Inside the pychotic mind of chaos: SIT BACK, RELAX, AND SLAUGHTER WITH PRIDE!
My name is Tilly and yeah I've got some fxcking issues. Let's get this strait though... Yes my Tilly is not my real name, but it's what I've gone by for a long ass time. So it is my name now. DEAL WITH IT!
I am generally a pissed off female teenager with a wrath from hell. And my favorate colors are black & blood shot red.
I get my kicks out of watching slaughter films. I also get my kicks out of frightening people...hahaha!
I am actually a decent person, if you do not piss me off.
I HATE corporate america and the government.
***I tend to be a b!tch half the time so watch what you say around me.***
haha, only song I will fxck to: StaticX- Cold
My style? Hmmm, all different kind of shit. It ranges between fxcked up goth look to gothic latia.
Look, I'm going to put this point blank, I'm young. Yeah, I know I am, but guess what? I don't care. If you don't want to talk to me, because you think I'm some kind of jail bate or something, then don't. Because I'm not going to mope around because some dude/chick doesn't want to talk to me. I have my own life to live and if you can't put up with me, then step off. I MAY BE YOUNG, BUT AGE IS NOTHING BUT A NUMBER. I act more as if I were to be about 21. So for all you know, I am 21. haha
And for all you perverts out there who say you want to meet me, and then when you finally do... you fxckers tried to rape me? That's not gonna work. Yeah, I'll probably come and meet you if you are in my area, but don't be mislead. I may be small, but I am also a third degree black belt in Taekwondo. And if your also a master or such, I'll just slit your throat out of self defense.
It's hell if actions speak louder than words, because I screach at the top of my lungs!
Bitten By: 6misty6constantine6, velvetpassion and angelkiller
Bitten By: ICPfreak666, figmentam, liesinmisery, scionthefallen, bendyouoverthegrave
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