Stairway Spooks
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Premiere Sire (126)
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02:35:07 Sep 22 2016
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I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on why people frequently report seeing apparitions on staircases. Has anyone done any research on the matter? Has anyone had their own experience with a stairway spook?

I'm just wondering if there's a different kind of energy on stairs because it's an area of transition in a house. I've heard people can feel weird, like a spirit my be nearby, on stairs because sometimes they aren't even, especially in old houses. It can mess with your equilibrium and make you feel odd.

I look forward to reading what you all have to say!

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13:00:47 Sep 22 2016
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Maybe the stairs are just more noticable because of noise. Stairs in general usually have a distinct "step sound" and people may think "who is walking up the stairs?" then see no one or a ghost. Some stairs may be haunted specifically if a person fell down them and passed away but also might be a hot spot for residual hauntings because going up and down stairs is more significant than just walking around the house.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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05:48:49 Sep 24 2016
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I used to be afraid of staircases when I was a child. There wasn't any proper lighting and almost always, the fear of the unknown increased as the staircases were dark. Quite a number of accidents also took place, especially when beings trip and stumble, or were deliberately pushed down the stairs. In extreme cases, death was the final result.

I thought this video would be of help. It is interesting!

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Premiere Sire (126)
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22:20:27 Oct 05 2016
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That is the weirdest thing I have ever seen!!! Thanks for sharing. :)

So, some ghosts are thought to be seen on stairs because they died there. From being pushed or falling. I get that. But what about ghosts that are seen on stairs that supposedly died elsewhere? I know a ghost doesn't have to be tied to their place of death, but it just seems that spotting a spook on the stairs is pretty commonplace.

One of the best photos ever caught of a ghost, in my opinion, is of the Brown Lady of Raynham Hall, and she's on a staircase. If you click the link, you can read about it. Of course, some believe the photo to be fake, but *shrugs* I like it.

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Venerable Sire (137)
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16:16:50 Oct 06 2016
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Why don't you just conduct a seance and ask the spirits. Like, directly. Just a suggestion.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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00:37:29 Oct 07 2016
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I will never do another seance. The last time I did that, my life went to crap. Seriously. I don't know if I invited something negative in or if it was just coincidence, but I'm not taking any chances.

I have a friend who is ... how do I say this? She's into the paranormal in a big way. She is ... sensitive. She came over one day to read my cards for me, and as she was leaving she stopped at the doorway leading to my staircase. I live in an old house and the stairs are hidden behind a door that is always closed. Anyhow, she looked at it, then looked at me with this weird expression. She said, "Do you go up there a lot?" I said, "No. Not anymore." She shook her head, then kinda shook herself. She said, "Well, don't. There's something there. Something bad. It's almost like ... like a portal." She later told me that she had a nightmare about my stairs.

*shrugs* I don't know what to think about it.

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Premiere Sire (126)
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00:56:25 Oct 07 2016
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I just did some quick reading on the subject, and I found this interesting article I stumbled upon gives tips for discerning whether a haunted staircase is actually haunted or just needs the attention of a good carpenter. This goes back to a point I made about uneven steps causing a feeling of disorientation. Could we think a place is haunted when there's a perfectly reasonable explanation? Of course!

Credit to Ghost Hunting Theories for "Why Are Stairways Haunted?" and Fiona Broome for "How to Investigate Haunted Stairways."

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Premiere Sire (126)
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01:18:28 Oct 07 2016
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My apologies. Apparently, I accidentally deleted half of my post!

What the original post said was something like this:

I stumbled upon this interesting article that suggested the principles of Feng Shui might play a part in why staircases seem to be prime spots for hauntings. In Feng Shui, a straight path allows for energy to travel up and down. Straightaways make it easier, essentially, for spirit energy to manifest and move about. The article points to how roadways and hallways seem to also be more haunted than other locations. Also, according to Feng Shui, a staircase placed directly in front of a doorway can allow negative energy to enter the house and travel up the stairs.

The article also suggests that the darkness of a staircase might lend to being able to spy a spirit easier. Or perhaps a ghost can be heard thanks to creaky steps.

Following that vein, though, I also found an article which gives tips for debunking a haunted stairway. This goes back to what I said about uneven steps causing one to feel disoriented. Shoddy construction or the effects of time could lead one to assume they are feeling the presence of a spirit when they are, in fact, not.

Just a few things to think about. Again, I apologize for the botched post from before.

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Firebrand (79)
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20:18:52 Oct 07 2016
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summoning the dead is a great idea however if your not familiar and can not control it can be a bad idea i suggest next time do a protection border and to get rid of your problem you have at the moment start with the rock salt at the entrance of your house inside go all the way around till you have completed every inch it will push out what ever negative spirit that may be lurking the burn some sage around the house to get rid of the negative energy you can also do this with your body to be cleansed like the rock salt during a bath and the sage to get rid of any negative energy

to answer the question in my belief after doing my own reading it is considered a border line much like the say a little rip in a certain area its a cross over just like they say the stair way to heaven to get to another or i'm sure you have heard of a black hole in some areas its just considered a rip many different way of explaining it though

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