
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 17 years.

Status:  Phantasm (48.83)
Rank:  Member
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Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  December 7, 1989
Age:  34

Orange, CA

Bite NickV616

Stalk NickV616



“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion that for the moment we're not alone. But the truth still lies beneath, that loneliness consumes our every waking moment till the da

Funnest RPG I've played. It's the war between vampires and werewolves. If you copy paste the url below you can register to play for FREE, and help tip the scales for whichever side you choose!

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.

Purity is not imposed upon us as though it were a kind of punishment, it is one of those mysterious but obvious conditions of that supernatural knowledge of ourselves in the Divine, which we speak of as faith. Impurity does not destroy this knowledge, it slays our need for it.

“Friends will keep you sane, Love could fill your heart, A lover can warm your bed, But lonely is the soul without a mate.”

Hey everyone My name is Nick im from sothern california. If ya want to get to know Me send me a Privite Message, and dont be afride to bite >:->=

I Stand Alone

I have so many different personalities in me and I still feel lonely.

"Some people say my work is often depressing and pessimistic, with the emphasis on death, blood, overcrowding, strange beings and so on, but I don't really think it is."

If you want to know about me, you need not look further than this next picture...

"Close your eyes and escape the pain...
Only to find...
The reason your closing your eyes...
Is death."

"That's how depression hits - you wake up one morning, afraid that you're going to live..."

"Silence equals death. Do you CARE?"

"I may look happy through the day, but I cry at every word you say."

To the solemn graves, near a lonely cemetery, my heart like a muffled drum is beating funeral marches.

"How much of what we do today
will matter once you're dead?
LIfe's only temporary"

"Some people say...
Demons can't cry...
If thats true...
How come I can cry
my heart out?"

"All he wants is to go to sleep and never wake up"

"The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who used to love you."

Sometimes you have to smile, pretend every things Ok
Hold back the tears, and just walk... away...

With you by my side I had the world at me feet,
now you're gone along with my world.

It's like taking me to the highest mountain,
showing me the world, and saying
this is what you can't have.

When you don't have anybody, then no one ever says goodbye.
You don't have to wait for someone to make you laugh, or make you cry...

I'm not old enough to care, but I am old enough to understand
that when someone walks away, there always going to come back.
And if they don't come back...they were never really there.

So sorry for the person I became.
So sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to try and never become that way again
Cause who I am hates who I've been.

Barriers don't keep others out. They fence you in.

I’m mad at myself, not at you. I’m mad for always being nice,
always apologizing for things I didn't do...

I feel oh-so-forgotten, so betrayed and so alone,
without a trace of forgiveness, and no soul to call my own

All the mistakes in the world couldn't measure
up to the day I thought I could trust you.

I'm not the guy that runs up to you when I see you
And I'm not the guy who jumps at every moment
To talk to you, but I am the guy who keeps it all inside
And regrets it all later....

I miss the way we use to be, I miss the way you looked at me,
I took advantage of what I really had,
remembering the good times makes me sad,
I messed up and I cant take it back,
no one could ever compensate what I now lack,
I've changed my mind so many times before,
I was ignorant and blind, for the last and final time,
I've made up my mind, Your the one that I love,
I know we were meant to be, Please open your eyes and see,
live in the present, and forgive me.

I'm staring at your photograph,
remembering each moment you made me laugh,
I never thought it would end this way, that id
still be missing you to this very day...

I was laying in bed thinking of all the things that went wrong.
I quickly gave up after realizing that it was much
more challenging to think of what went right.

The loneliest feeling in the world to be crying and no one is there for you.

I don't have the words to make you feel better
but I do have the arms to hug you,
I have the ears to listen to whatever you want
I have a heart that is aching to see you smile again

When someone you love abandons you, it doesn't hurt just because
they've changed, or lied, or went back on their promises,
but because you know what they really are and what a beautiful person
they can be. And when they take that away from you and
won't let you see that beautiful person again,
well nothing hurts more than having someone just decide
to take your entire world away without consulting you first.

Sometimes you've got to get hurt in order to grow,
sometimes our visions seem clearer after our eyes are washed out w/ tears

I want to be remembered as the one who
Always smiles even when his heart is broken,
And the one who would always brighten up your day
Even when he couldn’t brighten up his own

There's a smile on my face but I don't know why its there
I put it on to satisfy all the people that don't even care

Have u ever wondered what is worse...?
Saying something you wish you didn't
or not saying something you wish you had?

No smile is more beautiful than the one that struggles through tears

Missing someone gets easier everyday.
Because, even though it is one day further
from the last time you saw each other,
it is one day closer to the next time you will

If you love someone, then tell them
because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken

For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are "It might have been"

I cry for the time that you were almost mine,
I cry for the memories I've left behind,
I cry for the pain, the lost, the old the new,
I cry for the times I thought I had you

I look up at the stars..
I wonder who and where you are...
I don't think I can take another lonely night...
I am giving up this fight

I look at you and think to myself,
why do I miss you so much when
you are standing right next to me?

You hurt me so bad, You even made me cry,
All I ever wanted was for you to love me,
For you to give me a try...

What do I do when the only person that can make
me stop crying, is the one that made me start?

She looked me deeply in the eyes. She lied and said
"I won't make you cry" and when I thought it was to
good to be true, she blew me off and found someone new

Have you ever noticed that the worst way to miss someone is
when they are right besides you and yet you cannot have them.

Someday you will be sorry, Someday when you're free
Memories will remind you, that we were meant to be

How come you have enough time to go out and make other people fall in love with you, but you don't have enough time to pay attention to the one who already does?


As yet another dolphin dies a voice I cannot see
calls out “Enough. Enough. I will not let this be.”
And a dark cloud quickly rises from deep within the sea
as a beast with many shapes takes form in front of me,
its arms raised to the heavens in prayer or else in plea.

A thought inside me whispers. “Be careful child, take care.
this is no normal summer storm that is abrewing there.”
The atmosphere around me is heavy with despair.
There’s a shiver down my spine and static in my hair.
From the beast a voice of thunder shreds the fragile air.

“Behold I Am the Darkness.
And I am the pain
of a thousand species dying
and of one that is insane.
Enough, I say again.
Let retribution come to those
who live with such disdain.”

The air is full howling and the beast becomes forlorn
defeated by an anguish that never can be borne;
it drops its mighty head and arms as if about to mourn.
Then a gentle breeze arises and shreds the bitter storm,
in just the way the rising sun dispels a mist at dawn.

A barrage of emotions sweeps across my timid soul;
I find that I am crying, weeping tears I can’t control.
For all at once I know our planet as a living whole
and I see how hard it is to live without a greater goal
and know how far we have to go to fill our promised role.

A quiet voice speaks next, across the troubled sea:
“The story is not finished, and you must let it be.
Though they have left your world, they’re living still with me.
You cannot stop them dying so long as life is free.
So return now to your dreaming and let the living be.”

The darkness then descended to the molluscs and the krill;
The sun once more was warming, the waters calm and still,
and I wondered at the gentleness of such a mighty will.
Yet my heart within me trembled and I felt a sudden chill,
remembering the ease with which humanity can kill.

Then I heard the darkness bellow from deep beneath the brine.
“The innocent may well be yours, but the guilty will be mine.”
And I heard the daylight answer as clearly as sunshine:
“It is only for a little while that you will call them thine,
then they, like you, will come to me, for this is my design.”

The world spins and turns
Yet its movement we do not feel
How do we trust our senses
To know what is and is not real?
Our eyes have the gift of sight
But what is it they see?
Is it the truth or is it the lies
Or your own perceived reality?
Life and death are a mystery
I am sure that it has been said
Maybe what is reality
Is all inside your head

The Visit
Sound asleep at night
Suddenly you awake
You see a mist of white
Your heart begins to quake
You feel some sort of presence
And as it approaches you
You can feel the entity’s essence
As it begins to slowly choke you
You can hear your heart beating
But you cannot move
You sense the entity is revenging
For something you did not do
And realizing its mistake
It suddenly releases you
Your body trembles and shakes
Too frightened to know what to do
The entity slowly moves backward
As you are gasping for air
Before you can say a word
The entity disappears

Panic Attack

i found that courage to admit
that those late night,
seizure-like nightmares
are more real than my

painful collisions with the floor.

and what’s worse than a black out
is being fully aware
of your body becoming this crazed character,
fuming out of control.

like a wave stuck
beneath sand
the earthquakes
erupt from my pores.

waking the
madwoman beneath
my tongue

where she waits with her
eye sockets hollow,
her fangs puncturing her bottom lip.

and she comes forth
with possessive fingers
that tug at my hair
rather than smooth through the

and what makes things so horrid
is the fact that i am
fully alert to the way my blood
rages through
my veins

and i cannot stop the
explosion in time to keep myself
from turning into a stiff piece
of flesh pounding
against the walls.

my knuckles
are always unprepared
for the nicks and the bruises.

and my eyes have never been good at
watching my own death replay
in this slothful manner

where my only comfort
is the sting of the
carpet burning its way
through my skin

as it reminds me,
i am not fully gone.

i am only practicing
for the heart attack that
i painfully assemble,
one jolt at a time.

and i want, so badly,
to swallow her whole-
that raving lunatic that crawls
into my skin
those nights that i am completely

but what
i wish for,
even more is
that when i feel it coming
i could fall into hands that could hold
my bones steady

i completely
fall apart.

Ignite My Flesh

Ignite my Flesh—
I hate what makes you.
I’ll burn you down—
I’ll be what breaks you!

Summon again,
The dark side of me.
Ignite my Flesh—
I’ll make you not be.

You are wicked—
Perversion of life.
Like cheap wood, I’ll
Ignite you with strife.

You’re the dark rose
That pricks holes in me.
Ignite my Flesh—
I’ll make you not be.

Sweet Rape

You’re brutal and majestic
With a sugar coated forked tongue
My serpent sweetheart
You’ve come to kill me slowly
To linger in my breath
To thumb through my brain
To take me to a place
Swallowed by fear and pain

You’re my sweet rape
With candy diamond eyes
That shatter into
Violent shards
While shades of suffering
Eclipse my vision

“Blood looks beautiful
Against pale white skin”

Welt marks graze my back
Nails across my skin
This is where it all ends
My heart rape,
My sweet, sweet rape
You’re my serpent tongue poison

Come and take me tonight
Under and within the full moon
I want my body to scream
From your sadistic games

I am ready

Let me embrace you
My sweet rape

“I’ll wear my scars well
I promise”

You are my

Sweet rape

You Have Been Bitten By ToxicXxXAngel.

What is the opposite of two? A lonely me, a lonely you

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SuicideKiss.com - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts

SuicideKiss.com - Deadly pictures, gothic horror, sick layouts

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