Well I would like to travel into the past. This because sometimes in history books, they leave out the most important information about a certain topic you are looking into so traveling back in time you can actually see what happens for yourself which will be more accurate and better than any history book ever! Sometimes even the most littlest things are missing that you may need to understand the topic of which you are searching yourself.
![]() Vampirewitch39 Royal Sire (204) Posts: 1,062 Honor: 11,455 [ Give / Take ] |
Why? I guess I would like to see more about history, how we became to be. For me it would be the time of USA being settled, how the fight to break from England.
Or the Civil War era- the changes, how it effected every family. The unrest, the fighting.
Seeing both times in the past, knowing what I know as far as how it came out in the end.... be like a fly on the wall.
I would if it was a surefire guarantee. I'm basically a chickens shit. I would want to go to the future. We already know what's in the past. Knowing my luck, I'd end up being sacrificed horribly, hung, or burned at a stake for being a Witch. I'd rather see the future, and see what my family has turned out like. I am amazed at what Science is accomplishing, and want to see more. I love new inventions. My first was the computer! I'm older. I watched them walk on the moon. They sent us home from School the day Kennedy was shot. So I've seen a lot in my life. I want to see what else man can do. I'm also hoping that we don't screw everything up!
I would go into the future to see how the world is before I die. So if I can try fixing something I can when I am younger having more time.
mine is the past because i want to know how souls were created, how the universe came into existance, how the mysteries of the world began and if there is a creator how or who created the creator that created everything.
I pretty much understand how our history came to be. I have no questions about it.
I would rather travel into the future because if i were to witness something that could possibly change a terrible outcome, i'd at least give it my best shot, since nothing is written in stone except the past.
knowing what I know now...
my personal past backstep style...the things I would change...
The past. At the rate we are going as curators of the planet I don't forsee much to look at in the future.
The past is something you can study and learn from. I would love to visit a time when hard work meant something. No Ipods, computers, cell phones, blackberries, satelite or TV's. These dont "enhance" our lives, they make us lazy and complacent.
Clean air, clean water, and lots of opportunities sounds good to me.
The past because by altering it I can change the future everything I done wrong bad decisions choices and events things I am not proud of by changing that outcome who know what could happen in the future. Things could be better or worse who knows I could end up with a better life or worse one who knows.
The Past, to relive some of the golden years, and maybe make amends for the wrongs I may have did.
I would never ever go backwards... under any circumstances.
Those who remember the past understand there is nothing nostalgic about it. The movies always paint a wonderful time period (regardless of which time period we are talking about) where life was simpler and freedom was being in touch with the land in a more natural type of life... horse shit!!
Everything prior to the industrial revolution was a constant lesson in the redundantly labor intensive nature of daily life. No refrigeration, no powered tools, no advanced medical techniques, religious barbarism, no access to necessary resources without having to take it by brute force or extreme manual labor. And that's if your regional governorship would even allow you to live in such a said harmony with the land in the first place... After all they owned everything. 90 percent of the time there was no "your home" or "your land" unless you earned it by spilling "your blood" for King and country.
The truth is that there has never been a better or more exciting time to live than the present and it is because of our modern technology. Today we have everything you could possibly want and it's literally at your finger tips.
With the way technology is doubling, go forward 200 years and you may see a 1,000 years worth of human advancement, think about what we might have and be able to do at that point.
I'm going forward!!
I would go back to redo somethings from my past...yes I have regrets...
The past. I would love to see ancient Egypt and see the great pyramids being built. I would also love to see the Roman empire. Or a Viking battle with the Anglo-Saxons. I've always been interested in history.
I would definitely try to Time Travel to the past and prevent my past self from doing the things that led to today that are bad.
the past. just to see some of the things i may have missed out on.
Frankly I would stay in the present. Reason is, I get to read alll about your guys failures and screw ups. Oh wait, didn't think that going backwards would actualy alter the present did you? And it would never be for the better.
A small pebble can make a large splash if angled and dropped at the right position. I wouldn't change anything, I wouldn't travel backwards. I would be too tempted to change something. Thus the biggest issue of time travel.
Why I wouldn't go to the future is this. Part of what makes life interesting is what awaits the day after. What waits a second from now. Think about it. No matter how boring your life is. Life around you spurs out new things every day. New technology, people, games, history... we already time travel as it is. the 'time travel' you speak of is... possible but very improbable.
The second you learn how to A. go faster than light, and B. bend light to your desired time. Then such time travel can be achieved. SO far the only way that we know of to do it at such a massive scale. Is dangerous and very improbable.
Now, if I was inclined to travel. Would there be places to see, things to observe? Yes, but even my presence could alter the present for not just myself... but others as well. So keep that in mind when you think of where you would go. Although, the time of creation would be great to watch. Just to see how and who or what caused the big bang.
its impossible,there is no time,man invented time,theres no Past Present or future.theres only Now.We live in the''NOW''.A clock tells time,but the universe knows of no such thing.
Um wrong. People can and do see things happen before they actually do.
I have to agree with Katra. Einsteins theory of Relativity has been shown to be a very major key to time travel. And we do get closer every day on a plausible theory of doing so. What was said Elviscat, is just like saying the wheel would never be made of anything but stone.
And there is, in fact a theory out there in which is very plausible. Although with current technology improbable. As technology advances, and is able to create 'black holes'. Well safe ones. We can bend the light in which we need to travel beyond our own timeline. Granted the next step would be going faster than light but hey... it holds a solid element to it. And what few holes it does have. Are technology issues not theoretical issues.
The past, just to experience all those things I missed out on due to circumstances.
It's quite sad that there probably won't be anything like Time Travel.
I might be wrong, but the fastest matter being observed are gases propelled by blazer jets, producing speeds close to the speed of light. Other than that, there are observations of stars being pulled at speeds around 1,000 km a second (over 3,000,000 km an hour) by (presumably) supermassive black holes. That's fast as all hell, enough to the point to dissipate entire worlds, and that's less than 1% of the speed of light. Even if we could harness that (which would still be amazing for space travel), there's still the question of producing a hull that could take the "abuse" (for lack of a better word).
Then again, this is all along the lines of force and propulsion. Which has nothing to do with warp drives.
But anyways, Time Travel it's a fun concept. As is anything speculative in Star Trek. Fun. TV Show. Sometimes, the line between insane optimism and reality is shattered by tomorrow's discovery.
Disbelieving that one could travel faster than speed of sound didn't have any overarching laws of physics to support it (like Einstein's Theory of Relativity for Light Speed). It was just mindless skepticism. Einstein is not mindless skepticism.
Not saying that he's absolutely right either -- but he is the best we have for the time being.
Perhaps tears in the time fabric can allow objects to periodically manifest in two time locations at once. So a person at different time can close a door and the event can be seen at a future or past location. The likelihood of this is increased if the object has been relatively static for a long period of time, like very old buildings.
There is a theory out there that time travel "in the flesh" can only happen one way. That being the future because the future contains infinite possibilities and this type would entail traveling to one of these possibilities not to a certain future. However, traveling to the "certain past" of any year is where some believe that spectral shadow people come from. According to some experts, these beings aren't ghost or inhuman entities but really ourselves from one of the possible futures. In other words true time travelers! Since it's forbidden to travel back in time physically. It's believed that the black entities are dark matter clad human time travelers come back to observe us in the past.
I would go back in time and get help sooner so maybe me an my ex would still be together an everything would be ok instead of so fucked up
My answer will be:.
A, because I want to move forward with my life to finally hear the right kind of quiet. I am already hearing it but in a normal,and goth way, tired of this fake lady that some one is pretending to be.
Well I would have to say both...
Going to the past and see how things were done bck then, example the cowboy days, mob days and so forth possibly change a few things in my life but if you that then you risk changing th good thins that are there like my kids.
Going to the future to be awesome as well, seeing how things turn out and such but also if you wnt to the future and lets sys you played the lottery of something and won it big. You could put the money in a bac or even barried it for your current life.
Time travel to the past to learn what we are not told today. Not every part of history is told to us. How more to keep a society under control but to not panic about the possibilities of what could have or should have been. I know sounds a bit crazy but it is what I believe.
I would go where ever the T.A.R.D.I.S. takes me…
Oh i'm in the past that's cool lets relive history, maybe even learn something…..
Oh what's this… the future… awesome lets see what it looks like out there..
I'm not picky as long as i can ride with the DR.
I would not go back into the past and change my own personal future as for good or ill, what I've done in the past made me the person I am today and we all learn from our mistakes (well hopefully we do).
On a wider scale I would like to go back into the past to find out how certain events played out as they were documented, and were cultures as we depicted them or did the scholars get it all wrong and how.
Of course, I would also like to go about a 100 years into the future to see if our own civilization survives the crazy phase it seems to be going through at the moment as well. Get me a Tardis please ;-)
To travel into the time, is to become inmortal. Why? Because every year, you just go back in time and start again. I, prefer the past.
I would travel to the past to see my deceased loved ones again.
I'd go back to ancient Rome to see the everything there. That is a period in history that interests me greatly.
I would like to go back in time and see the construction of Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza, so I could see the truth of what happened.
You can always remote view backwards but to go into the future.....see my theory is your your own guardian angel when you life flashes in front of your eyes when you die......as this is that little voice that guides you subconiously....but what you can do is create a time warp within your own soul.....by asking you future self reliving you past memories upon your death....to guide you now....allowing yourself to become an ourboros of self recursion (snake that swallows its own tail) in the future to psychicly warn you now......because you cannot posses yourself......its you...
you become your own higher guide....but also expands your aura's time fractal cosmic branch reach and influence in creation....
its a belief and something tangible....but its only an idea
The past to see how much bs the history books have been. To also see the un-documented history. Ask the leaders of the time why they did things the way they did.
The past, no time or place in particular just not the future. We're making such a freaking mess with the present, I see only a dark, short and bleak future.
There is no guarantee that in which ever time line you chose, that you would have the experience you wished to see. I'd love to talk to Khrishna, or Zarathustra, or Mohammed, or even Abraham, or their future equivalant. If I were worthy of the grace, I would be there.
I am worthy of a certain grace, and it occurs in this time. With effort, I intend to meet that challenge with integrity, and competence. I believe we are given a measure of choice in what time we appear, some will overachieve, while others will underachieve. I think in many generations the lack of will is disheartening, but the ball never actually stops rolling forward. Some generations live in extraordinary times, and there are certainly extraordinary things going on now; figure it out, and go do it.
I originally thought that i would like the ability to go back .. But my within my lifetime. So that the small changes and errors I made could be corrected. Aim to be a better person..
although if these where adjusted , I would not meet the people I know now..
So it's a huge change...
Better to go to future then return to your own time to make it better..
But yes I would bring a list of all major sports results, so I could be a billionaire and actually help...
I would go to the future... to see my great-grandchildren or great-great-grandchildren
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Travel to the past to kill the worms that wrote the bible, this will result in a much more liberal world.
I will also travel to the future to see how much damage humans have done to the planet, with knowledge gained from the future, I will know what to do in the present to correct the course.
ive heard of this but i do astral travel wonder if this is the same thing?
I would travel to the past. I find history so interesting and it would be cool to see some of it for myself with my own eyes. I would love to see ancient egypt when it was in its prime.
The future, obviously. Bring a bunch of stuff from the present, jettison forward along some arbitrarily chosen timeline, and with any luck, you'll end up as an antiquities dealer overnight.
Step 2: Open shop every few hundred years.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: PROFIT
i can time travel if i use the astral travel regions i can go back into time or any century,
The deep thinking part is that we have typed into this thread but, in the next blink of an eye, someone from the future travels into our past and it is common knowledge - this question would not have existed
Time travel is best answered by
"Time travel can't exist because no-one has come back to tell us that it does"
leave a long pause and then add
"... yet"
As proof that I can time travel, I shall travel into the past and change something: you will think that Tuesday has always followed Monday
Time can't be changed due to predestined paradox. i.e certain events that prompted someone to travel back in time to change things, will actually end up fulfilling the events.
Wow i love this topic i would go to my past and change events so i would hopefully be better off today lol thats assuming i dont mess up my present by doing so.
I would go to the past when things were a bit simpler. I would especially like to go to some concerts to see bands that are no longer together or the musicians are no longer alive in current times.