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Not that you've noticed... but all fine restaurants on Tatooine feature R2-D2 pepper grinders. Usually after you order your salad of Dagobah greens a Wookie will come around and offer you some fresh ground pepper from one of these handy droid-based mills. Word to the wise... never refuse a Wookie.
Fortunately for you we've managed to pilfer a few hundred R2-D2 pepper mills from eateries all over Tatooine for your spice grinding pleasure. Simply twist R2's head and he deposits pepper onto your food. Hey, it's not a glamorous job for a droid... but much better than being abducted by Jawas.
Product Features
* Pepper Grinder that Looks Like R2-D2
* Twist R2's head and pepper comes out the bottom
* Licensed Star Wars collectable Imported from Japan
* Peppercorns Not Included
* Stands 4.75" Tall