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Bite xObsidianxRaynex |
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"You Can't Beat Us,So Join Us"
Hmm...not much to say.I'm Bailey and I'm 15,don't look like it but I am I guess lol.I live in Indiana(sux) not much to do here so....I'm a stoner lol.I have oodlez of friends but only one homesickle(my word i made)which is Ravin,she completes me XD.I also love my boyfriend of 2 years Matthew
tried to write more but.....everytime i submit it,it only shows that paragraph,so its ur website that sux,not me,wanna know something,just ask
Member Since: | Oct 15, 2008 |
Last Login: | May 25, 2009 |
Times Viewed: | 1,703 |
Times Rated: | 230 |
Rating: | 8.844 |
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