
Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Sycophant (6.79)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  August 9, 1979
Age:  45

Puerto Rico


Bite morriganh

Stalk morriganh



In this world we linger for all eternity, we do not die but yet not live.

"I see the wild witches dancing in the moonligth, on the bluff above the raging sea. I feel their magic pierce the night, even as their love touches me. I see the druids raise their arms, I hear their shaman power call to me. Feel the pagan magic in you r breast, expand, contract, and tranform thee.

I'm a witch, a druisd, and a mystic muse.

I'm magical, spiritual and a bard with exciting news....


What is your name : Morrigan H.

How old are you?: 36

When is your Birthday?: August 9

What is your zodiac sign?: Leo
Where were you born?: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Where do you live now?: Carolina, Puerto Rico
What color are your eyes?: grey
What color is your hair?: Black
How tall are you?: 5'2"

How much do you weigh? : .....no Idea....

What is your race?: Latin

What is your worst fear?: cocouroach

Do you corse?: sometime

Are you dependable and/or trustworthy?: Yeah

Do you play in a band or play an instrument?: no

Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?: no

If you had a favorite serial killer who would it be?: Bonnie Parker

Do you suffer from depression disorder?: ...

If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?: sleeping

Have you ever tried to commit suicide?: yes
Have you ever purposely caused harm to yourself or someone else? : yes
Are you evil?: find out yourself

Do you believe that you can be possesed?: no

Are you a paranoid?: no

Do you ever get jealous of somebody else?: sometime

Are you obsessive and/or compulsive?: if you said so..

Are you a violent person?: Can Be

Do you take your anger out on other people?: Not All Da Time

Do you blame other people for your mistakes?: Once in a While

What is your favorite game?: VTM

What is your favorite movie?: Interview the Vampire

What is your favorite song? : Bad Habbit

What kind of books do you read?: a little bit of everything
What is your favorite color?: Purple, Black

What is your favorite food?: Italian

What is your favorite drink?: Baylie
Do you skateboard?: I can live without that
Do you watch wrestling?: Yes

Do you study martial arts?: nop

Do you own a pair of converse?: nop

Do you own a pair of dickies?: no

Would you ever kill yourself or someone else?: hmm...maybe...maybe not

Are you kinky?: why dont you check on that ;)

Do you like biting?: a little

Have you ever dyed your hair an unusual color?: No but I love too dye it in purple or blue

Are you hyper active person?: sometimes

Do you like to write poetry?: Yes

Do you like to do your own photography?: not much but when I have to I do

Do you like modeling and/or acting?: acting always

Do you have any self inflicted scars?: no

Are you religious?: wiccan

Do you stand for originality and creativity?: why not
Do you believe in vampires?: I'm one...

Does pain turn you on?: thats depend

Do you believe in witchcraft?: all my life
Do you like to rave or go to clubs often?: not much
Do you go to many concerts?: no

Do you like meeting new people and hanging out?: Depends On The People...

What do you like most about life?: my bitchiness

What do you dislike most about life?: nothing

Do you believe in love at first sight?: no

Well there is a little about me, and beside that I love faerys.
If you dont have nothing nice to say, dont.

I'm starting to do my journal here, so enjoy, some are in spanish other in english. I'll eventually traduce them all to english but for now that what it's.


Mysterious and a scholar, you are a member of the Tremere clan. You are pretty loyal to your clan, well, you sort of have to...especially since you are blood-bonded to most of them. You are the intelligentsia of the Camarilla and are fascinated with the occult. Possessing the ability to use blood for magic, many clans don't like to approach you. However, that is fine with you. You tend not to trust the other clans anyway.

Wind element
Your element is Wind. You are the guy/girl that is
unpredictable. No one knows what you're going
to do next and what you're in the mood for.
Studying is not your thing and you would rather
go to a party than stay home. Life is just for
fun and you need to be free to live according
to you. You waste no time on lies, if you feel
or think one thing you say it even if it hurts.
Of course, people may be quite upset but that
doesn't really bother you. Its not that you
don't care, because you do, but in these
situations it's a waste of time. You live up in
the clouds and are quite a dreamer about life.
People often consider you beautiful, but harsh
and they would think twice before getting to
know you. But once they do, they'll learn that
you are always willing to take yourself and
your friends on adventures. Never will it be a
boring time with you and your friends
appreciate that. You are not often seen sad,
but you have your times. If someone has been
mean to you, you can quite easily trash-talk
them for betraying you. Nevertheless, you are
most of the time a good spirit who just want to
have some fun. Rate and message!


Your connection with darkness is through your
depression. Hated, sad and often feeling
lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the
real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away
from the world since you don't want to be hurt
and betrayed again. Music gives you the
understanding you need to get through, it's
your "therapy". Or you express
yourself through art or writing. Chances are
you're also an anti-social person, who only
likes being with close friends, if even that.
The world has finally showed it's true face for
you and you wish life wasn't this miserable to
live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in
the future, but right now you're just hiding
away from the world. Who needs people anyway?

Sacred SheDevil
You are a witch! You use your magical gift to do
harm to those that get in your way. You may
even be married to a King, which will come in
handy when you need some loyal helpers. Cast

Hottopic.com - Everything about the music!

Torrid - The Alternative For Sizes 12 - 26

Member Since: Jul 02, 2008
Last Login: Sep 06, 2015
Times Viewed: 3,174

Times Rated:288

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