
Set at 05:17 on July 31, 2012

Vampire Rave member for 13 years.

Status:  Malcontent (9.93)
Rank:  Member
Honor 0    [ Give / Take ]
Affiliation:  No affiliation.
Account Type:  Regular
Gender:  Female
Birthdate:  December 2, 1992
Age:  31

st.pete, FL



Bite LunaVanity92

Stalk LunaVanity92


"im more of a man then youll ever be. and more of a woman then youlll ever get"

heya im Shawna Desiree Piotrowski also known as Luna Lithium. i am a bi sexual Gothic Biker chick and im proud to wear rainbow. ill kick anyones ass if they say anything bad about the wonderful men and women who have had no problems stating their sexuality is different. i hold womens hands proudly and strongly. i dont care WTF you say.

staying single for the time being. i hate being single but after my exs i am NOT willing to be hurt anymore.

I guess you can say i am Scene/Gothic. but im trying to change that to just Cyber Goth. if only i can find the place where everyone shops at..... lol i love being how i am. i dress to impress myself and only me. i dont give one rats hairy asshole about anyone who wants to say anything to me. i like being me. i like burping loudly and being immature. i like being more a man then my fiance is and i like feeling girly once inna while. i love hating dresses and i love just wanting to lay in p.js and being completely lazy.

you dont like what ive just put on here then dont bother talking to me. most of you just write me saying "hi" or "what up" and that bores the HELL outta me. i like people wholl entertain me. im a Site model for Facebook and im pretty good at it. i love taking pics and putting them on here for others to look at and gimme their honest opinion. i dont care if you find me ugly or not i like just making awesome make up and such. im very Vulger and i love just ripping people apart. its a hobby so to speak. you piss me off and ill rip you up. i smoke but that dont mean imma horrible person. i dont drink, im not a slut, im just me. so suck my dick.

i have alot of ...... "Role Models" for different thigns. my country role model is Gretchen Wilson. my make up Role model id Jeffree Star. my singing Role Model is Amy Lee. my Screaming role model is Allissa Glutz. my Site Model role model is Julie ELizabeth.

so yeah dont sit here and put on my stuff about "god" or what ever cause ill just laugh at the screen and rip you a new asshole. i dont givva shit because youll just make me stray more from "the word of god". the bible is a mess okay? im just sayin. no one who loves us "SOOO MUCH" is gonna damn us if we wanna like the same sex or if we wanna have sex before marriage or if we wanna get drunk and partty til we puke. and that whole thing where if we repent then its okay crap. ive repented to my parents when i did the wrong thing and i still got grounded for it so yeah.
add me message me i dont care jsut dont be massively boring >.<

"the heart may freeze, or it can burn. the pain will ease, if i can learn. there is no future, there is no past. i live this moment as my last."

i love poetry and write some on occation which i will be posting on here through my journals if your interested in them.

-i love the sound of your voice,
the act of listening to it is my choice.
and if i decide to stay by your side,
is the mistake of mine that i keep with pride.

i only wish to love you and keep you near,
only to lose you is my one true fear.
and by night my thoughts are consumed of you,
to be swept away by slumber like wind with the raven flew.

i dream of a time and place to sweet,
and i feel that its begging at my feet.
i want to grasp it if only for a moment,
my time iwth you was not wasted for what was spent.-

one of my MANY poems..

i beleive that people are too critical of themselves and i am not seeking a 10 and im not seeking your approval in ANY shape or form. i am jus merely putting on here what i enjoy and some tidbits of myself and i dont see why i should have to parade myself and all my inner actions like a monkey for you people. you make me know if you are willing to chat not me having to work for it. your no bette rthen me. the sooner you face it the better.


White man said, "Colored people are not allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up. He then said:
"Listen sir....when I was born I was BLACK, "
"When I grew up I was BLACK "
"When I'm sick I'm BLACK, "
"When I go in the sun I'm BLACK, "
"When I'm cold I'm BLACK, "
"When I die I'll be BLACK."
"But you sir."
"When you're born you're pink, "
"When you grow up you're white ,"
"When you're sick, you're green, "
"When you go in the sun you turn red, "
"When you're cold you turn blue, "
"And when you die you turn purple."
"And you have the nerve to call me colored?"
The black man then sat back down and the white man walked away....
Put this on your page if you HATE racism"

i am a mix of races. many infact. im as multi raced as they come. i do not decriminate when it comes to dating or friendship. i live in a racial house hold and know not to descriminate and HATE people who do. if you can think of a race i most likely have it in me.

Member Since: Jan 04, 2011
Last Login: Jul 31, 2012
Times Viewed: 2,521

Times Rated:258

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Apr 18, 2019
You have been visited and fairly rated by Ylvax. Enjoy the darkness.

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