Do you believe in ghosts/spirits? If so then why are only some of them left behind?
Apparitions are simply souls that have found parts of their energy.
When you die, your "soul energy" is spreaded throughout because that's what pure energy does.
So when you see "parts"of ghosts, they are simply trying to collect the rest of themselves so they can return if they so choose.
I enjoy hokey paranormal specials on TV. A lot of these things fall more into my "I want to believe" category than "I believe". It'd be neat if there were all kinds of wacky supernatural stuff going on, but I've yet to come across things that I'd consider indicators of their presence, aside from TV specials and books written by those enjoying tinfoil chapeaus.
That is, they're fun to think about, and the mythology they present makes our world that much more rich, but in broad daylight, I can't really espouse a strong belief in their existence.
nope!! is impossible that think that some humans believe that a Ghost can exist. After your 23 trillions cells go belly up and their acid destroy your beautiful body, there is no return into the living. For every story about ghost, there is an increase in someone bank account. Is just a business like the stock market...
I do believe in ghosts.
Either I've been a witness to many paranormal events or I am out of my mind crazy. I'd rather believe that I was an observer.
I am very interested in scientific studies regarding dmt (the spirit molecule). Your body naturally releases dmt at 3 known, separate points in your life: during your birth, some times when you sleep, and when you die. Those who have taken dmt for either recreational purposes or medical frequently report out of body experiences.
I have formed the opinion that this compound is what holds your spirit / energy to your body. So if it is released during your death; your energy is the air outside of your body thus creating a ghost.
No. I think Ghosts are mainly a moneymaking scam by unscrupulous humans. in the rare case that the evidence truly cannot be debunked I believe a Demon is involved.
i do believe in ghosts cause i have physic telekinesis i can see ghost but cant hear them at all,
I do believe in ghosts, seen a few shadows in the corner in my eyes. My theory is the time of two plains intertwined touching in a few spots creating the plains to touch and give us glimpses in the after life. call it trapped souls or lost, yet maybe a plain in which we constantly relieve the life we have done. my thoughts
Departed human souls wandering the Earth? No, absolutely not.
![]() Mistress0fTheDamned Royal Sire (215) Posts: 18,847 Honor: 20 [ Give / Take ] |
I don't know ,i haven't experience,but if its happening i would be open for it.
I read this book in college called Daemonic Reality that discussed ghosts, MIBs, UFOs, fairies, etc. The premise was that all of these things, stretching from fairies and such in medieval times to MIBS and UFOs now are the same phenomenon but that they change how they approach us to suit the mentality of the time period. So for instance, 100 years ago my ancestor might have been visited by some mysterious ghost, today I'd be visited by a MIB because I understand that better.
It was a very bizarre but kind of interesting book.
Could you clarify MIB for me. Are you referring to Men in Black?
So the book theories that men in black is paranormal phenomena? Interesting perspective. I always viewed MIB as a conspiracy theory and never linked it to spiritual activity.
I travel a lot for work and am fairly frequently in southern AZ. Every chance I get, I make it a point to stay at the famous "haunted" Gadsden Hotel in Douglas, AZ. In fact, I even took my wife and my elderly mother-in-law there on vacation. Never saw or heard a thing once during all my stays there.
I don't know if ghosts exist or not. However, in most instances people wanting to believe will find reason to do so, regardless.
Some people aren't as sensitive as others when it comes to the paranormal. Animals are very aware when something isn't right, and some people are the same way. I believe in what i have seen and experienced for myself, which is common to other people's stories as well.
The human mind is great at deceiving itself.
Just the last week I saw a guy staring at me from the back yard. I could feel his eyes peering into my house. He unabashedly remained unmoving as I stepped towards my back door to yell at him. Just before I yanked it open to yell I hit the light and... it was a tree that fell over on the wooded preservation site behind my house this past winter.
The mind isn't really deceiving if other's are witnessing the same thing :)
The mind does play tricks like a jester. Yet certain things can not be explained what is seen. Yet Scientology say it's impossible to be yet we perceive what we choose to see. Something in U.S. Not numbers or mathematical problems but our mind reaching another plain of seeing things. I do believe in ghosts seen a few yet logic says it was just a figment of my mind a dream yet I still believe
I do believe in ghosts and my town had quite the dark history and so did my dorms so I've experienced plenty
I think it all comes down to A. Are you open to and receptive of the idea that they could exist and B. Do you regularly encounter any ghosts that wish to make their presence known and share themselves with you?
Without both components present I'm guessing people will continue not to believe in them and that's ok too
My children and I are sensitive to spirits. We've had some interesting experiences. So, yes, I definitely do. I believe that all lives that have passed on leave an unexplainable energy source behind.
Whether "receptive" or not to the idea of Gravity... if you jump off the top of a skyscraper, you're going to plummet to the ground. And if a "ghost" were real, then whether "receptive" or not to the notion, the "ghost" would make itself just as evidently and undeniably manifest to everyone not just those claiming to be more "sensitive."
That's the difference between reality and fact as compared with belief and delusion: It doesn't matter one whit whether you are "receptive to the idea" or not, reality and facts are what they are and you deny them only at your own peril.
People who have no experience with these types of events really shouldn't have a say so AT ALL because you really have nothing to add to the conversation except the fact that you don't believe in it by simple LACK of self experience, while others have actually HAD them many times in fact, throughout their lives. It doesn't make their experiences delusional one bit. It IS a fact that while some minds are very CLOSED, you have others that are more OPENED because something isn't "right" around them and those things can very much PROVE themselves to exist. So really it doesn't matter what anyone else believes or not...everybody has their own reasons for knowing what they do. So let's not go there and say, people are delusional for what has been PROVEN around the world by many who do have these abilities that others do not.
Thank you.
Oh and one more's not delusional if there are more than one person claiming to see and experience the same thing without telling each other at the time, and then later come to find out that they were actually experiencing the same thing. The reason why i'm so adamant about this topic is because both my sons were seeing the same thing in the bathroom, only one talked to me about it, and the other was more quiet about his experiences until recently when he was at home by himself. He told me what happened while i was away. My daughter doesn't like staying the night at my place because it scares her and she's more skeptic than all of us combined! lol
I only have myself to blame for this bias.
Just for the record, I don't believe in ghosts per the popular description. The notion of spirits of dead people even existing is rather ludicrous. What I do think, however, is that there are things which cause us to perceive things which due to our programming can seem to fit into the description of a human... that is doing inhuman things. Similar to how people saw a face on Mars in a shitty photo. We have to rely on our senses and our interpretations of the patterns to create a working model of the world around us, and it's entirely possible that we are surrounded by lots of imperceptible things. Or maybe even inconceivable things, meaning we aren't able to see the pattern due to the limitations in our head-meat.
I do believe in them, and I have had many experiences in different houses. So I think sometimes Spirits are attracted to certain people, call them sensitive or not. My experiences began during childhood, all the way through adulthood.
I personally enjoyed Nandor Fordors writings on phenomina. I also do the math the number of people that die i mean it would overwhelmingly visually to distinghish the living from the dead.
I do believe in ghosts. I believe (Not saying it is right it is only what my belief is) That some of them can not find there way to where the need to be.
i belive in the prospect of souls being lost perhaps thats a hard one . but in studies it seems there is some contraversy on the matter, so im not sure there as of now is not much eveidence that they could be around us but i belive in other life forms and worlds in the stars that remain un found and unexplained so yeah that could be possibole maybe. id have to reserch deeper on that.
I believe that there is unexplained phenomena that happens. Whatever one chooses to call it, it remains a mystery. All we can do is research and study.
Yes, I see/hear ghosts on a regular basis. I think it has something to do with living by a cemetery.
Most of them are not bothersome, some however can be annoying, making noises, switching things on, banging and knocking. Of course it could be Tom and Sam playing tricks...
When someone dies and the spiritual exodus of the body has begun a transition takes place where for a brief time a "ghost" is present in our earthly dimension long enough to make ready the transfer of energies to the new existence. This transition area or demi-dimension is considered by some to be the astral plane. Periodically a spiritual window will come for these spirits to ferry them to their new life. However, some decide to remain here in the earthly dimension because of unfinished business, fear etc... When someone sees a ghost they are witnessing a process where a ghost is attempting to materialize in our plane of this dimension. A ghost stuck on the earthly dimension will always reside in the astral plane but can make periodic strides into our spectrum of this dimension when they accumulate enough power to do so or have left behind an anchor. Which is a physical item or person the spirit has imbued energy into while alive or with a powerful soul during a brief visit. The spiritual window mentioned above is sometimes seen as a spew of whirling lights or a long tunnel. However, if a ghost moves toward the light it will disappear from this reality forever and begin it's new existence.
When it comes to ghosts or spirits. The first thing you must ask. Do you believe in angels, demons, gods, goddesses... anything supernatural? The reason Isay this is because I have sat ina Christian church and asked a similar question.
"Do you believe in angels?" "Yes" "Do you believe in demons?" "no" "Do you believe in God?" "Yes" "Do you believe in Lucifer? Otherwise known as The Devil?" "Yes" "Do you believe in magic?" "No"
... Nuff said. To truly believe in something you must first believe in all things that connect. That said, in every religion dating back to early days, most expressively the B.C. Era of life. There are accounts of ghosts. In just about every spiritual walk. Now, let's take note. Back in those times. Exploration was improbable. Few dared to leave the area in which they lived. The furthest they would go is the neighbouring country or close to that expanse.
So, leaves an interesting question. How have spirits been talked about all over the world when communication between countries were limited? The first true expanse was the Goth tribes and the Huns. By that time the Celts held their own religion, the Germanics their own, France what is now England, Spain and the like had taken in A.D Christianity. Romans later expanded east, and the like.
Do I believe in ghosts? Yes, as well as various different things. Can I prove they exist... well that is up to you to decide. Bring me a religion that dates back before the great expanse that don't talk about spirits. And you have proven me partially wrong. Now, do I believe everything today's society says about them, no. I do not.
We are spirit,that is the only reality,therefore the answer to that question is yes ghosts do exist,some are earth bound,and think they are still here,and have not died,others know they've have,but choose to stay earth bound.I know first hand that they do,but that's another story.
I believe. Because I am a empAth. I feel them I have seen them. I have dream. About them but not just ghost there can be lost souls demons dark spirits. Angelical. Spirit. And there are not a few left, behind they are everywhere. You just can't see them , everything is schedule in your,life when u do something. Different is UN balanced. Wave. You will also question. Your self did I just see whAt I thought I saw, most likely. Shadows are really. There it's not your mind playing tricks. ..
The topic of ghosts is an interesting one as there has been some research which states that the human body generates its own energy field which gradually dissipates as we die.One could call that a ghost,but real ghosts are not something one can encounter when one is still alive.
Yes I believe in them, but I also think most of them are astral projections of people when they are alive- the power of the physical brain.
i think there are supernatural things such as ghost slash hauntings
i have exprianced some things in my life, but i also no that half the expriances i have felt have a logical reason for happening then the other half have no explination
I do believe in Ghosts and I see them around this apartment and not, laughingly. They do not scare me I just do not want them around, this apartment is haunted but no one do not want to move in a temporary place. They do deserve to be left behind if they are the right kind of ghost. I only except goth, and normal ghost, demons, spirits I love the paranormal.
It will be one of the subjects...that I will learn in the future or now.
Ghosts are energy. Everything is made of energy and is connected in some way. How much energy emerges from a ghost depends on the path it took in life. If they died believing they did not die then they are left to fuel the energy around them.
Absolutely. I'm a strong believer of ghosts. To me, it seems literally absurd and difficult to imagine how there are those who still refuse to believe in this mysterious anomaly. Unfortunately, so many people are far too eager to consider those who experience paranormal activity to be undoubtedly out of their normal mind, or think of them as having an over active imagination. But this simply is not the case at all.
Growing up in the house that my Great Grandfather built and died in long before my birth, his overwhelming presence remained there for many years after his death... Until late one night, the front door which was never used, having been dead-bolted and painted shut for umpteen years burst open with such a forceful ruckus that it woke everyone in the house. I'll never forget scrambling out of bed and rushing to the living room, standing there in the middle of the night with my parents, staring through that opened door into the night sky, wondering what in the heck happened. Well, from that very moment on, my Great Grandfather's presence was no longer noticed. That's when he decided to leave. That's when he move on.
The electricity in your body is what keeps your heart beating. That same little bit of electricity is also your soul... Every living thing has a soul. The soul doesn't perish after death, but it is only freed from its physical confines... Due to my childhood experiences, I've become an avid "ghost hunter" and have investigated countless places throughout different states. And some of the things I've witnessed is just absolutely mind boggling.
Yes, this is my reason because they are trapped an or scared to go into the light. And they might need to still do what they are meant to do for leaving this earth. Some are good an well the rest is evil ones. Hell must be crowded with all the evil souls that they had no more room so the rest are here haunting homes hotels an many other places.
I do believe in Ghosts/spirits, simply because I've seen too many to simply dismiss the idea. The first 'proper one was was my great grand-mother, standing on top of the hallway stairs in my grandmothers house, when I was 6 years old and she died when I was 3. We were very close and I still remember that vividly. Most people have to see something to believe in the supernatural.
As for why spirits linger? I guess they have their own reasons to hand around a place, much like a person stays in a place...fondness, anger, not wanting to let go etc The list is endless, but very specific to a particular 'entity'. I believe that studies concerning infrasound and ghostly experiences should be seriously considered.
I believe in energy and echoes of certain types of energies. I think ghosts are such echos.
As for why some people don't come back- if you shout, depending on your pitch of voice, it doesn't always echo back. Same principal for ghosts.
I believe in energies from the astral body, but am still sceptical and doubt my experiences.
I believe that when you die there is a struggle that leaves you, carried by some type of energy. Wheather or not the struggle is an angered power, or an enlightened one, makes the difference on whom it is picked up by. Some cant be picked up at all. Some dont want to be picked up. If you look at the deffinition of a "haunt" it is two or more different types of beast feeding on the same place. Them being the beasts, us being the meal.
Ghosts are simply spirits that departed from a body that wait in personal locations until they can be placed in a suitable body to maintain karma. The pure evil ghosts don't last long because they will easily reincarnate into a poor family or a hard life. Nice people go into good futures but the middle, good people doing bad things or bad people who turn good, they are persisting ghosts that are vengeful of life for putting them there
I'm certainly no expert in this field, but surely a ghost/ spirit is only an echo of the person that they used to be, not the actual soul, leaving the whole reincarnation question moot?
Or have I just started a question that needs another thread? :-)
I believe in the existence of ghosts/spirits. I find this funny but I run into this alot when talking religion with people in my area. Many believe in christ and the resurrection but when asked the question whether or not there is a possibility of ghosts/spirits, I am often told that they only believe them to be scary stories for ghosts and nothing more. According to the bible in which they believe wholeheartedly mentions the immortal spirit and needing to do good in order to preserve it for heaven.
My personal beliefs on the matter, and this will answer any question about reincarnation, is that yes there is a spirit within us and when we die it is released into the world. The existence of Limbo (where the spirit remains until either sent to heaven or hell, for those who do not know) is real as well. When people believe they have seen a ghost/spirit, it is my personal belief that it is a spirit which hasn't been sent to either heaven or hell and is forced to roam the earth until such a time in which it is sent to either location. Some people have claimed from the view of an airplane window to have seen angels rising into heaven. The church has proved in the existence of demonic spirits. I believe there is sufficient proof to show in the existence of the dead being among us.
In terms of experience, the person may only experience anxiety, fear, extreme emotional distress, nausea and mental incapacitation with no related hallucinations or visions. But occasionally the right frequency for the person is reached and spiritual experiences – waking dreams are experienced often auditory hallucinations and less frequently visual hallucinations.
Earthquake infrasound can sometimes produce drastic and sustained negative modifications of consciousness. After less than a five-minute exposure to low intensity infrasound of 10 cycles per second, dizziness can last for hours. Infrasound of 12 cycles per second produces severe and long lasting nausea after a brief low intensity exposure.
There are more and more studies on this now, with hopefully , enlightening results.
Yes, I believe. I know that they exist through personal experiences. I am not sure what awaits us when we die but I am sure our Soul/Spirit live on and returns in some way. Why spirits do not move on(Or where they go if they do.) I am not sure. Maybe, they do not know they are dead? Possibly, they choose to stay? Could be they have a message for someone? It could be due to a violent death, such as murder or suicide? None the less, I believe.~Mina
Yes i believe they do from experiences and investigating
I do believe in ghosts. I can see outlines of ghosts constantly, especially at night.
TheHaunted, do you have any documented evidence from these investigations?
I very much believe in ghosts as those you choose not to pass on to there next life
Oceanne..... to answer your question and being honest I dont have anything that i can say with out doubt of being actual proof, I have stuff that I can't explain any other reasoning for it but still for me its not enough to say yes it is 100% certain of being paranormal. but that has not stop me from doing so, been investigating since 2005 and still going strong. Hoping one day i will have concrete proof..
To answer the question yes, I believe in ghosts. Why are they here could be numerous reasons varying from not accepting their own death to trying to finish something in life, or maybe just to watch over someone. I have experienced too much not to believe.
There is one named Charles that comes through every now and then, who died on the battlefield nearby. He's a protector.
Thomas Jefferson called it "The turn of the tide of success." The battle of Kings Mountain, fought October 7th, 1780, was an important American victory during the Revolutionary War. The battle was the first major patriot victory to occur after the British invasion of Charleston, SC in May 1780. The park preserves the site of this important battle.
I do..and to be honest... I believe it has to do with what strength of physic connection they had before they pasted....
i take the scientific approach of energy is neither created nor destroyed.
I do believe in them but I do not believe that the Ghost Hunting shows are actually real.
Oddly enough I think some of the dead are drawn to the area in which I reside. I have seen people I knew have passed on loafing around as if they do not even know they have passed on.
I believe in energy. Our energy that we all leave behind when we die to be recycled into nature
I believe that there are things out there that we can not see, but sometimes feel and hear. I also believe that Spirits don't have to have unfinished buisness to be tethered to the earth, they just are here for whatever reasons that we may not understand.
I believe ghosts exist. Ive had a few experiences with them.
yes i do i have had some experiences in my past saw my grandpa at the foot of my bed when i was 5,
i even heard the devils voice in my room in my old apartment.
Yes. I believe in ghosts. Both of my kids have seen ghosts.
My son (then age 5) saw the ghost of his brother after he passed back in 2007. But since then, my son hasn't spoken about seeing ghosts.
My 3 yr old states that she sees ghosts.And I have seen objects move in my house by themselves and unexplained noises. I have seen "shadows" and "lights" move about when there should have been nothing there. My blankets and pillows have moved as if the ghost wants me to be comfortable.
I have also experienced not so friendly ghosts back when i lived in Florida.
I believe, two of my few friends as a child where ghosts. The two children lived in my stepfathers house , there was a little boy and a little girl. I remember the girl clearest , she had blonde ringlet hair and wore a Victorian dress, It turned out that everyone one that row of houses had seen her. A medium ended up moving into the row and the girl even tricked her into thinking she was her own daughter whilst her daughter was at school once. I used to collect wind chimes but gave up because at night they all used to go off so i couldn't get any sleep , my parents used to get annoyed at me for it until i told them what was going on. Then moved on when my stepdad died. the house is quiet as ever now.
Yes, I do believe in ghosts because I have experienced them all of my life. I am a paranormal investigator & try to help others with their experiences as well.
I believe that people experience an unexplained situation and, desperate to give it a label, call them ghosts. Sometimes proper investigation can explain the situation, sometimes people benefit from it continuing to be unexplained, most times no one investigates at all
If I divert to the Loch Ness Monster for a moment, most sightings are very, very different to each other. They all boil down to the unexplained creature in the 'surgeon's photograph' keeping the myth alive. On his death bed, the surgeon, the very witness who produced the photo, admits to faking it and explains how he did it - yet believers still keep pointing at it as part of the mystery
I think the same happens with ghosts; that sudden temperature drop is explained by a window being left open at the same time as a door, people blink and dismiss it, simply repeating 'no, you don't understand there's a mysterious cold wind'
I think people want to believe in ghosts (in their accepted earth bound spirit definition) beyond most reason
Spirits are real,and I have seen and heard them.Can I prove it no.You can't see GOD and he is real,its called faith.Those that remain earth bound chose to do so.They go enter the light or not.Some don't know they are dead,while others are afraid to enter that realm not knowing there outcome in there final judgement.
Not only do I believe in ghosts, but I have started my own investigative team, we call ourselves the Cottonwood Heights Paranormal Society. But I'm not quite ready to talk about them yet, instead I want to talk about what got me started.
When I was a young girl, no older than 4 or 5 years old, I consciously had my first Paranormal experience. I was home alone with my mom, she went outside on the front porch to grab something and left me in the dining room looking out the bay window. While she was outside I blacked out for a second and when I came to the door was locked (I couldn't reach the lock at the time because I'm short), mom was still outside and I felt like I couldn't move or scream.
Since then I've had an open mind.
The house my mother currently lives in is active as well, complete with an old man ghost, an old lady ghost, a younger man with anger issues ghost, a young bride ghost, a little girl ghost, a ghost cat and a lesser demon. It has become my personal training grounds for CHPS.
There are many reasons a spirit cant or don't want to move on here are a few:
Some Reasons a Ghost may be tied to a person, place or even an object.
1)Died as a result of a traumatic event, murder, car accident etc.
2)Due to unfinished business
3)The spirit may have died suddenly and not realized he/she died
4)Living loved ones are so emotionally distraught they cant let go
5)The spirit is emotionally connected to their loved ones
6)They can not rest due do an injustice done to themselves
7)Fear of the other side or judgment.
I personally do believe in ghosts and have had experienced ghosts,
I can't say exactly what they are but i did like these theory's
.spirits that can't pass over
.a memory repeating on a loop
.Another dimension on a slightly different frequency
i do believe in ghosts. to me they are a part of our everyday like just like my ferrets or tutoring my nephew.
my 2nd mom's house alwasy has spirits it was said that in her kitchen she has a open dorr between the two worlds, but thats besides the point
she once had a seance party, a wonderful person by the name of willow came over had she talked to out past realitives and then we each got to talk to her seperately.
she had told my 2nd mom that there is a 8 yr old girl trapped in this house by her father who is also here. he wont let her leave. oh and btw he killed her and buried her in the back yeard and planted a lilac tree above her bones.
she said there speechless for a couple of minutes then just nodded and was like that makes sense and preceded to make herself and willow a cup of coffee.
I believe in ghosts. I mean there is something that makes us the individuals that we are, a soul. Something happens to it when we pass, whether we move on, get reincarnated, go to heaven or hell and in some cases, get trapped and unable to move on. Are there scammers out there trying to make money off people trying to prove the paranormal, you bet but some of this stuff is real.
Yes I do believe in ghosts and I have seen many also been haunted by a few
When a person Dies his soul has to go to heaven but if he didn't complete certain things on earth or have committed something bad like suicide , murder and stuff like that or maybe the soul still misses something from the earth or a loved one and can't let go
This is the time when it stays behind , the soul becomes restless and sometimes haunts a particular
But mainly souls or ghosts are not harmful.
If u had any experience where the entity was violent or destructive it is not a ghost
Ghosts don't have the ability to do so
If it's violent or destructive I is most likely to be a demon or poltergeist.
I've only seen a ghost one time but it was very quick and brief because he was walking by so quickly. He looked like a soldier and i heard his canteen clanging which is what caught my attention.
Other things happen randomly through the place but I don't think all of it is ghost related.
Yes I believe in spirits they choose who can see them otherwise protect themselves from people . sometimes they will show themselves very normal looking other times dark shadow or a round glowing orb or a cold feeling even like a gust of small wind go over you even electric plusing radio playing on its own just a bunch I've noticed sometimes whispering sounds in walls or in hall ways, rooms so you just have to listen for them.
They choose to stay for a while sometimes they don't know they're dead others don't want to leave unless someone they love goes with them to the other side some miss their lovers or family and they stay because their family misses them others stick around even though they have crossed over and the Angel of death have to capture them because they already chosen to cross over they start around 3:00 and leave at 4:00-4 :30 the newness that just died make themselves known at midnight and go to their graves at 3:00 -4:30 in the morning and noon the ravens and the crows watch's the graves until evening than all the spirits slowely come out of their graves but quickly run to visit their living friends and family before time is up. They start around 6:30-7:30 to roam
Fallen Angels Govern them / Demons watch them and guide them waiting for them to cross over even Archangels watch them too .
I've seen many a ghost in my life, and I have hunted them with cameras. It's not always fun like T.V. makes it out to be, but it can be interesting.
I want to believe, but I can honestly say that I've never personally seen or felt a ghostly presence so far. I've spent a lot of time in graveyards and supposedly haunted places, but haven't experienced anything significant yet. I even explored Waverly Hills Sanatorium (where thousands of people died) several times before it became a tourist attraction, but still came up empty handed. I'm not going to say that they do not exist, because we all experience things differently and I think some people are just more in tune with that sort of thing.
no i have seen to many a tv shows that are only made for the benifit of thos people the show is about . and also know personal people in my life who have died and never came back . also i use to believe that if a person was taken to fast and not enough time to be prepared for it then they might stay here for some time or till they solve why they died . but no , i more believe that when someone dies even if they are killed or shot dead they want to get out of here as fast as they can there is so many more places to go and see . more then just earth . or even more then just here . i know i am not staying here that would be just more pain that i could bare . that is why the way the movies and stories tell and talk about vampires as if they can live forever well do you think anyone would want to live on this earth for that long i say 100 years is more than any one could take look at God he only stayed less then 40 years . its not a good place at all .so many books talk of ghosts and not a many have any thing good to say about them staying here on this earth . only that they want to be free but cant . so no i do not believe there are ghosts.
i oft wondered that why are some souls around and other souls not around you would think if there was a heaven they would go there with open arms right
speeking of that even if there is not and i do believe there is . but even if there were not a heaven i still would not stay here if i dont have a body holding me down i would fly away as fast as i can to outer space and fly to some were far far away just to see how far i could go without getting lost lol
I do believe there is life after death reincarnation but i have seen ghosts from time to time i am part psi vampire so yes i believe in them i have seen them, and they're just stuck in planes wanting to find there way to heaven/or hell. if your a skeptic and think is a scam then why is there prove that some our out there and truly excist's