I love beautiful girls But I can promise Nothing
Set at 12:07 on November 04, 2009
Quote: Agios athanatos
that's my protectors
a little about my life
well let talk about what i am Im sinner im evil im the third man one the only satanic organization here in algeria and the most respective organization in the maghreb i life my live with pride
1. Respect not pity or weakness, for they are a disease which makes sick the strong.
2. Test always your strength, for therein lies success.
3. Seek happiness in victory - but never in peace.
4. Enjoy a short rest, better than a long.
5. Come as a reaper, for thus you will sow.
6. Never love anything so much you cannot see it die.
7. Build not upon sand, but upon rock And build not for today or yesterday but for all time.
8. Strive ever for more, for conquest is never done.
9. And die rather than submit.
10. Forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies great art.
11. Learn to raise yourself above yourself so you can triumph over all.
12. The blood of the living makes good fertilizer for the seeds of the new.
13. He who stands atop the highest pyramid of skulls can see the furthest.
14. Discard not love but treat it as an imposter, but ever be just.
15. All that is great is built upon sorrow.
16. Strive not only forwards, but upwards for greatness lies in the highest.
17. Come as a fresh strong wind that breaks yet also creates.
18. Let love of life be a goal but let your highest goal be greatness.
19. Nothing is beautiful except man: but most beautiful of all is woman.
20. Reject all illusion and lies, for they hinder the strong.
21. What does not kill, makes stronger.
The Sinister Creed
1. Satan in particular and the Dark Gods in general are a means to self-fulfillment and self-understanding.
2. Only by journeying through the darkness within us and without can we attain self-divinity and thus fulfil
the potentiality of our existence.
3. Our rites, ceremonies and practices are all life-affirming, and show us the ecstasy of existence and the
self-overcoming of the true Adept.
4. We are feared because we defy and seek to know and thus understand. We rejoice in living: in all its
pleasures but most particularly in its possibilities. We thus extend the frontiers of evolution while others
sleep or cry.
5. We detest all that enervates and would rather die than submit to anyone or anything - this pride is the
pride of Satan, and Satan is a symbol of our defiance and a sign of our life-enhancing energy. Others
see our way of living and our way of dying and are afraid.
6. When we hate we hate openly and with arrogance, and when we love, we love with a passion to
match this arrogance: always mindful never to love anyone so much that we cannot see them die, for
death is a natural changing of energies.
7. We prepare - through our magick and our ways of living - for the Age of Fire (the Aeon of the Dark
Gods) which is to come, when we elitist few shall reach out toward the stars and the galaxies and the
new challenges they will bring.
8. Our way is difficult and dangerous and is for the few who can truly defy the matrix of illusions - of
'good' and 'evil' - that stifle the potentiality of our being.
9. What does not kill us, makes us stronger.
What is Satanism?
Satanism is fundamentally a way of living - a practical philosophy of life. The essence of this way is the
belief that we can all, as individuals, achieve far more with our lives than we realize. Most people waste the
opportunities that life can, by magick, be made to bring.
Satanic magick is simply the use of magickal forces or energies to enhance the life of an individual or
individuals according to their desires. This usage can be of two types - the first is 'external' and the second is
'internal'. External magick is essentially sorcery: the changing of external events, circumstances or individuals
in accordance with the wishes of the sorcerer. Internal magick is the changing of the consciousness of the
individual magician using certain magickal techniques -this is essentially the quest of the Initiate for the higher
grades of magickal attainment, a following of the way of Adeptship.
To external magick belongs ceremonial and hermetic rituals. To internal magick belongs the seven-fold
sinister way. Ceremonial rituals are rituals involving more than two individuals, the ritual taking place in either
a Temple or an outdoor area consecrated as a Temple. Ceremonial rituals involve a set text which is
followed by the participants, and the wearing of ceremonial robes together with the use of certain items
having magickal or Occult significance. Hermetic rituals are usually undertaken by an individual working
alone or with one assistant/ companion. This present work deals with Satanic ceremonial magick: Satanic
hermetic and internal magick is dealt with in the book 'NAOS - A Practical Guide to Sinister Hermetic
Satanism, in its beginnings, is all about making conscious (or liberating) our dark or shadow nature, and to
this end, Satanic magick is undertaken. Satanists believe that we are already gods: but most people fail to
understand this and continue to grovel: to others or to a 'god'. The Satanist is proud, strong and defiant and
detests the religion of the crucified god founded by the Nazarene, Yeshua. A Nazarene (a follower of
Yeshua) is afraid of dying and weighed down by guilt and envy. The religion of Yeshua has inverted all
natural values, setting back the course of our conscious evolution. Satanism, on the contrary, is a natural
expression of the evolutionary or 'Promethean' urge within us: and its magick is a means to make us gods
upon Earth, to realize the potential that lies within us all.
Satanic ceremonies are a means to enjoy the pleasures of life: they offer carnality, the pleasure of fulfilling
one's desires, the bringing of material and personal rewards and the joys of darkness. But they are only a
beginning, a stage toward something greater. It is one of the purposes of a Satanic Temple to guide those
Initiates who may be interested along the difficult and dangerous path which is the seven fold way. Those
who do not wish to follow this path to Adeptship and beyond should simply enjoy the many pleasures which
the Prince of Darkness offers to those who by a Satanic Initiation wish to follow His philosophy of living.
In traditional Satanism there is an appreciation of the role of women, for Satanism at its highest level is
concerned with the development of the individual: roles as such are a necessary part of self-development. To
be played, discarded and then transcended. The structure of traditional Temples and the rituals performed by
those members of those Temples reflect this appreciation and understanding. For example, it is possible and
indeed desirable for a Mistress of Earth to establish and :: organize her own Temple unless she herself wishes
otherwise, just as it is possible and desirable to celebrate the Black Mass using a priest, naked, upon the
altar while the Priestess conducts the service, such reversal being an accepted principle of Black Magick.
Ceremonial Rituals
Ceremonial rituals, as given here, are conducted for basically two reasons: to generate magickal energy
(and thus direct that energy to achieve a magickal goal or desire) and for the benefit of the participating
congregation. The benefits the congregation derive from a successfully conducted ritual of Black Magick are
many and varied: there are the carnal ones, the material ones and the spiritual ones.
To be successful, a ceremonial ritual must be both dramatic and emotional. That is, the right atmosphere
has to be created and maintained. The object is to involve the emotions of the congregation, and all the many
ritualized elements (e.g. the robes and the candles) are a means to aid this. However, the single most
important element is the power of the voice, whether spoken, chanted, vibrated or sung.(See the chapter on
'Magickal Vibration' for one aspect of this.)
When you are conducting a ceremonial ritual you must use the set texts and chants (such as the Satanic
Our Father, the Diabolus) as a means of gradually working yourself into an emotional but still controlled
frenzy. It is no use just saying the correct words - they must be spoken or chanted with a Satanic desire -
and the emotion once brought must be sustained until the ritual is over. This does not mean simply acting: it
means actually becoming the role you assume, that of a powerful sorcerer or sorceress. And this feeling must
be communicated to the audience: by voice, gestures eyes and so on. Ceremonial Magick is and always has
been an Art, and to master this Art takes practice.
However, you (and the person working as Mistress/Master or Priestess/Priest) must always remain in
control of your emotions stopping just short of possession. This also means that each and every ritual must
be undertaken without fear or doubt (not even unconscious fear or doubt) - that is, in the true spirit of
Satanic pride and mastery: with an exultation in the forces conjoured forth.
In most ceremonial rituals it is one of the tasks of the congregation to abandon themselves to their lusts
and frenzy, but you as ceremonial Master/Mistress cannot do this since you must control and direct all the
energies which are brought forth via the ritual and the frenzy produced. It is up to you to initiate the emotion
in the Temple, to cultivate its development in the congregation, to get them to reach a ritual frenzy and
climax. And then the energy must be controlled - towards a specific magickal aim or dispersed by you into
the Temple/surrounding area and left to dissipate/spread according to its nature and to the glory of the Prince
of Darkness.
To direct the energy, you must before the ritual choose a specific desire or aim (either your own or as a
favour to one of the members). This aim (for example, it might be to harm a specific individual) must be
enshrined in both a simple phrase and a simple visualization according to the principles of hermetic magick.
The visualization should be of the successful outcome desired - however, if this proves difficult, concentrate
solely on the phrase. This phrase, which should be succinct, should then
and by you prior to the ritual, be written on a piece of parchment - you could use a 'secret script' of your
own devising or one of the magickal ones in general use. You then burn this parchment at the climax of the
ritual: at a point you feel is right. To do this, fill the silver bowl with spirit, place the parchment in this at the beginning of the ritual, and light it using one of the candles during the ritual. While it burns shout/chant/vibrate
your chosen phrase, visualizing your desire according to the visualization chosen (if you wish to and can
include the visualization part). Then exult in the triumph of your desire. Follow this with continuing the ritual to
its ceremonial end.
To disperse the energy, just imagine it (as, for example, filaments) surrounding the Temple and gradually
creeping outwards. You may also (for example in an Initiation ritual) direct the energy into an individual who
is present (in that ritual, by using a sigil and a chant.).
Satanic Chant
Sanctus Satanas
Sanctus Satanas, Sanctus
Dominus Diabolus Sabaoth.
Satanas - venire!
Satanas - venire!
Ave, Satanas, ave Satanas.
Tui sunt caeli,
Tua est terra,
Ave Satanas!
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