Bring out your dead!
Set at 20:47 on February 04, 2011
![Vampire Rave member for 15 years.](/images/year_badge_15.gif)
Quote: “We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey”.
“There are many who lust for the simple answers of doctrine or decree. They are on the left and right. They are not confined to a single part of the society. They are terrorists of the mind”.
To answer the question: Who the hell are you and why the hell did you bite and/or stalk me?
I bite because I saw something I liked- what was written or a graphic of some sort. Or I just felt like biting something and I ended up on your profile. I stalk because I plan to come back and look again. If you want a specific answer ask.
Feel free to bite/stalk/rate/add me. I'm a premium member and I regularly wear big girl panties so if I get sick of it I'll turn off the feature. I don't cross reference lists and I rate whomever is online when I am so if you add me or rate me let me know and I'll return the favor.
Random Selection of Factoids About Me...
My name is LokiMinion and I'm a book whore. I love reading and I'll read just about anything. Lies My Teachers Told Me is one of my favorites. I recently bought a nook so I'm slowly working my way through Google ebooks.
I play Halo2. I have been known to get reprimanded on XBox Live for being a bit...outspoken. I love Red vs Blue. Season 1 is my favorite and rarely does a week pass without me quoting it at least once.
I like sarcasm, dark humor and irony. Some call me a sadist. Google "midget hippo thailand" and read the story that pops up. I cannot read that article without laughing and if I start thinking about it I laugh harder and tears start rolling down my face. Tragic yet oddly entertaining.
I'm in love with my Mazda 3s 2.3L 5 speed. Yes 5 speed, none of this automatic crap. All sporty cars should have three pedals. So what if it eats tires like candy?
There is nothing quite like the feel of pulling Gs going around a clover leaf at 65 mph especially when there is a passenger who has momentarily forgotten how to breathe and is trying to flatten their spine against the seat.
The Worst Movies EVER
I hate Lord of the Rings, no I didn't read the books, and after this experience I will never read the books. I stayed awake till the guy in black and the guy in white were battling on top of towers then I dozed off. Every time I woke up there was some kid with semi-creep eyes wandering around a rocky landscape. For some odd reason it reminded me "Waiting for Godot".
The Post Man with Kevin Costner. FOR THE LOVE OF (insert name of deity or universal power source of your choice here), If I could go to the producers home and demand, what felt like 12 hours of my life back, I would.
My Public Service Announcements...
Any "serious" conversation that involves biting the neck of another person is ridiculous. If you're into blood letting then you know better. If you don't know better or if you are curious I suggest you read the Forum or talk to a coven master or someone else who will direct you to sources of information.
Be EXTREMLEY cautious of anyone you meet that offers to "sire" you. Each person has his/her own version of reality and unfortunately not all versions of reality are safe.
About me...
If you notice there are no pictures of me, my legal name, city/state etc posted. That is intentional. I'm open to getting to know new people and chatting online but that doesn't mean I want you showing up at my house, at least not unless I'm reasonably sure you're semi lucid and can behave yourself in public.
This site is open to anyone 13 and older. Unless you are prepared to show photo ID, a certified copy of your birth certificate, provide your social security number, produce 2 notarized character references AND are able to pass my "Are they a psycho" test then don't even bring up the topic of cyber...
HINT: If you ARE willing to give all that info to me then you have no hope of passing the psycho test.
My Coven:
Member Since: | Jul 12, 2009 |
Last Login: | Dec 23, 2015 |
Times Viewed: | 6,406 |
Times Rated: | 471 |
Rating: | 9.784 |
Rate this profile
As above, so below, as within, so without, as the universe, so the soul…
You have been visited & rated by Royal Sire NikkiAidyn....
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