Star Guide

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All pages by rlugo718
Page last updated: Jul 09 2014
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Had to start all over again because our adventure was lost. Never let someone with 1 eye keep the journal of your quests.


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Ret is the pilot of our group. Don't let the 1 eye fool you. She's the best pilot around.

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Reaver is our failed jedi clone.


There's Thalassa, cyborg smuggler, pilot . We have a habit of turning her in, collecting our reward then breaking her out again. Some misunderstanding about borrowing a ship.

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Of course it's a scroll, it's star wars

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Other members of our motley crew include Lexli, a smuggler, who will sell you down the river at a blink of an eye, Aldo, a jedi padawan, Leeloo, who is Luke's 2nd wife and Kaya, a teepoo jedi.

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Ret's boyfriend, Talos, also a pilot. Between the 2 of them, they have 2 eyes. Don't say a word about that. They have issues about it. Many fights in the cantini over the eye thing.

We had last left our "heroes" handling a few situations. Ret and Talos were staking out the spaceport, waiting to intercept the Sith kidnappers of Lucus. The Sith left Luucee for dead and stole the baby. Ret managed to get her to the med lab then headed to the spaceport. with Talos' help.

Ret hacked into the security system, causing the power systems to go down. then Ret had security let the Sith know no one could leave with systems down. Ret moved in with Talos and his men. With some good blaster shots and dice rolls, she took 1 Sith down while Talos took another down.
The 3rd however shot forced lightening at Ret. With high endurance and good dice rolls, she managed to kill him. They took the baby to the med lab to be checked out, then reunited mom and baby at Leeloo's house where she was staying.

After all this our next mission was to Lon Vegas. This could be dangerous. Our last mission, we stole some Imperial stuff from Griminer and the Benedict casino. This is a different casino, run by Winton Black.

Our covers, Reaver and Leeloo are newlyweds, Ret is a lounge singer, Lexi is dealer and Kaya works security. We thought everything was well planned till Ret wanted to be an exotic dancer. Then the evil gm said "what about your symbioic Kuato?" "Won't everyone see him sticking out of your stripper costume?" Like Total Recall! We were all rolling and had to rethink Ret's cover.

It might also be a good idea that Reaver doesn't want to play the married couple too seriously with Leeloo. Don't get Luke angry!

Meanwhile at Lon Vega things are getting hot. Lexi has to do "whatever" she has to , to get sleazy high roller Pauley Walnuts to shed some info on the Imperials and this new state of the art vault. Poor Ret had to get a make-over. Careful not to show Kuato stinking out of the shimpy outfit. She may have to do some private dancing for the Imperials soldiers. Take one for the team. We need to help the rebel cause. There is no amount of make-up to cover up that 1 big eye and the symbiot in your chest.


Episode 17-
As their mission on Lon Vegas continued, the Jedi have been forced to tackle obstacles as they tried to overcome the casino's security system. Thankfully word of their situation reached the ears of a friend. Kip, Kaya's master, who joined the group at the resort moon.

Meanwhile security has been increased as the hotel finalizes their internal systems. Ret has noticed metal detectors and scanning for bugs while preparations are underway for the private Imperial party. Ret is performing at the party. Only Imperials are invited. Thankfully Ret has managed to get inside since some of the Imperials soldiers have taken a fancy to private dancing.

Leeloo got an unexpected spa gift at the hotel. After she checked out the suspicious gift, she found it was from Benedict, from the other hotel heist we did, several months back.Leeloo meet Benedict for dinner. As punishment for failing Griminear, Benedict's face was scared and lost an eye. Leeloo felt guilty that he was a victim of our mission, she said perhaps she could medically fix his face. Benedict decided to join the Jedi to get even with Griminear.

Pauley arranged a dinner at his mansion for Lexi. He opened up to her that he knew she was on a mission and would be willing to help if she spent time with a lonely old man.

Kip set up a meeting on the ship. The plan- 4 minutes to get in and out of safe while security systems are down. We need a way out, including Ret after show. The safe is through Banks' penthouse. Kaya can screw up security to buy us time on elevators and roof top. Dargon can get the ship on the roof.Ret need to have a distraction during the show.

May the force be with us. We need it.


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Now put the plan to work-

The ladies decide to give a pre-party to Ret's Imperial friend to gain access to the roof. Leeloo gets a sexy outfit and sets up Ret's IV bottle for the diversion to look like Ret 's water broke and she's going into labor.

They meet back with Lexi and bring the Imperial friend up to his room. He is 2 floors down from the roof. Lexi gives him a lap dance while Leeloo uses her Jedi power to put him to sleep.

We pull the window out using tk. Leeloo uses tk to get Lexi on the roof where she sets the charges. When Lexi comes back down , we put the window back, using the lightsaber to get it securely in place. We made it look as if we had an orge going on. Leeloo put some thoughts in his mind of what happened.

It's time for the party and the Imperials are arriving. Ret leaves with her Imperial friend to prepare for show. Ret is surprised to see Felix there mingling with the Imperials. Not sure if Kaya's Caviel sent him to help us or he has his own agenda. Ret lets Kaya know of the situation.

Felix entered with Darth Nor. This isn't good because if Felix is working with the Imperials, he could blow Ret's cover and the whole set-up. Kaya can't get in touch with Caviel to confirm either way.

Darth Nor comes over to Ret and mentions this show HAD better be good. We have some very important people here. Then he starts to question her creditals. Her story is convincing enough for now. Ret wanders off and begins using her Jedi powers to cause the audio equipment to malfunction, setting the stage for the diversion.

Meanwhile, with Kaya working the security cameras and sysstem, Lexi and Leeloo make it up to Banks' suite. Lexi secures the roof for the getaway and for Dargon to approach with the ship. They disable the security droids near the vault. Leeloo cuts a hole on the floor around the vault.

Meanwhile, the DIVERSION-

Ret begins her show with a number called "Anything Goes". Using her pyrokenesis, Ret causes the equipment to short circuit , spark and go on fire. The hotel sprinkler systems go off. Nor is upset to say the least and yells at Ret.

Ret opens the water IV and starts to scream that her water broke, "My baby, my baby". Using affect mind, she convinces Nor that she is going into labor. They call the paramedics.

Lexi blows the charges on the roof. They hook cables to the vault and Dargon takes it away, with Leeloo and Lexi. The paramedics arrive for Ret. It's Kip, one of ours. Kaya leaves the casino with the staff as everyone has to evacuate.

We meet at a set place to all join up. As we leave the planet, the Imperials are hot on our trail.With Lexi and Ret at the gunneries, we manage to alude them, while Kip gets us into hyperdrive.

Leeloo remained on the planet to repair a wrong as a result from a previous mission. Imperials were pissed with last heist at Benedict's casino and scarred his face. Leelo was going to operate and repair his face.

Last adventure was mainly researching the information gathered from the young Jedi on the plague planet. Leeloo came up with an antidote. Ret thought she had the virus but it turned out negative. Is she pregnant then? Considering she was pretending to be pregnant on their last under cover operation.

Whatever cause the plague is not over. The devices sending the toxic germs into the air were destroyed by the young Jedi but the creator or mad Sith scientist who did it was able to get away.

Now we have to worry about the security breach at the Academy because the alchemy magic was stolen from the archives at the Academy. This magic was used to make plague.

The seasoned Jedi are worked with the Jedi Nubs to find who responsible for stealing the Sith magic that was in the Academy archives.

Ret was beginning to wonder if she had been infected because she wasn't feeling so good. After all that pretending to be pregnant during the casino mission, if Ret didn't know better, she would think, oh no, couldn't be. This may not be a good time considering all that is going on.

Another big question- how many eyes will the baby have?

I have found that even a simple mission of escorting a diplomat can get us killed.

I see a story in the making for the evil gm. Someday down the line Ret and Taloas will marry. Her father would like to see that. However, little Ret , her symbiont still has memories of her long lost love. Will they interfere with Ret's feelings toward Taloas. I know with Trills they maintain the memories. They are joined.

All pages by rlugo718
Page last updated: Jul 09 2014



00:44 Apr 11 2012

What happened to the other one?

11:49 Apr 19 2012

very cool

11:58 May 17 2012

love that picture of Ret

12:08 Jun 21 2012

Sweet, love it

16:59 Jul 03 2013

When's the next game? Reaver is waiting.

23:33 Jul 26 2013

I had a girlfriend once with one eye in the center of her forehead. She was always whining about not being able to find the right pair of sunglasses.

Her depth perception wasn't worth a shit, and so her head kept swaying from side to side trying to get a fix on you. She reminded me of a cobra getting ready to strike.

I tried to run, but she kept finding me. Maybe that eye of hers was the All-Seeing eye, I dunno.

One day, while she was sleeping, I drained her of every last drop. Hey, I had to move on with my life...

Eagerly awaiting word of what's next.

01:20 Feb 02 2014


00:15 Feb 03 2014


22:25 Feb 03 2014


09:56 Sep 01 2017


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