I am student of history in the ENAH, university in Mexico of anthropological vision, that I am not a vampire, but nothing prevents not to think me about them, in the structure as much of the fiction as in which it can well be certain.
Studying to the Average Age I imagine the general panorama, the societies and their structures, the importance of the rhetoric in the thought and the collective inconciente, its connection of the divine thing to its daily life, as well as, to their capacity to act and to respond before the stranger, an example of it is the Spanish chronicles during the conquest of America, and as they interpreted the indigenous Gods, turning them into demons ruthless.
Basically my interest is to know more on the vampires, on real of meat and the bone, and that more likely is mortal, because if has survived in the legend or the real life, it is by the mortals, or through memory or the imagination, or with its own blood, the vampire nowadays continues being a constant personage in our daily reality.
My complete textual appointment, of “the fear in the West” the author is Jean Delumeau.
"...Saturn, the destroyer to you see it terrible and decrepit that muletas leans on some but that goes armed with the sickle, devours a boy and puts the foot on a sand clock. This frightful demon is not more than another image of the death…reducing it everything to nothing."
The reason by which I chose it is very simple, perished between Saturn and the vampire, the humanity that consume and the time with which they devour them.