![]() TheArtistRose Venerable Sire (133) Posts: 2,295 Honor: 9 [ Give / Take ] |
I was watching a YouTube video about a conspiracy theory that they could. Of course we have the same ancestors, but do you think it could exist?
Many other animals have hybrids. Could it mean a future planet of the apes if they ever figure it out?
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Well from an evolution point of view if one believes that, Neanderthals were basically half primate and half human before evolving to full human, though humans are still part of the primate family.
![]() TheArtistRose Venerable Sire (133) Posts: 2,295 Honor: 9 [ Give / Take ] |
Speaking of Neanderthals, and not to get off topic- I once read that there's a scientific study that will allow a woman to be impregnated with Neanderthal genes. And no, I'm not volunteering. LOL
This topic is more about apes and humans than everything in-between.
I remember hearing about Oliver a while back.Apparently some Russin , Ivanov, I think his name wS bred Oliver, who was a chimpmanzee.
I suspect the Reptilian aliens would breed them to serve as slaves. Because we all know David Icke is on to the truth! SMH I am so hating sharing a name with that hack.
Yes but it makes a good read if you have nothing else better to do.
I don't see the point since they say we evolved from apes. Which I don't exactly believe. Why wouldn't they still be evolving? If it was to give apes speech and the ability to learn higher subjects then yeah maybe to enhance the apes. I personally think it's a bad idea. There is always the chance they would be rejected by other apes and definitely not accepted by man in general. Many would consider this idea an abomination. As for Neanderthals, I have watched numerous documentaries on them and they weren't that apelike as much as they use to think because of DNA testing and new things they have found out about them. They interbred with the sapiens and got assimilated. So many have this in their genetic makeup so that could be added into the mix as well if someone was foolish enough to try this sort of experiment. I think it is totally illegal like cloning when it comes to humans.
![]() TheArtistRose Venerable Sire (133) Posts: 2,295 Honor: 9 [ Give / Take ] |
Long ago when Stalin ruled Russia, they had experiments. It didn't work, but it was so that these super humans could join the army. Now, I'm not getting into that.
I just thought it would turn into something like the planet of the apes films if they were successful. Not that they would get rejected by other apes. They they would create their own society.
Also- people are misinterpreting my information. I'm not saying these super humans are throw backs in evolution. I'm saying basically, they'd make a whole other species.
Now, I'm a bit confused, with all hybrids, would this kind be able to make more or would they be sterile? I know mules can't breed.
I also read that species like, Ligers have more strength. The strength of a lion and the agility of a tiger. Not to get off topic myself, just some examples of interbreed species.
So what fall backs or strength would ape-humans have if they were real?
They are working on something similar to this as we speak hybrids hybrids no they are in fact mutants instead so a human ape hybrid may be possible to create in near and distant future but not plausible .
Personally, I feel we will go the way of transhumanism as opposed to hybrids. But chimpManzees would most likely be strong and very mean. Chimps can be mean as hell, and they are far stronger than a man.
I certainly hope this never becomes a reality. Planet Of The Apes is just a movie.
But, for the sake of argument, let's say they did combine the two species.
You would end up with a being that is stronger than humans yet, also much dumber.
Think of all the really stupid people you have met in your life. That is without ape genes. Imagine them WITH ape genes.
Do you REALLY want that to exist???
They wouldn't be "super-human," they would be SUPER STUPID!
![]() TheArtistRose Venerable Sire (133) Posts: 2,295 Honor: 9 [ Give / Take ] |
Lmao! Zombie, I laughed more than I should have. Perhaps if it ever happened, they'd invent mind control or something, lol.
Or who knows, maybe they'd gain human intelligence. I wouldn't want to see this either honestly, I just really enjoyed the topic. :P
It's a very interesting topic. I just don't know that I would mess with something this far out of the scope of human intelligence.
![]() TheArtistRose Venerable Sire (133) Posts: 2,295 Honor: 9 [ Give / Take ] |
And if this species of ape human existed, I wonder what kind of apes they'd use. Chimpanzees? Gorilla? Orangutan? Perhaps all 3 like in the movies? :)
there are some chimpanzees that have human characteristics and atributes so it makes you wonder if perhaps someone lonely in the jungle got frisky for a monkey and created a few hybrid offspring, there is a famous one that was rescued that was exceptionally smart and had very distinct human features but i cannot recall it's name
Even if they did, generally speaking, at least half of the human population already lack the minimum intellectual capacity to really know and/or understand the difference.
They already have but I doubt we would be backwards in evolution
No, it is bad science. Humans are humans, and apes are apes, they are not, have not, and will not be the same. Some genetic modification may be possible, but I believe we have a differing number of chromosomes.
Sometimes with the sheer level of stupidity I encounter in RL, I think hybrids already exist...but that would be insulting apes- I think a cross breed between some exceptionally stupid humans and perhaps sloths has already occurred and the experiment has got loose!!
On a serious note, who know what scientist will attempt as time goes by as people can't seem to stop themselves from dabbling in the human genome, and trying to make better what 4.5 million years of evolution as created so far. So far the only think that seems to be holding them back is ethical standards and the governments of the world who are afraid of the public backlash. However, if the circumstances change-say a war and 'super soldiers' are what they want to win an unwinnable war...I can't see ethic stopping them. After all 70 years ago ethic's never stopped Japan getting nuked.
Moral of the story is, if the technology is available, sooner or later it will be used.
Perhaps if a freaky human meets a freaky ape in an environment conducive to gene mutation e.g. a nuclear contaminated site then sure I can see these hybrids flourishing. Or just a secret lab somewhere, but what would be profit. I find it interesting that in evolution taking canines for example subtract the human domestication and return them to wild and the only ones to survive would be the ones to revert back to natural wolf genes. That's universally true for all us 'animals'. :)