Hello, Well i guess first thing to say is im a christain GET OVER IT... my path is my own so if you don't like it leave my page and never return. I have studied many religions and have no quams with anyones path, its about respect. I view religion like soda everyone has their prefrence and no ones is better than another its a matter of taste. And if you don't like my views then go away you don't have to stay. I will say this, however, don't be ignorant... I do NOT go preaching, i do NOT damn people, and i do NOT tell people what to think.
I have a son he is my world and he is 1 yrs old and i love him with my whole being he hold my heart. There are two other people who have captured my heart and i care about them immensely they give me strenght and hope and i love them they have become my greatest friends, protectors, and as my son does the hold my heart i love all three of them with all that i am.
BE WARNED these things will be harmful to your health should they come to my attention~
I shall be frank... Petophiles, disrespectful and rude people, animal abusers, druggies, drunks....and ignorant people
These are my protectors and friends please if you should ever meet them treat them with respect and kindness.