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Volty carries the Mark of The Prince. Sanguis Dracones (Coven) Volty carries the Mark of Coven Master BrandedbyFeathers

⚡️Simply Shocking⚡️New Music⚡️
Set at 05:11 on October 06, 2024

Vampire Rave member for 2 years.

Status:  Savant (82.11)
Rank:  Member
Honor 61    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Sanguis Dracones (Coven)
Mentorship Mentor of Silver Tongue Devils.
Account Type:  Premium
Referred By:  EvolutionaryCuriosity
Gender:  Androgynous
Birthdate:  January 31, 1992
Age:  32



Bite Volty

Stalk Volty




Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Welcome within my domain, you either hate yourself or you have a death wish whichever it may be Let's get on with the show. My name is Catelyn. Although I do answer to Cat or Kitty but only if I see you as a friend, not a parasite. Sorry Not Sorry. I have been on this site since 2006 when a very traumatic event brought me to this website. THIS IS NOT MY ONLY ACCOUNT! You can find a complete list of my account within the portfolio on Sire HellsGuardian. I have a nasty reputation on this website and personally I don’t give a damn what others think of me, I know I should probably change that but that would mean caring about people in general and I don’t have time for that shit. I am not single by any means. I am poly so yes that means multiple relationships at this moment I have 3 strong relationships. Say what you will I dont care if you think I am a whore....honestly you are just jealous because more than likely you cant get someone to love you and I have three amazing men who love me.I am a victim of severe abuse so approaching me isn't the best idea more times than not I will rip your face off. Yes, folks I am a bitch and have no intention of changing that. I am a very private person when it comes to certain things, now if you violate that I have no issue making your life a living hell. Don’t believe me I bet I can point you in the direction of some delusional twats that have felt my wrath but don’t let their sob stories fool you everything they have endured from me was DESERVED! Now I have a huge passion for animals. Over the past 20 years I have had close to 20 ferrets over the years. Most of them are rescued. My love for my ferrets led to the rescue and adoption of two cats in need, Damn I still wonder what the hell I was thinking when it comes to Fusser and Butterz....they are so evil but not the point. Without these fur butts I would have ceased to exist a long time ago.

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Now those of you who haven't taken my attitude as a warning I guess it's time to continue on.... The thing is, does anyone read this shit? Trust if people did it might same them sometime but not the point.
I have a very lethal personality which those who know my history know why I find human life to be absolutely worthless and in need of extermination. I am a believer in removing all warning labels and allowing natural selection to eliminate those who are clearly undeserving of life. Which probably would mean 95% of the planet would need to be repopulated.... I guess that means the burning of condoms well maybe not most act as if they are afraid of them but anyways...moving on. I am extremely blunt...I'm a bit of spice with a dash of icy venom. I find the stupidity of the human race extremely annoying and not entertaining.
I keep my circle of friends small. Although I never said that I don't have puppets. I'm a very twisted person, if I have any inclination that you can't be trusted then I will lace you with fake info and watch the show. Trust me, this game never gets old. I love it when people are dumb enough to lie, especially when I am looking at the proof. It's quite pathetic to be honest. I personally find the delusional and the sex deprived morons on this site to be the easiest to fuck with...yes folks I love mind games...Hello I love Saw and all things demonic. No, I don’t fuck with the innocent. I tend to target those who love to pretend to be victims, those who cause drama through lying for no reason, and my favorite of all those who desperately are in need of mental help because they develop fabrications that would land them in a padded cell. Trust me those who create fictious relationship with fictional nonsense seem to be all over this website.

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When it comes to my personal preference for lifestyle, I have always found more comfort living within the BDSM lifestyle, I have been within the lifestyle since I turned 18 officially but I was studying prior to 18 under different mentors.Within this lifestyle one is awarded many different titles, I must stress that self-proclaiming without any validation is a clear red flag but back on topic...I am a Switch by nature which means I can be both Dominant and submissive. I would like to stress just because someone has a profile plastered with BDSM or erotic artwork doesn’t make them someone within my lifestyle. Don’t assume trust me that can add badly.Previously I stated I have a Dominant side, which I bet is quite obvious due to how I conduct certain things on this website but within my real life I function as a Dominant 24/7 unless I am around my Dominant but more on him later. When it comes to my Dominant titles, I have earned Master within the Leather community for outstanding practices when it comes to submissives who have faced or are facing abuse. When it comes to my style of Dominance, I am what is known as a Primal Mental Sadist. In other words, it is very animalistic, and I enjoy a lot of mind games.Now when it comes to my submissive side this is where things get a little touchy. I have many different titles, for example I currently am a little, primal/pet, babygirl, and brat. No this does not mean for the love of all that is unholy that I will be YOUR anything...I am collared by ScaledOwl since 5/19/2023 so don’t get any ideas that you will put me on my knees it will not end well. Plus, I don’t think he really has the time to make a new profile to come chew on you for amusement but moving on. Other sides I practice are masochist and rope slut but those aren't being explored at this moment. One last thing never and I mean absolutely never refer to me as a damn Slave, this style of submissive is something that not only I refuse to practice I will rip those apart that are dumb enough to refer to me as. So heed that warning!

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Over the years I have done many themes and held many names. Several of my names have really stuck to me for example Hellsguardian but that is not the focus of this profile. One of my biggest passions besides animals is video games. I run on many platforms from PC to Xbox. My taste in games range from MMOs to Shooters. Most of the time the video game I am playing is reflection of the mood I am in. When it comes to the platforms I play on these are my favorite titles... Xbox: Disney Dreamlight Valley, Hogwarts Legacy, Halo, and Bioshock. Nintendo Switch: Paper Mario,and Pokemon Legends: ArceusPlaystation: God of War, Final Fantasy 14, and Sly Cooper...PC: World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy 14. This profile holds a special meaning to me for its the name I am known by on these platforms. Someone very special to me in Final Fantasy 14 came up with this name and it has stuck ever since. If you like any of the games list or are on any of the platforms I play on feel free to hit me up for my gamertags. I am always up for new friends as long as you dont drive me nuts.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Now comes the portion of my profile where I explain how much of a damn bitch I can be. For your personal benefit I would like to state I have a nice collection of accounts ranging in levels so what one account does more than likely all of mine will do. Here is my suggestion read this section carefully because if you end up blocked or issued ones don’t whine because more than likely you brought it on yourself. I do add mostly anyone but spamming me the same damn message on several accounts will ALWAYS end with you blocked. I will always rate those who can't seem to stop being suspended for ignorance or stupidity a damn one...don't like well then fucking behave like a normal person I know it's hard. To those who use mass numbers of profiles to bully and harass others you also get ones when you don’t pay for your profiles...don't whine when you get ones because you violate TOS by having over 3 free profiles and you can't find someone use to pay for them. Just in case you forget Cancer has a rating scale of 1 to 10 so get over your righteous bullshit of thinking you deserve 10s for utter shit or displays of cruelty.

Member Since: Jan 10, 2022
Last Login: Oct 06, 2024
Times Viewed: 10,418

Times Rated:143

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Oct 06, 2024
Oct 04, 2024
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Oct 03, 2024
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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