
Hell (Coven)

life is not over intel you make it over
Set at 20:29 on July 12, 2011

Vampire Rave member for 15 years.

Status:  Archfiend (57.91)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Hell (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Bound By the blood mentorship.
Account Type:  Regular
Referred By:  TaintedLight
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  August 30, 1989
Age:  35

allentown pa



Bite werwolf666

Stalk werwolf666



life is much more then we look for

the clowns for life!!! and the 7 jokers

What is a Vampire?

1. A blood-sucking ghost; a soul of a dead person superstitiously believed to come from the grave and wander about by night sucking the blood of persons asleep, thus causing their death. This superstition is now prevalent in parts of Eastern Europe, and was especially current in Hungary about the year 1730.

2. Fig.: One who lives by preying on others; an extortioner; a bloodsucker.

3. (Zo? Either one of two or more species of South American blood-sucking bats belonging to the genera Desmodus and Diphylla. These bats are destitute of molar teeth, but have strong, sharp cutting incisors with which they make punctured wounds from which they suck the blood of horses, cattle, and other animals, as well as man, chiefly during sleep. They have a caecal appendage to the stomach, in which the blood with which they gorge themselves is stored.

4. (Zo? Any one of several species of harmless tropical American bats of the genus Vampyrus, especially V. spectrum. These bats feed upon insects and fruit, but were formerly erroneously supposed to suck the blood of man and animals. Called also false vampire. Vampire bat (Zo?, a vampire, Vampyrus spectrum

The persons who turn vampires are generally wizards, witches, suicides, and persons who have come to a violent end, or have been cursed by their parents or by the church. (Encyclopedia Britannica)

History of the Vampire Myth

The legend of the vampire can be traced to approximately 125 AD, where a Upir, a creature with vampire qualities, occurred in Greek mythology. The word Upir is found for the first time in written form in 1047 in a letter to the Russian Prince Vladimir Yaroslavovich. The author of the letter, a priest, writes his name as Upir' Likhyi, which roughly translates into "Wicked Vampire" or "Foul Vampire". Upir later became vampire, and some of the early legends came from the far east. Much has been lost throughout history...

The Oxford English Dictionary dates the first appearance of the word vampire in English to 1734. It was written in a travelogue titled Travels of Three English Gentlemen and was published in the Harleian Miscellany in 1745. Vampires had already been discussed in German literature. After Austria gained control of northern Serbia and Oltenia in 1718, officials noted the local practice of exhuming bodies and "killing vampires" (Vampires, Burial and Death by Paul Barber). These reports, prepared between 1725 and 1732, received widespread publicity. Vampires are similar to man in respect that no two are alike. No two men have the same physical abilities, or the same senses of hearing or sight. This is true of vampires as well. As there are several races of man, there are also many races of vampire.

Each race of vampire share similar, although not identical, abilities. Each race of vampire has different origins, unlike man. An example of one race is the Kindred, as portrayed by White Wolf. The Kindred are then further subdivided into "clans." Other examples include the Carpathian race, of which Count Dracula, or Vlad Tsepesh (or Tepes), was descended from.

Description and Appearance

It is difficult to make a single, definitive description of the folklore vampire. There are several elements common to the many European legends. Vampires are usually reported as bloated in appearance, ruddy, purplish, or dark in color. These characteristics were often attributed to the recent drinking of blood. Blood was often seen seeping from the mouth and nose when one was seen in its shroud or coffin and its left eye was often open. A vampire was often clad in the linen shroud it was buried in. Its teeth, hair, and nails may have grown somewhat, though in general, fangs were not a feature.

Other attributes varied greatly from culture to culture. Some vampires, such as those found in the Transylvanian tales, were gaunt, pale, and had long fingernails. Vampires from Bulgaria only had one nostril. Bavarian vampires slept with thumbs crossed and one eye open. Moravian vampires only attacked while naked. Albanian vampires wore high-heeled shoes.

As stories of vampires spread throughout the globe to the Americas and elsewhere, so did the varied and sometimes bizarre descriptions of them. Mexican vampires had a bare skull instead of a head. Brazilian vampires had furry feet. Vampires from the Rocky Mountains only sucked blood with their noses and from the victim's ears. Common attributes were sometimes described, such as red hair. Some were reported to be able to transform into bats, rats, dogs, wolves, spiders and even moths.

The Vampire in Literature

Numerous vampire stories were written prior to the popularization of the vampire myth in pop culture.

The Vampyre; a Tale by John Polidori (1819)

A short story that exploited the gothic horror predilections of the public of the period. It was originally mis-published under the authorship of Lord Byron (Polidori was Lord Byron's personal physician). The tale accounts the exploits of Lord Ruthven, a British nobleman and vampire. Lord Ruthven bore more than a passing resemblance to Lord Byron and became a highly influential model for the Byronic vampires of literature.

Varney The Vampire by James Malcolm Rymer (1845-47)

A Victorian-era gothic horror story which first appeared in a series of pamphlets between 1845 and 1847. Inexpensive and gruesome, the collective work was published in book form in 1847. The tale runs 868 pages and is divided into 220 chapters. The story revolves around the persecution of the Bannerworth family by Sir Francis Varney, a vampire who in the early chapters enters the bedroom of the daughter of the house (Flora) and sucks her blood.

Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu (1872)

A compelling gothic novel of a lesbian vampire, set in darkest central Europe. It tells the story of a young woman's susceptibility to the attentions of a female vampire named Carmilla. The story was to greatly influence Bram Stoker in the writing of Dracula. It also served as the basis for several films, including Hammer's The Vampire Lovers (1970), Roger Vadim's Blood and Roses (1960), and Danish director Carl Theodor Dreyer's Vampyr (1932).

Dracula by Bram Stoker (1897)

The most well known vampire story, the novel is mainly composed of journal entries, letters, and newspaper clippings. It has been suggested that the story was based on Vlad Tepes, a medieval figure of extraordinary bloodthirst. History records that Vlad Tepes impaled his enemies and cut off their heads. He ruled Walachia as Vlad III during the 15th century (modern day Romania) and signed his letters as Vlad Dracula. Dracula translates into "son of the devil".

Cherokee Indian Tribe

Cherokee. A powerful detached tribe of the Iroquoian family, formerly holding the whole mountain region of the south Alleghenies, in southwest Virginia, western North Carolina and South Carolina, north Georgia, east Tennessee, and northeast Alabama, and claiming even to the Ohio River.

The tribal name is a corruption of Tsᬦamp;#259;gĭ or TsᲦamp;#259;gĭ, the name by which they commonly called themselves, and which may be derived from the Choctaw chiluk-ki 'cave people', in allusion to the numerous caves in their mountain country. They sometimes also call themselves Ani'-Y?39;-wiyd', 'real people,' or Anĭ'-Kitu'hwagĭ, 'people of Kituhwa?, one of their most important ancient settlements. Their northern kinsmen, the Iroquois, called them Oyata?ge'ronoñ¦£°39;, 'inhabitants of the cave country' (Hewitt), and the Delawares and connected tribes called them Kittuwa, from the settlement already noted. They seem to be identical with the Rickohockans, who invaded central Virginia in 1658, and with the ancient Talligewi, of Delaware tradition, who were represented to have been driven southward from the upper Ohio River region by the combined forces of the Iroquois and Delawares.

The language has three principal dialects:
(1) Elatĭ, or Lower, spoken on the heads of Savannah River, in South Carolina and Georgia;

(2) Middle, spoken chiefly on the waters of Tuckasegee River, in western North Carolina, and now the prevailing dialect on the East Cherokee reservation;

(3) A'tŭli, Mountain or Upper, spoken throughout most of upper Georgia, east Tennessee, and extreme western North Carolina. The lower dialect was the only one which had the r sound, and is now extinct. The upper dialect is that which has been exclusively used in the native literature of the tribe.

Traditional, linguistic, and archeological evidence shows that the Cherokee originated in the north, but they were found in possession of the south Allegheny region when first encountered by De Soto in 1540. Their relations with the Carolina colonies began 150 years later. In 1736 the Jesuit (?) Priber started the first mission among them, and attempted to organize their government on a civilized basis. In 1759, under the leadership of A'ganst⦣039;ta (Oconostota), they began war with the English of Carolina. In the Revolution they took sides against the Americans, and continued the struggle almost without interval until 1794. During this period parties of the Cherokee pushed down Tennessee River and formed new settlements at Chickamauga and other points about the Tennessee-Alabama line. Shortly after 1800, missionary and educational work was established among theme, and in 1820 they adopted a regular form of government modeled on that of the United States. In the meantime large numbers of the more conservative Cherokee, wearied by the encroachments of the whites, had crossed the Mississippi and made new homes in the wilderness in what is now Arkansas. A year or two later Sequoya (q. v.), a mixed-blood, invented the alphabet, which at once raised them to the rank of a literary people.

At the height of their prosperity gold was discovered near the present Dahlonega, Ga., within the limits of the Cherokee Nation, and at once a powerful agitation was begun for the removal of the Indians. After years of hopeless struggle under the leadership of their great chief, John Ross, they were compelled to submit to the inevitable, and by the treaty of New Echota, Dec. 29, 1835, the Cherokee sold their entire remaining territory and agreed to remove beyond the Mississippi to a country there to be set apart for them-the present (1905) Cherokee Nation in Indian Territory. The removal was accomplished in the winter of 1838-39, after considerable hardship and the loss of nearly one-fourth of their number, the unwilling Indians being driven out by military force and making the long journey on foot. On reaching their destination they reorganized their national government, with their capital at Tahlequah, admitting to equal privileges the earlier emigrants, known as "old settlers." A part of the Arkansas Cherokee had previously gone down into Texas, where they had obtained a grant of land in the east part of the state from the Mexican government. The later Texan revolutionists refused to recognize their rights, and in spite of the efforts of Gen. Sam Houston, who defended the Indian claim, a conflict was precipitated, resulting, in 1839, in the killing of the Cherokee chief, Bowl (q. v.), with a large number of his men, by the Texan troops, and the expulsion of the Cherokee from Texas.

When the main body of the tribe was removed to the west, several hundred fugitives escaped to the mountains, where hey lived as refugees for a time, until, in 1842, through the efforts of Win. H. Thomas, an influential trader, they received permission to remain on lands set apart for their use in western North Carolina.

They constitute the present eastern band of Cherokee, residing chiefly on the Qualla reservation in Swain and Jackson counties, with several outlying settlements.

The Cherokee in the Cherokee Nation were for years divided into two hostile factions, those who had favored and those who had opposed the treaty of removal. Hardly had these differences they been adjusted when the civil war burst upon them. Being slave owners and surrounded by southern influences, a large part of each of the Five Civilized Tribes of the territory enlisted in the service of the Confederacy, while others adhered to the National Government. The territory of the Cherokee was overrun in turn by both armies, and the close of the war found them prostrated. By treaty in 1866 they were readmitted to the protection of the United States, but obliged to liberate their Negro slaves and admit them to equal citizenship. In 1867 and 1870 the Delawares and Shawnee, respectively, numbering together about 1,750, were admitted from Kansas and incorporated with the Nation. In 1889 Cherokee Commission (see Commission) was created for the purpose of abolishing the tribal governments and opening the territories to white settlement, with the result that after 15 years of negotiation an agreement was made by which the government of the Cherokee Nation came to a final end Mar. 3, 1906: the Indian lands were divided, and the Cherokee Indians, native adopted, became citizens of the United States.
The Cherokee have 7 clans, viz:
Ani'-wa'`ya (Wolf)
Ani'-Kawĭ' (Deer)
Ani'-Tsi'skwa (Bird)
Ani'-wi'dĭ (Paint)

The names of the last 3 cannot be translated with certainty. There is evidence that there were anciently 14, which by extinction or absorption have been reduced to their present number. The Wolf clan is the largest and most important. The "seven clans" are frequently mentioned in the ritual prayers and even in the printed laws of the tribe. They seem to have had a connection with the "seven mother towns" of the Cherokee, described by Cuming in 1730 as having each a chief, whose office was hereditary in the female line.

The Cherokee are probably about as numerous now as at any period in their history. With the exception of an estimate in 1730, which placed them at about 20,000, most of those up to a recent period gave them 12,000 or 14,000, and in 1758 they were computed at only 7,500. The majority of the earlier estimates are probably too low, as the Cherokee occupied so extensive a territory that only a part of them came in contact with the whites. In 1708 Gov. Johnson estimated them at 60 villages and "at least 500 men" (Rivers, So. Car., 238, 1856). In 1715 they were officially reported to number 11,210 (Upper, 2,760; diddle, 6,350; Lower, 2,100), including 4,000 warriors, and living in 60 villages (Upper, 19; Middle, 30; Lower, 11). In 1720 were estimated to have been reduced to about 10,000, and again in the same year reported at about 11,500, including about 3,800 warriors (Gov. Johnson's Rep. in Rivers, op. cit., 93, 94, 103, 1874). In 1729 they were estimated at 20,000, with at least 6,000 warriors and 64 towns and villages (Stevens, Hist. Ga., r, 48, 1847).

They are said to have lost 1,000 warriors in 1739 from smallpox and rum, and they suffered a steady decrease during their wars with the whites, extending from 1760 until after the close of the Revolution. Those in their original homes had again increased to 16,542 at the time of their forced removal to the west in 1838, but lost nearly one-fourth on the journey, 311 perishing in a steamboat accident on the Mississippi. Those already in the west, before the removal, were estimated at about 6,000. The civil war in 1861-65 again checked their progress, but they recovered from its effects in a remarkably short time, and in 1885 numbered about 19,000, of whom about 17,000 were in Indian Territory, together with about 6,000 adopted whites, Negroes, Delawares, and Shawnee, while the remaining 2,000 were still in their ancient homes in the east.

Of this eastern band, 1,376 were on Qualla reservation, in Swain and. Jackson Counties, N. C.; about 300 are on Cheowah River, in Graham County, N. C., while the remainder, all of mixed blood, are scattered over east Tennessee, north Georgia, and Alabama. The eastern band lost about 300 by smallpox at the close of the civil war. In 1902 there were officially reported 28,016 persons of Cherokee blood, including all degrees of admixture, in the Cherokee Nation in the Territory, but this includes several thousand individuals formerly repudiated by the tribal courts.

There were also living in the nation about 3,000 adopted Negro freedmen, more than 2,000 adopted whites, and about 1700 adopted Delaware, Shawnee, and other Indians. The tribe has a larger proportion of white admixture than any other of the Five Civilized Tribes. See Mooney, Myths of the Cherokee, 19th Rep. B. A. E., 1902; Royce,' Cherokee Nation, 5th Rep. B. A. E., 1887

Cherokee Prayers

Please use the following prayers to guide you in your time of need. Each of the following prayers will help provide a blessing, or give you strength to make it through your busy day.

Cherokee Prayer Blessing

May the Warm Winds of Heaven
Blow softly upon your house.
May the Great Spirit
Bless all who enter there.
May your Moccasins
Make happy tracks
in many snows,
and may the Rainbow
Always touch your shoulder.

Great Spirit Prayer

"Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind,

Whose breath gives life to all the world.

Hear me; I need your strength and wisdom.

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset.

Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice

Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people.

Help me to remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.

Help me seek pure thoughts and act with the intention of helping others.

Help me find compassion without empathy overwhelming me.

I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy


Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes.

So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

help me always
to speak the truth quietly,
to listen with an open mind
when others speak,
and to remember the peace
that may be found in silence.

Cherokee Prayer

American Indian Prayer for Peace

Let us know peace.
For as long as the moon shall rise,
For as long as the rivers shall flow,
For as long as the sun shall shine,
For as long as the grass shall grow,
Let us know peace

Great Spirit,

Give us hearts to understand;

Never to take from creation's beauty more than we give;

Never to destroy wantonly for the furtherance of greed;

Never to deny to give our hands for the building of earth's beauty;

Never to take from her what we cannot use.

Give us hearts to understand

That to destroy earth's music is to create confusion;

That to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty;

That to callously pollute her fragrance is to make a house of stench;

That as we care for her she will care for us.

We have forgotten who we are.

We have sought only our own security.

We have exploited simply for our own ends.

We have distorted our knowledge.

We have abused our power.

Great Spirit, whose dry lands thirst, help us to find the way to refresh your lands. Great Spirit, whose waters are choked with debris and pollution, help us to find the way to cleanse your waters. Great Spirit, whose beautiful earth grows ugly with mis-use, help us to find the way to restore beauty to your handiwork. Great Spirit, whose creatures are being destroyed, help us to find a way to replenish them. Great Spirit, whose gifts to us are being lost in selfishness and corruption, help us to find the way to restore our humanity.

May the stars carry your sadness away,
May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
May hope forever wipe away your tears,
And, above all, may silence make you strong.

Chief Dan George

"Give thanks for unknown blessings
already on their way."

Native American saying

Lakota Prayer

Wakan Tanka, Great Mystery,
teach me how to trust
my heart,
my mind,
my intuition,
my inner knowing,
the senses of my body,
the blessings of my spirit.
Teach me to trust these things
so that I may enter my Sacred Space
and love beyond my fear,
and thus Walk in Balance
with the passing of each glorious Sun.

According to the Native People, the Sacred Space
is the space between exhalation and inhalation.
To Walk in Balance is to have Heaven (spirituality)
and Earth (physicality) in Harmony.

So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about their religion;
respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.

Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,
even a stranger, when in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.

Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools
and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled
with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep
and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way.
Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.

Chief Tecumseh (Crouching Tiger) Shawnee Nation 1768-1813


Cherokee Prayer
As I walk the trail of life
in the fear of the wind and rain,
grant O Great Spirit
that I may always walk
like a man

The traditional Cherokee philosophy is that even the smallest drop of Cherokee Blood makes one a Cherokee.

There is no such thing as 'part-Cherokee.'

Either you're Cherokee or you're not.

It isn't the quantity of Cherokee blood

in your veins that is important,

but the quality of it . . . your pride in it.

I have seen full-bloods

who have virtually no idea of

the great legacy entrusted to their care.

Yet, I have seen people

with as little as 1/500th blood

who inspire the spirits of their ancestors

because they make being Cherokee

a proud part of their everyday life."

Jim Pell: Principal Chief

of the North Alabama Cherokee Tribe

An Indian Prayer

I give you this one thought to keep,
I'm with you still. I do no sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds in circled flight
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not think of me as gone
I am with you still, in each new dawn.
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there, I do not sleep.
Do not stand there at my grave an cry
I am not there, I did not die.

Author Unknown.

hello im gary.im 20years old im 6"4 and 189bls

what is your name: im gary

what your nickname: ducky, the devil's son, and death angle

what your age: 20

what your birthday: 8-30

what your fiv color: red and black

have you haved sex: yea

how many times: 2

do you have kids: no

are you single: yea

do you want a girl: yes

what your fiv food: all

what your fiv pet: snakes

do you smoke: yes

do you do drugs: f**k no

do you drink: yes
The Music I enjoy most is anything by


Type O Negative

Ozzy Osbourne

Alice in Chains

Iron Maiden


Led Zeppelin









System of A Down


Rob Zombie




Blake Shelton

Crazy Town

Linkin Park




Perfect Circle

Three Day Grace

Three Doors Down



Emile Autumn


Eve 6


The Crow(My Favorite ALL)

Interview with a vampire

House of 1000 corpses

Texas chainsaw massacre

Van Hellsing

Underworld I & II

Lord Of The Rings (ALL)

Fast And The Furious (ALL)

Resident Evil (ALL)


Hellraiser 1-4

Vampire Journals

The Lost Boys

My Favorite color






My Favorite animals





Fantasy Creatures










The Dead Zone

"The Joker's Wild"

"Welcome to another exciting episode of Del Ray's number one
game show, The Joker's Wild! Shaggy, tell us something about
tonight's contestants."

"Hey, motherfuckers
Get ready for the killer show of this bitch
We gotta cop, we gotta judge, and we gotta redneck
So step the fuck up and play the Joker's Wild!"

[Violent J]
Everybody smile
Guess who's back on your underground dial (who?)
It's the game show host with the most (Violent J)
And tonight we finna have a little pig roast
Cop copper, it's been a long while
Lace up your boots and come on down the aisle
Mr. Pig-Man packing that steel
But tonight, you ain't shit, now spin the fuckin wheel
Looks good, nice try
Now let's see just how ya gonna die?
Lucky, lucky, he landed on Carpenter Jed
He just pounds nails in your forehead
The pig got lucky that time
But let's take a look who's next down the line
Oh, the 43rd District judge
Hey pal, remember me
You threw me in jail
Take a spin or I'll snap your neck
The clicker's landed, let me check
The Jokey, hey it ain't bad at all
We just cut your face off and slap your skull
Who's next for the games and fun?
Hillbilly Earl, come on down, run
The redneck that sicked his dog on me
Now that's gonna cost you a spin, buddy
Spin around and around it goes
Staple your lips shut, cut off your toes
Then I throw your corpse on top of the pile
Anything goes on the Joker's Wild

"Tell me who killed 17 people and later ate their dead bodies?"
"Jeffrey Dahmer."
"No, the correct answer would be your mother. Shaggs?"

"Aww, shit, motherfuckers
Get ready for round two of this bitch
So, if you want your fucking neckbone chopped
Step the fuck up and play the Joker's Wild!"

[Violent J]
You like big money and prizes, don't ya
You'd probably kill for a big prize, won't ya
Ya little bitch, it's your turn to spin
Free money, now spin again
Oh goody, the unzip your drawers
I'm finna clip this chain on your balls
Raise ya upside down for the bang bada
Now we bust your head like a pinata (hey!)
The audience loves that shit
Listen to em cheer when your forehead splits
Wait! Cut to a break, oh shit, d-damn ah
We got guts on the camera

"The Joker's Wild is brought to you by...Faygo
"Send your momma straight up to the store, tell that bitch to bring home a

[Violent J]
Welcome back to the Carnival Show
Here's your chance for the big money cash flow
Hit your buzzer, pull your lever
Joker, joker, lemon, we sever your head
Pick a door, one, two, or three
It's the same behind every door, me
There's no escape, now gimme that bald head
The crowd can't help, look, they're all dead
At home they just watching your doom
We broadcast from hell to your living room
I ripped off his knuckle, wicked clown style
Anything goes on the Joker's Wild

"It's time to play hit or miss. Contestant number one, open your
mouth. Contestant number two, get ready. Will he hit or miss....
HE HIT! What's next?"

"We got money, we got cash, we got prizes
We got blood, we got guts
We got naked dead bitches on the Joker's Wild"

[Violent J]
I got my yellow suit and my purple tie
Somebody's gonna die, oh my
It's Mr. Thompson, my next door neighbor
Always bitchin, yellin from the kitchen
Window, see he died and he went to hell though
We meet again, I got my own game show
Spin the wheel, cuz I just can't fuck around
Oh shit, the end of the game
Bonus round, we goin' out with a bang
You gotta chance for money and prizes
You gotta chance at death, too hahah
So get ready, I'm coming at'cha fast
Your chance for freedom at last
Four questions, so are you ready, Jack?
"Uh, I think so", load the gat

"The governer?"
"Eats butt."
"Yes. The square root of two?"
"Correct. Nutsacs don't belong in?"
"Butt cracks"
"Right. Richboys eat?"
"No, the correct answer's bullets." [gunshots]

"Oh geez, this is Bink Chipperwink saying so long till next week folks
See ya later, goodbye"

"That's it, go home (aww!)"

"The Neden Game"

"Let's meet contestant number one
He's a skitsofrantic, serial killer clown
Who says, "woman love his sexy smile"
Let's find out if his charm will work on Sharon
Sharon, what's your question?"

"Contestant number one,
I believe first impressions last forever
So let's say you were to come over to my parent's house
And have dinner with me and my family
Tell me what you would do to make
That first impression really stick"

[Violent J]
Let's see, uh, well, I'd have to think about it
I might show up in a tux, HA!, but I doubt it
I'd probably just show up naked like I always do
And look your momma in the eye and tell her, "FUCK YOU!!!"
Hurry up bitch, I'm hungry, I smell spaghetti
I'd pinch her loopy ass and tell her, "Get the food ready!"
Your dad will probably start tripping and get me pissed
I'd have to walk up and bust him in his fucking lips!
It's dinner time, we hearing grace from your mother
I pull a forty out and pour some for your little brother
I'm steady staring at your sister, I'll tell you this
You know for only 13, she got some big tits
After that, your dad will try to jump again
And only this time, I'd put the forty to his chin
After you mom does the dishes and the silverware
I'd dry-fuck her till I nut in my underwear

"Now, let's me contestant number two
He's a psychopathic, deranged, crackhead freak
Who works for the Dark Carnival
He says women call him stretch nuts
Sharon, let's hear your question"

"I like a man who's not afraid to show his true emotions
A man who expresses himself in his own special way
Number two, if you fell in love with me
Exactly how would you let me know?"

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
First thing, I could never love you
You sound like a richie-bitch, yo, FUCK YOU!!!
But if I did, I'd probably show you that I care
By taking all these other motherfuckers outta here
I'd go through your phone book and whack em all
And find contestant number one and break his fucking jaw (what?!)
Anyone who looked at you, would have to pay
I'd be blowing fucking nuggets off all day
I'd grab your titties and stretch em down past your waist
Let em go, and watch em both spring up in your face
I'd sing love songs to you, the best I can
Get you naked, and hit it like a CAVEMAN!!!
When we go to the beach and walk through the sand
I throw a little in your face and say, I'm just playing
As you spit it all out, I'd rub your back
And grab your underwear and wedge it up your ass crack!!

"Well it sounds like contestant number two
Is just over-flowing with sensitivity, Sharon
It's a touch choice so far
Sharon, let's have your last question and
See which one is going to win the rights to your neden"

"Okay, if we were at a dance club, and you both noticed me at the
same time. Tell me, how would you each get my attention, and what would
your pick up line be? Well, whoever's the smoothest wins!"

[Violent J]
Okay, first I'd slide up to the bar
And tell you that I can't believe how fucking fat you are
I'd tell that I like the way you make your titties shake
And if you lost a little weight, you'd look like Rickie Lake!

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
Fuck that, you'd be jocking me quick
I'd order you a drink and stir it with my dick
And then to get your attention in the crowded place
I'd simply walk up and stick my nuts in your face

[Violent J]
Yeah, freak with your nuts, yo, that'll get her

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
Tell her that's she fat, yeah, that'll work even better

[Violent J]
Look, fuck you, I got a strong rap
Shit, you don't want contestant number two
He's mad-whack

[Violent J]
I walk into a bar and there he was
Standing up by a bucket, eww, trying to fuck it
It was a big fucking smelly, ass farm llama

[Shaggy 2 Dope]
Damn dawg! how you gonna diss your momma?!

"Chop Chop Slide"

Uh oh
And here we go
That's Mike E. Clark
And we're the Insane Clown Posse
And this here is the Chop Chop Slide
If you heard somethin similar to this
Fuck that cause we the shit
Juggalos what's our signal? WHOOP WHOOP!
That's right
Now what we gonna do is clap four times quickly
And bust a signal
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
Not bad, not bad
But let's do it again
Some of y'all were a lil slower on that clappin
Let's try it again
Here we go now
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
Not bad, not bad
But some of y'all just need'a loosen up
Just loosen up
I know everybody has their own little dance
They like to do their own personal get jiggy move
We're gonna bus' it right now
Get loose y'all
Get, get, get, get loose
Get, get, get, get loose
Get, get, get, get loose
Gon' and break it down
Lookin good Juggalos
But some of y'all still got rigor mortis
We need'a loosen on up
We're gonna get jiggy in your own kind'a way
Get, get, get, get loose
Get, get, get, get loose
Get, get, get, get loose
Gon' and break it down
Aw yeah
But ya'know it wouldn't be a Juggalo party
If somebody didn't get shot [gun shot]
Now right about now I want you to picture you have two nine millimeters
One in each hand
And here's what you're gonna do, Juggalos
You're gonna take those guns right
Put 'em in the air and bus', bus', bus', bus'
Put 'em in the air and bus', bus', bus', bus'
Hahaha oh yeah
Now right about now, your neck is red
That's right
We all got a red neck
And we're sippin that moonshine right about now
Everybody's a red neck and we're all Dosey Doe-in
Spinnin around
Here we go
Round and round and round we go
And round and around we go
(Round and round)
Round and round and round we go
And round and around we go
(Round and round)
Now shoot that red neck
Bus', bus', bus', bus'
Now clap for times and bust a signal
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
(clapclapclapclap) WHOOP WHOOP!
Aiight'chall, B-Boy stance
Cross your arms, fold your arms
Cause we the shit
We the shit
We the shit
What are we?
We the shit!
We the shit!
We the shit!
Cross your arms
We the shit
We the shit
We the shit
What are we?
We the shit!
We the shit!
We the shit!
That's right
We the shit
But we ain't too cool to get loose
Hell naw
Juggalos, do ya thang
Get, get, get, get loose
Get, get, get, get loose
Get, get, get, get loose
Gon' and break it down
Now pull your hatchets out, Juggalos
Pull your hatchets and put 'em in the air
Cause it's time for somebody to die in this bitch
Chop, chop, chop, chop
Swing, swing, swing, swing
Chop, chop, chop, chop
Swing, swing, swing, swing
And then shoot that bitch
Bus', bus', bus', bus'
Uh oh, send in the red necks
All of 'em
Spinnin round and round
Round and round and round we go
And round and around we go
(Round and round)
Round and round and round we go
And round and around we go
Alright, pull your hatchets out
Chop, chop, chop, chop
Swing, swing, swing, swing
Chop, chop, chop, chop
Swing, swing, swing, swing
Uh oh, here come the po-po
Too much murder
And when they get here
They gon' find out that we the shit
C'mon cause we the shit
We the shit
We the shit
What are we?
We the shit!
We the shit!
We the shit!
Cross your arms
We the shit
We the shit
We the shit
What are we?
We the shit!
We the shit!
We the shit!
And you know Juggalos ain't ever afraid to cuss
Open the windows and let it out
C'mon, here we go
Fuck, shit, pussy, ass, motherfuckin, damn, bitch
Bitch, damn, motherfuckin, ass, pussy, shit, fuck
But the only thing was
Some of y'all sounded a lil scared to cuss
So let's do it again - twice as loud
And be proud
Fuck, shit, pussy, ass, motherfuckin, damn, bitch
Bitch, damn, motherfuckin, ass, pussy, shit, fuck
Alright, fam
That's what we are
Family up in here tonight
Everybody look to the person next to you
In front of you, behind you
Give 'em a dap
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Now bus' your shit
Get, get, get, get loose
Get, get, get, get loose
(Oh yeah)
Get, get, get, get loose
You missed somebody
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Wud up?
Someone got a way
Chop, chop, chop, chop
Swing, swing, swing, swing
Chop, chop, chop, chop
Swing, swing, swing, swing
Pull out your guns
Lemme hear that filthy mouth
Fuck, shit, pussy, ass, motherfuckin, damn, bitch
There it is
Chop Chop Slide
Also known as the Juggalo Step
And always remember...
What album is this on?!
What album is this on?!
What album is this on?!
What album is this on?!
What album is this on?!
What album is this on?!
What album is this on?!

Native American Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Native American Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Native American Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Vampire Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Funny & Naughty Comments & Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~

Friday 13th Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Gothic Comments

~Magickal Graphics~

Ghost & Graveyard Graphics

~Magickal Graphics~


Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

Horror Pictures at satanspace.com


Engaging personality, sensitive, modest, occasionally narcissistic, but can rise above vanity.

Colors: male: violet, female: rose
Compatible Signs:
Set, Horus
Feb 12 - Feb 29, Aug 20 - Aug 31

Role: God of the earth
Green-skinned man, with leaves all over his body and a goose on his head. Sometimes he was shown laying on his side under his wife, the sky goddess Nut.
Sacred animals:

What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries

Horror Pictures at satanspace.com

src="http://www.graphicsgrotto.com/animatedgifs/videogames/images/agvideogames2.gif" alt="Backgrounds | http://www.graphicsgrotto.com" border="0" />

Backgrounds | http://www.graphicsgrotto.com

Perfect Survey

[The Basics]
Name:: GARY
Nicknames:: WERWOLF
Age:: 20
Height:: 6'2
Weight:: 189
Hometown:: ALLENTOWN
Gender:: MALE
Birthday:: 8-30-1989
Zodiac Sign:: NONE
Hair Color:: BLACK
Eye Color:: BLACK
Ethnicity:: NONA
Grade:: PASS ALL
Relationship Status:: SINGLE AND (LOOKING)
Television Show:: NICS
Author:: DR.
Animal:: WOLFS
Season:: ALL
Food:: ALL
Quote:: FUCK OFF
Drink:: ALL
[This Or That]
Summer Or Winter:: SUMMER
Cat Or Dog:: DOG
Pepsi Or Coke:: COKE
Day Or Night:: NIGHT
Chocolate Or Vanilla:: NETHER
Pen Or Pencil:: PEN
Cellphone Or iPod:: CELL
Lake Or Pool:: LAKE
Black Or White:: BLACK
Bracelet Or Necklace:: NONA
Gold Or Silver:: NON
Kisses Or Hugs:: KISSIS
[Have You Ever]
Failed A Test:: YES
Drank:: YEA
Smoked:: YA
Been Home Alone:: FUCK YEA IT FUN
Yelled At Someone:: YEA
Got Into A Physical Fight:: YEA
Got Into A Verbal Fight:: YEA
Been To A Concert:: YEA
Told The Truth:: YEA
Cried To A Friend:: NO
Told A Lie:: YEA
Been Out Of State:: YEA
Been Out Of The Country:: YEA
Tried To Take Over The World:: NOP NOT YET
Smartest:: NON
Prettiest:: NON
Stupidest:: NON
Loudest:: NON
Funniest:: NON
Craziest:: NON
Most Shy:: NON
Best Girl Friend:: NON
Best Guy Friend:: NON
Known The Longest:: NON
Known The Shortest:: NON
Most Athletic:: NON
Laziest:: NON
Always Has Parties:: NON
Life On Other Planets::
Love At First Sight::
Yin And Yang::
Easter Bunny::
Pot Of Gold At The End Of A Rainbow::
[Opposite Sex]
Hair Color::
Hair Length::
Eye Color::
Short Or Tall::
Cute Or Sexy::
Lips Or Eyes::
Hugs Or Kisses::
Easy Going Or Serious::
Outgoing Or Shy::
Romantic Or Impulsive::
Good Or Bad::
Tight Pants Or Khakis::
Hook-Up Or Relationship::
Guilty Or Innocent::

Take This Survey | Search Surveys | MySpace Surveys
Survey found on Bzoink

gary c antrim's creature-nemesis:


Zombie Apostles – When They Eat The Body Of Christ They Eat The Body Of Christ Demotivational Poster

Glitter Graphics | http://www.graphicsgrotto.com
Glitter Graphics

MySpace Graphics
Ghostrider Graphics & Ghost Rider Pictures

MySpace Graphics
Ghost Rider Graphics & Ghost Rider Pictures

MySpace Graphics
Ghost Rider Graphics & Ghost Rider Pictures

Member Since: Jul 05, 2009
Last Login: Aug 12, 2012
Times Viewed: 8,352

Times Rated:480

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Nov 15, 2023


Aug 26, 2022

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Dec 14, 2020


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