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Celtic Order Of Enlightenment (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 5 years.

Status:  Apparition (36.22)
Rank:  Member
Honor 13    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Celtic Order Of Enlightenment (Coven)
Mentorship Pupil of Nocternal Desires.
Account Type:  Premium
Referred By:  DarkenedEmbrace
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  Hidden
Age:  Hidden

Under A Celtic Moon



Bite SatinMoon

Stalk SatinMoon




Beware of The Vampire as she flies through the night, once seen you are forever in her bloody sight...

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On a moonlit night, deep in the tomb chamber , a chill begins to stir. A rumble is felt. Blood begins to pump as her heart of stone cold once again begins to beat. A longing pulls at her soul. Her eyes open. A familiar burn in her throat. The thirst is once again upon her. Outside the music and people call to her. It is once again time to rise. "smiles"

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As she awakens listening to all the sounds around her. She decides that she shall indulge herself this night.

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She runs a steamy bath, and adds red rose pedals. With candles little around the room, She closes her eyes as the water washes over her. She listens to the soft music. Her mind begins to wonder. Thinking of a long past memory. A desire, a longing for a soul that has called to her over time.

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His long black hair and hazel eyes. His voice velvety smooth. The day she first saw him. It was just after sunset. She had just began her night. She was walking down a path near the ocean. The air blowing thru her long red hair. She felt his presence. She heard his voice. "Boo". She turned to look at him. She replied "Boo Back".

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He stood before her. Such a dark allure, He draws her in. She becomes lost in his eyes. His long black hair is like silk. His lips she craves to touch, to brush her lips to his.

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He seems lost in her eyes as well. Her blue eyes begins to pull him in. Her lips seem to call his name. He asks if they could walk along the beach under the moonlight. He holds his hand out to her, she takes his hand. They began to talk and walk thru the night.

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Letting the memory go, she opens her eyes. She stands and steps out from the tub. She wraps a towel around herself. She thinks out loud. "What happened to you"? "Where are you"?

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She has always felt misunderstood. Her soul has always seemed from a older time. No matter what time through out history it has been. There has only been one soul she was meant for. Her life sadly has been very lonely. Since they have lost each other, Adiana stays within the shadows. Only crossing others paths when it's time to rise and quench the blood lust and desires.

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Great periods of time in between. With each awakening she feels the deep longing within growing greater each time. There are times when she hits her knees. Adiana has cried out " I'm all alone under the moon light"." If you can hear me at all , please come to me." "I need to feel your teeth in my veins, drawing from me." "I need to draw from you, the taste of your blood to touch my lips". "Let your crimson run into my mouth, and down my throat." " I need you. Please!". "Share this with me." "I need a blood filled passionate kiss". "Anything less will not do". "I need my passion and thirst quenched." "Come to me!"Walk this journey with me."

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Adiana walks over to her desk. She opens her journal. She flips to a page and begins to read, as she is lost once again in her memories. He haunts her, and calls to her. His fingertips she can almost touch. His lips brush once again with hers, as she reads the words she has written.

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Another night passes.

I long to see your face.

I feel you with me,

With each breath

I feel you deep within

Yours and Mine the bond we share

Can never be changed through time.

Your each beat my heart takes

Your the air that sustains me.

The love just between you and I

Will last with me till the end of time

I think of you as the night air

brushes against my face.

As each night passes I'm closer

To the night I may hold you.

I cling to mother night

she guides and comforts

While your away.

I lay with hopes

One day you will stay

I feel your thoughts

I feel your pain

I feel your anger

I feel your love

I know what it will take

To break free of your chains

Once more we shall embrace

Oh how my heart aches

To feel your teeth in my flesh

To completely be one

Once again

My Lord, I will forever be yours.

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She lays her journal back on the desk. She begins to get dressed. The burn in her throat growing. She lets out a sigh. She pulls her knee high black boots over her black jeans. She brushes her long red hair. Time to quench this thirst.

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She begins to walk along the board walk by the ocean front. She feels a tingle. She hears a velvety voice say "Boo" Her heart catches. She smiles and turns and says "Boo Back". Their embrace was instant. Time once again stood still.

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Nocternal Desires

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Celtic Order Of Enlightenment (Coven)

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The Dark Kindred

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Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Most know me by my main profile LadyBloodMoon. I have been on the site since 2007. I enjoy being a part of different societies. If you would like one of my profiles in your society, just let me know.

Many Blessings.

Member Since: May 29, 2019
Last Login: Feb 16, 2025
Times Viewed: 5,714

Times Rated:39

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Mar 06, 2025
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Looking for members for Gothic Blood Coven. If interested message me.
Mar 06, 2025
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Mar 04, 2025
Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

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Jun 14 2021

I had to apply some security updates. I needed to take the site down for a few hours to complete everything. I did it in the middle of the night.. When hopefully, most of you wouldn't notice :)

Superior Sire

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