...Upon the shores of our desolate coast
within the wawes,I can see the wreckage floating ashore of the dying culture.
And so I greet those who still have eyes to observe and see,
And who still have courage to break through into the dying light...
You have experience the river of blood,which I here flowed day by day,against our sworn enemies,I came not to send peace but a sword...And I...I have made war..!
Click here NAGLFAR
This day we FIGHT!
I HAVE A TERRIBLE "ENGLISH" !!!...Just wanted to warn those who try to denigrate(!) me..
If you are trying to interpret me
You're trying to put me down, you'll see
The dreams I have, you do not know
Don't make me the scapegoat on your stupid show
...Then I turn to you and say
"I worship Lucifer"
Friends turned out to be "never been friends"
Liars don't listen, do not comprehend
Make up great stories, I'm the principal character
Hand in hand with "evil" and "sinister"
...Then I turn to you and laugh
"I worship Satan"....
...Forget about ethics, count on heretics...
...Behold bastard son..,
...I am the evil one..!
...No glory to be reached...
...No more thy slavery..!
...The passion I besieged...
...Spawn terror,smash thy will..!
...Your pale dominion fades away...
...My will dominates..!
...We are forever alone in this utter nihility.The nihility between two worlds;this and again this.We are also trapped and have nowhere to escape.But only one...The unbreachable citadel of the dark imaginations....
I hate people,they are self centered but not aware of this.Egoism is the nature of mankind.But they are not aware...Thats why they are selfish,thats why they are fools.I call them as "coxcomb and dirty" animals...Be realistic some!
Dipsiz karanlıgı gorebılıyorum artık...Yalnız degılken yalnız olmak ne kadar da guzel!
The Music I Like:You don't really want to know,we are fucking from silence
I dont like giving information about myself much.If you wanna know me so,you can discover by chatting with me.Feel free to discuss about almost everything.
Conquer All by Behemoth
Darkness spread its dark wings.
Whispers of woods were growing with every moment.
I felt them paying enormous tributes...
Powers, which were still alive at night
In the battle of light with dark earth
Spirits of their own nature fight proudly
Live by my side, feed young heart of mine
But I cannot ever see them
I don't know her powers, but I know it's great !
Loves, gives birth, kills - it's powerful
She raises beautiful monuments
Lives when I sleep and lives in me...
At night raises over dreaming forests
She awakes Gods and Goddesses, unsilently
The night cock she is, whispers wolfish spells
The chants of bard she knows and hums them
Goblins of oaks and denizes of darkness
Bathed in the wine of a delightfull night...
And lives there, but dies at dawn ...
Dies in me with barbarous voice.
The dark forest enchant me !
Behemoth/Grom/The Dark Forest (Cast Me Your Spell)/1996
Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com"What Kind of Music Are You? :::pics:::"
You're about as hardcore as they come. Music is your passion and you listen to it for talent not because it's popular. You probably have a lot of respect for all artforms and you like classical piano. Slipknot definitely sucks in your eyes...and for good reason. Any band who takes the time to put on make-up and masks just isn't worth your respect.
Take the quiz:
"Are you a skeleton, zombie, vampire, demon or dark angel? (pics aren't really working)"
DEMON! my favorite!!! You are the evilest and deadliest there is! (besides satan of course). You hate religion and often scare people. You crave seeing people in pain... inflecting pain upon yourself isnt in your best interests but its ok. You are much better then skeletons and zombies.. you learned that metal and punk are a awesome team.. and enjoy any hard music no matter what genre it is. You are either constantly pissed off or sad.. and wanna take it out on a pour defenseless being. In your eyes vampires are pretty good but they really need to learn to like day. Kick ass!
"God Of The Skies"
Take the quiz:
"What DEATH METAL Band Are You?"
You Sick Fuck... do you suck your father with that mouth?..... you dont deserve to live, but your music is so brutal,...and so maybe because of your impecable taste in music, you can live... but will see, i still have to conferr with satan/god... (ps... they're the same guy! who da thunk!)
"There's a thin line between delight and addiction"
Four Quotes by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche :
-"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. When You gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
-"In the end, One experiences only oneself."
-"Through life's school of war: that which does not kill You only serves to make You stronger."
-"This eternal accusation against Christianity I shall write upon all walls, wherever walls are to be found - I have letters that even the blind will be able to see... I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough, - I call it the one immortal blemish upon the human race..."
F.W. Nietzsche
Modern Satanist
Thinking yourself to be a god, realizing Indulgence as your main goal, not believing in a literal Satan, and counting stupidity as your highest sin. You are a proud LaVeyan Satanist! You might enjoy www.churchofsatan.com if you're not already a member.
Yeah.Lol.Funny but true...
Where the magic stream flows through the shining woods,
Blue grass of wisdom grows around the oaken roots...
Where golden dragons fly and the sorcerers gather,
Four wooden statues stand and the fog lays thick...
Dreamthrone of amber cosmic source of might,
Reflection of wisdom, power of the darkside!
An intimate hail goes to who those welcommed and assisted me.Thanks for all you brothers and ladies.
I admire nature,and can't stand idiots who are destroying it.
Bloody Prayer
Click here Amon Amarth
Click here Bolt Thrower
Conquer All by Behemoth
Forces of Satan cover my soul...