Why wicca stands for traditional witchcraft?
Why would you call yourself a witch , warlock or mage?
Who can bring me reliable answers to this?
Thank you all for you time
Not sure but seems to be the most common next to Pagen
many types of magic are based on Wiccan or Pagen believes.
"Not sure but seems to be the most common next to Pagen
many types of magic are based on Wiccan or Pagen believes."
It is Pagan from the latin word Paganus.
"many types of magic are based on Wiccan" - Explain that to me site your sources. how you can make such an afirmation?! Is based on what?
Years of observation just open your eyes an take a look around you t.v. series like Charmed and Witches of East End also Secret Circle all based on Wiccan ways of life their religion and the type of magic they use. It is the most common by popularity preference and choice it comes up the most more widely practiced in witch circles witch craft been around for centuries. Not to mention charmed magic is a modified version of wiccan well with some pagen thrown in. There is a mass market for wiccan as well a hugh money maker at the box office and also in witch novels it is also morebrought in conversation as far as magic goes.
Never read such a mumbo jumbo before...
I should not even respond to such sick ignorance.
First of all, television references on history?!
Where did they get the information from?
How can you sustain belifs from television?!
You are mentally ill and sick.
Do you practice Harry Potter wicthcraft?
Well, well you PSEUDO witch you don't have any argument nor historical facts to prove what you say.
What I can conclude is Years sitting in front of a televison getting fat searching for "wicth craft" in tv programs.
Reliable answers or information.
As I opined in your other forum post entry, if by "traditional witchcraft" you refer to historical witchcraft (witchcraft as originally defined and claimed practiced prior to all the demonization of the Burning Times and all later sensationalization by fiction writers and Hollywood since then, the answer remains shrouded in history. However, a few tantalizing clues have survived down through the ages.
A great peer-reviewed article is found here:
Unfortunately, only the first page is available for public perusal. However, what the article and that of other seminal publications regarding the witch trials of the Burning Times have as a fairly common-ground foundation for the claimed practices of "witches" is the accusation of the women "flying to" or otherwise being transported to a far-removed forest area where they engage in endless sexual orgies with male "demons" and/or Satan, himself, who are just as sexually insatiable (multiorgasmic) as are these females called "witches." These events were commonly referred to as a "Witches' Sabbath."
In other words... only with these few male "demons" or with Satan, himself, were such throngs of sexually insatiable women (witches) able to commune sexually and emotionally with males equal in all to themselves. When removed of all religious judgmental pronouncements (all Christian based, of course), this is what we actually find being the case.
This is further validated by the definition of what "all witchcraft" consists of as found declared by the Roman Catholic Church's own witch manual, the "Malleus Maleficarum" written in 1487 CE:
"To conclude: All witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable." - Malleus Maleficarum, Question VI; 1487 CE
Perhaps the single greatest book documenting the ACTUAL foundation for the witchcraze of the 14th - 17th Centuries is a wonderful book by the same name: Witchcraze.
It's a book I own and is wonderfully written and with excellent references and citations from primary source evidences.
I Read carefully your posts you are stocking in Middle Ages information.
So Wicca is claiming to come from the Middle ages reformulation of historical facts and an interpretation of a guy on how Witchcraft should be.
Why Wicca is or claimed to be Traditional witchcraft?
How does Wicca adpets sustain these misinformation only basing on their knowledge of what some witches had to say on Malleus..?!
Traditions can Be traced To Hyperborean Ages and Atlantean Ages.
Any serious evolved person looks at Hollywood any media or social media site as Brainwashing.
I look at tv as entertainment. Not exactly the thing get an education from.
As fas as I understand, Wicca is a fairly recently developed practice..one which borrows and manipulates components of older practices to basically , suit the practitioner.
In my opinion, a complete waste of energy and time.
I cannot answer your question as to why one would call theirself a witch, mage , warlock, because wouldnt consider doing so.
Any witchcraft ..that is a magical craft involving ritual or impliments is childs play as far as I am concerned. Equivalent to children playing with toys. Jmho.
wicca and witchcraft are different and i believe a warlock is one who lies, there are so many titles in the natural world spirituality and religions that at times it can be hard to separate and divide since there is only a thin line that separates one from another
Traditional witchcraft is not Wicca. Wicca is an eclectic religious belief and like Protestantism has many types. It is very different from Pellars and those using other names, who do not use the term witch due to habits they formed from superstition and persecution. Most condemned for witchcraft were judged on the basis of Christian beliefs and not on the facts. Those that practice either of these do not believe in the religious values they were persecuted for. Nowadays that might not be the case because there are those that call themselves Christian Wiccans. Wicca is not witchcraft and those that follow it are not truly witches but it could be said initially drawn from what was believed to be older ways and has gone on it's own course and some versions have no basis at all in what is known of traditional witchcraft or very little. Skyclad for instance, was started by Gardner because he was a nudist.
If you find Satan mentioned in definition then one should know that most everything else is erroneous about the article. This was not believed and unknown until others came into the areas where they were being accused of being in league with the devil. It was a bunch of made up hogwash. There is no three-fold or anything like that with Traditional witchcraft. The word witchcraft is used very loosely to describe a lot of practices that may or may not be similar. Generally speaking Traditional witchcraft and Wicca are not alike. They have different ideologies and Wicca has ritual magick mixed into it because Gardner added in these ideas like the circle round and Watch Towers etc., which is not done in Traditional witchcraft. Those that follow Wicca are Wiccans (sometimes written Wiccian) and those that try to emulate the old ways are called Witches and many other names and use different tools and don't worship any Gods but venerate those of their area only where witchcraft was actually practiced. Witchcraft is not another name for magic (magick for those that are Crowley oriented). They consider them equal to man. It is very different for the most part. Mike Nichols might object to these ideas but whether he does or not, Wicca began in the 20th Century and even back in the 70s in the circles I traveled, Wicca was totally underground ideas and the average person involved with alternate ideas did not talk about it let alone practice it. It is very different these days because it has evolved and many people have their own take and practices. When one says they are Wiccan, one doesn't really know what they are meaning exactly because there are so many types now.
The thing is none of these practices could be considered more than Neo Paganism because there isn't enough information. Those who were involved with what was termed witchcraft by invaders was not written down like the modern practices of the Wiccans who write in books they have labeled Book of Shadows. This is a modern practice connected to Wicca. Witches taught orally and passed things down through families and like one said I read about, it would have been dangerous when the Christians came into the area to have anything written down that could be considered demonic.
As for the term Warlock, those that follow Traditional Witchcraft say it means a betrayer, one who tells lies. Many now have given it a new lease on life by making up definitions of the word and extrapolating on why it can be used as something it is not. It can be said that those who use the word, males, are generally practicing something else and often Sorcery and not witchcraft. Mostly women followed Traditional Witchcraft although there were some males but in some areas ridiculed for it because it was considered a woman's thing.
This is a very controversial subject and I write from what I remember from doing research and writing an article on the topic. I will not supply any links because there are people out and about who write a lot of garbage people think is factual.
This may help as well. http://holysmoke.org/wicca/wicca_defense.html
Witchcraft evolved from ancient Pagan practices in which the Earth was worshiped as a deity. It is more of a spiritual practice than an actual religion although many sub-religions have been inspired by it. It is also often associated with mythological beings i.e. the Roman moon goddess Diana and the Egyptian god Ra are common deities that are still worshiped by today's practitioners. Witchcraft dates back to the days of oral tradition...
Wicca was introduced as a public movement by Gerald Garner in 1957. It is an organized religion but can be practiced by a solitary Wiccan if one so desires. Most Wiccans believe in the Lord and the Lady.
There are many similarities between the two, but two major differences are 1) how long each has been practiced and 2) how each are portrayed by those in the entertainment business. It is important for one to not only read as many books as possible on the subjects if he/she wishes to follow either belief system...but to talk to elders of the various communities out there so they can know how to go about participating in various rituals and learn how to protect oneself against those with malicious intent.
I could go on and on but I might save my personal opinions for a journal entry. ;)
I had not figured it to he an organized religion, but I did find some solid information about it .
here is what Merriam-Webster online has to say on the subjects of witchcraft and wicca:
noun witch·craft ˈwich-ˌkraft
: magical things that are done by witches : the use of magical powers obtained especially from evil spirits
Full Definition of WITCHCRAFT
a : the use of sorcery or magic
b : communication with the devil or with a familiar
: an irresistible influence or fascination
: wicca
First Known Use of WITCHCRAFT
before 12th century
noun Wic·ca ˈwi-kə
: a religion that is characterized by belief in the existence of magical powers in nature
Full Definition of WICCA
: a religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (as magic) and of both male and female deities who inhere in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles
— Wic·can
ˈwi-kən adjective or noun
Origin of WICCA
probably from Old English wicca wizard — more at witch
First Known Use: 1959
-End definitions
So following that: Wicca is witchcraft, witchcraft is not necessarily Wicca.
Let me state from the beginning that I am not a member of the Wiccan faith.
But I can tell you that the source for many Wiccan beliefs come from a vast wealth of ideologies from around the globe.
To keep it short and sweet... most of those "beliefs" are Egyptian in origin as are most Pagan ideologies. The very word pagan is a term coined by the Catholic church to label these ideologies in a negative light. An attempt to weed out faiths and practices the deemed heresy... So Paganism is any ritual not sanctioned by the church.
As for which craft it's self... the term is sorta self explanatory.
No one really knows how old the practices are or it's true origins. But there are actual laws on record for how to deal with those who wrongly place spells or incantations going back as far as the early Roman periods. (B.C.)
We know that the Egyptian and Sumerian cultures both had spells and rituals for everything from harvests to fertility and everything in between. So in all likely hood "witch craft" under differing names is probably as old as civilization is.
So what is traditional witch craft??
It is a history full of various ritual infused beliefs from many different societies.
What is Wicca??
A selection of specific beliefs from that rich history.
Wicca and Witchcraft are two different things.
This is from my one part of my e-zine and not sure if all the links are viable. I haven't changed anything or checked any links since my parents and my son died. Just didn't feel the incentive.
This might help explanation
First off the words wicca or wiccan are newer terms the word pagan means "one from the country" it was used to label the country folk who where out side the city walls. Gerald B. Gardner is one of the founders of what we refer to as the wiccan way below is a link that may interest you.
My belief is that Witchcraft is the original religion. Wicca has become many traditions, and the label, if you will, covers the many different traditions. Witchcraft is the original religion. Healers.
traditional Witchcraft is not Wicca. Wicca and Witchcraft are two different things I know because I am a Wiccan and to who ever said a warlock is someone who lies that is not correct a Warlock is someone who turns against their coven or aka grove
According to Dictionary.com...
Spell Syllables
Examples Word Origin
a man who professes or is supposed to practice magic or sorcery; a male witch; sorcerer.
a fortuneteller or conjurer.
According to Merriam-Webster...
noun war·lock ˈwȯr-ˌläk
: a man who has magical powers and practices witchcraft : a sorcerer or wizard
I do not know much about Wicca, except that, if one were to look through profiles of FB, there is a startling number of women mainly, who profess to be Wicca just because they believe in Wicca. The general meaning behind Wicca has now become anyone who practices rituals and such, or have Paganistic beliefs. It has definitely been watered down. Just because other similar religions carry out rituals does not, in the English language, mean it is Wicca.
"Some argue, however, that the real roots of witchcraft and magic as we known it come from the Celts, a diverse group of Iron Age tribal societies which flourished between about 700 BC and 100 AD in northern Europe (especially the British Isles). Believed to be descendants of Indo-Europeans, the Celts were a brilliant and dynamic people, gifted artists, musicians, storytellers, and metalworkers, as well as expert farmers and fierce warriors much feared by their adversaries, the Romans.
They were also a deeply spiritual people, who worshipped both a god and goddess. Their religion was pantheistic, meaning they worshipped many aspects of the "One Creative Life Source" and honoured the presence of the "Divine Creator" in all of nature. They believed in reincarnation and that after death they went to the Summerland for rest and renewal while awaiting rebirth. By about 350 BC, a priestly class known as the Druids had developed, who became the priests of the Celtic religion as well as teachers, judges, astrologers, healers, midwives and bards.
The religious beliefs and practices of the Celts, their love for the land, and their veneration of trees (the oak in particular) grew into what later became known as Paganism, although this label is also used for the polytheistic beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. Blended over several centuries with the beliefs and rituals of other Indo-European groups, this spawned such practices as concocting potions and ointments, casting spells and performing works of magic, all of which (along with many of the nature-based beliefs held by the Celts and other groups) became collectively known as witchcraft in the Medieval Period."
From the following link:
For me Wicca, Paganism, and Witchcraft are all branches from the same tree.
"Most witches would agree that in order to be able to carry out magic, the mind first needs to be trained in the techniques of meditation, visualisation, concentration and imagination. There are three basic sources of natural energy or power used in magic: Personal Power (the power that resides within our own bodies, our life force and willpower), Earth Power (the power that resides within our planet and its natural products, such as stones, trees, wind, fire, water, crystals, oils and scents) and Divine Power (the spiritual power that is charged and channelled by the Goddess and the God)."
From the following link:
This is an article on one of my websites concerning Traditional Witchcraft by someone who actually practices it. Wicca is something else. The word witchcraft is becoming too loosely used these days. I also don't dwell on Egypt being the harbinger of everything that any cultural group practiced or that it naturally connects to any magical practice that might contain a spiritual aspect or not.
I didn't write this, someone else did as I said who practices, Traditional Witchcraft. Of course it is modern but some can trace lineage back and have had things passed down. Most of these practices are connected to females. Men were usually made fun of if they got involved in this area in the past. Not the general category of magic but this specific type of endeavor. That has changed over the years. The term Warlock is erroneous. Some have extrapolated things together to get the word accepted but it is not a male witch. A witch is just that regardless of gender. Men were more accepted in forms of Traditional Witchcraft in modern times. They don't follow all of the same practices. I did write an article there that is entitled 'What is Witchcraft' and is long and detailed which speaks of some of the differences and there are many. The things Upir posted was religious myth. I would say Wicca evolved from much of this and went it's own way. They are similar but not alike. Those that follow Wicca should call themselves Wiccans and not witches. It's not the same.
i would have to agree Wiccans and not witches. nor are witches wiccan not all at least . for a wiccan is one whos fath is in mother earth and rocks and spells of nature . were a witch would study a form of power trip for some say they can move things with the mind or cast love spells as both sides clam i say that love is a very open thing . we english speek of the love that is down to earth not at all like the greek word love . wich is more like a unselfish love . it takes two to say something but can one be right or can both sides of a coin be the same . well they can if its a two headed coin . but that is nor here nor there . we all see both sides but who is to say that we are right or wrong . some say a vampire came from a witch . but that may not be all that far off but a different subject . i believe witchs are real or think they are . but they think it so hard that it is real to them and thos around them. as for wicca its a life forbidden and so is witch craft . so in many ways they are same but many other ways are different . look to all books and matter of readings of the two there are lots and many will agree that they are a dark power or at least most of them are thought to be . some believe them to be of the light .
Very interesting answers but if you really want to know how magic started it was during the period of shamanism then came alchemists and so forth
..if you don't follow any dogma created by some Humans, then my friend, you are a witch. If you love nature and follow the Sabbaths, then you are a witch. Wicca is the witches of the present, while witchcraft, is follow by the humans of the old tradition.
Hi. I enjoyed this thread and the diverse replies. I definitely agree with the stated opinions, of origins to ancient times. I study esoterics, I believe in Pythagorean Hylozoics and Theosophy. In my humble opinion I know you would greatly benefit from studying the secret orders of knowledge. And why they kept their knowledge, including their initiates training, esoteric instead of exoteric. To address your question, as others have replied, Gardner in the 1950's did not have an exclusivity to ancient orders of knowledge. Whether they are White or Black lodges. Another such comparison of exclusivity is the Christian dogmatic definition of Lucifer. This can further be rationalized by philosophical positions of subjectivism, and objectivism. Thank you for your thread. Everyone :-) Be blessed, Lutris8
If you wish to know more about the root of all magic start where I have you'll need to get information from a time when religion didn't exist during this period women first started out as a healer of just herbs for people that were sick but also it was during a time when others took it to different levels just like they did when it was first thought of rituals and other methods were used then it was and still a mystery of how medicine was first thought of and how others could go to the realms I know why from my own experiences through time and practice but I can not express these things into words
In my studies of witchcraft, I was searching the internet on reclaiming the word Warlock. I have chosen to call myself a Warlock and not Witch because I am drawn more to the masculine tone of it and being prior military and therefore a warrior, it fits me.
I think Wicca is relatively new term. Witches have been around for several thousand years. Scripture cites witchcraft in the Torah. As a Jew, I believe the present year to be 5776 so I would deduce that the practice of witchcraft, the practitioners being referred to as witches, supersedes Wicca. Perhaps the term was a way to label or organize a group or establish a norm? Just my interpretation without researching No harm is meant by my post.
Witchcraft is studying the flow of the universe,Wicca is mimicking it.
Religion gave the first name to women hundreds of years ago and called them a witch because it took away from the church and from there on it started crashing like a domino effect in the worst way possible others have used spells for a darker reason in the past as well not even the greatest scientists can figure out when it all started or was created but in my experience I choose to understand the traditional witchcraft from one of my favorite books I don't believe that they are both the same formally because over the years Wicca is known for a more peaceful tradition while as the original version of witchcraft is known for your own free will of whatever the individual may choose it to be
Well, Wicca was created In 1954 by Gerald Gardner. Like the official version of it. That is where it first created. So, I would say that probably traditional witchcraft goes way back, into the pagan times, and in a way it is considered wicca. Cause it is one of the branches in wicca, which has very many. But it could also not be considered wicca, because it goes so far back, before Wicca was created by Gerald Gardner, so ancient witchcraft may not be considered it. In my opinion, I do consider it wicca in a way.
Forgot to put this part of the last post I made. But I do consider myself to be witch or call myself one, because I have practiced it for a long time.
When people call themselves, this, some may think you have to be born a witch, to be considered one or warlock etc... I have also studied wicca, and other ways of witchcraft, for most of my young life, so I do think I am a witch. Anyone can become one, given time, with a lot of studying, and practice. From reading some of the reply's in here, Yes witchcraft, and wicca are both separate things. Wicca is just a type of witchcraft, you have all sorts of witchcraft, and it comes in many forms.
Um well actually the druids of ancient indo-european came first. These were the first of what we today call witches. Wiccan came from those ancient roots. And those who come from that blood line sometimes have gifts. (sight, mediums)
It all stems from those ancient people.
Hehe. Amusing.
I actually practice neither of these things. I tend to rely more on science and logic and other things that I feel are factual-based.
'But why are you on a Vampire website??'
Because such fascinate me. I enjoy reading about the false claims that people make on here, such as summoning Goetics, or 'casting spells' and whatnot. It's comedic genius in my otherwise monotonous life.
sad we humans are if its not real for many people died in the name they called themselves so even tho I am not one I believe that some can be real ones . the black arts have been along time out and even tho you do not see much of them its mostly because they are still feared by most . and not excepted or put down and who wants to be put down . I have never met a real one but it just seems to me that to much has happened for them not to be a real thing not just stories .
![]() CuRsEdToDaRkNeSs High Sire (154) Posts: 1,034 Honor: 4,724 [ Give / Take ] |
Paganism is an umbrella term. Anything NOT Christian is within it. No matter whether you claim Druid, Wiccan, Ecclectic, Satanist, Atheist... whatever have you... it fits in that umbrella.
It is to my understanding that Druidism is the first as far back as it can be traced and since they themselves were very private not much is certain about them.
Wicca was created in the 1950's and takes a little from this and a little from that...
A warlock according to what I was taught is someone who was a traitor to their grove or coven and basically disassociated.
Honestly I do not have all the answers though.
i would say you got it all right . and this my guess is that you fit into one of thos or if i am wrong let me know so . but i have heard of many who fall short of a witch and leave it to go to christianity but have never heard of a christian going to a witch . but wicca as i know it has a lot to do with the elements and nature . and there for is tide in with the love of earth .
Ahhh..If the Vatican read these posts, OHh my Witch, we all will be cremated. Back to the subject. Witches are real. Wicca are real. The follower, of eather one, got one porpose: to love nature and to follow the sabbats created by the old folks.
Wicca and Witchcraft are two completely different things. Wicca is more of a religion whereas witchcraft is not. Wiccans have rules and guidelines but witchcraft doesnt there are wiccans and there are traditional witches
As long as you approach people with respect and honor you will find so much here. They are very different and so often personal. Good luck in finding your path.
I'm a Eclectic Witch.
Wicca is a Religion.
Witchcraft is a Practice.
You can be both or one of the other.
A Warlock is a Oath breaker, overall not good. Any person who calls themselves that should probably rethink about using that very serious title.
Tv shows and movies are definitely NOT a reliable source for information on Witchcraft.
@ xSABLEx I would like to ask where you came up with what you are saying about warlocks. Site your source please. I tend to believe more what Severus, Doru, and LORDMOGY post then a few others. I raise a eye brow at the tv show posters and the known role-players on this site.
Wrong on oceans response Wicca has been around since the beginning of time, it is practiced known many witches do not sacrifice but reverse evil and replant from evil it self, they believe in good and nature not sacrifice and evil, I been into Wicca since i was a child,
As far as to when Wicca dates back too it depends on what website you believe. Normally, I believe the term dates back, originated relies on when it was recorded in history, like when was it first record, but of course it could be much older then that...
The word "witchcraft" derives from the Saxon wicca, some-times translated as "wise person" but more accurately derived from an Indo-European root, "weik," that produced words in various Western languages related to magic, religion, and divination. Currently, the word is used to designate a variety of very different but vaguely related phenomena including, but not limited to, (1) the magical/religious practitioners in a variety of third world pre-industrial societies; (2) the Satanism described in the anti-witchcraft books beginning in the late fifteenth century in Europe; (3) the Neopagan followers of Wicca, the religion started by Gerald B. Gardner in the 1940s; and (4) individuals (primarily female) who are reputed to have psychic abilities.
its clear it is under dispute as either being one of the oldest religions or one of the newest. I reply more on sources such as encyclopedia's and sources such as that then someone's blog online that is clearly there own beliefs and not proven facts with reliable sources to back them up.
Currently on Netflix there is a doc about Witches and its history Witches: A Century of Murder, that I found interesting. It appears pretty factually in that they show old documents in history during that era. So as far as how old wicca, witchcraft is I think no one knows for sure.
Native Healers have been accused of using witchcraft as we use charms and amulets. We have our own rituals and masks. We have our own carvings, totem poles and performed ceremonies according to the area where we live. We all share a sense of awareness and oneness with the land, plants and creatures around us. In fact our beliefs and witchcraft are alike in many ways. Both the witchcraft and our beliefs hold the nature sacred. Many of our symbols and ideas came from nature.
Our Older religion was closer to the spirit of the Native traditions and witchcraft. We look to our land for providing us the raw material for our magic. The material includes herbs, stones, feathers and bones besides articles for preparing the medicines. The witches have deep faith in the power of nature as we do and try to maintain a sense of unity with its invisible forces.
as far as history concern and as far as the traditional witchcraft it was started by Shamanism i agree that wicca was created in 1950 these things were documented then if you want to go by the book at least