I was a young boy the age of ten. I had shaggy ratty blond hair. I was skinny to skinny really. It was during the time of the plague. I can't remember what the area was called but I can still see the ally that my mother and I lived down. There's no doubt that it was in the slums.

As it was people were dying all over the place. I came into the one room that we shared. She was having another coughing fit. She was very ill. The plague had its claws in her. That day it would claim her. The cleaners came in and found me sitting next to her sobbing into my hands.

I was taken by them and put into an orphanage of sorts. A male took me in. He looked like a knight. Probably a crusader. He gave me a small area in the stalls with the animals. I was to care for them.

One day I was cutting wood. It was colder than normal. Which brings me to believe that it was nearing the end of fall. This day would be my last in this life. There was a pack of wild dogs. Well they came at me. I screamed out in pain as there claws and teeth tore into me. From.there it fades to black.

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17:30:35 Nov 06 2016
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Double posts, don't worry I'm sure your past self turned up much later from the many different dogs. lol

It is curious why people believe they may have a past life just by experiencing a vivid dream, there would be some credibilty to it if they experienced such a dream without any prior knowledge of what they are dreaming about, as your mind will repeat things that you have seen before and use them in a dream. Not knocking it but how does one know it is a past life and not merely a realistic dream?

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Spook (24)
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17:57:42 Nov 06 2016
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Because it started coming to me in flashes while I was awake.

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Incendiary (86)
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21:27:20 Nov 06 2016
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a toast to those who have memories of their past life and for my fellow mates who have none now is the time to live a life that your next life would want to remember :)

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Premiere Sire (126)
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14:38:30 Nov 15 2016
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So, I've been batting around the idea of soulmates in another thread. Some think that we live many lives, over and over, until we get it right. What if we have many lives in order to find our soulmate and to become complete? Say, you live one life, and for some reason, you miss your soulmate. Well, then you would have to live another life--and another--until you finally come together with your other half.

Thoughts on that?

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Changeling (71)
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07:12:49 Nov 19 2016
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That's actually an ancient Greek theory. Clever you. :)

I think it's a possibility, I've met the lawyer I married in that life in this one,but he doesn't remember me. He's actually what triggered the memories.

I'm actually fighting internally at the moment because the man I thought was my soulmate in this life left me a month ago, and then came back after I got together with someone else, and now I can't decide who I love/which of them I want to stay with.

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00:23:26 Nov 20 2016
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that can happen, trust me I ahve been down that road before....

One can have many soulmates, they turn up as a friend we connect with in a crazy karmic way. Then we have the one we are to be with forever. The soul will know who this person is.

My soulmate died before I realized he was my soulmate if that makes any sense at all. When he passed away, I feel like I have been trying to find something to replace what I lost. And that is tough being married and all.

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No Longer Registered
08:01:07 Nov 21 2016
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I remember and dream about mine very frequently. Most of my life in fact. I believe in reincarnation of the soul... either in a body that very closely resembles my present foundation, or slightly different in perspective. But, my personality remains the same throughout each incarnation.

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19:10:35 Nov 21 2016
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I doubt your personality would be exactly the same, experiences and the environment influences what you become. Early in the last three hundred years racism was rife despite some of these folk being otherwise moral and decent, while most folk today don't see anything different when it comes to races and other ethnics. A person's personality and state of mind are the product of the era they existed in.

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No Longer Registered
20:40:22 Nov 21 2016
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You can doubt all you like. Ethics is not a personality issue. But I see where your coming from, yeah. Your point is validated and with merit, and yet... it could be that you might not have experienced the same type of "re-established" connection that I and/or a few others have experienced from past incarnations.

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22:27:56 Nov 21 2016
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No but is it a state of mind, a belief and an opinion which contributes to a personality overall.
I have no use for a past life or to re-connect to anything, I will exist until I don't and only one life I need. Nature goes on no matter what and it won't even notice the dead. I think because humans are so sentimental, they want to hold on to the past in one form or another. But if you are in the past, you are not living the present.

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No Longer Registered
22:46:20 Nov 21 2016
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So aside from your living in the present and conform to your solid foundation that this life is the only life to live, your conviction is something that I've heard before.

I've a few friends who claim to be "satanists" who's philosophies are "do what thou wilt", because they think they only have one life.

But I always contradict them and ask them why they have dreams where their in a different place in a different time. Dreams that seem so real, that they feel they've actually been there.

A few of them laugh it off, but the discussion turns into hours of debate.

So I ask you, if you have dreams like that... what does it mean to you, if you choose to live only for THIS life? How do you relate to those dreams and only life for this life?

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22:55:19 Nov 21 2016
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The difference is that I am no satanist, I bow down to no one, mortal or a mere concept. Gods and demons are nothing to me. Only the natural law matters.

Dreams are the brain's way of sorting itself out, dreams are also a product of memory from what you seen and experienced recently. Watch some films about the crusades and you may dream about that era. That said there is still a lot to learn about the brain and I do respect other's belief in a past life. There is more than one way to interpret the universe after all.

One life is enough, asking or wanting more is greedy but I expected nothing less from humanity, they should just enjoy the time they have left.

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No Longer Registered
23:30:25 Nov 21 2016
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Good answer, I respect you for that. But aside from psychological impacts from movies... and I get your point in terming it "greedy", but why greedy?

Even after a very long time in one life, and one has reflective memories from other lives. They consider themselves not to be ageless or timeless, but just to have lived in a different era to experience that timeline as it was. Isn't necessarily greed, but a life's experience of learning and knowledge pertaining to historical events. What's true from what is written in history books.

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23:34:53 Nov 21 2016
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History is not to be entirely trusted, history is after all, written by the victor. That is why it is important to live in the present because you can at least control your present to an extent, the past cannot be altered or gained much truth from, my perspective on it anyway.

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No Longer Registered
00:03:40 Nov 22 2016
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Therein lay the paradigm of the space/time discussion.

What if we did have past lives that we experience either in dreams, waking or sleeping, that along with being involved with historic events... what we see would contradict the victors version of the history books and lessons, and therefore we could have a viable account of what actually transpired during certain first person accounts?

Of course no one would believe that person, but it would give that individual an added enlightenment and further knowledge of their own regressive nature.

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00:15:42 Nov 22 2016
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That is an interesting way to look at it, of course being believed is not the only issue, dreams are not always remembered in its entirety, meaning whether you consider it accurate or not, its going to have gaps.

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Hellion (73)
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15:30:21 Nov 22 2016
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Most of my dreams appear comedical
And worthless. Like the neighbor on
The south side of my house got a job
At my local government like me.
Well last night I dreamed the north
Neighbor took a pay cut too for
The better pension job here too!
I thought are you neighbors stalking
Me? I kinda think it might be related
To me deciding to get inkd. I used
To hate the idea of tattoos cause I
Hate doing things just cause others
Do. But now I crave it like I must do
It and am trying to justify it! And
Convince myself it is me wanting it
And not a manipulation of sorts!
Or maybe it's a fear I want to overcome.
Wanting to conform.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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16:42:52 Nov 22 2016
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Speaking to the personality, I believe that we keep the core of who we are throughout all of our lives, but, yes, we can be and definitely are shaped by the times in which we've lived. I think we evolve throughout each lifetime. I believe that's the whole point. We're like onions, with layers and layers of experience and knowledge. And sometimes we make people cry. :)

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Hellion (73)
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21:53:59 Nov 22 2016
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I believe that something has changed in me as I was always a good person doing naughty things on inside,
and now Im a darker person doing better things!

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Shadow (10)
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00:35:25 Nov 25 2016
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I too remember parts of my past lives.

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Grave Robber (22)
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21:30:40 Nov 27 2016
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I wish I knew my past life. I get dreams or daydreams about things that are going to happen in the near future. I don't know when it is going to happen, but I know the person or people involved and a little about the situation.

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No Longer Registered
12:17:29 Nov 28 2016
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I don't recall much from my dreams and feelings from who I was in my previous life. But my dreams and feelings are very vivid in short flashes. All I know about my past life is that I was a soldier in WWII for the Soviet Union commanding a T-34-85. That's all I can make out from flashbacks.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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01:45:56 Nov 29 2016
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Julie Delpy:
Just about reincarnation and where all the new souls come from over time. Everybody always say that they've been the reincarnation of Cleopatra or Alexander the Great. I always want to tell them they were probably some dumb fuck like everybody else. I mean, it's impossible. Think about it. The world population has doubled in the past 40 years, right? So if you really believe in that ego thing of one eternal soul, then you have only 50% chance of your soul being over 40. And for it to be over 150 years old, then it's only one out of six.

Ethan Hawke:
Right, so what are you saying? That reincarnation doesn't exist, or that we're all young souls like where half of us are first round humans?

Julie Delpy:
No, no. What I'm trying to say is that somehow I believe reincarnation is just a - a poetic expression of what collective memory really is. There was this article by this biochemist that I read not long ago, and he was talking about how when a member of our species is born, it has a billion years of memory to draw on. And this is where we inherit our instincts.

Ethan Hawke:
I like that. It's like there's this whole telepathic thing going on that we're all a part of, whether we're conscious of it or not. That would explain why there are all these, you know, seemingly spontaneous, worldwide, innovative leaps in science, in the arts. You know, like the same results poppin' up everywhere independent of each other. Some guy on a computer, he figures something out, and then almost simultaneously a bunch of other people all over the world figure out the same thing. They did this study. They isolated a group of people over time, and they monitored their abilities at crossword puzzles, right, in relation to the general population. And they secretly gave them a day-old crossword, one that had already been answered by thousands of other people, right. And their scores went up dramatically, like 20 percent. So it's like once the answers are out there, people can pick up on 'em. It's like we're all telepathically sharing our experiences.

End Transmission

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Ghoul (21)
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00:47:59 Nov 30 2016
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I would love to find out my past lives. Everyone has all these awesome stories or dreams and crap and I'm like.....Crickets......Lol

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Premiere Sire (127)
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07:02:33 Nov 30 2016
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In response to the original post - As much as I have always been interested in the idea of reincarnation and the thought that some lucky people have been able to recall their past lives through various techniques (meditation, hypnosis, or dreaming) I am just not one of those lucky people. Nope. Nothing. Not even a hint of what may have gone down for me in a previous physical incarnation. But I just felt like saying, while not thoroughly a skeptic (I hold a ton of beliefs that a true blue skeptic would laugh at) I have a hard time believing that what someone sees in a dream could be their true past life. I don't know, for some reason I'd be more apt to believe that someone was able to recall their past life through intensive meditation because...when dreaming it could be just that...a dream.

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14:01:13 Dec 02 2016
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I have to say that the soul never dies but returns by rebirth (reincarnation) to fix the things that went wrong in their past life, and this is repeated until they get it right.

The movie "Groundhog Day" is a perfect example to trying to get something right. But then again that goes back to the whole deja vu thing.

I remember watching a documentary on the History Channel about a hindu girl that remembered everything from a past life that she led. It was quite interesting to watch.

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23:48:53 Dec 02 2016
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Mentioned this in the deja vu thread, but maybe "past lives" is some form of genetic memory, something that happens without having experienced that memory in your current life.

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Premiere Sire (127)
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07:01:55 Dec 03 2016
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I once saw a documentary about early man in which it detailed certain fears shared by humanity as a whole and claimed that these fears are "genetic;" something learned by early man and passed down through the evolution of man/the brain as a means of preservation of the species. I wish I could remember the name of the documentary but it has been such a long time since I saw it, hmm. It sort of reminds me of the theory set forth by Joseph Campbell that "God" is a thought persisting from the same point in history, that when early man developed sentient thought/the ability to recognize their own "thoughts" or "internal voice" they believed this to be the voice of a higher power directing their day to day lives and that's how humanity has kept with the concept of higher powers.

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17:56:16 Dec 03 2016
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How droll, that means if god existed then "its" pretty much the devil too since serial killers do what they do because they follow their thought process etc

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:48:20 Dec 04 2016
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My first life I was Jesus, My 2nd life I was a Viking, My 3rd life a Pirate, this life a Native. Fitting no? Joking? Very much so. Except I really am native.

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Chimera (90)
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00:07:32 Dec 05 2016
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Why do people always have to feel that they were someone of great import in a past life? Is the human ego so great?

Sometimes I think that maybe I drowned in a past life because, although I love to swim, I have this deep, deep fear of ... lol ... deep, deep water.

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19:40:15 Dec 05 2016
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You know, I have noticed that as well. Past lives to seem to always be about someone significant in some way and the period itself is major in some way. Human ego indeed could be at play but then someone said something about getting eaten by dogs, not a significant way to go out...amusing though.

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Chimera (90)
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18:38:18 Dec 06 2016
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What about animals? Anyone think they were an animal before? :)

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Scamp (26)
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20:07:35 Dec 06 2016
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I've had this strange connection to felines that I never could really explain. I won't go as far as assuming that made me a cat in the past life, but, I have wondered if it is at all related to this subject... in the past.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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21:32:56 Dec 06 2016
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If animal reincarnation is a thing, I want to come back as a fat, spoiled house cat. I mean, licking my butt won't be fun, but being fat and spoiled probably will.

In all seriousness, if we say animals have souls just as we do, then why can't it be possible to have been an animal or to become an animal in another life? I swear, I can think of some people off the top of my head that were probably animals in their previous life. Chimps, dogs, and, yes, cats. Maybe that's where we get the whole, "I'm a dog person" or "I'm a cat person."

Has there ever been a recorded account of someone claiming to have been an animal in a past life? I'd really like to know, and I can't spare the time for research atm.

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14:13:42 Dec 07 2016
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Humans are animals, and they all have a consciousness that allows them to perceive the world in their own unique way according to their different level of senses.

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Changeling (71)
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12:34:54 Dec 08 2016
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Well you know, not everyone believes they were someone special. I was just a f*#king lawyer's wife, who had two strapping sons, Edward and Samuel. I wanted a daughter, but died before I could conceive another child.
How do I know they're not dreams? Because my dreams manifest as if I'm watching a film. My past life memories manifest as if I am REMEMBERING something, through my own eyes. And I can still smell our garden if I concentrate. Well, aviary, but anyway.
I remember watching Edward, my youngest, wither away and die. And becoming ill because I'd nursed the boy. I died not much later, within days of Samuel. I outlived my children. I am also a mother in this life, two boys, two girls. Do you honestly believe that I would WANT to remember watching my children die? Because no, that is a parent's worst nightmare.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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21:02:27 Dec 08 2016
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There is certainly a note worthy difference in feeling between a normal lucid dream and those that seem to have a special purpose, message, or experience.

For starters, you can't just go around changing everything any which way you like. Secondly, there is a very distinct feeling of self. Knowing it is you, knowing you are somewhere else.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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21:49:10 Dec 08 2016
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We shared about ourselves as adults in believing or not in past life... what about children. I found this and its quiet interesting:

A three-year-old of the Druze ethnic group, a group of people for whom reincarnation is a core belief, told his elders that he knew what had happened to him in his past life: He was murdered. The boy, whose story was documented by Dr. Eli Lasch and then told to Hardo, was born with a long, red birthmark on his head. For the Druse birthmarks like these are an indication of death wounds, says Hardo, and children born with them are paid close attention to for anything they may remember of their past lives.
Once this particular child turned three and could speak, he told his elders that he was killed by an axe blow to the head. He was led through villages to see if he could remember where he lived, until he came to one that seemed familiar to him. The child said he remembered both the first and last name of his killer with complete clarity.

Hardo writes that the boy confronted a man he’d never met but knowing his full name, claiming him to be the murderer.

“Suddenly the boy walked up to a man and said, “Aren’t you … (Eli [Lasch] forgot the name)?” The man answered yes. Then the boy said, “I used to be your neighbour. We had a fight and you killed me with an axe.” Eli told me how the man had suddenly gone white as a sheet. The three-year-old boy then said, “I even know where he buried my body.”

Lo and behold, the boy led the elders to the exact spot, a pile of stones, under which there lay a buried body. The buried man’s skull showed a split in the front. The boy also led the group to the spot where the axe was buried, forcing the accused killer to eventually confess his crime.


Now this really blew me away. Perhaps, we do have past lives. Perhaps, we all have been here before. Perhaps some of can remember and some of us can not. What are all your thoughts on this case of this child who lead police to his body and who killed him.

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Changeling (71)
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01:43:08 Dec 09 2016
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Dakota, it is so awesome how you commit so fully to your research of things.

There's another case, I don't remember where I read it though, of a boy in America who has had P.T.S.D. since he was three, because he gets historically accurate flashbacks from world war one.

I believe these cases are exactly what they seem. People who lived those things, who were born again after they died.

But that's just my opinion.

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Royal Sire (228)
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21:34:00 Dec 12 2016
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Since posts aren't getting repetitive and people are getting more involved, reopened as requested.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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22:16:23 Dec 12 2016
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Thank you Moonie! You are the best... Now back on topic...

Ok as I have posted I am iffy on past lives, reincarnation... have we all been here before... seems so many think they were some person of importance before like a Queen of King or what have you... and few would say Oh yeah I was a pig dung farmer in a past life. My culture is iffy on it too. Then I did a google search about children. Children for the most part do not lie. And I saw this documented case of that little boy and if you google there are many about children who tell in detail about past life. And in some cases its proven. Now that just creeped me out.

60% of children who claim past lives are male.
70% claimed a death of violence.
90% are the same sex as they claim they were in a past life.

So says a study done by a Jim B. Tucker (Res ’89), an associate psychiatry professor at the UVA Medical Center’s Division of Perceptual Studies.


In his study his subjects all children you can read on the site, not going copy them for you. Yeah I know the internet right, anything can be made up. The sites I read about this, the science of, are vaild good sites and documented cases by police and what have you--- so.... I do not yet know what to think of this and I always try to keep an open mind. Maybe some of us do get do-overs if certain things come into play. I am eager to see what you all think.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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08:30:22 Dec 13 2016
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i remember bits and pieces

like in china i got killed by way of guillotine, i even have a scar along the back of my neck

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Premiere Sire (122)
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16:31:53 Dec 13 2016
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Assume the raw data is accurate for the sake of discussion. The 70% violent death stat jumps out immediately. In tandem with the death scarring, it would appear that such exits to a waking life, leaves one, seriously un-rested.


So we continue walking, and my dog runs over to me. And so I'm petting him, really happy to see him, you know, he's been dead for years. So I'm petting him and I realize there's this kind of gross oozing stuff coming out of his stomach. And I look over at Lady Gregory, and she sort of coughs. She's like [cough] [cough] "Oh, excuse me." And there's vomit, like dribbling down her chin, and it smells really bad. And I think, "Well, wait a second, that's not just the smell of vomit," which is, doesn't smell very good, "that's the smell of like dead person vomit." You know, so it's like doubly foul. And then I realize I'm actually in the land of the dead, and everyone around me is dead. My dog had been dead for over ten years, Lady Gregory had been dead a lot longer than that. When I finally woke up, I was like, whoa, that wasn't a dream, that was a visitation to this real place, the land of the dead. -Richard Linklater (Waking Life 2001)

Instead of saying, yes I accept the invitation into eternity, or staying in the lounge of the dead for an extended visit, it would appear that victims who died of violent crimes are given this speed pass or priority ticket in the waiting room for reincarnation.

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Premiere Sire (120)
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19:54:18 Dec 14 2016
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That is very strange MoonlitGodess since China did not use that type of punishment. What Dynastic era are you talking about?

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01:04:12 Dec 22 2016
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fire.I remember fire...

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Premiere Sire (122)
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18:48:21 Dec 23 2016
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So I bumped into Skyent. System says "Sup", asked about the reincarnation topics Dakotah entered into this conversation. Machine points me to this guys '88' interview:

Dr. Ian Stevenson.

Here are some highlights that jumped out:

Omni: When did you hit on the idea of dealing just with children?

Stevenson: It evolved in the late Sixties, probably after I went to India. Adults would write to me, and I eventually began to see that most of their cases were worthless. You can't really control the subconscious influences to which most adults are exposed. It's so much easier to be confident about the amount of information a small child might have learned, especially one living in an Asian village. I saw how fascinating and valuable these cases were.

Omni: What would predispose someone to remember a previous life?

Stevenson: Violent death is a factor in our cases. In more than seven hundred cases in six different cultures, sixty-one percent remembered having died violently. But are these cases actually representative? Those involving accidents, murders, and suicides are bound to get more attention than others in which the child remembers a quiet life. Children also tend to remember the final years or a previous life. Almost seventy five percent of our children appear to recall the way they died, and if death was violent, they remember it in vivid detail.

Omni: Why do most Westerners ridicule the idea of reincarnation?

Stevenson: It's hard to find any single explanation. Some southern European Christians believed in reincarnation until the Council of Nice banned such beliefs in 553 A.D. In The Republic, Plato described souls about to be reborn as choosing their future lives. Schopenhauer took it seriously, and Voltaire's observation that it is no more surprising to be born twice than once is wellknown. Yet most scientists nowadays do not believe in survival after death. I suppose Darwinian ideas contributed to a sort of dethroning of the soul. Reincarnation may be particularly uncongenial because it's so much identified—mistakenly I think—with the Hindu and Buddhist ideas of being reborn as an animal.

Omni: Do you see in reincarnation a glimpse of a larger purpose?

Stevenson: Well, yes, I do. My idea of God is that He is evolving. I don't believe in the watchmaker God, the original creator who built the watch and then lets it tick. I believe in a "Self-maker God" who is evolving and experimenting; so are we as parts of Him. Bodies wear out; souls may need periods for rest and reflection. Afterward one may start again with a new body.

End Transmission

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Premiere Sire (126)
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22:59:38 Dec 23 2016
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It's interesting that he says most children will forget their past lives after the age of 5 because they have so much else going on. What if all of us, or most of us, have remembered our past lives at one point, but as we grew older, we just forgot? If that's the case, then remembering past lives wouldn't be such a rare thing, right?

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Premiere Sire (120)
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01:20:14 Dec 24 2016
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I was toying with the idea too that maybe children who die as children who have a violent death, get to have a do-over if they want too. Just something I thought about...if reincarnation really happens.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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04:45:55 Dec 24 2016
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Laz, I came across a documentary that included the institution where Dr. Ian Stevenson was director of the Division of Personality Studies, the University of Virginia. :)

The girl's story at 13:05 is very interesting. If you don't want to watch the whole video, you can just check out her story. :)

Dakotah, she doesn't claim to have died as a child, but her story is still very intriguing. She still has a lot in common with other children who have remembered past lives. She began talking about it at age 3. She differs, though, in that, at age 12, she still remembers details. I think that's because she's been encouraged to explore her experience by her parents and others in her circle.

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Premiere Sire (122)
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06:20:32 Dec 28 2016
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I watched the little girls story. Birth scars, third party verification from both the previous life family and the autopsy report. Pretty solid case.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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06:17:11 Jan 02 2017
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im not too sure actually, like i said i get bits and pieces not all of them make sense

my friends mom has a seance party and i got invited and i asked her why ihad such an addiction to asian stuff in general.

she had told me in 1600 ish i had died in china. for having unusuall powers...so maybe she got to see more than one at once?

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Marplot (14)
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00:33:50 Jan 05 2017
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Past lives I feel do indeed exist. I have too many déjà vuu events that happen. Or things I knew were going to happen and don't even blink an eye to.

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Ghoul (21)
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07:40:36 Jan 16 2017
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Past lives do exist in everyone I believe and I also believe that those past lives have a impact on the present life I do also believe slowly some of the past lives that you have lived does come out in the present even if it's little bits and pieces here and there and past life regression is also good if you wanna find out little by little the people you have been in the past

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Evil Spirit (60)
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04:03:18 Jan 18 2017
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I can honestly say that if I have lived past lives, I have no memory of them. So I couldn't tell you one way or another if it is true or false. I simply live my current life and if there be something else after this, I hope it is good.

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02:18:07 Jan 19 2017
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i dreamed that i was a house wife in 1918 my husband was part of a group that went around killing witches it turned out i was one of the witches they were hunting
my real life husband ended up being the guy that hunted me
no wonder why him and i never got along

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Revenant (41)
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21:56:09 Jan 24 2017
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i dont know if i 100% believe in past lives, but i definitely think there is something to it at least. its interesting to read about people that have experienced visions of things they wouldnt have been able to know, and for it to have been factual. i cant say its happened to me. but i do get told i have an old soul. and i definately feel like i have a conection to medievil times. but who knows.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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10:59:18 Jan 27 2017
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i think that the people we have met during past lives find us or we find them again and it seems that you will be able to remember the relationship you have had with these people somehow never seems to change.

thats just from personal opinion and my own experiences

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Wyvern (85)
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16:11:48 Feb 19 2017
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Past lives. Hmm yes interesting topic. I do completely believe in past lives and have dreamed of mine. What a wonderful life it was to. In my dream of it, I was a warrior. Mighty and strong. But I was of no clan or group shall I say. I was a wandering soul. Kept to myself killing who I could. Went after anyone really. Neither good nor bad. Just wanted to end my barren existence but was completely content with the life I lived as well.

I can remember one of them so clearly. I came up on an open field of death. Everywhere there were people just dead. I looked around with sorrow in my heart but yet a smile on my eyes. And off in the distance I could see a man. Standing proud and strong as well looking over the battle he had one. Our eyes connected and he fled.

That day, after I woke up, I found my husband. He is a very prideful man and has all reason to be so. HE was my knight in shining armor and saved me from a life of abuse and regrets. I feel he was that soldier I saw in my dream. My husband has an old soul you can see it.

I believe we met in our past life and that our souls had been searching for one another in this life. And now that we found each other its heaven. I don't know this probably makes no sense.

But yes I believe in a past life and being able to remember your passed life.

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16:35:52 Feb 19 2017
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In order to make a life fulfilling and good, one does need to focus on the present and the future, the past cannot be changed but I suppose you can learn from it. You just need not to get lost in it.

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Wyvern (85)
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16:44:45 Feb 19 2017
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this is so true. Yet I find myself doing it all the time and end up hurting the ones I truly care about. To me no matter what I try the past haunts me one way or another. Wether it be in a dream or something I witness in real life. The past is always one step ahead of me never 10 behind.

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Dastardly Being (59)
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07:31:11 Feb 25 2017
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i believe that our past should never be forgotten.

maybe its always ahead so that we dont make the same mistakes or maybe if certain sceniros arise we can make the best decision based on our past experiences

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Bete Noire (44)
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15:42:15 Feb 25 2017
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I've had strange dreams of past lives before. After meditating on them and doing lots of study I've noticed a lot of reocurring things in them that reflects recent events that have happened to me. Whether it be past mistakes or experiences I feel like I have learned from my dreams in past lives and moved on from them. To me past live experiences are set to guide us in the one we are now.

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Bete Noire (44)
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21:21:26 Feb 27 2017
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I honestly think I don't have any
Past lives. If I had a previous one
It must have been destroyed.

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VR System
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21:21:26 Feb 27 2017
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