
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Bestial Spirit (27.45)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?




Bite chyrobiteinfection

Stalk chyrobiteinfection



"in a mad world, only the mad are sane." - the joker

okay, i'm going to tell a little about myself now... i live at a private boarding school. trust me, it isn't that much fun. in fact, it's quite annoying at times... -_- but i get some advantages out of it, so i guess it's okay, considering i met my love here, and i wouldn't leave him for the world. not to mention all the best friends i have because they rock!

i am gothic, and i am a special breed of lycan. i call myself a blade wolf, cuz there's really nothing else you can call me that wouldn't be too long of a name... i'm part dragon, wolf, and some kind of feline, although the feline traits are only common in my actions, not really in the way i look. the dominating genes are the dragon and wolf. you can get a full idea of that in my journal i believe...

i have a very short temper, and any form of annoyance will set me off. i have a very short term memory loss, so those of you who ask why i don't answer a certain question about my kind, it's not that i'm really... ignoring you, it's just that i don't remember... i don't know why i have that problem. my friends refer to me as dory sometimes. XD LOL!!

yes... i am a very sick individual... but that's okay. i'm proud of it. ^_^ personally, there are two people on this site that really knock me dead with the disgusting stuff on their profiles. if you guys can find one that really freaks you out, PLEASE send me the person's net! LOL!! i LOVE gore!!

yeah... yeah you see that? THAT'S the reason "invader zim" was taken off television. they thought it was too graphic for little kids, and they thought it was inappropriate for gir to be covered in blood... you know what i think? i think maybe the comic "johnny the homicidal maniac" was created by the same dude, and he got his idea from his comic...

that right there is my one true love... i LOVE jack skellington, the pumpkin king. ^_^ i'm one of his number one fans! LOL!! he's just so sexy, i can't get enough of it. i watched "the nightmare before christmas" when i was younger, and the movie really scared me. but now i just LOVE it!!

i'm a big horror movie fan. "dawn of the dead" scared me so bad once that i was paranoid of zombies for a YEAR. (yes, you definitely heard me right... a YEAR.) and regardless of, it's STILL my favorite scary movie of all time. ^_^ and i've only seen it once.

yes... actually i DO have a fixation on the joker. anyone who knows what a harleyite is, knows that we're the most obsessive people over the joker and harley quinn... (i LOVE them!!) (and the joker's sexy... i don't care what any of you say... LOL! XD) so yeah. this is the sexiest picture ever of him. ^_^ this is also my BITE in case i ever bite someone. XD

wolves are my love... especially the black ones with yellow or blue eyes, cuz they're awesome. that and my love is wolf too, so we kind of have that connection... anyone out there telling me i'm hot or whatever, i'm telling you now, back off. i'm taken, and i'm happy where i am... i can't tell you how many times this happens to me...

Here's a test i took once.


What is your whole name?
ivie ley

Are you named after anyone?
my great aunt, but I don’t even remember her real name…O_o

What's your screen name?

Would you name a child of yours after you?
maybe. ^_^

If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?
hubert cumberdale. (joking joking… that’s salad fingers…)

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?
no one. my name’s fine where it is.

Are there any mispronunciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?
it’s spelled i.v.i.e. l.e.y… NOT ivy lee…

Would you drop/change your last name if you became famous?
i’m really not mentioning my last name, so…


Your (original) gender?
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! transvestite… (i’m kidding… i’m a girl…)



If not single, do you want to be?
nope. happy where i am.

Birth date(month,date,year)?
8-13-90 (happy born on friday the 13th)

Your age:

Age you act:
older than i actually am. LOL!

Age your told you look:
with pigtails, about 9.

Age you wish you were:
21, i wanna drink legally.

Your height:
5 something… maybe… i dunno.

Eye color?
grayish blue, but sometimes when i’m upset or something, they’re bright blue.

Original Hair color?
nice pretty light brown.

right, but i’m practicing my left.

Your family:
my mom’s a biz-nitch, and my dad’s a drunk… you tell me.

What’s your job?
really i don’t have a job… YET.

no, but i want a loop on the bottom corner of my mouth, and a corset on my back... so i can tie ribbons through it and it’ll look all cool and prettyful.


pathetically, the guys i go out with tend to become my main reason for life… i tend to be a bit crazy with it really…

Do you speak another language?
yeah, i created my own in 6th grade called glorasomba isonasora.

~Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it most times~

Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?
partially… sometimes i wanna rip their throats out…

Do you have any dark secrets?
if they’re dark secrets, then why would i tell?

Do you hate yourself?
physically, yes, but emotionally, no. i LIKE being psychic.

Do you like your handwriting?
i write tiny, and people think it’s funny. yeah, i like it.

Do you have any bad habits?
does hating humanity count?

What is the compliment you get from most people?
that my eyes are beautiful.

If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?
“broken hearts never lie”

What's your biggest fear?
ZOMBIES… i went through an emotional breakdown for a YEAR after watching the movie “dawn of the dead”…

Can you sing?
i don’t sing. -_-

Are you a loner?
generally being an anti-social person counts as being a loner. -_-

What is your #1 priority in life (as of now)?
passing my grades, and staying with stoner…

If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
um… maybe.

Are you a daredevil?
are you joking? i’m a wuss and a half.

Is there anything you fear about yourself?
yeah… dark town… (which is another term for my mind…)

Are you passive or agressive (or both)?
i’m part of both… depends on my mood.

Do you have a journal?

What is your greatest strength and weakness?
strength: mind power stuffs
weakness: i don’t tend to defend myself… i keep my mouth shut too often.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be(not physical)?
nothing. i like my fudged up mind.

Do you think you are emotionally strong?
when you’re sensitive to others emotions, you learn to handle your own as well as theirs. so yes.

Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?
i regret the day i decided my ex was worth my whole life… and look what happened to me after that… i can’t even think about it without feeling the pain.

Do you think life has been good so far?
only with stoner… otherwise, the world can bite me.

What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?
that love is something that rarely lasts, and that you need to stand on your own two feet, or otherwise be willing to hurt yourself. (in my case, i’d rather risk the pain…)

What do you like the most about your body?
my eyes, cuz they’re gray and prettyful.

Do you think you are good looking?
*sigh* must we go through this?

Are you confident?

What is the fictional character you are most like?
bella from the books “twilight” and “new moon”.

Are you perceived wrongly?
i don’t speak much, therefore, no one perceives me as anything.

~Do You/Have You Ever~

hell no.

Do drugs?
hell no.

Read the newspaper?
i’m fond of the comics… if that counts…


Go to church?
no, it burns.

Talk to strangers?
one word… ANTI-SOCIAL.

Sleep with stuffed animals?
yes, brownie, she’s my best friend. ^_^ she’s a brown stuffed horse.

Take walks in the rain?
i love rain. but only in summer time.

Talk to people even though you hate them(willingly)?
why would i want to talk to someone I hate willingly? there’s no logic in that…

someone call the paramedic when i can…

Like to drive fast?
never done it… YET…

Liked your voice(when you talk)?
actually… no. i don’t like the sound of my own voice…

Hurt yourself? Intentionally?
i don’t like pain, i’m afraid of it, so no. i’d like to though…

Eaten something that made other people sick?
your mom.

Been in love?
yeah, but most of the relationships ended horribly, or didn’t start at all… except for stoner. (i love you!)

Had a medical emergency?

Ran away from home?
yeah, my mom pissed me off, so i took off into the woods, until she called the cops and they found me, and brought me back…

Played strip poker?
yeah, but I don’t remember when I did exactly, and it was a long time ago…

Gotten beaten up?
HA!!! good luck with that.

Beaten someone up?

Been picked on?
why do you think i hate people?

Been on stage?
yeah, no big parts, but…

Slept outdoors?

Thought about suicide?
yeah, but like i said, i’m a wuss, and i’m afraid of pain…

Pulled an all nighter?
SOMETIMES, but not too much.

If yes, what is your record:
only one day…

Gone one day without food?
just once, because I was overly depressed…

Talked on the phone all night?
this school doesn’t let you talk all night… they pull in the phone at 9:30!!

Slept (all night) together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex (not a family member)?
no, my mom doesn’t “trust” me enough to keep myself safe from STD’s. -_- that and the school doesn’t allow us to do that…

Slept all day?
no, i can’t stand doing that…

Killed someone?

Made out with a stranger?
why the hell would anyone with common sense, do that?!

Had sex with a stranger?
i’m a virgin…

Thought you're going crazy?
i’ve been insane since i was in first frickin’ grade… but i don’t let my dementia known to people around me because i’ll be damned if i’m taking meds for the simple way my mind works. i’m me. not a drug consumer. if my mind decides to be sick, oh well. it can be sick.

Kissed the same sex (non-family)?
my ex-girlfriend, but it was on the cheek, and we weren’t going out at the time.

Done anything sexual with the same sex?

Been betrayed?
some past people i don’t want to talk about, yes…

Broken the law?
i was with my dad when he’d rob stores, so i guess i was PART of it… i was only about 6 or 7 though, and i wasn’t carrying anything. i was just there.

Have you ever killed an animal by accident?
i think it was a frog…

On purpose?

Been in a mosh-pit?
what the hell’s a mosh-pit?

Bungee jumped?
i’m afraid of heights, so no frickin’ way.

Had a dream that kept coming back?
once in a blue moon, and only when i was young.


Believe in life on other planets?
yeah, i do, but we don’t know where they are.

i stopped a 50 year old man from committing suicide at the age of 9. without getting shot, so… yeah… i guess that counts...

uh… yeah?

you spelled it wrong stupid, it’s “magick”.

bite me…

bite me…

of course. jack skellington wouldn’t have been able to save him if he weren’t real, and oogie boogie would have eaten him back in ’93.

the guy who originally owned the diner (we lived in an apartment above it) and an old couple that died in a fire when the original building burnt down in the 80’s. but that’s about all.

FRIDAY THE 13’th!!!

Love at first sight?

(Romantic) Love at all?
(hi stoner. ^_^)

Yin and yang (the balence of positive and negative in the universe)?
dark side of the moon baby…

my friend serori was a witch… o_o*

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?
you know what…? i’d really like to believe it, but i’m just not in the mindset for that anymore.

Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?
don’t touch my lucky charms… i’ll kill you… bitch…

Do you wish on stars?
stars don’t twinkle for me.

~Deep Theological Questions~

Do you believe in the traditional Christian view of Heaven and Hell?

Do you think God has a gender?
don’t believe in this nonsense.

Do you believe in organized religion?
it exists, but i’m not part of it.

Where do you think we go when we die?
it’s called, REINCARNATION.

What would your heaven be?
in a nothing land, with only me, stoner, and maybe a few friends.


Do you have any gay/lesbian/bi friends?
of course!

Who do you consider your best friend?
i have 2. stoner, and sam.

Who's the one person that knows most about you?
mallory, but she’s at home… T-T

What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?
pick up the broken pieces, and move on.

Thing you're picked on most about:
uh… nothing anymore. i have lots of people who like me at this school.

Who has been your longest friend?
katy leverknight… once again at my old school.


mallory sleasman

kelsi miller… (friend who gave me brownie…)


stoner… I LOVE YOU BABE!!

katy… O_o

katy again…

dude, you’re talkin’ to her.

Friends you miss being close to the most:
katy leverknight, mallory sleasman, and kelsi miller. (all old school)

Last person you talked to online:
zach actually… (god… let’s not…)

Who do you talk to most online:

Who are you on the phone with most:
stoner. XD

Who do you trust most:
stoner… (kinda… haha!!)

Who always listens to your problems:
mallory, kelsi, stoner, sam, and sometimes katy…

Who's the nicest?
kelsi. i’ve never EVER had an argument with her, and i’ve known her for a year.

Who's the most outgoing?

Who's the best singer?
well katy THINKS she is…

Who's your second family?
my friends consist of my pack.

Do you always feel understood?
no, i’m as abstract as cream cheese…

Who's the loudest friend?

Do you trust others easily?
no… not really…

Whose (real) house were you last at:

Name one person whose arms you feel safe:
stoner. ^_^

Friend that lives farthest away:
katy, mallory, and kelsi.

~This thing we call Love and All That Jazz~

Do you consider love a mistake?
i think it’s a disease, but it’s a disease i’d much rather take the medicine for… even if i’m taken back OFF of it…

What do you find romantic?
anything with vampires… (read a romance novel… they’re weird, but cool.)

Turn-ons (physical)?
*evil grin* femmy guys, and cute girls...

as far as i know, i don’t pay attention.

First Kiss:
i don’t even remember that…

First French Kiss:
at the movies with stoner. it just kind of happened. ^_^ the date was may 5th, 2007. ^_^

Favorite Kiss:
the movies big time, cuz that was my first. ^_^

Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone who's considered physically unattractive?
yes. but as i said before. let’s not go there. -_-

Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?
some do, but…

What is best about the opposite sex?
when they meet the standards you set that you think NO ONE can get past, and then you finally meet someone who actually DOES.

What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?
when they lie to you about all of the above. -_-

What's the last present someone gave you?
candy and some pepsi. ^-^

~Who Was the Last Person~

That haunted you?
some ghost woman that lives above the bar my stepdad bartends… she was washing pots and pans in the kitchen at an apartment upstairs where i was watching tv late at night…

You wanted to kill (figuratively)?
brittne’ perkins.

That you laughed at?
i don’t laugh AT, i laugh WITH… unless it’s people in general with their stupid laws and stuff.

That laughed at you?

That turned you on?
um… ^_^ uh… do i need to say his name?

You went shopping with?

That broke your heart?
zach. -_- (COME ON…)

To disappoint you?
zach AGAIN… god, can we move on already!?

To ask you out?
really, neither of us asked each other out, me and stoner just… went. XD LOL!

To make you cry?
OMG… zach, zach, alright?!

To brighten up your day?
stoner. ^_^

That you thought about?
wow, i wonder how many times i gotta put his name down… ^_^

You saw a movie with?

You talked to on the phone?
stoner. ^_^

You saw?

~You~ Right This Moment~

Are you going out?
with stoner. yes.

What are you wearing right now?

Body part you're touching right now?
OMG no comment…

What are you worried about right now?
these questions… O_o

What book are you reading?
“new moon”

Use 5 words to describe how you're

love, tragic, depressed, happy, random… (depressed and happy at once…)

Are you tired?
a little bit.

Are you talking to anyone online?
no, stoner’s on detentions right now.

Are you lonely or content?
lonely sort of.

Are you listening to music? What?
hinder, “better than me”.

~The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! What is your favorite~

i like the watermelon stuff. or strawberry…

not the one me and my mom lived at…

coke and pepsie biz-nitch!!


type of weather?
warm, but cloudy. or rainy.

i’m reading yours right now… so that’s double the amount i’m not going to write. so get used to it.

late-night activity?
wow, i have no comment to this…

i don’t do sports… bad for my health, and anyone who happens to be near me…

actually, i’m getting quite fond of hershey, harrisburg, and palmyra…

“hot topic” or “spencers”. (they crack me up!)

~When was the last time you:~

february through now.

played a sport?
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!..... gym class…..


hugged someone?
today. ^_^

kissed someone?
friday i think. ^_^ unless cheeks count. then it’d be today.

Said "I Love You"?
today. ^_^

and meant it? To Who?
YES!! stoner, duh! XD

felt depressed?
before, and after zach… for FOUR MONTHS…

felt elated?
define this please, i don’t seem to understand…

felt overworked?
naw, the chore program at my student home got easier…

faked sick?
only a few times, cuz I hated school…

~What was the last~

word you said?
i dunno… you expect me to remember that?!

thing you ate?
cream cheese… XD

song you listened to?
“blue (dab a dee)” by Eiffel 65.

thing you drank?
PEPSI… ^_^

place you went to?
student home…

movie you saw?
“the nightmare before christmas” (jack’s my bitch…)

movie you rented?
screw renting, I buy.

concert you attended?

~Who was the last person you~

stoner. ^_^

stoner. ^_^

danced with?
I DON’T DANCE… well… maybe. ^_~

shared a secret with?
not too sure…

had a sleepover with?
SAM, and i wasn’t even supposed to! we almost got in trouble for it!!

stoner. ^_^

went to a movie with?

everyone in my student home…

were angry with?
basically, everyone in existence… but mostly zach.

couldn't take your eyes off of?
wow… must I even say it again? ^_^

~Have you ever~

danced in the rain?
the way i dance, no!

partied 'til the sun came up?
no, i get tired to quickly.

had a movie marathon?
no, but i have book marathons… (don’t laugh, i’ll kill you)

gone too far on a dare?
if it’s something stupid a human makes up, then no. morons.

spun until you were immensely dizzy?
yeah, almost took out a wall…

what's your favorite flower?
roses. both red, and black. (especially red)

what do you want for your birthday?
the third book to the “twilight” series.

~And Finally~

If you had only one star to wish on, what would you wish for?
if you tell someone what you wish for, it doesn’t come true. ^_~

i LOVE jill valentine!!! the first resident evil rocks!! yeah, i went through some paranoia, but that was after "dawn of the dead" not "resident evil". NO, i've never seen the movies, YET, but i've played some of the games, ESPECIALLY the original... that's some scary shit... LOL!!

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i LOVE emo kids!! this is a good example why. when they cry, it's my personal duty to hug you. LOL! so if you're an emo kid, i'm not an emo hater, i'm an emo lover. let me know, if you got problems, cuz the first thing i'll do is hug you! LOL! i HATE emo haters... i'm sorry, but if you're going to bash 'em, don't even bug me about it, cuz a fight'll start. this guy here? yeah. he's my guardian.

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WOW do i love this pic!! i found this somewhere on this site, i swear to god, but i also put it on photobucket so that i could have access to it. i thank whoever had this on their profile, cuz when i saw it the guy in the background REALLY looks kind of like my boyfriend. in my journal, you can see him yourself. the girl up front looks sort of like me, without bangs, and wavy hair. when i saw this, i almost DIED. THANK YOU!!!!

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i don't really know why i added this picture, i just thought he looked kind of cute. ^_^ those emo boys turn me on. LOL! they're just so cuuute!!

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H.I.M. is amazing. i love a lot of their songs. i think my top favorites would include "join me" number 1, "wings of a butterfly" number 2, "gone with the sin" number 3, and "killing lonliness" number 4. i can't stop listening to it. sometimes i replay the same exact song over and over. i love how their music has that devastating edge to it that makes you wanna cry, but you can relate it to your miserable love life. my friend anthony got me into it. in reality, i didn't think it'd be my kind of music, but LOOK at that pic! it's so amazing! and "wings of a butterfly" was awesome looking in a music vid. not to mention in "join me" he was drop dead gorgeous... ^_^ hehehe.

Member Since: Apr 18, 2007
Last Login: Aug 23, 2007
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