Times Rated: | 1,513 |
Rating: | 9.446 |
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 1,513 |
Angel redefined the male vampire superhero.
Lose the beef David, and we are back in business.. much more hunky in Buffy, but whose complaining. Don't touch my tv Tuesday nights... or die...
the early episodes were good, then it got more money and it went downhill, the irish guy was cool though
i love charmed better! :P
Yeah, I like Charmed too. This show had a strong start, but lost it's power early on.
Great show thought I didn't get the chance to watch it as much as I would have liked.
IMHO better than Buffy. Can't get enough and sad that it's gone. Give me an Angel film over a Buffy film any day...um..night.
The show had agreat start but I hated the ending.
didnt watch it.... but he can warm my bed anytime *giggles*
I really liked angel *sigh*
still liking buffy.......and i liked spike!!!!!
90210 ish
Good for killing a hour......
loved this show^^v^^
great show, i saw the 3 of the seasons. and for somereason i stoped watching it i wish i didnt though.
I personally hated the show... the only good thing about it was lookin at him... lol
Showing: | 1 - 25 of 1,513 |