Quote: To thyn own self be true
Hello there, my names Amanda, Ive been on this site for awhile now, but Im jsut now getting the hang of this..
You'll find I am a very versitile person. I absolutely love to go into new things with an open mind. For so long I adopted everyone else's opinions about things. THEN I got divorced!!!! and boy did I find a whole new world out there.
I like to go out and have a drink every so often, it helps me relax, and think about somethings, or just to have some time to myself, and have alittle fun!
I have 4 wonderful kids, and I love all of them. My eldest is married (only 18 now) and lives in Florida with her husband, and my other 2 kids (15, and 16) live with my Mother in Alabama, (I let them go so they can finish school down there with there friends). Then my youngest (14) lives in New York with me..
♥My Kids
♥Fake People
Lets see, where to begin. 3 out of 4 of my kids played in the marching band, so I always end up listening to "there" kind of music. But inside that, I found some bands that I really love..
♥The Fray
My youngest Daughter, and Oldest Son are music freaks, haha, so I end up listening to everything they send me to listen to, they both find very awsome songs, and end up being my favriote..
I love football! Ive been an Alabama fan forever! We beat Auburn last year, put them BACK in there place!
Im going to be in this coven, so please, dont force induct me, it'll be greatly appreciated!
Heres somethings people's made for me :) Thank ya'll very much!
Profle Started By XLostAngelX
Member Since: | Jan 20, 2009 |
Last Login: | Aug 19, 2009 |
Times Viewed: | 2,352 |
Times Rated: | 280 |
Rating: | 9.308 |
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