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Hello My name is Dymoonhowlinghawk, or Dymoon for short. My fiance is schweinhagen(VR name) treat her nice or else. I will do anything for her.
I'm a metal head, nerd, gamer, and all that. I go to tournaments to play Brawl and am in a group of gamers and we call ourselves RLD (red light district) no no no no not what you think you perv lol. at tournaments we are known for wearing loads of red as our team color. :)
I have been with my girl for almost 2 years but have known her lots more then that, I am absolutly in love with her so dont try messing that up cause it wont happen. She lives with me at my grandparents place for now till we can save up for our own place close by.
We have 3 German Shepherd Dogs named Armand(male, almost 1), Angel(female, almost 2), and then Baby Girl(13 weeks old). We also have 3 horses in the backyard.
I listen to a BIG mix of everything EXCEPT country(i cant stand it) Everything would have to include:
Linkin Park
Within Temptation