I was thinking.
We know, through time and time again, that there are evil spirits roaming the Astral plane. Some experts call these Astral spirits "fallen Angels", while others refer to them as "demonic entities".
The taking of energy, leading to the intense sense of exhaustion, without one's consent, or assaulting someone without actually laying a finger on them, be it sexual or not, is called "Psychic Rape".
I have reasons to believe that I have been psychically raped/assaulted by a male entity in the Astral plane, over a period of several years.
I am sure plenty of you would have had such awful experiences.
These beings are called "incubus" and "succubus", respectively.
My questions, thus, are these:
1. Is it possible to "become" possessed by one (or several) such entities?
2. Can we be possessed by Angels, then, if demonic entities can gain entry into our subconscious?
There is a form of night paralysis that is believed to be the cause of "spirit rape." People wake up on their back and can't move, and their is pressure on their front as if someone is laying on them. It's pretty common, I have dated at least 3 girls who have openly told me this story. Usually people don't associate it with sex, even if it happens in sexually active girls. Guys nearly never associate it with a sex act.
My questions, thus, are these:
1. Is it possible to "become" possessed by one (or several) such entities?
2. Can we be possessed by Angels, then, if demonic entities can gain entry into our subconscious?
Number one is yes.
Then its a matter of how it actually went down. Some get worn down and they slip right on in. Others submit to it, make a choice. It doesn't happen over night in one encounter unless you are a Medium. Then it can happen very fast in just one encounter by a very strong entity. That is why Mediums tend to have a "control". A control is someone that can help the Medium to get rid of the entity and/or get rid of it for them.
Number two is yes.
It's an outright violation, which is why it is called "rape". Sleep paralysis is something hardly anyone would call an assault/rape, but, yes, that is indeed the correct terminology. Australia is a country that recognises "psychic rape", though it may be really difficult to prove... like kleptomania, for example. It is, however, interesting to note why Australia has come to recognise such a phenomenon.
Succubus and Incubus can possess you if invoke them consciously through a formal magical ritual or unconsciously through sympathy. Allow me to explain what I mean by sympathy. When you have habits, ways of thinking, or you desire things similar to another person you can form a sympathetic connection/bond to that person . The same phenomenon happens in the invisible world . If you have sexual desires without moral conscience and you don't care how those desires are satisfied it is possible to form a sympathetic bond with an invisible entity who feels the same way as you . Insatiable sexual desire without love or moral conscience is something that can place you en rapport with a succubus or Incubus . As for angels possessing you , that depends on the angel . Holy angels that honor free will won't attempt to possess you unless the situation you're in requires them to take control of your physical, mental, or psychic faculties in order to help you. Fallen angels who don't honor free will , they will possess you and I believe it works the same way I mentioned earlier . You cannot become possessed by them through conscious invocation / ritual or unconsciously through sympathetic connection.
some stories have been given of such a thing, yet my mind seems to be lost for a spirit or ghost is energy with no true form, such than Psychic RAPE on this bases how plausible is this , for energy would tingle or jolt the body yet no form for actual act. so I am not total convinced of this yet. I need to look up more on it.
@ psyche
These are the definitions of the various words that I could find online:
1. Sympathy
"understanding between people; common feeling."
2. Pity
"the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the sufferings and misfortunes of others."
3. Empathy
"the ability to understand and share the feelings of another."
From what you have said about the formation of a sympathetic bond, I could infer that sympathy is something that we cannot prevent from feeling, as opposed to empathy, for example, where a being sort of "connects" with the collective empathy of a group of beings. Sympathy is a private affair, whereas empathy is quite possibly a collective affair.
I harbour neither sympathy nor empathy. In fact, I think all those videos on YouTube about empathy, is just plain nonsense.
Sympathy for the devil. I'm sure you might have heard of this. This is exactly what the devil wants, and in return, he causes the phenomenon called empathy, amongst the people. I'm thinking it's a matter of semantics... But, yes, I agree with you. Haha! Thank you.
I'm just shooting in the dark here, that's all.
Question #1
Answer is no.
Question #2
Answer is hell no.
Some refer to this as vampire complex, which is actually fairly common, I feel it is more a result of Atonia (sleep paralysis) as opposed to actually happening.
http://mentalhealthdaily.com/2015/05/11/sleep-paralysis-demons-demonic-attacks/ Here is a link that might help.
The answer to your questions are as follows....
#1 Anytime something is taken from you without your permission is a violation. Spirits do take energy from you to show themselves but if you are seeking them out, then you are giving them permission to do so.
#2 Yes, spirits will take advantage of you and go further without permission. I believe if a person is evil in life, so are they in death.
If there is no permission. Yes it is.
But there is always shielding yourself from this and you can be one with your God to protect you.
I had an experience with sleep paralisis it even gave me the illusion of someone in my perifrial vision. In the lucid dream state dreams are far more akigned with our fantasy so one can easily mistake a simple dream with a genuine experience.
Dhyan, I agree with you completely. The majority of ''Spirits'' have no bad intentions when taking your energy to communicate or make contact, it is when the ''Evil'' ones take advantage of this and one is ignorant in the knowledge to protect themselves or fail to take the proper precautions, they get into trouble. i.e....Fooling around with things they do not understand, possibly see it as an innocent game and or a joke. ~Mina
Other than somewhat strante incidents that absolutely do happen from time to time to almost everyone at some point, has anyone ever realy witnessed violent activity against a person? You know, like being held against the ceiling or thrown 30 feet..or stuff like that?
I saw in an Exorcism that was very violent blood came out of places I have never seen before on a person. It looked like the person literally had been beaten up from the inside out.
In a different situation a psi vampire literally made a person weak physically and she allowed it once we cut the ties she was literally um sore on her breasts and her other parts. She was strong but her dr could not explain what happened to her but rape.
I have also seen people who have been attacked physically by a psi vampires. You can see bruises and such.
Ok my understanding is parasites such as aliens, fallen Angels, Vampires, when humans are abducted and or subduced by these entities they are subjected to various perverted and perverse acts of human nature at times. Psychic Rape could be a number of things such as anal probes , bonding dramas or thrall's. They could be used to examine for simple understanding, control, enslave, subduce, revenge and amusement. The human is either let go, killed and or fed upon or turned into the entity who captured them.
wow, huh?
spirits are energy form I believe is what they call it with no more body holding them in, so energy displacement would be the only thought of this rape I would say, since they hold no form.
now aliens and such, hmmmm have to ponder that
1. Is it possible to "become" possessed by one (or several) such entities?
The only way one can become possessed by any sort of dark entity would mean that person either Invited them in, or was very weak minded to begin with. An easy target. Eager to die, etc etc
2. Can we be possessed by Angels, then, if demonic entities can gain entry into our subconscious?
Angels do not have any concern with human situations. The only way an Angelic would even BOTHER getting involved, is if the situation is dire enough that they have no choice.
Our mind can trap us into believing whatever we choose to believe, yet that reality is real to the being it possesses.
Many interesting comments on this thread especially from 'psyche'. I would add from my perception that angels and demons are created using the matrix of a dichotomy-absolute good and evil linear polarity. Before the advent of such there were pantheons and before that shamenistic etc. Many in today's society seem to have religeous background that induces the mindset or matrix able to contain such beings. Even as lifeforms are many cells in symbiotic relationship forming higher forms so are the varied forms of spirit by societies and mindsets
Possession is such a strong word because by definition such would no longer have freewill possible yes but unlikely. Influenced is probably more common. In regards to original question though you have to open the door or perhaps unconsciously passed through family etc.
I think its also worthy of note that such experiences don't always seduce one to a relationship but can strengthen your own resolve in this category thats so often the focus of social ridicule to a personality-if only persistently resisted.
I suggest shielding yourself if you are having such difficulty with "Psychic Rape".
I must agree with Dhyan and Mina, I have my own experience with this. I let succubus do their thing I fear not death and have an abundance of energy.
However it is important to know how to fight them off.
And not all are there to drain energy and not all must do so to be seen. As for possession, only a over powered individual or an inanimit object can be on willingly possessed. What it comes down to is "do I or do I not want this? "And " am I or am I not goings to do anything about it? ". One should always know their own body for ones own physical combined with ones own metaphysical can for away any forceful spirit.
There is a common metaphysical illusion that one is awake when in fact you are still asleep. This is how they keep you from fighting them and to word it...
Reclose your eyes and focuse on you body and the spirit, see or "feel" your surroundings with your mind, then open your eyes violently and blast the spirit with your soul energy. It may help for those who know not how to cast their soul to picture it as an element such as fire or electricity.
@ William55
That is an interesting technique I have never heard of. Is this something you practice everyday or just when you feel you are being attacked?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
It is physical rape you should worry about, the so called worst thing that can happen to a human being though I know one or two things that can do worse things.
Hypnosis and this so called "possession" only happens if you want it to happen, its the power of suggestion.
i been there sometimes you cant rape the willing but i was not i had a succubus male take control of me one day i felt very frightened and would not want this too on anyone is painful and not so much for enjoyment, sounds exciting to most but too each there own opinion on this , subject,
i count this out would not want this too happen to me again! ever!
Metaphysical distance rape is not the same as psychic rape. In metaphysical distance rape one projects fantasy into fetish over distance to another being. It is a projection of communication. Most of the time the projection is received while either in a state of dreaming or while connecting mentally to the superstring web. Only blue children who can connect to the string can both project AND receive communication. Usually a blue child can simply severe a connection so how one can FORCE fear and rape sensations over distance is anybody's guess. Could some of what is called psychic rape actually be Metaphysical communication between two human beings rather than between a espiritu mala(evil spirit) and a human? Probably. Always?- maybe not.
I've endured sleep paralysis before. One time I got so scared and I couldn't move and actually saw a dark spirit standing right next to me. The only thing I could do since I was rendered paralyzed I literally cried out in my mind "God help me please help me!" When I literally shot right up into an upright position and my heart was racing. I cried a bit, I wanted to burst into tears, but I was in the Psych Ward for an overdose. This was back in 2010, this reality is a bit much for alot of us at times. I have to be on guard alot since I'm a Psychic and 5th Generation Medium. I don't know how many generations yet for the psychic thing as of yet, but in time I'm sure I'll figure it out. I help people alot, I've saved a few people from demonic attacks too. You don't have to be ordained by God to do these sort of things. So long as you have good intentions and believe in your abilities, anything is possible. O:)
1. Is it possible to "become" possessed by one (or several) such entities?
"Anything, all things are truly not, impossible." ~D.N.N.~
2. Can we be possessed by Angels, then, if demonic entities can gain entry into our subconscious?
"This question is not well, written. Do you mean if we are possessed, by Angels, fallen or not, period can demonic entities, in general then gain entry into our subconscious? If so, then refer to question ones answer. If you invite it in, no matter what it is, it can choose to do what it wants." ~D.N.N.~
I think it is very possible. I once knew a lady who was raped by a man who would enter through her dreams.
"There is a form of night paralysis that is believed to be the cause of "spirit rape." People wake up on their back and can't move, and their is pressure on their front as if someone is laying on them. It's pretty common, I have dated at least 3 girls who have openly told me this story. Usually people don't associate it with sex, even if it happens in sexually active girls. Guys nearly never associate it with a sex act."
I experienced this once. But it want a constant pressure that I felt, but as if hands were pressing down on different parts of my abdomen over and over for what seemed like forever. I know I was awake and I know what I felt and I could not move a single muscle. It was the most frightening experience of my life. I was so scared, I couldn't fall asleep until daybreak.
this is good topic ,yea powerful spirits can do psychic Rape
even angels, and gods can rape you If you look attractive , they can even enter in your husbands or bf's body and can have sex with you and can make you praganant too, you will think your husband is doing sex but your husbands soul is overpowered by that evil or angelic being.
I will answer yes to question number one , Question two is no. I have come to the conclusion that Psychic rape can happen and it is a violation equal to physical rape. Both are without consent and absolutely unethical.