
Legion (Coven)

tanz Schlampe Tanz mir was vor *Peitschenknall*
Set at 22:41 on May 25, 2013

Vampire Rave member for 12 years.

Status:  Monstrosity (34.18)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Legion (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Male
Birthdate:  June 18, 1990
Age:  34

Under your Bed


Bite MordredVasant

Stalk MordredVasant



It's Hard To Scream With A Throat Full Of Glass...

hellraiser pinhead Pictures, Images and Photos

death Pictures, Images and Photos

Bloody Skull Pictures, Images and Photos

So now we get to this finally. Who am I. Well first off and foremost I am me nothing more nothing less. Secondly I am a Sang/Psi/Eros Vampire. Blood id my main source of energy but I am able to feed off pure energy but only sexually. Now before others assume, sexually can mean many different things, while yes I am able to feed from the act of sex it does not always have to be such, merely a kiss or a loving embrace. but I wont lie I prefer blood because its simple and i like that taste.

Wicked Clown Pictures, Images and Photos

Next I am a Juggalo. If you don't like it leave and please let the door hit you on your way out. I've been down with the hatchet for little over 11 years and I will never stop kicking the wicked shit. My Fam means everything to me, as the song goes "Everyone one of yall mean everything to me we bleed for yall thats why we call it family".

nachtmahr Pictures, Images and Photos

More about me, I am usually quiet and like to sit back and observe more then anything. If you write me or are chatting with me and I don't speak much get over it, It's how I am and I will not change that for anybody. Please no bullshit and drama that shit left back in like the 7th grade. if i seem harsh at times don't take it personally. I hate everyone and until you prove to me you are not an idiot... you're forever an idiot. Well that's enough for now. If anything I have said you dislike or don't agree with please write me and i will file your complaint under the ever growing "I don't give a fuck" Folder. Thank you.

nun with gun Pictures, Images and Photos

Leck mein Schwanz

oomph labyrinth Pictures, Images and Photos

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du kommst hier nicht mehr raus

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und deine heile welt verzerrt
hat sich in deinen kopf gepflanzt
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dein spiegelbild hat sich entstellt
niemand ist hier, der zu dir hält

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klopf klopf, lass mich rein
lass mich dein geheimnis sein

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und dich für meine lust gebrauche
dann werd ich deine sinne blenden
das spiel kannst nur du selbst beenden

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lass mich dein geheimnis sein
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du bist im labyrinth
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du bist im labyrinth
du bist im labyrinth

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klopf klopf, lass mich rein
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du bist im labyrinth
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Dero Goi Hitting a Wall xD Pictures, Images and Photos


rammstein gifs Pictures, Images and Photos

Evil God Pictures, Images and Photos


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Member Since: Apr 23, 2012
Last Login: May 10, 2016
Times Viewed: 5,424

Times Rated:305

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Mar 08, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Oct 16, 2023


Apr 28, 2023
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