FIRST OF ALL: Don't whine about the lack of music or graphics. We're adults here; we read literature, not picture books. Downrate me if you're a superficial moron and can't handle my lack of pretty pictures. I don't check ratings, anyway. If you're over the age of 8, you should be able to read something without needing pictures to keep you conscious.
If you're actually on this social networking site to get to know people, rather than participate in pointless point-building and make get all myspace-y on me, read on. You get digital hugs. I like you already!
And now to describe myself! Hello!
To begin with, I have a slightly sick sense of humor. I view life as a dead baby joke, and while others might hide from the chaos or lie to themselves about it, I indulge in it fully and ride the waves as they come. You can either cry in despair, or laugh. I choose to laugh maniacally and enjoy every moment.
I have a fixation on logic, and have a deep personal hatred for the illogical and self-deluded. Ironically enough, I'm also a Chaoist.
I've been pretty heavily into the occult for a good long time now, nearly a decade, though sadly to say haven't looked enough into Thelema. High Magick has never been my thing, mostly due to circumstance. Hopefully that'll change soon, as Alastair Crowley seems like a very interesting dude, and Enochian is everywhere.
Don't ask how old I am :) because I'm not telling. You get to guess.
I try to enjoy the seven deadly sins as regularly as possible, and am highly hedonistic. I am also a LaVeyan Satanist- surprise, surprise. And I've never been happier!
I have a mate who is also a vampire. We are happily monogamous and make sweet, passionate love on a regular basis.
Concerning vampiric "type" per se (brownie points if you get the reference), I usually feed psychically due to practicality, but get no real pleasure out of this. I prefer to feed on blood when possible, as it's more fulfilling, and gets me incredibly high. When I'm feeding on blood, I know what it truly means to be alive. There is no feeling like it.
Psi energy gets me through the day, but blood can cure me of diseases and heal reasonable wounds overnight.
On that note, I am also looking for a blood donor exclusively for myself, so if you're in the southwest CT area, say hey.
I'm also looking for LOCAL friends, so once again, if you're in the area, say hello! I'd be more than happy to get together and share a coffee with you sometime.
AND I'm looking for a CT House or coven if one exists... I may have to create my own, with the way things are going. Connecticut is so utterly dead. Try searching for CT goth clubs if you want to have a nice schadenfreude-laced laugh.
I find myself growing interested in the Strigoi Vii philosophy, so perhaps that will develop into something.
I AVOID TWILIGHT LIKE A PLAGUE. It's fine if you read it, but I'm... not a twilighter. I'll just leave it at that.
However, I do enjoy most other vampire-related movies and books, so don't think I'm some scrooge who whines about every vampire book on the market as "perpetuating a stereotypical image and promoting bigotry" or some overanalytical bleh like that. I do have a sense of humor, you know! I just draw the line at sparkles.
My favorite movie is Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny- there aren't any vampires, but there is a guitar battle with Satan, and in my mind, that's just as good.
I also love musicals, horror movies, power metal, plushies, weaponry (which I collect, in excess), learning about anything taboo, and a multitude of other things.
I am NOT here for pretentiousness, pomp, and artificiality, and honestly, I don't care about my rating- I'm here to meet people I'm interested in. I don't read the comments below often, so send me a private message to get to know me.
...well, if you can spell and are what other people would consider "intelligent" without being considered an arrogant asshole, that is. Also note that I don't take well to Christians, as they've done nothing but harm me for the majority of my life. Not that I expect to see many here.