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Phantom (28)
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17:28:52 Apr 15 2013
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What is the meaning of life? Anybody know? I mean, we live we die and that's it! Is there anything else to it? I would like to hear opinions.

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Royal Sire (214)
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17:50:50 Apr 15 2013
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Everyone must find their own reason to life. There is no set reason to life that can encompass all of us.. Some choose to follow what religions, beliefs, and other such things have told them is the meaning of life, but at the end of the day it is up for the individual to discover what their meaning in life is.

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17:53:45 Apr 15 2013
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There's always a purpose to live. You may not think so but I always live for my friends or whoever I have in my life but I rarely keep trust in new ones, there will always be disappointments in life that we all don't like. But it's your choice to want to be happy and want to be in this life. Nobody else. You got to fight to win. To see the end that it's going to be okay.

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18:04:30 Apr 15 2013
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The meaning of life is that it ends (physically at least). This is all inclusive.

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Irritater (16)
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01:56:30 Apr 16 2013
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Why does there have to be one? I think too many people spend vast amounts of resources searching for meaning when they could have been living their life instead. Who's to say a life isn't worth living without a purpose? If you are fortunate enough to have found something to live for then you have my kudos but that doesn't diminish someone's choice to live purely for the sake of living.

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03:56:53 Apr 16 2013
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You cannot look to others to define your own life. It's not about someone telling you what you are never was. It's about carving out your own legacy, not defining it in someone else's words but making your own definition. Stop looking for a meaning and just live, in so may other words.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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17:50:43 Apr 16 2013
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I personally liked Outbounds post. While I gave up seeking "The deeper meaning of life." I continue to discover, and understand life.

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Spellbinder (81)
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18:02:09 Apr 16 2013
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The meaning of life is to live until we die. To learn what we can, teach those what we learn, then die. THat's about it

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Hellion (73)
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03:58:24 Apr 18 2013
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The meaning of life? Perhaps the true meaning of life is that we are here to help one another. Of course, it never seems to work out that way does it?

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Charmer (84)
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16:54:14 Apr 18 2013
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what is the meaning of life?

ok, first answer.... 42! (i thought everyone knew that)

serious answer.... for me at least, to continue to learn new things. i think and feel that once we no longer wish to grow whether that is intellectually or spiritually, then at that moment we begin to die.

other serious answer.... whatever YOU think that meaning is. you need to find your own meaning.

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00:06:14 Apr 20 2013
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life is just a journey, it will be all that you make of it.

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Evil One (74)
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00:25:01 Apr 20 2013
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I think life is here as a intermediary evolution of consciousness. I think a physical reality must exist. as all evolutionary steps have , as a foothold to a greater more enlightened perception of reality. We do not comprehend in all it's entirety what humanity has the potential to hold within it's conception. Therefore we have no ability to predict it's outcome.

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04:16:42 Apr 22 2013
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I like what Outbound and SwordofDamocles said.

“Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”
― Joseph Campbell

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Venerable Sire (134)
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07:42:16 Apr 22 2013
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Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

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Venerable Sire (134)
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07:46:00 Apr 22 2013
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A human being is part of the whole, called by us, "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. ~Albert Einstein

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09:25:08 Apr 25 2013
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To me life is what we make of it.we live life to the fullest day by day, but where it takes us after is a mystery still.

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Venerable Sire (131)
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19:12:30 Apr 25 2013
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Life is expecting something and get something else. Yes I'm serious.

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15:38:55 May 06 2013
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The meaning of life is to find your meaning in life. The purpose in life is to find where you fit in, what makes you happy, and how you can help other people. As hokey as it sounds, that's truly what I believe.

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Royal Sire (228)
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23:58:28 May 06 2013
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I mean, we live we die and that's it!

That statement is pretty naive. If that is all there was to life, then there would be no reason to experience the things that we do.

I believe the meaning of life depends on the person. While some of us may have similar lives, our meanings are not going to be the same. I believe my meaning in life is to learn, live and grow as a person. To never stop learning and teaching. Learning from mistakes is a big reason, and letting them change me in the good ways and not in bad.

Even though the end result is the same for everyone, we each have different paths to experience. New adventures. New trials and tribulations.

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Venerable Sire (134)
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00:43:27 May 07 2013
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We all have a path determined by the choices we choose to make or fail to make, each choice evolves us to the new and changing being we will become, be it good or evil, happy or sad.

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Transgressor (54)
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21:47:06 May 09 2013
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I do not understand why everyone seeks a meaning. Sure it would be nice to have a reason but Hell I don't. Personally I do not ever want to die, immortality is appealing but I am practical. I'll come back eventually I always do so. Think of life like busy work.

And why ponder it for endless shouts of time, but the time you find your answer you'll be on Deaths' door.

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20:37:45 May 13 2013
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The meaning of life is kinda like trying to define a person as normal their is really no truth to what a person should be to figure out what a normal person would be. I just live this life i have been given one day at a time i really could never figure out what our meaning of life is. some thing we are suppose to have a destiny. I suppose it is all in what your idea or what it means to you is. I suppose some things just cant be answered.

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Premiere Sire (129)
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01:41:41 May 15 2013
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we were an accident, in a pool of sludge: ergo, each day is about survival. all of it, can be summed up, as survival.

of self, of the planet, of Life itself...

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Great Sire (117)
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03:46:32 May 16 2013
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The meaning of life, is to get prepare to die. If you don't accomplish it, then, you will get the surprise of your death time.

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Nightmare (97)
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03:57:08 May 16 2013
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Some think that our lives have been arranged from before we were even born, that is a nice thought. But, I believe that we are our own destiny, we set our own paths, we go where we want to go.

I don't know the meaning of life, nor will I pretend to know. I'm just living my life the way I want to live it, I don't care if people think it is the wrong way, or goes against any law of God, I do what I want, without crossing the bounds of the law...

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Wraith (46)
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04:34:14 May 16 2013
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There is no meaning to life but what you make of it. I would hate to think that after having a family and growing old with the ones I love that my life had no meaning. I guess it's just how you look at it.

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Venerable Sire (135)
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16:42:19 May 16 2013
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Life is so complicated that many of us spend our entire lives trying to find a purpose and why we are here.

The meaning of life varies from person to person.

If you believe in the afterworld (heaven & hell) then many religious people believe that we are placed on this earth to be judged and that life is just a test to determine where we belong.

At the end of it all, it depends on you... What do you think your purpose is?

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Venerable Sire (130)
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22:20:39 May 16 2013
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The essence of life is statistical improbability on a colossal scale.
Richard Dawkins

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Venerable Sire (135)
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17:06:52 Jun 23 2013
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"The meaning of Life is to experience it - because God can't." ~ me

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Venerable Sire (134)
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00:08:49 Jun 24 2013
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i liked the idea that said we are the universe experiencing itself and we are all one thing one life force and the energy inside is all connected

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Great Sire (115)
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10:39:14 Jun 24 2013
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Don't forget the answer to the question regarding life, the universe and everything is:

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15:27:19 Jun 24 2013
Read 920 times

Life is an experience and something valuable but fleeting. I think life is a springboard towards what we seek, but it depends on the individual towards what it is used for. We can learn a lot from living or you can waste your life by your own lack of doing. Either way, to find a meaning in what, is to decide for yourself what you consider that life is.

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Firebrand (79)
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03:25:19 Jun 25 2013
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The path we take we make ourselves. The meaning lies within the motivations and nature of our actions. The meaning lies within the whole and sum of lifes experiances and reflecting on them at the end. We decide if it had meaning then. No one else judges us for it.

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19:24:02 Jun 27 2013
Read 889 times

@ outbound

Quote "Why does there have to be one? I think too many people spend vast amounts of resources searching for meaning when they could have been living their life instead. Who's to say a life isn't worth living without a purpose? If you are fortunate enough to have found something to live for then you have my kudos but that doesn't diminish someone's choice to live purely for the sake of living."

I can say I agree with you, on this. Taking pleasure out of the simple things such as going for a walk around, your neighborhood. Feeling you have accomplished something on a daily basis such as a simple walk. I feel this is the meaning of life.

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Hellhound (70)
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23:31:23 Jul 01 2013
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Quoting an old Miley Cyrus song "life's what you make it, so lets make it rock" or make it suck, make it happy, sad, miserable, joyful, life it right on the edge or far from it, it's up to you what life is and how you live it, what you want to accomplish in life, how you want to spend on average probably 70 years living it. Those who die of old age issues are stuck here for a very long time, you still have feelings during that time so you might as well do what you feel you need to live a fulfilling life because it matters until you die and after that if you believe in an afterlife.

After you die your whole life is reduced to a dash, it's all that's left between your birth and death date, how do you want to spend that dash?

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High Sire (157)
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12:53:15 Jul 02 2013
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In general, the very concept of life differs for each individual. In all reality, everything is based upon and around perception and how people interpret what is called "life".

For someone like myself, for example, there is little to "life", other than mere 'existence', and the very idea of willing it to be. In other words, I see my own existence as one of two things: either a test of will or a 'curse' of sorts. I try to 'devote' my time to helping others, but unfortunately, due to my own lackadaisical mindset, and the fact that I can't be social for extended periods of time, it rather limits what I can do for anyone around me.

In the mind of a "perfectly normal" individual, the meaning of 'life' may entail the so-called "American dream", or it may not. Again, all things are dependent upon perception. If one perceives that their life is important in some way, then that just might be the case, but primarily to the individual, their self. Hence, 'life' in one persons eye is likely not like that of another. Not entirely, for that matter, anyhow.

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19:06:17 Jul 02 2013
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@ EstrangedOne

What is normal?

I think this should be in a thread all of it's own. But you are right it is each persons own mind set as to how they define the meaning of life.

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Vexer (13)
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21:00:12 Jul 02 2013
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The "meaning" of life is to live. I do not mean to have your heart beat inside your chest, and to breathe, (although these are parts of living), I mean to experience life. To learn, to experience, to grow, to expand, to gain power, to feel pain, to feel sadness, to cry, to laugh, to experience it all. The meaning of life is to live life, to know what life is, as in life, all we are doing is introducing others to new things, or being introduced to new things. Life is introducing us to itself, and showing us what it's all about.

That's my word on the matter, anyway.

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Hellhound (70)
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20:20:24 Jul 03 2013
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That's a pretty broad question with lots and lots of room for interpretation. I think its an individual thing. Some people think their family is the meaning to life, the ability for your child to carry on your legacy after you are gone. To some, their spirituality dictates the meaning of life and what it should be. For others, the opinion we are born and we live to die is what its about.

I guess it all depends on how you look and perceive it to be.

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21:27:09 Jul 03 2013
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What's the meaning of a cat's life? Or a dog's? How about the spider you crushed the other day?

Does there really HAVE to a be reason to live? Does there have to be some hidden meaning in everything you do? Why does anyone like strawberries over blueberries? There's no special meaning behind it. It's just personal choice.

Isn't living and having your time now enough meaning?

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Savage (61)
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22:58:13 Jul 12 2013
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I think you find your own purpose in life as you get older.

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09:11:36 Jul 13 2013
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Life doesn't have any meaning to give you, it just is.

This does not mean that life is without its pleasures. We eat, sleep, make love, fall in love, enjoy our friends, watch a sunrise, swim at the beach, watch and play sports, create art, music, literature, and so on and so on.

There is also pain and suffering, disease and death.

What is born is dying from the moment it is born. This has been called by some "the existential absurd." To live is to die. What a contradiction!

We exist with two hungers at war in our blood: the hunger to live and the hunger to die. And one of these has the final say-so.

Most people, I suppose, choose to believe that death is not the end, and the contradiction is just too much for them to face. Myself, I'm open to the possibility of an afterlife, but so far I don't see and good evidence that convinces me.

But just because we are going to die is no reason to abandon our hunger for life. As for me, I'm goin' out kicking and screaming, and death can go f__k itself. (can I say that word here?)

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18:04:10 Jul 13 2013
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Earlier in my life I thought that life was simple. If you did things a certain way then you would get the result that you wanted or thought would happen. Now I feel that there are so many variables of any situation that you have to sometimes watch and see what will happen and then work from there. I know one thing. Life is sure not fair for most people. I just try to thnk outside the box and always be open to new ideas. Open doesnt mean to go with these ideas exc. Just slow down, think and just enough to realize there is always more than one answer to every question.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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18:28:02 Jul 13 2013
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A Journey...*

-from the...





-to the...

Ground where my

Remains will lie.

An empty abandoned

Vessel rotting under


*acrostics (read down first letter of each line.)

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Irritater (16)
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16:16:25 Jul 15 2013
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well its a comlicated question.if your a christian you would belive that you are born in sin and christ died for you and you hope to go to heavan as your going sin all the time anyway being human god will forgive you.other religions have other views.

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Sycophant (6)
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07:45:47 Jul 16 2013
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I don't think much about it but i think the reason for life is to live you know do what ever we need to do in our lives pass on and be done with it but there i think is a lot more than any one will ever know to it

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Sire (107)
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11:02:45 Jul 16 2013
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To the soul, each incarnation is like a day’s work. Leaving the physical body behind can be compared to taking off our a coat. We return to our causal body (soul) completely naked to sleep for a while before awakening the next morning to get dressed again for another day’s work. We begin each new incarnation by putting on our clothes coat... which is lifes experiences. After a long hard day at work we are tired and our coat is worn out, so we take it off and head back home to sleep.

People generally have no interest in the meaning of life until they reach the transition point or the end of their current life, but there is a big difference between knowing the meaning of life and actively trying to achieve that meaning. The meaning of life is the evolution of consciousness, but it is not just a phrase or a concept... it is a way of life. It means making the most of every opportunity that life provides us with to facilitate the development our consciousness, and this involves the self-activation of ever-higher kinds of consciousness.

The average person believes their persona is their "self". They therefore live to satisfy the persona’s desires and consequently make little progress with the evolution of their soul. They say "you only live once" and feel they must accomplish and acquire all they can before they die... to them there is no meaning of life other than a "winner take all" type mentality. That kind of thinking dominates the vast majority of most human incarnations, which is why most peoples progress is so slow. But eventually we grow tired of life on the merry-go-round and start looking for something more. That is the time when we need to know the meaning of life, because without knowing what we have to achieve; how can we achieve it? Once we focus on our goal we can begin to make some real progress.

Every individual is a unique character with a unique set of life experiences, and life's mission is simply to gain more experience – gaining experience to take back to the soul so that it can be used to create a better "persona" next time around. Life is just a sequence of scenarios and situations which our consciousness can use for its development.

You may have heard the expression "we are spiritual beings having a human experience" – it means that we are more than just our physical bodies. It means that we are pure awareness temporarily inhabiting a human body in order to develop our consciousness. Think of your inner essence as the pure white light of a movie projector and your life as the reel of film. The white light becomes colored by its interaction with the film – giving it new depth. We develop new dimensions of consciousness from our interactions with life in just the same way.

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Venerable Sire (130)
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14:21:25 Jul 16 2013
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Severus, you just brought to mind Modest Mouses song.. "All the Stars Are Projectors, Each One Projecting Life Down to This Planet Earth".

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14:09:05 Jul 21 2013
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Life is a journey very spirit takes it; is not the beginning, nor is it the end. We journey through this life and should seek to leave positive influences behind; whether these are our children, our family, or friends. If we are successful we are remembered fondly when we depart. If we are unique and successful we leave behind those who will carry our memories forward. Live for yourself, it is the only way you can; but in doing so, give of your being, for it is the best thing you can do.

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Royal Sire (210)
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02:59:18 Jul 22 2013
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I have half a century of experience and I have more questions than answers.

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