People will say things like "that's not normal", "that's weird" "you're crazy", but what exactly is normal, what constitues being weird or crazy?
Is it possible to have a master definition of normal that fits every man, woman, and child?
Does normal exist on other levels?
Is it possible to be normal?
Do you think you are normal, if so why or how are you normal?
I see it as "What is fringe." Everything that once was fringe has been overdone. if one simply abandons the term normal, then there is the less ambiguous 'standard'.
Why are people so desperate to be accepted as fringe, or different? People go so far that they denounce mainstream (established) concepts, and join far reaching ideals.. but really what is so abnormal about leaving one ism, for another.. or dressing in a less then popular fad (trend). So abnormal stands out, "normal" fits in... however abnormal is fleeting because soon abnormal behavior is assimilated.
I see most people that try to push themselves as fringe as desperately lacking in social aptitude, so they act out, preach irrational, and illogical unfounded beliefs in hopes of isolating others in the mainstream (what they call mundane) society. If they had any social aptitude they would be accepted.. but in some cases people even seek to be outcast-ed. Trying to be different these days is futile actually, because people are more tolerant.. while they may not fully embrace those with fringe beliefs, and they may not convert to their unsupported isms, they are mostly intimidated, or unimpressed with the statement made by those who project, and promote fringe beliefs, and behavior.
the concept of normality is not really definitive, as it is entirely subjective. it can only be described as "that which conforms to a social norm." which depends on what society you happen to live in. walking around in heavy clothing made by someone else and wearing shoes is certainly not normal in an Aboriginal tribe, but pretty much normal on the streets of Paris.
a norm is an average, and as such is not really a rigid construct. the average family has two point four children, but it is not normal to have point four of a child. Society changes (for instance it was not normal to have two cars in your garage in the eighteenth century), so what can be considered outre in one decade can be accepted as "normal" in another.
it is generally the people who step outside the confines of what most of society deems normal that initiate social or cultural change.
Normal can sometimes mean usual. so whilst it is perfectly normal for most people to occasionally catch colds or flu, we will say "He doesnt normally get ill" if someone who is usually of robust health falls sick. i bring that up, because society used to consider people with a mental illness as being "not normal", but this is changing. in a society where deviations from the norm are commonplace it becomes normal to not be normal.
At what point does an idiosyncrasy become an obsession? habits are thought of as normal, but obsessions not normal - where is the line drawn?
most of us are fortunate enough to be living in a progressive world where expressing your individuality is tolerated, if not respected. maybe one day the word normal will be obsolete.
I completely despise the entire ideology of normality, I think it's a way of cancelling out Individualism. Unfortunately, what's considered "normal" in this age is usually being an oblivious idiot who relies on society's concepts of thought and ideals, which are usually programmed and MADE to make people less aware, and increasingly stupid.
Maybe if what is considered normality wasn't so moronic and stupid, I'd be happier. If we lived in ancient times, i'd be far more open to "normal" than now.
For some, normal is the ideal, to fit in to societies mold. This is difficult because as many of you have said, it is perpetually changing. Currently I think our society is starting to embracing individuality. Starting...not there. Older generations have a harder time with change then younger generations. We are craving unique talents but only if they are only slightly different and not to the extreme.
Look at racism. That used to be normal and after 50 plus years it still exists, but I think or at least hope that in another 50 it will be unheard of. Views on sexuality are starting the same evolution. It is sad really that society takes so long to evolve and create a new normal for important issues, but stupid stuff like clothes change every decade.
As a social species I think normal will never truly exist. We will naturally strive to create a hierarchy. I guess normal would be the people in the middle with the abnormal being the highest and most desired or the lowest and shunned.
I think normal does exist on a personal level, the only time I use that term is when someone behaves differently than how they usually would.
I don't even like the terms weird or crazy because if the behavior is consistent with the person then it's normal for them.
I created this thread to see what people on a social networking site that deviates from the main stream twitter and facebook would think. I already have my opinion, and that's all it is, an opinion, it's just interesting to see what others think. long as the Animals and the Humans posses a brain, they can not be normal. There is no definition as what is normal or abnormal. Nothing is normal, just episode during a moment of life.
id hate to be normal i just despise conformity as im individualistic.
Personally I think "normal" like "truth" is a very personal thing. Even in everyday society what is deemed "normal" by someone is considered "abnormal" by someone else. So IMO there cannot be a blanket definition of "normal".
I see that as kind of trick question. Normality depends on the society because they set the rules and norm as a whole. What is normal for one society may not be for another so you have a very good chance of being weird in one and completely mainstream in the other.
Example: If you are in a predominantly Christian town going to church would be normal. However, if you showed up at church naked you'd probably be met with fear and hostility for being so completely different.
On the other hand, if you lived in a Nudist Colony being naked would be the norm and if you showed up somewhere wearing clothes people might regard you as being weird then.
It all comes full circle to location and culture. What's taboo for you probably isn't for a lot of other people simply because of the way they were raised. Therefore, there can be no set definition of what is normal and what is not.
everything in this world is normel we all cry we all fight we all die we all have kids we all love we all hate we all judge we all play games we all pray we all take live for granted
The concept of normality is indeed relative! Individualistic to whomever has the brain capacity and function to actively materialize what their conception of normal is. Normal can be boring, dangerous, routine, isolated, beautiful etc....
All good responses. Pratically it is all about the majority. The majority decides what's normal and it's about something being common too like the sexual orientation. I also confirm that it's about time, culture and location. I'm South European and if I told what's normal in my country you'll find it as weird.
Normal does change with times and culture as technology advances and it needs to. Women rely less on men to support them financially so technology made it possible to get pregnant without sex, now single mothers are more socially accepted and it's more normal to see them in higher paying careers.
There is still conflict with things like that too, the average life expectancy went up considerably since the retirement age was set but that age hasn't went up at all, some think it should, others think it shouldn't.
In psychology they make studies on many people to establish what is normal. Usually, as the philosophy of Vasile Conta and other fatalists show, 80% of population reacts is some sort of way to outside stimulation.
That kind of reaction is considered normal, but a person with usually normal reactions has moods, dispositions, feeling and situations and can act abnormal. Even you and I.
That`s why we have to cultivate individuality but also social care.
First No I do not believe I am normal. I believe normal is a standard in itself. Normal is an average of what is socially acceptable. Not really anything more. As time moves it changes or evolves as we collectively learn and understand how our behavior effects the dynamics of our social situations individually and as a whole.
What is normal behavior is defined differently from place to place. However one thing we can standardize is physical normality. When someone is missing a finger it is not normal. When someone has a tail it is not normal, things like that. Normality can be looked at like that too. The rest is a variety.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Society itself is abnormal, life was never meant to be ruled or controlled.
I think what is normal is what someone is used to have going on in their lives, or if someone changes their normal ways or their emotions change, to others they may see their normal behavior is changing or has changed. I just think it's things we've adapted to or what is common for one another. If that makes sense lol.
It seems like everyone has that something crazy in them. Like, for example, when one asnwers the phone. It would be considered normal (or a norm) to answer it with a 'Hello', but not a 'What the f*ck do you want?'. The latter would be considered rude and perhaps crazy, cos only a crazy person would do that. I'm thinking a long tradition. If something has been done for a long time, making it an unspoken rule, then that would have derived from a Norm. Anything contrary to that would be open to scrutiny.
Personally I believe that no one (rather, mortal, vampire, werewolf, or witch) is "normal". What is normal? Who knows. I believe that everyone is a little "out there" at times. I'm sure even a genius has had a fit or two in their lives before. :)
It's a loaded question, like "When did you stop beating your wife?"
I think it is to be able to function easily within your immediate surroundings.
I think main stream society has it's norms but not following them doesn't make you abnormal
I am so far from normal it is not even legal. Besides, normal is boring :P
I'd like to be settled into somewhat of a normal life. Somewhat. I know it's never going to be completely normal.
Michael Jordan
Normal is a setting on a washing machine.
Normal is something nobody ever wants to be.
There is no such thing as 'normal'. you can't have normal without having abnormal as well and neither of those mean anything since every single person on this planet sees things differently. I think words like, normal or weird are funny because its impossible to put anything but a very vague definition on it.
some people tell me it's weird that I have super curly hair and I just act like it's weird that they don't because really "normal" and "weird" are matters of personal opinion just like "pretty" and "gross"
'normal' is boring and easily ignored. I prefer outrageously passionate. And not in the sexual form, although that is a plus:p. No, I mean in life. In all that is. Intense. Complex. Yes definitely:)
Normality is the base perception and action of a multitude. For instance, we all know how ants normally act, digging holes and running about in search for food.
Normality for humans must then be considered the base actions that the multitude carry on with, regular behavior and constitutions of which are functional with a society.
Abnormality is anything that swims upstream, so to speak.
Salmons swim upstream, but we commonly eat them
in a way anti-conformity is good, if people didn't rebel we'd still be a colony of Britain who enslaves African Americans and a women still wouldn't have much of a place in society out of the kitchen, just to name a few of the bigger rebellions caused by those who didn't follow the norms of society
As long as your honest with yourself, who cares what normal is!
In this world or indecisiveness ther is no normal there are only the events that make you think wtf
is anything normal.a goth girl would not be seen as normal in iran.actually any western girl would not be seen as normal in any country under sharia law.
Normal is personal. It is subjective. It is situational. What is normal for a person is one time and place may not be normal for another time and place within the individual.
normal is not good at all , it is something that is expected by one and all . to be normal means you do not stand out you go with whatever the majority want .
Normal is a matter of consensus.Insanity that is agreed with by the majority is normal.They lock you up for insanity they don't agree with
I do not care what any ones says..There is no such thing as normal! Some are just crazier then others! LOL!
All people are both normal and abnormal depending on the circumstances and situations we find ourselves in. Even the time periods we live in dictate what is considered normal or abnormal. If a person from one hundred years ago suddenly time traveled to this moment with us they would consider this internet exchange abnormal.
He does have a point there
It used to be normal to take 6 months to send and recieve an over seas message, now it's normal to do that in a matter of seconds
Everybody gives his opinion here. Is full of two cents but no dialogue. Is that normal for a Forum?
I wonder how a Roman would answer.
"To answer your last question.. No, I do not think that I am normal. I am my own person and hold on to my individuality. I am proud of who I am and there is nothing anyone can say or do to change that :)"
Right down to the little smile face you have demonstrated how normal you can be. However this normal is functionary. Other types of normal are nonfunctional that is the uniform, and lawn codes. Over time generations challenge new cultural taboo with intent to be socially deviant (which curiously enough often secures ones admittance to cliques. So what I am saying is you do Normal well. Too may just think of normal as Marginal, or vanilla.
The definition of normal is too vague, I personally know for a fact that I am not normal at all. Im actually pretty sure most people on this site probably are not either and that's ok. Who says we have to be normal? as long as we obey the law and pay our taxes were good to go right?
Normalcy, in my perspective it is a dilutional empty comfort created by those who fear knowing who they truely are, or by chance envy that in which is not their own and use this term as a barrier against others so that they may feel important or superior in one for or another.
What a frighteningly useless thing. It reminds me of Sanity.
It is Normal for people to exaggerate about themselves online, and to declare how unique they are. When in fact they are riding the same as everyone else.
It is normal for people to one up each other, elevating themselves to elitist, or a higher caste of peer-dom.
When in fact they are lowly, and seek to fit in with their immediate social scene. In a way they long to be understood.. but to be "different".
The medias verson of normal people tend to make that out as what it is. When in reality we as a species all have thoughts and actions that end up the same at certin lvls. Maeing everyone normal in one form or another its all the sae in a sense. There is no weird or different only people label others like that.
As others have said "normal" is an average, a tool to be used to determine what behavior, actions, beliefs, perceptions, ideas are outside of a mildly fuzzy consensus. But I feel like it is too widely assumed that there is a singular base of "normal".
I usually break it up into three major spheres:
Biological: You eat, sleep, metabolize, etc on par with others in your species. It's less the specifics but rather that you do, infact, do these things and in the (sometimes wildly) general quantities/durations. This is generally used to determine symptoms of possible illness.
Societal: Now, this category can be pinched and stretched quite a bit but generally bureaucratically divided peoples tend to have rather distinct social norms that if one wishes to maneuver within unmolested they would choose to recognize and adhere to the pattern. Here, abnormalities could be beneficial (overthrowing outdated ideals, practices, leadership, etc) or detrimental (imposing restriction, elevated corruption, etc) and individual reception can vary but using a norm can help one (or many acting as one) to anticipate and prepare for such.
Individual: Now this one can only be determined by said individual and can change drastically throughout a lifetime. Normal isn't a tool for finding what's "wrong" but what's changing, could be a positive or negative thing.
To conclude, I don't think normal's purpose is simply to act as a guide to what is in step with the established pattern and to alert the observer to areas that have stepped out of that (though that is common). As with any tool, it's all in the use.
Is there a universal "normal"? Absolutely not.
Can you be normal? You may have to expand the sphere of "normal" you're comparing yourself to but sure, immediately or eventually.
Do I think I'm "normal"? At the moment I would evaluate myself as: mostly.
there is no straight answer....norms are based on the society in which they are in. what is normal in the USA may not be normal in Mexico or in another country. What is normal for gang members will not be normal for nerds. What is normal for goths will not be normal for bible thumpers.
Normal is a state of mind.
For me normal is working and or going to school, taking care of my hygiene needs and providing for my family. But that may not be normal for others and I can respect that (I may not understand it but I can respect it)
Normal is simply a term used to describe something that feels comfortable to whoever utters it.
It is purely something you can only use in regards to yourself....
So it isn't wrong and it isn't right either...
It just .... IS.
There is no normal.There are only several ideas of what normal is to a certain type of mindset.For example I sometimes wear sunglasses at night,because I work at a Club on my nights and the Disco lights mess up my eyes.But that`s not normal for other people
i think we all have ideas what normal should be, but the norm is any thing but that easy of a thing to be . normal is hard , most want things easy so they choose to be normal what it is for others but not what norm is to themself .
Normal is following the societal guidelines that makes you acceptable to those around you by act, thought and appearance.
By that definition then, I guess I'm not. To me, normal is a relative term. One man's normal is another man's "What the hell is wrong with you ?"
Normal is, among other things I'm sure, a term people like to use for behavior that is socially acceptable. If you do something that is seen universally as a taboo in your culture or otherwise do something that rubs most people the wrong way, it's considered abnormal. Therefore I come to the conclusion that if a behavior is not socially acceptable, it's considered abnormal.
However, that's not a very scientific answer. I don't think there is any universal norm that can be scientifically backed up- so no, I don't think it's possible to have a master definition of normal. I think, in a situation where normal is to mean healthy, that each person would have their own definition of normal.
In my opinion(and I'm a psych major), normal = healthy, mentally and emotionally. So yes, I think it is possible to be normal, or at least close to it.
I think I am more normal than a lot of people in the world, by the world's definition(socially acceptable) and my own(healthy). I don't really do anything that isn't socially acceptable- I look and act normal(in public at least :P). I don't have any health conditions, and I have good control over my anxiety(which used to be a big struggle for me). So because I am pretty healthy mentally and physically, I would say that yes, I am pretty normal.
You do make a point, I didn't think of normal being a health thing along with a personality thing.
I'm sure if many of us went to the average family physician they would tell us we are in fact, normal.
It's not health, but society that makes the definition of normal vary so much and allow for so many long and in depth replies to this thread.
Exactly. It's the pressure of people around us--ALL people, not just friends & family--that tries to shove us into molds of acceptable behavior. Some is a given, like treating others like we want to be treated ourselves. Other social conventions are more matters of control. If we see our ourselves as acceptable, you can bet your life that acceptability is going to be challenged by some equally flawed being. Staying real to one's convictions is TRUE reality.
Even being "abnormal" becomes normal, you may be the black sheep in the crowd but the white sheep know you are there and have, in their mind, set norms for your behavior
Last year for sociology class I dressed as a "normal" teen for a day, straight hair, aeropostale shirt, nice and average sweater, regular skinny jeans, mokasins, and a pull string bag
I got quite the reaction because the black sheep put on a white coat and that's not "normal" even though by the standards of society I dressed perfectly "normal"
In a sense I was "abnormal" for dressing "normal" because I *normally* dress "abnormal"
Normalization can only be defined by each individual. What is normal for one may not be normal for another. To categorize normalcy is to choose one person or group of people to set the standard's for everyone one. How can one choose whose opinion is right.
Doru... I think you have very succinctly distilled the definition of "Normal" down to just about its least common denominator -- well done. My only caveat is to point out that our thoughts are not known to society.
Meanwhile... "in other news"... Isaac Asimov wrote a wonderfully well-reasoned scientific treatise on "The Abnormality of Being Normal" that speaks precisely to how statistically, biologically, logically and otherwise scientifically, there really is no such thing as "normal," that it is mostly sociological perception. A really wonderful article if you ever come across it.
My sociology book talked about how normal is what occurs in most of society and how there are different levels of doing something "abnormal" in public and how you might get treated for doing things under those different levels.
Then again it is a science and anyone has the right to dispute it.
![]() MordrakusxMortalitas Great Sire (117) Posts: 2,516 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Normality is just a sad concept of society, what is "normal" to one person or culture, is weird or even blasphemous to another. Instead of trying to fit in, people should make their own way in life and do whatever the hell they want.
Any peculiar, or misunderstood behavior by a minority group is likely to be considered abrormal.. until the behavior is understood.. then it becomes normal.
Is it possible to have a master definition of normal that fits every man, woman, and child? No. Normality is a social construct. Since there are different societies in the world each with their own values and norms, there can be no universal definition of normal. Unless you define it as what a particular society deems as acceptable.
Is it possible to be normal? Absolutely. All you have to do is conform to the standards set for you by the particular society you inhabit. Not something that is a savoury option for most of us here, but yes, of course it is possible.
Do you think you are normal, if so why or how are you normal? Pretty much, yes. I'm not that different. Asides from having a few piercings which are becoming more common by the day, there's not much about me to suggest I am any different to the rest of society.
![]() KatriannexVeldonxDrakul Great Sire (113) Posts: 2,015 Honor: 0 [ Give / Take ] |
Personally I have said this before. People fear what they do not understand or those who do not have an open mind. They are the ones who are not normal as they are the ones who set the rules on how society should be. if everyone were to accept that analogy, then we would all be lifeless zombies with no personality in the world and life would seem to be blah. Those that follow the rules seem to not have a life and are dull and boring. So what is normal to one person may not be to another. That is my take on it.
I wrote a huge paper for sociology class about an Irish immigrant named Phoebe Prince got cyber bullied to the point of suicide because Irish norms don't match American norms, the conclusion was people don't like when others break their norms and are different and they will "fix" this issue how ever they see fit, it sucks that their solution was driving the girl to suicide but that's just how society is
Society as a whole has as much capacity for vicious cruelty as it does great kindness.
It always had this.In ancient Rome,the romans considered all People who were not inside their borders uneducated and unfit to govern themselves.Many Christians believe that you will be damned to hell if you do not become Christian,many political parties Claim that they are normal and their opponents are idiots or socially incorrect.
Abnormality now is what witchcraft was in the Middle Ages
Its a made up thing by society. Why would anyone want to be normal? The way I think about it is of you are happy with the way you are why would you care what anyone else thinks.
I act "normal" in front of customers at work, that's because I need money, anyone in customer service would understand, but in the back I'm myself, my seemingly strait self, because in my state and many others they can legally fire you for not having a "normal" sexuality
If they ever declare homosexuality a mental illness in my state I'll be the first to call off work for feeling gay
to be ''normal is easy, you do what other sheeps do. But to be uniqe is the true art. You need years to create yourself as a masterpice. After all its hard to find someone who is equal to you but its eazy to find someone who is better than you. :)
Sorry to all for my bad english
I think it depends what facets of normality one is referring to. Like is there a normality when it come to morality , appearance, behavior, what is socially acceptable.
the original post asks what you think normal is so I guess it covers any and all aspects of normal and any opinions you might have on them
To be normal is to accept the abnormality of others and turn it to your own spence of what is "normal" if one can never accept the things that happens in his or her life then he/she will never feel normal or have a sense of a normal life
It could be about how you behave in society, on the decisions and actions you take, or thinking in a irrational way that is not normal the way rational people would think and how they go about things in their daily lives, so they assume the person to be crazy.
But wouldn't you agree not all "abnormal" people are irrational?
Many of them still hold jobs and lead productive lives, they just do it a little different than your average joe might
Kurly makes an excellent point.When I work on the translations or antique evaluations,I sit with a computer.It doesn't look like I'm working,but it requires a lot of concentration
While society struggles through bias
, and prejuidce we are (in America)more tolerent to trends, and ideocultures.
![]() Cartomancer Arch Sire (194) Posts: 1,252 Honor: 69,663 [ Give / Take ] |
Even people living alternative lifestyles find some things to be weird and abnormal. And there are plenty of people that consider the things they do themselves to be strange activities. I don't really think it's such a quandary. If I decide to eat cat shit... I'm weird. Most abnormal things really aren't subjective. More times than not, if you are judged legally unstable- the weird factor was across the board agreeable.
There is a new norm, it is normal for people to be trendy, or cutting edge.
I believe that there is no such thing as normal. Every one is insane in their own ways, every one has a mental illness of some kind if they want to admit it or not. and that's not sugar coating it.
I believe that what ever you define as normal in your life is normal. I do understand that society tends to focus our ideals into thinking one way, but that is not the definition of normal. Along those lines, the more society tells us how to act, how to be, how to feel, etc, the more we need to stand firm and be true to ourselves, and continue with our definition of normalcy.
I dont think you can define normal as we all have our strange or funny quirks and that can only be a good thing otherwise we would all be very boring
to most at most times normal is one big bore . when things are not normal that is when things get to be a lot of fun. most will agree you do not have to go far at all to be abnormal . and its ok for some. others think your abnormal you dont need to be a part of something well as for the something they dont want me part of then i would just rather stay out of it.
I personally think that normal is different to its own adherents. What may be normal for me might not be normal for you. The thing people need to learn is acceptance and to just move on lol.
Human beings are herd animals. Standing out makes you food. Normal people can not overcome this aversion. A herd will, when threatened, sacrifice it's fringe members.
normal is just a weird way of saying peaceful and i hope one day i find peace but until then i dont mind being abnormal