
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Ghoul (21.62)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  ?

Belfast, Northern Ireland


Bite WhereLoversMourn666

Stalk WhereLoversMourn666


I am the nightmare waking you up

Name; Eden Valentine
Age: 19

About me:

I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in the year of 1989.

I am pagan.


Pagan Beliefs

Paganism is the oldest religion known to humanity. It's origins are obscure, but conjectured to have arisen with humanity's desire to explore the unknown, and seek unity with the divine force (however that may be perceived). Therefore, Paganism has no founder or founders, no earthly leaders, no prophets, no messiahs, and no saints.

The word Pagan is derived from the Latin Paganus, "a civilian", and from Pagus, "a village". This delineates Pagans as those who are from a village, or more commonly, simply country-dwellers. Whilst the majority of Pagans today - like the majority of the population - live in towns, this term accurately describes the Pagan heritage, and the affinity which modern Pagans feel with the natural environment.

Thus modern Pagans follow a religion which is as old as humanity itself, but whose practices have been adapted to suit life in the modern world. The concepts which were vital to sustaining life in bygone times are revered, and their principles have been retained; however, we acknowledge that our modern lifestyles are sustained in very different ways.


Modern Pagans are people who have made a positive choice to follow a path of individual spiritual growth that is in harmony with the Earth upon which we live. Many people have become aware of a spiritual void in their lives, and have discovered, in Paganism, a religion of joy and love, which allows self-expression, but also encourages social and environmental responsibility.

Modern Pagans are men and women of all ages, drawn from all walks of life, and from vaious racial or cultural backgrounds. Members of the Pagan Alliance include scientists, solicitors, students, health care professionals, teachers, farmers, information technology specialists, industrial relation specialists, graphic designers, engineers, members of the Defence Force, Project Managers, members of the Public Service, Librarians, psychologists, artists, and research assistants, to name but a few.

The one thing they all have in common is a desire to follow a spiritual path which is in harmony with the Earth, and which encourages self-discovery, and individual responsibility.


There are numerous traditions under the generic classification of Paganism.
Click Here for more information on Pagan Traditions.


The spiritual or religious beliefs of Pagans are that deity is both imminent and transcendent. Deity is therefore a part of the fabric of our being, of our environment, and of that which is beyond anything we can imagine.

Deity is perceived as both male and female. God is seen in many ways, and expressed in our worship as the male principle; all of the male Pagan deities are accepted as aspects of God. Goddess is seen in many ways, and expresses the female principle. All of the female Pagan deities are accepted as aspects of Goddess.

Pagans do not believe in a dualistic viewpoint of absolute opposites; of "good versus evil". Pagans believe that all things exist in their own place, and that we should strive for dynamic balance and harmony. Extremism of any form does not have a place within the Pagan philosophy.

Most Pagans believe in reincarnation. There is a strong affinity with the idea of cyclical life patterns, which do not cease with the death of the physical body. Most Pagans have no concept which could be described as heaven or hell in the commonly-used Christian sense. However, Northern Pagan traditions encompass both a heaven and a hell, with a sophisticated philosophy which describes the operation of these realms. Briefly, Heaven (Asgard) is a final resting place, and Hell (Hel) is a place of rest, from where souls may choose to be re-born. In the Northern Traditions, Hel is not a place of damnation and torture.

The Wiccan religion has what is called "The Summerlands"; a place where souls find rest before being re-born into the physical world.

The Druid belief in reincarnation is confirmed many times in classical sources; e.g. Posidonius (quoteed by Diodorus): "... [Druids believe that] the souls of men are immortal, and that after a definite number of years they live a seconed life when the soul passes to another body."

Julius Caesar: "The cardinal doctrine which they seek to teach is that souls do not die, but after death pass from one to another; and this belief, as the fear of death is thereby cast aside, they hold to be the greatest invective to valour."

Each Pagan religion has its own philosophy about the afterlife, and about reincarnation. Individual Pagans may also have their own philosophy about these subjects, for the Pagan religions do not have a dogma, or strict set of teachings, which all Pagans must folow.

Paganism is one of the so-called "Mystery Paths", where each individual has direct experience of divinity. Although it is becoming more common for Pagan Priests and Priestesses to administer rites to a group of people, individual experience of divinity remains the primary objective for most practising Pagans.

This differs significantly from most State religions, where a figure of authority performs rites, and mediates the divine force, on behalf of a congregation. In most Pagan religions, each individual is a Priest or Priestess in his or her own right.

Pagans do not "worship" trees or rocks; however, they do revere the divine force which is contained within trees and rocks; indeed, is contained within every part of the universe.

Pagans do not worship a savious, or other spiritual leader. The emphasis is upon each individual's spiritual enlightenment, and responsibility for this is not abdicated to another person. The practice of Paganism is a voyage of self-discovery, and the discovery of one's own place within the divine realm.

Paganism is not, therefore, a cult, for a cult has a leader, and Paganism has none. Individual groups will often be led by one or two people who are experienced in the practice of the religion, but such people have no influence outside of their own group or tradition.


Pagans believe that each individual has the right to worship in their own way; there is no legislation that requires Pagans to follow any prescribed manner of worship. Some Pagans worship in a formal manner; have a more instinctive and unconscious mode of acknowledging and communicating with Goddess and God. Some Pagans prefer to make their worship a private affair; others gather in groups and make their worship a communion with each other, as well as with Goddess and God.

Like most religions, Paganism has Rites of Passage, with some traditions having a formal set of rituals for birth, marriage and death. Those Pagan religions which adhere most closely to the "Mystery Path" will also have rites of initiation. These are designed to effect a spiritual awakening within the initiate, and do not include such practices as animal or human sacrifice, nor any activity which is against the wishes or ethics of the initiate.

Rituals to celebrate a birth, which often include a naming ceremony, do not promise the child to the religion, in the way of a Christian baptism. The parents of the child will often adk for divine guidance and protection for their child, but will not make any promises about bringing the child up in a particular faith.

It is a strong Pagan belief that each individual must follow his or her own path. Children are taught to honour their family and friends; to have integrity, honesty and loyalty; to treat the Earth as sacred, and to love and respect all forms of life. Other than these basic teachings, children are encouraged to question, and to find their own spiritual path. Many Pagan parents will ensure that their children are exposed to the teachings of a number of religions, so that the child receives a well-balanced spiritual education.


To Pagans, every day is a holy day, but there are a number of Festival celebrations which are held throughout the year. The Festivals, and the time on which they are celebrated, varies. Within each tradition, there are commonalities, but these are by no means definitive across the whole religion.

Perhaps the best known is the cycle of Festivals celebrated by many Pagans, including the Wiccan tradition, and modern Druids. There are eight Festivals, being Samhain, Giuli (Yule), Imbolg (also known as Candlemas), Spring Equinox (also known as Eostre), Beltane, Litha (Midsummer), and the Autumn Equinox (also known as Mabon).

These Festivals are derived from variously, Celtic and Saxon sources, and their essence has remained in modern society through folk memory, and in many rural traditions.

Other Pagan traditions celebrate the turning of the seasons with four Festivals to mark Spring, Summer, Autumn and Spring. As always with Paganism, the emphasis is upon what is meaningful for each individual, rather than a strict adherence to a rigid doctrine.


The history of Paganism in Australia and New Zealand is lengthy, for the indigenous people were Pagan, before the arrival of colonisation and its attendant Christian Missionaries. The conversion of the native people to Christianity was uncompromising.

The earliest incidence of revived European Paganism in Australia and New Zealand is unknown, but there are reports of witches meeting in Canberra, ACT during the 1920s. Many immigrants brought their own traditions and practices with them, and since the 1970s numerous books have been published about the revived Pagan religions and their practices.

Although laws against "the pretence of the practice of witchcraft" remain on the statute books in a few places, the modern Pagan in Australia and New Zealand can practise his or her religion without fear. Pagans remain the target of mainstream fundamentalist fanatics, but thankfully, fewer and fewer rational people are taking fundamentalist absurdities seriously. However, for this reason, and because bigotry still exists in many places, some Pagans practice their religion privately, and prefer not to make their beliefs public.

Some Pagans are prepared to be public spokespeople for their religion, and through the Pan Pacific Pagan Alliance, and other similar organisations have provided accurate and sensible information to the media, police forces, local government organisations, child care agencies, health centres and so on. That we have been so successful in our attempt to inform society of the truth of our religion is a testament to those Pagans who live and work in Australia and New Zealand.


Because Paganism stresses the importance of individuality, there are few, if any, widespread customs. A sense of the sanctity of the natural world, concern for the environment, and acceptance that we are socially responsible to our fellow-creatures, dictates the kind of customs which most Pagans follow.

There are no dietary requirements, or any prohibitions within the Pagan philosophy. Those who follow a vegan/vegetarian diet, or who abstain from alcohol, tobacco, etc., do so out of choice, not tenets of faith.

There are no laws of blasphemy and conflict between individuals remains the responsiblity and concern of those who are involved. There are no penances, or any other form of religious punishments.

Paganism does not legislate where matters of morality and ethics are concerned. It is up to each individual to be responsible for their own viewpoints and decisions. The religion itself does not promote nor condemn practices related to sexual activity, procreation, use of alcohol and other mind altering substances. Individual Pagans may hold viewpoints on one or more of these issues, however, they are PERSONAL viewpoints, and not the considered opinion of the religion per se.

Pagans have a high regard for the equality of the sexes and do not suppress the feminine principle in the way that many other religions seem to do. Pagan Priestesses have the same status as Priests; in some traditions, they have primacy in leading the religious practices.

Many Pagans acknowledge the concept of "Elders"; those from the community who, by virtue of their training or experience, have a greater understanding of social, moral and practical matters. Pagans who gather together (either formally or informally) as a group, will often look to those who lead the group for guidance on moral issues and socially accepted behaviour. However, it is a fundamental aspect of Paganism that each individual must accept full responsibility for their own actions. There is no "confession" or other absolution to devolve responsibility to another person, or to God and/or Goddess.


Pagans are not concerned with perverting the sacred symbols, beliefs or practices of any other religion.

Pagans do not perform sacrifices (other than of their own energy and time), and are not opposed to any other religious beliefs.

Pagans do not sexually abuse children; quite the contrary. Despite many hysterical claims of sexual abuse by witches and other occultists, none has ever been proven to be true.

For a Pagan to abuse a child is total anathema. It is contrary to everything that we hold close to our hearts. Our children are our future, and a part of the ultimate divine source. Pagan children are born in love and unity; they are sacred, and are treated as such.


Paganism is a legitimate, coherent and responsible spiritual path to which many people are attracted in these days of ecological concern. To be a Pagan in the 20th (and 21st) century is to hold and believe in the sacredness of all things; to revere and respect all life; and to love and honour one's family and friends.

Favourite Bands include:

Marilyn Manson
Paradise Lost
Dark Tranquility
Within Temptation
Octavia Sperati
Wednesday 13
Mercury Rain
Cradle Of Filth
Dimmu Borgir

Favourite songs:


"Mister Superstar"

Hey. Mr. Superstar:
"I'll do anyhting for you"
"I'm your number one fan"
hey mr. porno star, I, I, I, I want you
hey mr. sickly star,
I want to get sick from you
hey mr. fallen star,
don't you know I worship you?
hey mr. big rock star,
"I wanna grow up just like you"
I know that I can turn you on
I wish I could just turn you off
I never wanted this
hey mr. superhate,
I just want to love you
hey, hey, hey mr. superfuck,
I wanna go down on you
hey mr. supergod,
will you answer my prayers?
hey, hey, hey mr. superman,
I want to be your little girl


hey mr. superstar,
I'll kill myself for you
hey mr. superstar,
I'll kill you if I can't have you
superstar, superfuck baby...

Paradise Lost

Sickened by the feelings within
Laughing at my pain

Forget the lies, live the reality

Waiting for a chance to indulge
In this "sinful perversion"
I have grown weak now
God may forgive and save
Our "precious souls"
Lift the curse from us

Forget the lies, live the reality

Embrace all the distorted thoughts
Indoctrinating sins
In this our earth the love is lost
As disruption begins

As the soils of the earth
Greet our cries
Falling forever


1. Time Shall Tell

Evicerate a child
Violence evokation
Insousiance of life

Face the truth

Governments is shit
In all countries
What shall we vote?
Violence in the streets
Violence everywhere
When shall you die?

Heaven or hell
Time shall tell

Everything's controlled
Except for the violence
Demented by blood
Betrayer of life

Abrogations of the laws
Filled with gore

Earth shall die
On satans altar
A fading cry
From the lessers

Til the end
Will descend

2. Dark Eternity

Human rights
Has been lost
Inside the walls
Rules the pain
Live like swine
Working slaves
For the guards

Fading screams descends

Killing rape and death
Is part of their lives
They cannot appear
Without the violence

In darkness

Fighter, rider of the human rights
The killing decision is coming from behind
Disinter the background of this obscene hell
Discover the fear, the sickness and the death

Slough of despond
Deny the human rights
Killing is a joy
No - it will never stop

Dark eternity

Human rights
Has been lost
Inside the walls
Rules the pain
Live like swine
Working slaves
For the guards

Fading screams descends

Killing rape and death
Is part of their lives
They cannot appear
Without the violence

In darkness


2. What Have You Done?

[feat. Keith Caputo]

[Album Version]

Would you mind if I hurt you?
Understand that I need to
Wish that I had other choices
than to harm the one I love

What have you done now?!

I know I'd better stop trying
You know that there's no denying
I won't show mercy on you now
I know, should stop believing
I know, there's no retrieving
It's over now, what have you done?

What have you done now?!

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away... oh
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you

What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done now?!
What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done now?!

Would you mind if I killed you?
Would you mind if I tried to?
'cause you have turned into my worst enemy
You carry hate that I don't feel
It's over now
What have you done?

What have you done now?!

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away... oh
What have you done now?!
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you

What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done now?!
What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done?! What have you done?!
What have you done now?!
What have you done now, what have you done?...

I will not fall, won't let it go
We will be free when it ends

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away... oh
What have you done now?!
Why, why does fate make us suffer?
There's a curse between us, between me and you

I, I've been waiting for someone like you
But now you are slipping away... oh
What have you done now?!
Why, why does fate make us suffer
There's a curse between us, between me and you

Favourite Movies:

1. The Crow
2. Hellraiser 1 & 2 and 3
3. Ginger snaps 1 & 2
4. White Noise
5. Final Destination 2 & 3
6. Black Christmas ( Remake )
7. The Messengers
8. Omen films
9. Nightmare of elm street films
10. Halloween films
11. Little Nicky

- etc -

Here is some poetry enjoy the read :-)


From childhood's hour I havee not been
As others were- I have not seen
As others saw- I could not bring
My passions from a common spring-
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow- I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone-
And all I lov'd- I lov'd alone-
Then- in my childhood- in the dawn
Of a most stormy life- was drawn
From ev'ry depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still-
From the torrent, or the fountain-
From the red cliff of the mountain-
From the sun that 'round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold-
From the lightning in the sky
As it pass'd me flying by-
From the thunder, and the storm-
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

( Untiltled )

A place of importance

In the past and present

Future arguments arise

Children cry out

To mothers that never existed

Awareness of surroundings

A bridge leading nowhere,

Ending nowhere

Above the parched grass

A dog comes in from a hunt

His defeated prey

Hanging from his mouth

Cars race by

On a grassy path

Night takes over day

Taillights fade into the darkness


Life is too short, to worry about tomorrow,

Live each day the best we can.

Yesterdays are past and filled with sorrow,

Filled with things done and left undone.

When we waken in the morning light,

The minds are clear of the doubts and fears.

Of yesterday's worry, pain and woe,

We know God's promises are here.

Love is a very precious thing,

Given to man by God.

Cannot be traded, bought or sold,

It fills our hearts with Joy untold.

Layers Of Myself

Let me out

Set me free

I need to be set free

I'm burning up inside from crying about nothing.

Let me out Let me out Let me out Let me out Let me out.

Let me fly

Let my wings expand

Let my feathers fly away into the sunset

Let me free out of this cage, it is too small.

Take me away

Take me away from this place

Take me away from him

Take me home with you I need out of this place

It is to complicated and scary.

Leave me alone

Just let me free for a day or two

I need time to figure out who are my friends and who aren't.

Just let me out, set me free, let me fly

I'm a bird that needs to migrate south, so let me free let me go I'll be back at summer.

I promise I will be back in time for hot summer days to go jump the ice cold pool.

I'm a polar bear just let me sleep my anger off during the winter.

I promise I will be back for those hot ball games with sunflower seeds.
I promise I will love you for ever, just give me some time, give me some space to think

The dove is a symbol of the soul and of the Holy Spirit. It signifies peace, gentleness and purity. In armory, the dove signifies loving constancy and peace. In heraldry the dove has one interesting peculiarity: it is always depicted with a slight tuft on its head, possibly to distinguish it from a wood-pigeon, which is very much like it. Many examples exist of a dove with an olive branch in its beak and an ordinary heraldic dove is represented with its wings close holding sprig. It can also be found, though, volant and with its wings


The Gothic Raven is a carrion bird and is associated with death. As death, Gory battles and the like played a major part of the Early warring tribes of europe, so myths legends, and gods soon arose arround such a dramatic occurence. Ravens are also messengers of death, not only as an animal that eat carrions. They can smell the scent of death before a person die even from a big distance. In ancient times the crows spotted at battlefield waiting to eat the death corpses. It was also believed that the ravens carry the evil souls from hell.

This is why the gothic raven is mentioned so frequently in so many myths and legends of Northern Europe. It is even mentioned in early myths of Northern Russia. However another possible common demoninator is also the Vikings. The Ravens where seen as messengers of Odin, the God of war which is why they flew over so many battlefields.

How Gothic Raven Stole The Sun:

Perhaps the best-known legend on the Northwest Coast, and the one with the most variations, tells how Gothic Raven the trickster stole the sun - as well as the moon and the stars - and brought daylight to the world. The Haida people tell of a time when all the world was in darkness because greedy chief kept the sun, the moon, and the stars in three wooden boxes in his house. He would occasionally lift the lids and let the light spill out for a short while, but he jealously guarded these treasured possessions.

Gothic Raven was determined to bring daylight to the world, but since no one was allowed to touch the boxes, the wily bird devised a cunning plan. Knowing that the chief's daughter went to the lake for water every day, Raven transformed himself into a hemlock needle and floated down the stream. When the young woman filled her box with fresh, cool water, the needle slid unnoticed into the box and Raven was carried to the house.

The chief's daughter drank some of the water, swallowing the hemlock needle, and as a result became pregnant. Eventually she gave birth to a dark-gothic, beady eyed child, who grew at an astounding rate. He also cried a lot, mostly for the box with the bright, shiny ball inside, but the chief refused to allow him to play with it. Daily the child wheedled and whined and cried even louder and longer, until the chief could stand it no more and allowed his grandson to play with the ball of light - just this once.

Seizing his long-awaited opportunity, Raven quickly transformed himself back into bird from, picked up the ball in his beak, and in a flash of feathers flew up and out though the smoke hole. Higher and higher and farther and farther he flew, spreading light all around the world for everyone to enjoy. Then he flung the shining globe into the sky, and there it remains - even to this gothic day.


Gothic Angel

When people think of angel, they usually imagine of clear white wings like the first snow, and colorful hearts pure as rainbows. Sadly nobody told those people about the dark gothic angel.

Dark gothic angels are the misunderstood angels that dont obey to the common norms and dont pretend to be innocent. The leader of the angels called these angels, Gothic angels, because they wear only black, or dark colors.

The leaders wife, a kind and pure woman, wanted her dear husband to be kind and calm, but sadly he was always motivated by greed and he always beat her every time she didnt supported his cruel deeds. The dark gothic Angels hated this situation because they was hating themselves, but respected the poor wife, for being the only pure gothic angel that would give them a chance.

The gothic angels found out that the evil leader beats his wife, and now they are very mad about this. Tonight, the night of the full moon madness, the gothic angels are coming all together in a run down gothic church, to form a plan and get the wife away from the most evil angel in the universe.

How many dark gothic angels are innocent? To be innocent is to be naive about this world and to think that everything is pure and wonderful, but there are other dark colors in this life. The dark gothic angels dont afraid to take off the naive mask and to rebel against the mainstream.

Gothic angels allows you to throw away all things that are considered important by the mainstream society, to search for something more significant to yourself. Everything begins with the self gothic angel - from there you will find yourself in a position to help others. It also allows you, being unconventional at heart, to be more productive in your own dark gothic way, because society will ultimately confine you and make you feel ashamed of being dark gothic angel.

"Gothic angel is about doing things which may be considered wrong, but for all of the right reasons."

Philosophy And Myths

666 the number of the beast in the christian bible:

Revelation 13:11-18: And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six."

666 the number of the beast in history:

666 is also the number of nero caesar. If you write the "Nero Caesar" in Greek, then transliterate it into Hebrew and add up the letters, you will get 666. The notorious tyrant who persecuted the Jews and Christians in sadistic ways like burning, drowning and make them fight in the gladiators` arena against soldiers and other dangerous animals.

666 the number of the beast in our culture:

As the time passes from the days of the bible, the association of the number of the beast - 666 with darkness, evil, satan and bad prophecies pervaded to our believes and culture. "Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia" means 666-pobia, a fear of the number 666. People who has this pobia avoids from this number by all means. they also afraid of the date 06/06/06 and preffer to stay at home. but they are not the only one who avoid this evil number. In our daily life we encounter the dark 666 pretty much everywhere like the streets, the roads, the house address and phone numbers.

666 the number of the beast in mathematics:

666 is the sum of the squares of the first seven prime numbers:
22 + 32 + 52 + 7 2 + 112 + 132 + 172 = 666

666 = 16 - 26 + 36

666 = 6 + 6 + 6 + 6³ + 6³ + 6³

To many the mentioning of 666, the Beast, abruptly brings to mind the English occultist and magician Aleister Crowley. Although Crowley had never been classified as Gothic, or a Goth, one familiar with his character and works would probably agree that he would fit into the subculture. As a youngster he admired his father a retired brewer and a strong preacher for the Plymouth Brethren, a Christian fundamentalist sect in nineteenth century England. As a child Crowley become a fervent little Plymouth Brother who studied the Bible eagerly. The prophetic passages in the Book of Revelation of the Beast 666 and the Scarlet Woman particularly fascinated him. He readily imagined himself a servant of God battling Satan and his hordes.

He was not an unhappy child until after his father’s death. It is uncertain what caused his change of behavior, but certainly a contribution factor was his mother’s and his move to his maternal Uncle Tom Bishop’s London resident. Of his uncle he wrote: "No more cruel fanatic, no meaner villain ever walked the earth." And, of his mother: "...her powerful maternal instincts were suppressed by religion to the point that she became, after her husband’s death, a brainless bigot of the most narrow, logical and inhuman type" It seemed that her son’s mischievous behavior had prompted her to call him "the Beast." One quickly recognizes that even in childhood the evil influence of religion on Crowley.

The term "the Beast" had a great influence upon Crowley’s entire life, an influence which was entirely opposite of what his mother desired. She wanted the name to shame him into servitude; instead it rallied him into defiance. At times he called himself the Antichrist. To express Crowley’s views would consume a website, and there are many on the Internet doing so for those interested. In summation, he considered Christianity as the destruction of human freedom and the worshipping of death; whereas, he considered the religion of Thelema, which he founded, the bringing together of the spiritual with the material for the liberation of humanity.

The point is not whether one agrees with him or not; it is that Crowley had both his admirers and his enemies. One could even say his own mother became his enemy, whether she solely or greatly influenced his life is debatable but she was part of the discrimination which he felt. But the most important point is this discrimination failed to stop him; the number 666 accompanied by it title, the Beast, just speared him on. He took solace in his endeavors to liberate himself and others. This is why I think the Beast should be mentioned. When preparing this article I did some research on the web on Gothic culture, I really found the discrimination against Goths there too, some not even discrimination just plain stupidity. Crowley is an example, criticism maybe there, but belief in yourself and your way of life can overcome that.

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Oct 18, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Nov 29, 2023


Jan 08, 2023

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