Broken angels, Cats, bats, stripe socks, Hippos, the smell of newly struck matches, wolfs, Blood, crime channel, heat, Art, Writing, Bam margera darkness, water, cuppachino’s, Africa, Mediterranean salad, Disfigured care bears, tracksuits, evilness, Jason and Michael, and Freddy is a pussy, most slasher films except It by Stephen king.
Paying for petrol, spiders, clowns, caught in rain, nasty spills, cheaters and decievers, oh thats most ppl hence why im very lonely? Iám really not well acquainted with the cold, sore feet, knotted hair, peanut butter, Sweet food, meat,Gossip, if you got time to gossip you got time for another job! Animal, child, elderly abuse
Australian hip hop, Animal rights, children’s, humans..well some human rights.
Anti-war, but i don’t hold no grudge with the soldiers, and i really got nothing else to say on the matter, writing and art.