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Greetings and salutations, I'm Sognodrak, and I'm 5' 10" Pale Skin and piercing blue eyes. My hair is as black as a ravens feathers. I like dark burgundy suits and silver adornments. My closer friends call me Drake, Please you not call me this unless you have been given Permission!
I'm very calculating and methodical, every move I make is done in this fashion, I tend to stay quiet unless you piss me off. Then beware my wrath. I'm not here to play fucked up mind games. I'm far too smart and intelligent to deal with someone that's not real.
I tend to try to keep my friends very protected. Be it that I'm very new to the lifestyle of BDSM. May not fully grasp, it as of yet but I'm always willing to learn more. This was pointed out by a good friend of mine. He knows who he is. I tend to think of myself as a switch.
House Information:
Currently residing in the house of Caomhnoir-an-Eolas
Scribe for ladyjigsaw
protected by ladyjigsaw
Cercle Satanique De Sang
The Darkness:
I love things of darker essence. Vampires, Gothic, Something about them calls to my dark soul. Do I believe in vampires? No, I don't believe in the type that are portrayed in movies. I do not believe anyone is immortal.
I do however believe there are people that do sleep at dawn and rise at dusk and like to drink blood.
Rating a profile is based on what I see fit to rate your profile. If your profile is crap it will get rated poorly. If it's not it will receive a fair rating that best suits what you have. If you have a problem with my rating come to me and I will inform you of how to get a better rating by me.
These are just a few of the things that I am interested in.
Wanding, Spanking, Paddling, Flogging, Asphyxiation, Master, Slave, Submissive. Others will be added if need be.
I don't claim to be the best of knowledge at these things. It is a learning process to me. As I already stated I tend to be a switch.
Collaring I feel that this if done properly can lead to good things. I'm sure that there is someone out here that can guide me onto the proper path that is best for me.