i heard some place that vampires who feed on the elements are called elemental vampire does that term even exsist? or is it just another way psi vampires feed ? what do you think?
Vampyres can feed from several sources of energy.
Elements hold energy so why not?
In a world where anyone can choose to "self-identify" as any gender, any race they like (and, watch, soon it will be any species they like, as well) and be praised for it regardless of actual biology, actual fact or reality... why not "elemental vampires," too?
However for those extremely few for whom actual scholarship and actual history might matter, there have never been any "psy vampires" of any kind except in fiction. Thus, no... no "elemental vampires," either.
Of course, as we shall soon see, this will not stop the myriads of self-identified "vampires" here disagreeing with me and ignoring both history and facts to the contrary... it's how our increasingly delusional Society works.
I don't understand the question. Are you asking whether its possible for psychic vampires (which have yet to validated by some as real:)), can feed and sustain there connection to our world through fire, wind rain and such?
Not to get into a generalisation here, but I think the question was pertaining to the feeding habits of a certain type of psychic vampire, not the drawing of energy from the elements. If that where not the case then what would distinguish a psychic vampire from a non vampiric body that draws from elemental energy sources? From what i gather the question is whether a psychic vampire can sustain its life force from feeding from the elements, thus making it an elemental vampire.
As an afterthought if there were such a creature as an elemental vampire, maybe they are from another planet and have come here because their own natural resources have run out. However they are psychic so maybe they don't even have to journey, they just pull it from our resources, draining our natural energy supplies. Then again maybe they have always been here. If they exist at all. Of course this is purely hypothetical.
Yes there are those that call themselves elemental vampires. When most use the word vampire they aren't meaning folkloric or fictional vampires. Then you have people who are not part of the organized communities around the world. I guess according to some people here it is all a bunch of delusional people. There is more than one grouping of people using that term and they are not all connected. There are people even the VC identifies as loony. They disagree among themselves but quite frankly these are considered subgroups of psi vampirism, why I don't know. But there are far more types of feeding practices or believed feeding practices than that. Can anyone prove they are crazy, no they can't. Can they prove what they say is fact, no they can't although some say they can. Everyone is suspicious of everyone else but yes, there are those that identify as elemental vampires, sexual vampires (tantric, Eros, succubus/incubus) depending on how they relate to it, etc., etc., etc. But those who drink blood who are a minority tend to believe they are the only true vampires. Then you have the skeptics that believe everyone is in the person's imagination. I laugh at it all. No one is anymore all knowing from any perspective. None in the mainstream VC consider themselves immortal and some talk about having special gifts but that is on an individual basis. I take it all with a grain of salt. Believe or don't but unequivocal statements don't get it because when you get right down to it, it is all opinion no matter who is saying it or from what perspective. Silly arguments ensue. But as I said I think twice, right or wrong there are those that identify as Elemental Vampires but that is just a feeding style really and NOT a type of vampire.
Yes anything is possible there are a lot of types of creatures of the night it just seems more and more come to light as time passes by and are not limited by ones experiences or imagination.
thanks eveyone for the insights , i am one who belives anything can be looked at to every myth in our world there is a slice of truth to it so i think the reason someone thought of theat and i read it is because perhaps a elemantal being such as a mage or magical weilding soul may have mated a vampire and resulted in a mixed breed heck i think any thing could happen but i hope to look deeper into that and find some articales on it if anyone finds some befor i do post them id enjoy reading them.
Reflecting off the view of the delusional masses self identifying seen from the reasonable righteous in acadamia here is my take. You just can't explain things without the proper equipment. For example, microbiology makes no sense without microscopes. In dealing with the occult the proper equipment is a mind fine tuned to delve in those areas. The moment any respected scientist shifts to that mindframe they are regarded as pseudoscience enthusiasts and their credibility suffers.
From my vantage people have different paths forged by their. Some have affinities for things others don't. The fact that it works for them is all that really matters. Some do adopt an identity based on their psychosomatic body responses, and or in their desire to fill that inner void of identity can brainwash themselves in any kind of gnostic doctrine, or can let their own intuition guide them to personal truth-cont
For me there is no difference in the many kinds of vampire, the medium they choose to feed from is only a point of cantact for their personal magick to work.
I feel that a rate of favoritism is shown for one or more types of feeding energies. I think that psychic vampires can feed from more than one source of energy but usually one or two are easier or more natural to feed from. However, in an emergency any psi-vamp can feed from all sources even elemental ones like storms or even trees, the kinetic energy in wind or ambient thermal energy. This is what I usually feed from as I don't like to go out unless I have to. For me these energies offer peace and a sense of oneness with the multiverse. They also aid in spirit communication.
If any such "feeding" were real, then it stands to reason such feeding should make the Human way of feeding (I.e., eating) unnecessary. After all, it is through eating that we acquire the energy we need and that fuels our bodies. Thus, were all of this not delusion and desperate need to believe yourselves "unique," it stands to reason that all you psy-vampires (an entirely fictional being created solely by fiction writers as also are wookies, Klingons and Cylons) should be able to substitute both eating and even sleep (the other way the body restores itself and becomes energized) with such claimed psy-feeding.
And, as in my own case, were any of you to truly possess any unique "physiologically impossible" ability for Humans, such as psy-feeding, it should be relatively easy, as it was for me, to interest a university or other legitimate scientific organization to test for and document that unique capacity. Don'tcha think?
As a class project a twelve year old junior high student conducted an experiment on the claims of Reiki Therapy she set up a bind and had the reiki practitioner place their hands through holes a person on the other side then put their hand over (without touching) their hand and the girl askied which hand, her samples showed nothing better then chance.
Feeding-too true. For no vampire can actually catabolically break down blood to live off of it, but as a point of contact for magick or spiritual power to work through then yes they feed figuratively from their medium they have an affinity for. I've often wondered with all the spiritual activity in my life what the actual physiological ramifications are, but not at the risk of being a lab experiment for the rest of my life.
Heard,and known some Vamps that drain energies.
Either from people,fear or emotions,and even the
what else can they feed from,that isent blood,
or living?
yes vampkisses much study goes into the differant aspects of it thanks insight is always awsome.
Insight is, indeed, awesome. Thus, MysticPhantasy, if any such legit scientific studies have been accomplished actually documenting psy-feeding of any sort, I would love to have you or anyone else provide references we can look up and read, as I previously requested. Thanks in advance for the awesome insight such studies would provide.
Elements hold energy, fire burns energy into the air so it may be easiest to feed on, running water clearly has energy so rivers would be great for energy. Wind is rushing air that needs energy to go that way and as it breaks against you you can feel the energy. If a psychic vampire practiced harnessing that energy he could feed from elements.
I honestly think there are too many fragmentations of vampirism. Elemental vampirism does not exist. In this case, everyone or everything who breathes (of course, thus invoking the element of Art) would be a vampire!
Thank you, Tristesse, for such a great and important observation. You are absolutely correct, of course. This had been an ongoing point I have also tried pointing out: The desire to be thought a vampire has led to almost anything being considered "vampiric."
Next, we'll find those attempting to argue for such things as energy being derived from "feeding" on music and art.
i find everything here interesting as the comments are made but i ask for proof of a psi not being able to feed off the elements as some seem to claim it cant be done? in my studies i belive that there can be hybrids of night creatures that do indeed exsit and if that be the case i see no reason not to belive that it can indeed be possible for elemental feeding vampires to exsist, say perhaps one practiced the art of witchcraft as a vampire that individual would thus then have a lable placed on them by socity would they not so thus would a vampire who choose to feed only on the elements of nature be labled something other then a psi vampire? so much to think about but were indeed is the documentation?
@UpirLikhyj Once again I agree with you in your statement that the desire to be vampire that people create new concepts of being one. All make believe. Show proof. Show studies done. Since coming to VR I have read some ridicules claims yet no one has yet got on cam to prove it. Blood drinkers who claim they drink cups of blood? Would love to see you get on cam and prove it. It would make you sick. Just my views..
Energy work is not the same as vampirism.
Shapeshifting, ie into mist, wolves, bats, &c. is valid, if impure.
Koldun is sometimes associated with the region.
So... yes/no.
Upir is quite the purist, and his scholarly pursuit adds a lot to this index; however, there are branches of the vampire concept that are more sparkle than he would like... that any of us would like.
I like shamanic overtones in my vampire. Shifting into mist is an amazing spiritual concept, which incorporates elemental work as part of its foundation.
Personally, I think vampires are a little retarded or disabled, they lack a certain mastery... even the capacity for mastery... which is what makes them scary.
Upir is going to disagree strongly as he is a racist, in the correct form of the word; vampires have social/sexual abilities beyond our own race, by his research.
I am far less dogmatic, and like exploring the spiritual traps that vampirism represents.
dakoda brings up a very good point here as i wonder as of yet that a cam would be able to do much in popular myths and folklure . but if suposing that there were some evidence to be discoverd were would it be found and if indeed they can document such things would they want it known . like a ufo do they really exsist ? or allians? some claim that they do and pics have shown unidentified flying objects but it is just that unidentifided, . so its kinda hard to form an conclusion to my thoughts .
Kglitterous thinks...I'm a racist... and thinks I MIGHT disagree?! How in hell did you come to that asinine conclusion? And, yes, I sure as hell expect a response and solid evidences to back up such a truly vicious and completely false and libelous accusation!
I have seen some pretty disgusting and insulting ways many here have attempted to discredit me and the empirical evidences I provide backing up all my views (which is what makes me anything but dogmatic) while you accuse and state as fact your beliefs without any shred of evidence (the very epitome of what being dogmatic is, btw).
How dare you attack someone so unjustly and irresponsibly! Being the dogmatist you have just shown yourself to be, I can't stop you from believing whatever you like. But you have no right to falsely accuse others here...sire or not! And doing so is in violation of this site's rules!
If that accusation is not immediately withdrawn, Kglitterous, I shall take action to have those in charge investigate this disgusting libel and you for making it!
![]() Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 69,438 [ Give / Take ] |
And that's how to end a forum thread. We can't use them to get "personal", flame, and then argue in such a manner. So, unfortunately it's time to close this thread.