
Limbus Patrum (Coven)

Vampire Rave member for 16 years.

Status:  Ghoul (21.59)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  Limbus Patrum (Coven)
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Unspecified
Birthdate:  ?


Bite Makani

Stalk Makani



"I once heard that the loony people only came out during the full moon....if that is the case: Why I am outside during the daytime too?"

[Acknowledgements: Thank you FMRL for the six month Premium. It was a sweet gift to recieve and I promise to continue the giving. =) ]

Name: Makani
Occupation: Freeloader

It's a beautiful thing. =]

Let's go ahead and get this point through:

"I am a gorgeous, hotter body than yours super model that only has sex with a viberator because no man is good enough to touch her."

Get the jist?
Congradulations: You are ahead of the class.

----------------------Continuing On-------------------------

My Cresent City

I am 21 years old and the daughter of a marine. Oo Hah! I've been all over the world and seen all sorts of places that will remain in my heart forever. But you always have that one bozo that asks about which place was your favorite. There is no favorite place, just better experiences. I can't choose which was the more perfect because I would be judging someone's home.....bbuuutttt....there is this one place that I am definatly going back to see very soon: New Orleans.
It's amazing there. The sights, the people, the sounds, the smells, the history, and just the enviroment. It's all so beautiful and lively there and the energy is enough to make anyone addicted.

I am a marine brat, meaning that I am loud, tough, independant, strong willed, and loyal. The Marines are an amazing corp. and the pleasure of being raised within their protection has been a great one. I hate it when people talk about them like they are JarHeads....[though they kinda are =)]. They are highly intelligent and sacrificing. My da is in Iraq right now, leading a platoon, and I pray he'll come home soon.
There is a reason why they say:
"The few the proud the marines."
They don't just pick someone off the street, they want character, disipline, loyalty, and heart.

Go Da!!

The Rock

Another advantage of being raised on bases and traveling is that I have obtained a half decent love for music. My heart throb though...[you are going to laugh at me for this one] Elvis.

Oh yum.
My manager from my first job got me adoring him. I always liked him, but I never really heard his music until Mrs.Pat started letting me borrow CD's and looking at some books of him. Sucha Hunka Hunka Burning Love.
I love a lot of Modern music singers from this generation, but it's the oldies that really move me. They don't rely on bad grammar, name brand clothes, special effects, or voice enhancers. They rely on the song and putting their soul into it. Ever listen to a 70's or 80's cassett then putting in a CD and listening to a current artist? Very rare do you see the same soul, the same beat, the same love in the music from the newer generation as you do the older. Check it out.

Don't get my pictures thinking that I am some hot hunka cyber loving. I've noticed that just from the 1 hour and 28 minutes on this site that we have some horny toads out there. Don't bother.

Color, Architecture, Radiance, and Viberate. Most of all: Home

The Random

This may be more of a journal thing, but it's going on my profile:
I am starting to get into this whole rating system set up here. It's actually a little fun. YOU ARE AT MY RATING MERCY!
Oh...dear... >.>
Um, outburts.
Anyways, there is only one thing that irks me about rating; why are we tossing 10's out like candy? Maybe I am old fashion, but no one is perfect and isn't a rate there for people to help make you better? Just giving out 10's doesn't do anything for a person's profile. Just gives them a bigger rate number. I think the highest rate I will give out is a 9 because like I said: No one is perfect, but a 9 means that I really enjoyed the quality of your profile. [HINT: Quality, not quanity.] I am not about to downrate someone because they aren't good with words and typed out an essay about themselves or downloaded and ungodly amount of photobucket crap. If I see the effort, I'll be good to you. Promise. And I generally tell everyone what I rate because it KILLS my curiousity when people rate me and I don't really know what it is....beside the litte:
"Awesome profile. ~10~"

Begin Rant: In 3....2....1.....

Alright some of you little toads....I know my profile isn't perfect or just right enough for you: But it suits me. A little crowded, meaningful, mysterious, and lovely.
I made it, I put effort into it, I spent hours looking for just the right pictures and editing the HTML and CSS coding, and by Zeus's whores: I like it.
So if you have any complaints- Please see your local [Back] button or a friendly side link and get the heck off my page.
Thank you.
p.s- Try not to let the computer shut down on your way off.

End Rant.

When messaging Makani please remember that the dictionary is your friend.
When you forget that wrdos anr't sppuose to look lkie tihs, I tend to have some difficulting decoding what ever it is you are saying. Also, I like words. Words are good. Great for communication. Letters are also great. A B C D...I mean, you can't have the alphabet song without letters!! BBUUUTT y do u have 2 tlk like dis? It makes you seem like an illiterate donkey butt. There is a reason for ALL 26 letters on the keyboard....form full words with an actual sentence. I know we all make spelling mistakes- Cancer even has one on one of his layouts predesigned for premiums [IT'S TRUE!!!], but there is a difference between a mistake and looking like a donkey's butt.
And if I don't message you right away: don't.keep.messaging.me. It's annoying and makes you look pathetic.

Some Credits

Personally, as an artist, I know how much I would LOATH it for someone to take my stuff without asking for permission, unfortantly: Photobucket isn't no DeviantArt where you can actually talk to the artist. So just so I can at least shine some light on the artist the best I can:
All work was taken from Photobucket. None of it is mine. =p

I wish I could actually put up the maker's names...hmm, I think I am going to do some research.

And I would like to thank LIFEBLOOD for pointing out some typos on my page. =] Thank you darling.
Also, more thanks for the helping me edit my profile: CaptinGlobeHead and MyrrhkuriTheFallenOne. You guys are awesome!


LIFEBLOOD is the second person I talked to in the coven and the first to give me a protection stamp.
You're awesome! =3

Member Since: Jun 04, 2008
Last Login: Aug 19, 2008
Times Viewed: 4,710

Times Rated:416

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Oct 13, 2024

As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…


You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
Dec 05, 2023


Sep 14, 2023

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