Personal Codes To Live By
1. Bring Honour to Yourself and You bring it also to all Your Ancestors.
2.Never attack the weak it does not make you appear stronger , it only makes you appear foolish and without honour.
3.Be True to Thine own self and others shall see that also.
4.A true person need not prove themselves to another for their actions shall speak for them.
5.Be Both Priest and Warrior in Spirit.
6. Never turn your back to another in need for one day it may be reversed.
7. Wisdom can be gained with age but just because one is young does not mean they have learned nothing from life so far.
8. Judge others as you yourself wish to be judged , For only a fool believes themselves to have no superior in all things.
9. Know when to back down and when to stand up for yourself and your thoughts , Not always is your way the right way so listen as well as speak. (I am still learning to master this one)
10.Learn to control your inner fire do not ever let it control you , From this vantage point you must know restraint and peace , Carry Yourself in the manner which brings you Honour.
11.Never let your anger gain control for it can do more damage than you could ever believe.