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I am the alpha. :)
First off Raging Winds Pack was created by me as a kid. I say I was about 15 when I made this pack. Many people have come and go. Some have and will forever be in my heart. That's why I keep the pack name alive. Many troubled people have came to this pack and we've helped them. Raging Winds was first created here at Vampire Rave. On this account 5 years ago. Known as Alphas Den. It was a group on the si~Fi section website. We currently have a new group which is actually named The Raging Winds Pack. Feel free to visit us we welcome everyone. It's very quiet ther. I'm usually in poking my head in all the time. I'm usually on VR anyways.
Just like any other rpg pack we do roleplay. We don't judge on how u write we are a relaxed group. Normally! Haha! I try to encourage people to join. Not just because it's fun but we honestly are a famoly. I can't tell you how many times iv come here and just opened up to on of my pack mates and it honestly helps so much.. VR. And the raging winds pack are my home. I will never leave ♡
This pack honestly has helped me through alot. I guess it's kinda like a support group. :)
I am wanting to make a mentorship as well for the Raging a winds Pack.
Would anyone join????
What do u all think??
02:44 Feb 11 2015
05:23 Feb 11 2015
Good job